Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 309: First battle



On the sea, white sails formed a sea, and more than two thousand warships occupied a large area of ​​​​the sea. In addition to the warships prepared by Pare, various nobles also turned out themselves under the example of Marquis Varaya. Nearly a thousand warships were assembled from the family’s wealth, and the preparation time took two days longer than expected. After all, it was a matter of vital interests. Everyone knew one thing. If this battle failed, the situation in the south would definitely collapse. Damn, waiting for them may be the kingdom’s order to ban the sea and move inward. How can the southern nobles who have benefited from sea trade for hundreds of years accept this.

Such a fleet can be said to be huge in any era, and it also indirectly reflects the development of the kingdom’s southern commerce and shipbuilding industry. When Richard arrived at the assembly anchorage, he saw the white sails covering the sky and the sun. It was so shocking that even now, Richard was standing on the bridge of the dragon boat, observing this large fleet.

“The kingdom’s navy, as well as all the large ships that the nobles can use, are all here. The more than 100,000 men are currently the best warriors in the kingdom who are good at naval battles. This battle can only be won but not defeated. ”

The Golden Dragon Kingdom has never paid much attention to the construction of the navy, and the kingdom’s fleet is not very powerful. It usually drives out the sea tribe in the offshore. When the southern army was ordered to go north, Pare used some means to control the fleet. The power was in his hands, or in other words, Parley controlled this part of the naval power with the acquiescence of Jinlongdu.

The kingdom’s general policy is to fully respond to the coming attack of the orcs. At this time, it is impossible to continue to increase the investment in the south to fight the sea tribe to the death. Therefore, the kingdom’s support in this battle is limited, and it mainly relies on Parley. Fight this battle with the power of their own management and the power of the southern nobles themselves.

Although Parley’s words were calm, they sounded a bit nervous to Richard, because this guy usually had a playful smile on his face at all times, but now he became rare and serious, talking to Richard. situation.

Li Cha glanced at Bai Fan, who could not see the edge.

“Don’t worry, the mere Sea Clan will not be our opponent.”

“Brother-in-law, you are really confident. Fighting on the sea with the sea tribe is different from fighting on land. These guys are very difficult. They even captured a dragon boat. They don’t need to sell it back to us. .”

The size of a dragon boat is almost the same as that of later aircraft carriers. It can carry nearly 3,000 people, which is several times more than the number of ordinary large warships. Moreover, dragon boats are generally used as flagships. The above The army is the most elite part of the army. It is indeed scary that a dragon boat like this was captured by the Hai Clan.

“How was it captured? The bottom of the boat was cut open?”

When Richard asked this question, Parley looked at Richard as if he were a fool.

“Can sea-going ships be cut open? What’s more, the bottom of the dragon boat is thickened. Not only is it covered with a special iron sheet, but it also has a water-proof cabin design. If they really want to cut the bottom of the ship, they must at least use It would take a lot of time for the sea clan at the bloodline warrior level to break a hole, and with the design of the bottom of the dragon boat, the chance of breaking a hole would not have much impact on the dragon boat. With the skills to drill a ship, they might as well just go ahead and break it. Climb aboard and clear the ship of people.”

Richard really has no experience in naval warfare. With his understanding of the navy in his previous life, he is completely unable to guide the special situation of the Golden Dragon Kingdom’s navy. After all, the enemies of these warships are mainly the sea tribe, not other ships, and they don’t know the technology. Where is it crooked?

The water ghost ship-breaking tactics that Richard knew from some movies and TV dramas were basically used against boatmen fighting in rivers. They had to break open large ships and the holes had to be big enough to sink them. In fact, It’s a difficult thing.

But even though he didn’t understand, Richard couldn’t help but make a comment.

“Why can’t it be opened? Do you believe that I can open this ship?”

Although Richard’s words were arrogant, they were still reasonable. Although the bottom of the ship was specially designed, its strength should not be able to stop the destruction of sky-level powerhouses. After thinking about it, Parley simply ignored Richard’s words. He kept talking about the Sea Clan’s tactics.

“Sea people are constantly climbing onto the warship. There may be sea people jumping up from any direction. That is a terrifying thing. We have only one purpose in this battle.

Let the fleet get close enough to the sea clan’s clam field. You can fly to the sea clan’s clam field on a giant dragon and use the clam field as a threat to force the sea clan to cease fighting. As long as it is proven that we threaten the clam field. ability, the Sea Clan will naturally compromise. ”

Richard nodded silently. The sea tribe is huge in number, probably several times that of humans, and there is little division of labor in society. Many sea tribes are half civilians and half soldiers. They can easily gather millions of troops to form the sea tribe. It is normal for human beings to be directly overwhelmed by the numbers of the Sea Clan. In the past battles between humans and the Sea Clan, they were not defeated by the Sea Clan. They always used the clam field as a threat, which made the Sea Clan have some scruples before restraining their actions.

“I am still confident of winning an unprecedented victory.”

“I hope, brother-in-law, you can recharge your batteries. The key to this battle still lies with you. No matter how the war turns out, you will set off with the dragon as soon as the distance is close enough.”

Because there were only two people on the bridge, Pare and Richard, Pare would show his worries on his face and not be so confident in front of everyone. Since the sea priests regained their ability to cast spells, Pare even considered Don’t give up the action, but Pare was really reluctant to part with the great situation he had worked so hard to create in the south, and with Richard’s help, he made up his mind to launch this war.

In comparison, Richard is actually more confident. His confidence comes not only from the Ultimate Hydra that has been following him at the stern of the ship, but also from the ability of his red dragon to move far beyond ordinary dragons.

The red dragon with treasures and skill bonuses has a maximum flying distance of at least twice that of the Kingdom Dragon Knight. He can directly go to the Sea Clan’s clam farm at a longer distance.


An eagle cry interrupted the conversation between Parley and Richard. The sword eagle landed directly on the bridge. A slender female soldier got off the eagle’s back and ran to the two of them panting heavily. Come.

“Lord Parley, Lord Richard.”

After saluting the two of them, the sword eagle knight reported the latest situation.

“All the sea tribes that harassed the coastal waters have retreated.”

“Well, I understand, you should go down and take a rest first.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

After the female soldiers left, Richard and Parley looked at each other. It was obvious that the Hai Clan had discovered the traces of the fleet, but with such a huge fleet going to sea, they had no intention of hiding it. The tribe discovered the fleet a little later than they expected. From departure to now, more than half a day has passed. With the fleet’s speed of about ten knots, they have now traveled more than a hundred nautical miles. By the time the Sea Clan army gathers to intercept them, they will probably have traveled nearly three miles. One-third of the distance.

“Wave the flag! Order all ships to be more vigilant.”


“The Sea Clan has discovered us, and the next voyage may not be so smooth.”

“Get ready for battle.”

“Sea Clan!”

“The third formation was attacked by the Hai Clan! Requesting support!”

The attack from the Sea Clan came faster than they expected. Before dawn the next day, around three or four o’clock in the morning, the fleet on the flank was attacked by the Sea Clan and soon became unable to hold on. A signal for help was sent out.

“Order, let the seventh and ninth…”

“Wait a minute, don’t let the other fleets change direction for the time being. This should be just a tentative attack by the Sea Tribe, and their main force will not arrive so soon.”

“Even if their main force does not arrive, the third formation cannot withstand it.”

“I have sent reinforcements.”

Richard pointed toward the sea, showing a meaningful expression, while several generals waiting for orders stood there awkwardly and at a loss after hearing half of Parley’s orders.

“The giant beast with nine heads.”


After learning that Richard had sent the Ultimate Hydra, Parley temporarily stopped ordering other fleets to support him. It was just a part of the Sea Tribe army testing the attack. He also wanted to see what Richard had to say. How powerful is the ultimate Hydra that is comparable to the sky-level strength.

In the third formation, the Sea Tribe approached several warships on the flanks at night. Although they were discovered by the human soldiers who were keeping vigil as they climbed, they still managed to climb onto the warship due to their huge numbers. , was currently engaged in a fierce battle with human soldiers on the flagship deck of the third formation.

Under the pitch-black night sky, only the torches on the deck illuminated a small area of ​​blurred vision. The sea people’s vision in the dark was much better than that of humans, and fighting in the dark was even more detrimental to humans.

“Light the torches, each team will light the prepared torches!”

Humans in the south have been dealing with the Sea Tribe for so many years, so naturally they are not unprepared. Creatures like the Sea Tribe can live in sea water of two to three hundred meters, and it is normal to have the ability to see in the dark.

The soldiers and sailors on the ship lit the prepared torches, which was able to regain some of the disadvantage.


The armored soldiers rushed out of the cabin and fought together with the Hai clan who climbed onto the warship from all directions. Although this flagship was not as good as the dragon boat that Parley and Richard were riding, it was still part of the Kingdom’s navy. One of the main battleships, the hull length is nearly two hundred meters. In addition to the necessary sailors, there are two more than a thousand soldiers on board. It can be considered a strong force for fighting at sea, but it is still not able to match the huge number of the Shanghai people. As the More and more sea soldiers climbed onto the deck, especially there were many patrol guards among them. The human soldiers were quickly squeezed back.


A blue-grey light of fighting spirit that was not conspicuous in the dark night flashed past, and the patrol guard who had just raised his halberd had his throat slashed.

In order to stabilize the situation, the commander of the battleship personally joined the battle with his sword. The blood warriors of the sea clan have the same combat power as human knights, but they are much more precious than knights. Most of the time, they will not be dispatched easily. To rush to the front line, it would take at least several rounds of bloodline warriors to consume ordinary cannon fodder before taking action. Now the sea tribe on the deck are temporarily blocked by the human knights with their strength, but with their numerical advantage, they are still attacking the human soldiers in a steady stream. defense line, if the situation continues, the fall of this battleship will be a matter of time.

“Commander, ask the seventh formation and the ninth formation why they haven’t moved yet!”

The commander is also a little anxious. To be the captain of a small formation flagship, his strength is already the peak of a half-step knight. Killing dozens of patrol guards is not a problem, but his fighting spirit and The physical strength is not unlimited. If there is no support, there is no need to wait for the blood warriors of the Sea Clan to take action. It will be a matter of time before they are surrounded by these ordinary Sea Clan soldiers and patrol guards.

“Sir, signal from the dragon boat! They said reinforcements have arrived!”

“Already here? Where are the reinforcements?”

The commander was a little confused. It was clear that the nearest formations had not made any movement, so where were the reinforcements coming from?

But soon he discovered something unusual, as if the number of sea people was decreasing. There is no follow-up sea tribe to climb onto the warship.

“This? What kind of monster is this!”

Under the sea, the bloodline warrior who was directing the Marine soldiers to attack the warship couldn’t help but sigh when he faced the monster in front of him that was more than twenty meters long and had nine heads.

This monster is killing his soldiers with extremely high efficiency. The nine snake heads attack at the same time. Each blow is extremely fast and precise. There is no chance of missing, whether it is an ordinary soldier or a patrol guard, he is attacked. Any head bitten will immediately lose its vitality, leaving no room for struggle.

The original attack on the ship also stopped. A large group of sea tribes surrounded the Hydra and attacked, but none of the attacks worked, let alone ordinary sea tribes. After the patrol guards holding battle axes approached, An ax blow feels like scratching an itch, leaving no trace.

Perhaps the blood warriors can cause some damage to it? The bloodline warrior who directed the battle had this thought in his mind, and then shook his head to throw this dangerous thought aside. Is it true that a bloodline warrior would be bitten by any one of the nine heads?

Hydra deserves to be known as the killer of low-level soldiers in the game. Its current performance is even much better than in the game. There is no strong person in the vanguard of the Sea Tribe who can break through its defenses. With its numbers, The siege failed, but the Hydra had nine heads harvested at the same time. In a short period of time, the number of dead and injured soldiers of the Sea Tribe was higher than in a half-day battle with human soldiers on a warship.

Although the Sea Clan has a clear hierarchy and the soldiers have high execution ability, they cannot always die. After paying a huge price but not seeing the slightest possibility of defeating the ultimate Hydra, all the Sea Clan soldiers who attacked later had After hesitating, his offensive actions were not as decisive as at the beginning.

Some people looked at the bloodline warriors behind them, as if expecting the other party to take action. However, they did not wait for the bloodline warriors to take action, but instead waited for the order to retreat.

Human beings actually tamed such a terrifying giant beast to fight for them. I must go back and report to the priest.

After commanding this bloodline warrior who was tasked with probing and harassing, he found a reason to convince himself, and quickly ordered his men to retreat. The remaining sea warriors withdrew from the decks of each warship against the pursuit of human soldiers. Next, as the bloodline warriors retreated towards the direction of the large force of the Sea Clan.

The night gradually returned to calm. The first round of tentative attacks launched by the Sea Tribe in the dark was defeated. Richard had a more intuitive judgment on the ultimate Hydra’s combat effectiveness.

As long as you don’t get too tired and run out of energy, the Ultimate Hydra seems to be invincible in the water…


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