Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 305: Ports and messaging


South of the Kingdom, Port of Havre.

The blue water is slightly swaying, and the sunlight is shining on the sea surface, causing pieces of golden scales to rise. Some seabirds are taking advantage of the beautiful weather to frequently land to hunt, grabbing some small ones on the sea. fish.

Originally this was a good day to leave the port, but now almost all ships are docked in the port.

The Port of Havre is an inconspicuous small seaport that cannot accommodate many large ships. However, because it is connected to the main shipping routes and backed by several small towns for trade, it can eat the leftovers of maritime trade. There are also some fishermen around. After leaving the port, I returned here to sell some fish and make some money. Therefore, although the Port of Havre is small, due to its mixed use, it is usually quite popular, and it can be considered that it has found its own development path.

It’s just that the originally prosperous Port of Havre now seems a bit deserted. Because of the chaos caused by the sea tribe, some large ships dare not go out to sea, let alone these small boats in the Port of Havre. There are only some Fishermen who live in poverty have to risk their lives to make a living. Once discovered by the Hai Clan, they may even take people and boats into the sea.

“Captain, when do you think the Sea Clan will be able to stop this? It’s not a big deal if it continues like this.”

There are still some guards patrolling the port. Originally, they were just maintaining order in the port. They would not be as diligent as they are today, patrolling along the port over and over again. However, the Sea Clan has made a lot of noise recently, so they had to step up patrols.

“This is beyond our control. This is a matter that only the big shots in Posey City and the Royal Capital can take care of. Let’s just do a good job in patrolling. I heard that the Sea Tribe has begun to attack the port. ”

“Hey, these **** people are so arrogant in the sea. How dare they come to our Port of Havre to see if I don’t make them into dried fish.”

The other taller guard in the patrol team seems to be more confident in his own strength and is not too afraid of the invasion of the Sea Tribe.

It is normal for the soldiers of these patrols to not have much fear of the Sea Tribe. The Sea Tribe is different from the Orcs. In terms of individual combat capabilities, the Sea Tribe is not as good as humans. Their advantage is in the sea. Once they land on the shore, As long as a trained human soldier can defeat two or three ordinary sea tribesmen, there will be no problem.

The main advantage of the Sea Tribe is its large number and good at naval combat. At sea, every human ship will be divided into different individuals by the huge number of Sea Tribes, making it difficult to support each other. A ship carrying thousands of people The big ship is likely to be besieged by tens of thousands of sea tribes. Fighting with sea tribes at sea has always been the most troublesome thing for the human southern army.

But on land, it has always been humankind’s advantage. The Southern Corps is relatively weak, and the patrol team in Port Havre is not even included in the regular army of the Southern Corps. It can only be regarded as a local garrison. , and even the weakest among the weak. Even they looked down upon the Sea Clan who came ashore. One can imagine how poor the Sea Clan’s land combat capabilities were.

“Okay, stop talking nonsense and patrol well. If the Sea Tribe is allowed to come ashore and cause some damage, no one will be able to receive the military pay this month.”

“Captain, we haven’t finished paying out last month’s money.”

It’s okay that the captain didn’t say it. As soon as he mentioned this word, a soldier in the team began to complain. These soldiers were not in the regular army of the Kingdom, and their daily salary depended on the financial revenue of the Port of Havre. Come to pay. Now that the Sea Clan is making such a fuss, the income of Port Havre has been almost zero in the recent period. Even the salary of these soldiers was only paid half last month. If the Sea Clan continues to make such a fuss, I am afraid that next month Even half of the money is gone.

“Yes, Captain, when will the gentlemen above us give out the money? My family will live on my little money. If this continues, we will run out of food next month.”

The income of these port guards is average, just because the kingdom has traditionally attached great importance to armament. Compared with the 60-70% of the regular army, the salary of the garrison is slightly higher than the income of ordinary people. It is only an exaggeration to say that they cannot afford to eat. But if this situation continues for another month or two, the life of these ordinary soldiers may be really difficult.

“Okay, okay, stop complaining. If any of the brothers in the team can’t afford to eat at home, come and borrow rice from me. If nothing else, a meal can still take care of the brothers.”

As a patrol captain in charge of more than a dozen soldiers, his life was easier than that of these soldiers. He was originally a veteran of the Southern Corps and had actual combat experience with swamp trolls, although he was not a quasi-knight. Despite his strength, he was also regarded as the elite of the army. After he retired from the army and returned to his hometown with money, he actually had no other skills and could only pick up weapons and join the guards of Port Havre.

After joining the Havre Port Guard, with his long-term service experience and excellent skills in the regular regiment, he quickly became a small boss. His military salary on weekdays was actually higher than when he was a soldier in the Southern Corps. , plus some savings, so I have the confidence to support the soldiers under my command with some food. As an excellent grassroots officer, in addition to showing majesty to the soldiers under his command, he must also have some means of building relationships.

“Hahaha, goodbye, I heard that the captain just had a little lover in Dongxiang last month. Money is very tight. How can we not be wise!”

The soldiers who were still complaining just now started laughing and joking after hearing what the captain said. After all, they were already much luckier compared to the group of bitter dock workers and farmers before they really reached the desperate situation. .


The soldier’s speech instantly caused a burst of laughter, and the captain was not annoyed. The old man even had a proud smile on his face.

“Team, captain, look over there, what is that?”

While everyone was laughing, the smile on the face of a soldier who had always been facing the sea faded, and the expression on his face gradually turned to panic. At his reminder, everyone also turned their heads and discovered the abnormality in the direction of the sea.

What kind of scene is that? At this time when the tide should not rise at all, the waves form a white line and rush toward the Port of Havre. If you look closely, you can see that there are dense seas sitting on the waves. The tribe is waving the weapons in their hands with open teeth and claws…

“Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!”

The soldiers on the watchtower also discovered anomalies. The emergency bells rang continuously, reminding the port city that a crisis had arrived.

“Retreat! Return to the high ground!”

The patrol leader made a judgment within a few seconds. If the prodigal was defeated, if they still stayed on the coastline, let alone fighting, they would be swept away by the waves, and they would not be able to go to the port. Judging from the posture of this prodigal son, I am afraid that the entire port is within the scope of its flooding. Those who are still in the port can only ask for their own blessings.


The waves came up quickly, and the ships in the port were smashed to pieces by the waves. Some less sturdy boats were even directly smashed by the waves. Most people in the port could not escape, and were all swept away. Into the waves.

Although these people who have lived in the port all year round have good aquatic skills, both civilians and soldiers, they are not comparable to the sea tribe at all. Before they could struggle for a few times, they were killed by the sea tribe who drove them into the sea.

Although the members of the patrol team on the other side have retreated to higher ground, and some people who started to react quickly or are farther away from the port have retreated to the high ground behind the port, a cursory look shows that this Less than a thousand people from the small port with a population of nearly 10,000 managed to escape.

Even this successful escape was only temporary. The waves were more ferocious than imagined. After flooding the port, the waves continued to extend inland. Although they did not directly rush to the high ground behind, they successfully swept away the soldiers of the Sea Tribe. They were sent to a place not far from the high ground. When the sea water was blocked by the terrain and gradually receded, one by one Sea Tribe soldiers emerged from the sea water and surrounded the last survivors in Havre Port in an arc.

These Sea Tribe soldiers are armed with weapons ground from special shellfish and wear protective gear woven from algae. Their average height is less than 1.6 meters tall and their obscene movements look very funny.

But at this moment, none of the nearly a thousand survivors, including the soldiers, could laugh, because the number of these Sea Clan soldiers was terrifying, with thousands of them popping up so far. And as the sea water receded, more and more Sea Tribe soldiers began to reveal themselves.

“Everyone! Prepare to fight!”

The patrol leader observed the situation in front of him and quickly came to the conclusion that there was no way to escape. They were basically surrounded by the sea tribe. After leaving the high ground, they were surrounded by people who could reach their waists. In the sea water, in the two or three feet deep sea water, human beings cannot outrun the sea tribe no matter what.

Under the captain’s order, his patrolmen quickly stood up and followed the captain. It can be seen that the captain usually has a high prestige and is supported by his subordinates. After they stood up, others came out. Soldiers also stood up spontaneously. In total, there were more than fifty soldiers with relatively complete equipment.

“Hold the gentle slope, don’t let these guys rush up!”

This gentle **** is actually not easy to defend, but it is the last barrier that this group of survivors can rely on.


Soon, the screaming sea clan rushed up. The patrol captain stood at the front and cut off the head of the sea clan who was charging at the front with a knife.

The other soldiers also achieved considerable results in the moment of fighting. When humans faced the sea tribe, they had a considerable advantage in terms of equipment and strength.

Although the equipment of the Port Guard is not sophisticated enough, they still have a leather armor inlaid with iron plates, and iron weapons. It is definitely not enough for them to fight against the orcs, but against this group of poorly equipped sea tribes, their performance Not too bad.

Unfortunately, this advantage is destined not to last. There are too many soldiers from the sea tribe, and they are repeatedly beaten like waves hitting the rocks. However, this group of surviving humans is not as strong as the rocks. At most, they can be regarded as a group of people. Heaping up hardened soil, soldiers were soon knocked down by the Hai Clan, and a loophole appeared in the defense line.

“Quick! All the men are on top! We can’t let them rush up!”

At this moment, they no longer care whether these civilians have weapons in their hands. They can only let them find a way to pick up the missing weapons on the ground and fight. If the Hai clan is not blocked on the gentle slope, everyone will die.


The captain slashed another Sea Clan soldier. As a small leader, he was wearing a serious piece of iron armor. The ridiculous weapons in the hands of the Sea Clan soldiers could not even break through his armor. As a small leader, he was wearing a serious armor. An experienced soldier, he protected the unprotected parts of his body very well. After fighting for a while, he had already chopped down several Sea Tribe soldiers, but he himself was not even injured at all!

“Hold on and beat them down!”

The people who were able to escape here were basically young and strong. Despite their desperate efforts, they still showed considerable fighting power. Under the leadership of dozens of soldiers, they actually blocked the attack of the Hai Clan for a while.


“Captain, captain!”


“He is the sea patrol guard of the sea tribe!”

A guy who was obviously much stronger than the surrounding Sea Tribe suddenly appeared and gave the captain of the Sea Tribe who was killing people a sudden blow. The captain who was hit hard by the soldiers staggered back a few steps and vomited. A mouthful of blood.

The weapons in the hands of these elites of the sea tribe have turned into more refined stone axes, which have a certain armor-breaking effect. They also have more sophisticated sea shark skin armor, and their combat effectiveness is no worse than that of the elites of the human race.

“One, two, three…”

Of course there was more than one patrol guard. After a group of ordinary sea tribesmen consumed a lot of human energy, they slowly emerged. There were hundreds of patrol guards mixed in with the ordinary sea tribesmen and attacked.


The last thought in the captain’s mind, holding his sword high, was that he was lucky to have placed her in Percy City…


One of the largest cities in the south of mankind and the closest city to the ocean. The entire Posi has a population of 200,000. There are constant trade exchanges on weekdays. Rare treasures from the sea are collected and distributed here, and goods from the north are transported smoothly. They are sold here, and in terms of prosperity alone, Percy is not even inferior to the royal capital.

It’s just that the normally prosperous Posi is now a little deserted. Since the chaos in the Sea Clan, Posi can be said to be visibly depressed. Businessmen can’t make money, and civilians have lost their source of income. If this continues If he goes down, Percy will completely decline.

City Lord’s Mansion

Pare was sitting in the room with a sad face, looking at the information sent from everywhere. The kingdom did not prohibit princes from becoming local officials. With his identity and means, Pare sat in the seat of the Lord’s Mansion of Percy City. That’s his ability, and it will never arouse Ren’s fear.

Relying on the big city of Poxi, which radiates to several provinces in the south, Pare has accumulated a lot of strength, but he is worried about how big the dishes are. He is the one who will be hurt the most when the Sea Clan rebels. His subordinates were in need of money and the sea trade was interrupted. He lost most of his financial resources. If this continues, the situation he managed to manage with great difficulty may collapse overnight.

“Report! Lord City Lord, the Port of Havre has been looted by the sea tribe. The sea water has flooded the port. So far, no survivors have been found…”

Not long after the fall of Port Havre, Percy received the news and quickly sent it to the city lord’s palace.

Another bad news. Pare, who was always laughing and joking in front of Richard, now looked as bitter as a bitter gourd, and his usual escape was completely gone.

The current situation is even more serious than when Richard got married in the royal capital. The situation is deteriorating faster than Paley imagined. The sea tribe seems to have mastered the method of controlling the tide. The low-lying areas along the coast will all be under the sea next. Under the threat of the sea tribe, judging from the intention of the sea tribe, I am afraid that they want to destroy all the coastal ports and completely force humans back to the land.

The kingdom may be able to accept this result, and as a last resort, it can even relocate the coastal people directly back, adopt a shrinking posture, and fully respond to the threat of orcs, but this result is definitely unacceptable to Pare. If it develops to this point, That means that his power will be greatly reduced, and he will be completely eliminated from the struggle for the throne.

“Here comes someone!”

After thinking about it, Pare called a messenger who had been waiting outside the door.

“Please give me your instructions, City Lord.”

“Use a first-class wind bird to deliver this letter to the Hunter family in Northland.”

“Yes, sir.”



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