Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 306: Meet and Arrival


Snowfield, Ice Flame Tribe

Mangu and others are still searching for the remains of the mage tower in the snowfield. Once they reach the snowfield, they are basically unable to contact them. Windbirds and sword eagle knights cannot move normally on the snowfield. Even griffons have difficulty exploring deep into the snowfields.

However, during this period of time, Elena has completely taken control of the Ice Flame Tribe. With her strong love for the tribe, as long as there is no accident, she will report back after finding out the location of the ruins based on the map.

Richard did not leave many troops for Elena at that time. There were only some Halberdiers and Crusaders, and a giant to intimidate the Ice Flame Tribe. But after a while, a lot of forces gathered around Elena. Come on, there are more than a dozen big men wearing red war robes and holding war hammers following Elena on patrol. These are fanatics summoned by Elena’s own skills, each of them is half a step tall. At the level of the knights, five or six of them together were enough to defeat an adult snow giant warrior.


Just as Elena was patrolling along the snowfield with the fanatics, Richard suddenly appeared in the Bingyan tribe with a huge figure and a creature that exuded an aura that made Elena somewhat disgusted.

The huge silhouette of the Titan after the natural upgrade. Compared with the previous bare-chested appearance, the Titan now has more golden armor and is several meters taller than before. The overall appearance is much more majestic, so… There is a smell of gods coming down to earth in it, and it seems that the deterrent to the Ice Flame tribe and other snow giants has been greatly improved, because the height of the Titan giant now seems to be almost the same as the height of the Snow Giant King.

After the training camp was originally established, Richard naturally had to arrange for all the seventh-level soldiers in his hand who had not advanced. In addition to the Titans, the green dragons that had been guarding the forest city were also taken to Stone Castle by Richard to upgrade to Fortunately, Richard learned the skill of teleportation. Although this skill requires some magic power, Richard needs to constantly replenish his magic power on the road.

Richard’s magic power is only enough to be released twice in a row, and the maximum teleportation distance is one thousand kilometers. However, if he brings other units, the teleportation distance will be greatly reduced, and he will need to stop for several hours to restore his magic power.

Of course, even so, the progress of this journey is much faster than running on a flying dragon. Without the skill of teleportation, just running back and forth to the snowfield would take several days.

“Lord Richard.”

Elena saluted Richard. Elena was the best among the heroes in terms of etiquette. However, after raising her head, Elena frowned and looked at the strange hero beside Richard. .


Elena’s perception is obviously much stronger than that of others. Natalis has followed Richard around Ironwood City for several times. Human heroes like Ron have not discovered Natalis’s identity. Moriel may have noticed something, but she didn’t care about it.


When Elena said the word undead, the fanatics behind her instantly raised their warhammers and looked at Natalis next to Richard with wary faces.


Facing the reaction of the fanatics, Richard was a little unhappy. These guys dared to show their weapons in front of him, but these were followers summoned by Elena. Taking Elena’s face into consideration, Richard No seizures. Natalie, on the other hand, snorted disdainfully and didn’t even make a move to draw her sword.

Regardless of the fact that the other party is also Richard’s subordinate, with Natalie’s strength, Elena, who has not yet fully grown or recovered, plus this group of fanatics who are worthy of half-step knights, come together It’s probably not enough for her to fight.

“Put down your weapons, don’t be rude!”

After reacting, Elena quickly reprimanded this group of overreacting fanatics. These guys have good fighting ability and a strong sense of justice. They have advantages in every aspect. The only disadvantage is that they act impulsively. In front of the lord, they did not get anything. It’s a big taboo to show off weapons if allowed. Even if their target is not Richard, it will definitely arouse Richard’s dissatisfaction.

Fortunately, Richard didn’t care about these subordinates who belonged to Elena. As long as Elena was loyal to him, the attitude of these fanatics was irrelevant to him.

“This is the leader of the Night Angel clan, Natalies, who is currently responsible for protecting my safety.”

“That is the Priestess of Elrath, Ms. Elena, who is also an important general under me.”

Richard first pointed out the importance of the two people, so that both parties had an idea.

Natalis nodded to Elena indifferently. She looked a little arrogant, but she still said hello. However, although Elena did not draw her sword, she still stared at Nata with a wary expression. Liz, she felt a powerful death aura from the other party, which was stronger than all the undead creatures she had fought against.

“Okay, Elena, although Ms. Natalis is an undead, she is kind-hearted and has never harmed innocent people. You will all be my important subjects in the future. I hope you will not treat Natasha badly. Ms. Liz is biased.”

Richard’s ability to talk a lot about things made Natalis on the side a little amazed. Although as an elegant night angel, Natalis did not have the hatred of the living that most undead creatures have, and she was not bloodthirsty. habit, but it has absolutely nothing to do with being kind-hearted. If she doesn’t kill anyone, it’s out of disdain and fear of getting her hands dirty, not out of kindness.

It’s just that as a subordinate, it was difficult to refute what Richard said, so he could only listen to Richard’s nonsense with some embarrassment.

“As the patron of Elras, I guarantee that although Natalis is an undead, she has absolutely nothing to do with evil.”

Although Richard has never had faith in Elrath, it does not prevent him from pretending to be a tiger. Anyway, Elena will definitely fall into this trap.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Elena’s eyes became much less wary, not just because she listened to Richard’s words. Although Elena’s loyalty to Richard is guaranteed, as a former As a wandering knight, Elena is not that simple and easy to deceive. However, after being reminded by Richard, Elena also noticed that Natalie did not have the violent and crazy aura of most undead, but was very… Calm and awake, with only the pure aura of death about him.

This is actually one of the reasons why Richard is willing to recruit Natalis. If Natalis has the same bloodthirsty and cruelty as the previous **** tribes or undead, Richard may only be in pain. Give up, after all, his power as a whole still belongs to the lawful order. Richard can accept his subordinates’ ambitions, but it is difficult to accept his subordinates’ cruelty and murderousness. If he has this kind of problem, the stronger he is, the more trouble he will cause to Richard in the future. many.

Looking at Elena who was slowly letting down her guard, Richard knew that this hurdle had finally passed. Compared to Moriel’s casualness and the ignorance of others, Elena, the real priest hero, was what Richard was worried about. .

Fortunately, Elena is not that kind of fanatical believer. She has her own thinking ability and does not blindly shout and kill.

“I’m going to the south this time. I’d better put the Titans under your command first. The Snow Giants should have some kind of covenant with the orcs. In addition to being optimistic about the Ice Flame Tribe, we must also beware of other Snow Giant Tribes.”

“Yes, sir!”

“It is safe for you to go south this time…”

“As long as I am by Mr. Richard’s side, no one can hurt him.”

When talking about this issue, Natalie, who always maintained a cold attitude on the side, interrupted Elena with a sudden sentence. Although the two of them were not as tense as before, it is definitely not how harmonious the relationship is. possible.

“It’s okay. My safety is guaranteed. I need you to work harder. There can be no problems with the Ice Flame Tribe and the Mana Crystal Mine. If there is any accident, please contact Lin Te at the Demon City at any time. Mobilize the army.”

“Please rest assured, sir, that everything will be safe.”

Richard nodded. With Elena’s ability, adding a Titan to take over. If nothing else happens, there won’t be any problems. It’s just the Ice Flame Tribe and the Mana Crystal Mine, especially the Mana Crystal. The mine was too important to Richard and he had to remind him again and again.

After handing over the Titans to Elena’s command, Richard did not need to stay any longer. Natalis and Elena were like a pair of enemies, so it was better to let them have less contact until the magic power was restored. Richard used teleportation and took Natalie back to Ironwood City.

“Sir Richard, an urgent message from the south.”

Not long after Richard returned to Ironwood Fort, people from Yusidu rushed over. Because there is a stable channel for cold spring gems in Pare, the interests of both parties are also deeply involved, and there has always been a special communication channel. , Fengniao can deliver the letter to the other party within two days.

Richard opened the letter handed over by his men, carefully removed the wax seal, and spread the letter out for a few seconds before he revealed a knowing smile.

This guy Pare can sometimes show a bit of aloofness in serious matters, and dealing with him is more interesting than dealing with the eldest prince.

There are only a few words on the letter:

“Brother-in-law, come quickly and add money.”

However, through this simple letter, Richard was able to get a lot of information. The situation in the south is deteriorating faster than imagined and is more critical. Moreover, the strength of the Sea Clan may be greater than the information shared by Parley before. The one described in is stronger.

Otherwise, no one is doing charity. When Pare took the initiative to raise the conditions, it must not be due to conscience. Instead, the difficulty of the matter may be much higher than initially expected. In order to avoid making everyone look bad, Pa Re will Offer to “add money”.

You must go, and you have to hurry up, otherwise the collapse of Parley will not only lose a large amount of trade income in the south, but also cut off the stable channel of gem resources, which is the lifeblood of Richard. Must be preserved.

What Richard needs to consider now is how many men he will bring with him. In the original plan, Richard planned to take the red dragon with him and head to the south to support him, but now it seems that the situation is worse than imagined. At first The plan needs to be adjusted.

After weighing it up, Richard decided to go south with three high-end combat forces: Ultimate Hydra, Red Dragon, and Natalis. Red Dragon can maintain deterrence, and Natalis is the trump card and safety. As a guarantee, Ultimate Hydra is more suitable for use in the southern battlefield because of its ability to fight in the water.

“Someone go and summon Ms. Moriel and Steward Iger.”

“Yes, sir!”

Although the decision was made, Richard had only been away for at least half a month, so he still had to explain things properly.

“Lord Lord.”

“Master Richard.”

Soon the two of them rushed to Richard.

“No need to be polite, sit down.”

Richard quickly explained in detail his decision to go south and the possible orc attack in the near future. Moriel wanted to command the army, while Egger was in charge of Ironwood City’s supplies. The two of them needed to prepare in advance.

“I will definitely make it impossible for them to come back!”

Compared with Egg’s worried look, Moriel looked extremely confident. After being here for so long, Moriel probably had some understanding of the strength of the human kingdom and the surrounding forces.

Richard left her a golden dragon, an outstanding swordsman and an ice giant with level 7 combat power, plus more than double-digit champion knights and a large number of system soldiers, as well as two legions of ordinary humans. Legion, she was confident that a partial orc army would never be able to get an advantage from her. It was unrealistic to compete with the main force of the orcs. It would be no problem to deal with a partial army, not to mention that there was still one in Linzhong City. The strong fortress (elves) army is small in quantity but of considerable quality, and can support each other at any time.

“The training of the Dragon Army can be borrowed from the training ground of Stone Castle. Don’t waste twenty units a week.”

In addition to upgrading the system army, the training ground can also be effective for indigenous soldiers. However, the effect is not as obvious as the system army, and they have to stay for a full week. However, the improvement effect is relatively good. Elite soldiers can be upgraded within a week. After reaching the quasi-knight level, a peak quasi-knight will have nearly half a chance of being promoted to a knight after a week of training, which is perfect for building an indigenous army to replenish officers.

“The Dragon Army will not let you down, my lord”

There was even a hint of expectation in Moriel’s tone, not for the quota in the training camp, but for the battle that was going to happen next. It seemed that she had not fought for too long, and she urgently needed to loosen her muscles and recover some stiffness.

“Uncle Egger still arranges the supplies needed for the army.”

“The expansion of the Stone Fortress must also be carried out at the same time. We will expand it according to the template of Ironwood City. There is no need to make the scale too large.”

“Yes, Master.”

Because the funds are still abundant, Richard has taken some big steps recently. Even preparations and construction are being carried out at the same time. He must seize every moment to develop and become stronger.

South, Posey City.

Several major nobles in the city were discussing matters in a small hall.

“If the Hai Clan is not pacified, my family’s pearl business will be completely ruined.”

“Stop talking, my fleet has hardly caught any fish recently. At this time, usually, they would have already started selling to the capital.”

“Don’t you still have a velvet business?”

“Nonsense, if there was no velvet business to support me, I would have to beg for food.”

This group of people are all nobles above the earl of Percy City. It is just the topic of their discussion. Those who don’t know better think that they are a group of Percy merchants. It is probably not inconsistent to refer to them as merchants.

“Prince Pare asked each of our families to contribute. My family sent out 500 armored guards alone, and the knights led the team. Even though we paid a lot of money to go in, there was no effect.”

The speaker was an earl. Although these people looked like businessmen, they were still upper-middle-class nobles, and they still had some bottom-of-the-line strength. One knight and 500 soldiers would definitely not be the full strength of an earl. , but contributing so much to the cause can be regarded as giving face to Pare.

“There are quite a few people from my family. I heard that they are all being trained under Prince Pare. What kind of reinforcements does Prince Pare seem to be waiting for?”

“Prince Parley, too. How long has it been, and he is still watching helplessly as the main force of the southern army is transferred to build some kind of northern fortress group to defend against something? Do we have to defend the royal capital?”

“Be careful what you say, be careful what you say.”

“I’m worried, too. Seeing the Sea Clan getting more and more advanced, the Southern Corps is still not doing its job properly. It’s all up to us and the garrison who can’t hold up the wall to fight against the Sea Clan. Several ports have been lost recently. ”

“Okay, just say a few words. Prince Pare did the right thing, and the supply of supplies to the Southern Corps must be guaranteed.”

“But Lord Varaya…”

“It’s nothing to worry about. Let’s make our preparations. When the reinforcements that Prince Pare said arrive, there will naturally be a solution.”

The Marquis of Varaya was originally the highest-ranking nobleman in Posey City and had always been the representative of the nobles in Posey City. However, this time he uncharacteristically supported the transfer of Parley and the Southern Corps, leaving the following counts temporarily confused.

“By the way, didn’t Prince Pare summon us here to discuss matters?”

A group of them had been sitting and chatting for a long time without seeing anyone from Pare, and finally someone raised a question.

“What kind of monster is that!”

“There is still heaven. Is there a giant dragon in the sky?”

Just when they were wondering, there was a loud noise outside the city lord’s mansion.

Parley, who had been sitting quietly in the room and was too lazy to go to the meeting hall, finally smiled and stood up and walked outside the room. He looked up and saw the red dragon that had swelled in size, with a relaxed smile on his face.

“Reinforcements are coming…”


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