Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 307: Reason


The one causing the commotion outside the door was naturally Richard. With his four units, including his own, Richard could only travel more than a hundred kilometers each time he teleported. He had to stop and recover for an hour or two every time he used it twice. , but when recovering, Richard could summon the Flying Dragon King and take a few of his men to catch up with the journey of one or two hundred kilometers, mainly because the Ultimate Hydra, which could only move on the ground, slowed down the overall speed.

Natalis and Red Dragon are fine. They are all high in the sky anyway. The speed of the Ultimate Hydra on the ground really frightened many people. Anyone who sees this monster more than ten meters high will tremble. Ah, fortunately, the Ultimate Hydra was just passing by and showed no intention to attack. It is estimated that the nobles who saw the Ultimate Hydra have already reported the information layer by layer.

After a while, the information will be placed on Ren’s desk. It’s okay in the wild. After all, he is always on the road, and he teleports more than two hundred kilometers from time to time. He doesn’t meet many people, but When the Ultimate Hydra appeared in Percy City, riots inevitably occurred. Even Parley’s heart twitched when he saw the Ultimate Hydra when he walked out, even if he guessed that it was Richard’s doing. The helpers who came out were inevitably a little timid. Several knights behind Parley even drew their swords and stared nervously at the monster more than ten meters high outside the door.

Fortunately, Richard finally stood in front of the mansion with a tall woman, confirming Paley’s guess and giving him a little peace of mind.

“My dear brother-in-law, you are finally here. Where did you get this big guy?”

In addition to doubts in Pare’s tone, there was also a hint of envy. The Ultimate Hydra was not an easy existence to deal with at first glance. It was a bit ugly, but it was definitely capable of fighting, at least not the ones behind him. The Great Knight can handle it.

Facing Parley’s question, Richard could only deal with it with a haha, and then directly moved the topic to other places.

“How is the situation now?”

Seeing that Richard was unwilling to talk, Pa Lei wisely stopped entangled and quickly changed the topic to business.

“It’s very bad. The Sea Clan is no longer satisfied with just attacking ships and harassing ports. They have captured several ports and are continuing to attack inland. Their purpose is probably to control the sea coast for dozens of miles. It’s become a no-man’s land.”

“How did they do it?”

Richard was a little puzzled after hearing this. The advantage of the Sea Tribe is always at sea and on land. In fact, it is not the opponent of human soldiers. A soldier who has received basic training and is fully equipped can easily defeat three or five Sea Tribes. Soldiers, relying on their elusiveness at sea, can attack fleets and harass ports. But if they go more than ten miles inland, shouldn’t they be caught and beaten by the southern army? Have the human armies in the south fallen to this level?

“Let’s go in and talk. This time the Sea Tribe’s attack is a little unusual.”

Richard remained doubtful and walked into the meeting hall with Natalies and Parley.

“Your Highness Parley.”

As soon as he entered the door, Richard saw a table of nobles with similar temperaments to the twelve families in the river valley. These people could be distinguished at a glance from the military nobles in the North and Longxing Pass. Although in the early days Everyone started out with military exploits, but the aristocratic inheritance in the south has been passed down relatively early, and the business atmosphere in the south is strong. Although the people sitting here are all experts above the knight level, they do lack a little bit of iron-blooded spirit.

The only difference between them and the River Valley is that the kingdom’s control over the south is quite strong. They cannot get involved with administrative officials and regular troops. They mainly maintain the family’s huge expenses through trade, and at most they evade taxes. , and would not dare to reach out to the army.

So this time the Sea Tribe was raging, their performance was much more positive than when the people in the river valley faced the ogres. After all, their vital interests had been harmed.

“This is Richard, the youngest marquis with military merit in the kingdom. I believe everyone is familiar with him. He is also the reinforcement I invited this time.”

Parley’s control over Percy seemed pretty good. Although the big nobles of Percy City had some complaints behind his back, when he walked in, these people still behaved quite honestly.

“Sir Richard, you are indeed the number one master in the kingdom, and he looks very heroic.”

“It turns out that His Highness Parley invited Lord Richard, so we can rest assured.”

Richard is no better now than before. When he first tried to extort money in the river valley, he had to hold Thor’s banner. Now he is the banner himself. After Paley introduced Richard’s identity, these people in Posey City The high-ranking nobles were very polite.

Of course, although these people have a strong business temperament, they are definitely not stupid. The huge red dragon from the sky is enough for them to show enough respect.

“This is the Marquis of Varaya, and this is the Count of Ascota…”

With Pare’s introduction, Richard nodded one by one as a greeting, and then took his seat and got down to business.

“This time we have assembled five legions, 100,000 elite garrison troops, more than 200 knight-level masters, ten great knight-level masters, and nearly a thousand ships, including more than 200 large warships. , a dragon boat.”

The dragon boats here are not the dragon boats used in festivals as we normally know them, but large sea-going ships nearly two hundred meters long and seventy meters wide. They can carry up to a thousand people and can be used for transportation after special treatment. The dragon dropped to perch.

The sea is vast. If we want to expedition to the sea tribe, the dragon cannot fly in the sky all the time. Even if the dragon has good physical strength, it is not tireless. There must be a place to rest. The role of the dragon boat is somewhat similar to today’s aircraft carrier. .

The southern maritime trade of the Golden Dragon Kingdom is developed, and its shipbuilding technology has always been very good. It has almost reached the peak level of the sailing era, and it is also a bit of black technology. In order to target the sea tribe, the warships are also covered with iron sheets and hung with barbs to stop them. Seafolk destroy and climb.

“How effective is the army?”

This is the focus of Richard’s attention. The kingdom’s regular regiments are now either stationed in major cities in the south or transferred north. Moreover, as the lord of Posy and the fourth prince, Pare cannot mobilize the three major regiments in the south. The only ones that can be used are private soldiers and local garrison troops. Although there are still a large number of garrison armies in various places on paper, Richard knows very well what kind of urinals most of these legions are. It is okay to maintain law and order and bully the civilians, but really. When it comes to fighting a war, or a naval battle that involves sailing thousands of miles, an ordinary garrison is definitely not reliable.

Richard is not worried about his own safety. With the power around him and a teleportation skill, he can’t beat him but can also outrun him. He is afraid that this guy Pare is a good businessman but doesn’t know how to fight. In the end, not only will he be killed They were folded inside, and a group of southern nobles were also folded in, causing the situation in the southern part of the kingdom to collapse, which was also quite detrimental to Richard.

Parley knew exactly what Richard was worried about and immediately answered:

“They are all elites. At least they will not lose to the regular army of the Southern Corps. In addition, there are more than 40 nobles who will participate in this operation.”

The elite of the five legions, this guy Parley has managed a big situation in the south. It is a rule that princes cannot get involved in the kingdom’s standing legions, so it is these princes who control some local garrison legions and some irregular militia groups. For example, although the eldest prince stayed in the royal capital for a long time, he mainly controlled part of the city guards and some passable local guards on the central plains, and had very little influence on the imperial army. The total number is probably only 20,000 to 30,000 people.

For someone like Parley, who can directly mobilize five legions, it is indeed beyond Richard’s expectations. As expected, his ability is beyond imagination.

“This time our Varaya family will fully support Prince Parley’s actions. In addition to the thousand elites promised before, the Varaya family will send out another warship and two thousand private soldiers. I myself will lead five A retainer with a rank of knight joins the battle.”


As soon as the Marquis of Varaya said this, the remaining nobles looked at each other. The marquis in the south could not compare with the semi-princely marquis of the Lanster family. In terms of the number of strong men, the Varaya family It’s not much worse than the Lanster family, but the Varaya family in the south doesn’t need to raise as many troops as the Lanster family. If you add two thousand more, it will basically take out all your money, not to mention You still need to prepare your own logistics supplies.

This kind of behavior is seen as a blatant price increase in the eyes of other nobles, and in the past, the Varaya family did not deal well with Parley. Before Parley came, the most powerful noble in the city of Posy was the Marquis of Varaya. The city lord also wanted to give some face, but Parley wanted to seize the power of the tree as soon as he arrived in Posey City. Although Parley controlled the scale very skillfully, it was inevitable that he would still hurt the Varaya family’s interests a little. This time If Varaya didn’t break up the trouble, it would be considered that he knew the general situation. I didn’t expect that the support would be so strong. He was just a little bit out of character.

“Okay! If the Sea Clan is in chaos, the interests of our entire Posi City, and even the entire south, will be harmed. Everyone should be like the Marquis of Walaya, and we can’t just rely on a few companies to contribute.”

The sudden statement of Marquis Varaya was an unexpected surprise. Unprepared, Parley only lamented that Richard was indeed his savior, and then passed the words to the nobles at the table.

Seeing that the two major leaders in West City had reached an agreement, others also knew that it would be unreasonable not to increase their efforts, and they all promised to increase the initial troop dispatch and material support.

In the end, in addition to the 100,000 people that Pare had initially prepared, there were more than 20,000 noble private soldiers and more than 200 knight-level masters.

“Tell me about the battle plan. The nearest large-scale clam farm of the Sea Clan to us is probably more than a thousand nautical miles south of the port. Our fleet has already assembled in Niederport. I request all troops participating in the war within a week. All depart from Niedershavn. ”

“What if the Hai Clan continues to march inland?”

“As soon as we set off from Nidport, the Sea Tribe will no longer care about attacking. They will definitely come back to besiege us instead of marching inland.”

What Pa Lei said was a gamble that the Sea Clan would not dare to change families. After all, Benchang was the lifeblood of the Sea Clan. He dared to gamble, but the Sea Clan did not dare to gamble.

“Although Master Richard is leading the dragon to participate in the battle this time, the Sea Clan is a little unusual this time.”

“Yes, the Sea Clan has never been so difficult to deal with in the past.”

“Those sea priests who usually pretend to be gods and ghosts now seem to have the ability to cast spells, **** it.”

When this was mentioned, the nobles below looked a little sad, and the anger they had just raised was relieved a lot. After all, they had suffered a lot from the priests of the Sea Tribe recently.

“Spellcasting ability?”

Richard let out a question when he heard this word.

“Yes, although the Sea Tribe used to have the habit of bringing priests with their armies, in the past those priests were just pretending to be gods and ghosts. Recently, I don’t know what happened, but they actually had the ability to cause tides and cast water arrows. Before When the Sea Clan besieged a noble’s castle, some priests used high-level magic like Water Dragon Technique.”

The era of magic is not far away from now, or not very close. After all, there were still court mages who could barely cast spells five hundred years ago. After Pare deliberately learned about it, he was still able to find relevant information and identify the priests of the Sea Tribe. of the spell used.

“How powerful is it?”

“Although it is not as powerful as recorded, the Water Dragon Technique is already worth a full blow from the Great Knight.”

“The spellcasting ability of the sea priests is quite bizarre, as if it happened overnight. When the dragon knights first left, they would attack the fleet at most, and they were far less aggressive than they are now.”

Richard probably understood why the situation in the south collapsed so quickly. The Dragon Knight left and the strength of the Sea Tribe increased. The strength of both sides suddenly increased and decreased. No wonder the old silver coin Paley was so worried.

“Approximately when did the Sea Clan have the ability to cast spells?”

Richard suddenly thought of something and asked Paley next to him.

“About a week ago, any questions?”

Pa Lei was a little confused as to why Richard suddenly asked about this.

“Nothing, just a general idea.”

Li Cha said the words calmly on his face, but he was not at all calm in his heart.

Wait, wasn’t it the time I placed the artifact a week ago? Although he is not sure yet, Richard has a strong intuition in his heart that the sudden ability of the sea tribe to cast spells is definitely related to Liz’s protection.

Mard, after a long time, it’s not me who benefits the most from Liz’s protection, but the Sea Tribe. Perhaps Liz’s protection triggered the activity of the water element in a large area. The Sea Priest, a spell caster similar to a bloodline inheritance, recovered his spellcasting ability very quickly. Humans are knowledge inheritance types, and although their potential is stronger than that of the Sea Tribe, But the initial recovery will definitely be much slower.

However, from the current situation, although the Sea Clan has gained a certain amount of spell-casting ability, it is still within the controllable range. At least Parley still dares to prepare a counterattack and still has the power to fight back. The Sea Clan’s spell-casting ability is not powerful.

“Ahem, in addition to the giant dragon, this time I also brought a hydra that I conquered. It’s the big guy outside. Its strength is no worse than the giant dragon, and it has the ability to fight in the water. And this guy Ms. Natalie is as strong as me and is a Sky Knight level expert.”

The sky for ten minutes was also the sky, and Richard silently recited it to himself. At this time, there is no need to hide any strength, but to show more strength and cheer up everyone.

Sure enough, not only the nobles present, but also Parley’s eyes lit up, and he had a greater grasp of the original battle plan.

“Okay, everyone, go down and get ready. This battle must hurt the Sea Tribe and maintain stability in the southern part of the kingdom.”

After saying this, Pare, Marquis Varaya, and Richard looked at each other in the room. Others may have thought that after the sea clan was hurt by the beating, they could return to their previous state. Continue to make money normally, Pare and the other three people know more, and there is more meaning in this sentence…


To the south, in a seawater several hundred meters away, thousands of strong and well-equipped patrol guards were surrounded in a circle, seeming to be protecting some important person.

“Your Majesty the High Priest, I don’t think it makes much sense for us to do this. The land is not suitable for our survival. This is just a meaningless consumption of the lives of the people.”

“Your Majesty, how can you have such an idea? Our warriors are winning steadily, and you are starting to think about peace talks?”

“How long will this meaningless war last?”

“Fight until no human being dares to set foot on Poseidon’s territory.”

“They don’t dare to come now.”

“No, their lessons are not profound enough.”

“Order General Atam to cooperate with the priests tomorrow to capture the target city.”


“Your Majesty, you should have the aura of a king, instead of always being a peace lover here.”

“Let’s go.”

After crossing the sea king and giving the order, the high priest of the sea tribe left with a group of sea patrol guards, leaving only the sea king wearing the crown. The remaining sea patrol guards around him looked at each other in confusion and took a closer look. After this scene of a fight between gods, these guards were at a loss.

And Neptune, who stayed where he was, looked so gloomy that he was about to drip…

He didn’t know that the real purpose of the high priest was not to be a human being, but to gain greater prestige through war, thereby completely suppressing the power of the Sea King.

The Sea Tribe has always had a dual leadership system. Each generation has a Sea King and a High Priest. The Sea King’s status is slightly higher than that of the High Priest. However, since the priests regained their ability to cast spells, the status of the High Priest has instantly risen. In a short period of time, it has steadily surpassed the level of Neptune.

Neptune has nothing to do about this, but the high priest is still not satisfied. This approach is to continuously undermine the prestige of Neptune and completely negate Neptune’s appearance…


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