Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 303: Angel hero?


The dim candlelight, the cramped hall, and the smell of rotten wood in the air should be caused by the old tables and chairs in the tavern, but the harsh environment does not stop Richard from looking forward to its opening one night a month. .

After entering the tavern, Richard walked to the bar as usual, ordered a glass of wine, and began to observe the customers in the tavern.

There were slightly fewer people in the tavern this time. There were only three customers sitting in the tavern to kill time, but one of them instantly attracted Richard’s attention.

It was a woman wearing a half-black mask. The woman was wearing a black chain armor and had a crescent-shaped scimitar at her waist. Even when she was sitting on a chair, she could be seen being tall and slender. The feet are uneven, and they are wearing a pair of aggressive black high-heeled leather boots. From Richard’s perspective, there are probably blades or short thorns hidden on the sides and rear edges of the boots. Of course, what worries Richard the most It’s the wings behind the opponent, a pair of dark angel wings.

“Hero Unit: Natalis

Race: Night Angel

Level: 22

Strength: 27

Agility: 32

Physique: 29

Spirit: 21

Basic skills: Night Breathing Technique (Master Level), Necromantic Breathing Technique (Advanced Level)…

Talent Skill 1: Death Judgment, consumes 200 mana points and performs an instant death judgment on the target. The target has a 30% chance of dying immediately. ”

Talent Skill 2: Summon Night Angel, which consumes a certain amount of mana to summon a certain number of Night Angels to join the battle. It lasts for one hour and has a cooling time of one week (each summoned Night Angel consumes 100 mana points).

Treasure: Cold Moon Scimitar

The gorgeous and elegant scimitar is always glowing with cold light. The moment it is unsheathed, the breath of death rushes towards the face.

Effect: All attributes +5, the attack has a death rule effect, which can increase the chance of instant death effect.

Introduction: The Night Angel clan is the favorite of Namtaru, the Lord God of the Undead. As the leader of the Night Angel clan, Natalis has even more favors. She might work for a more agreeable lord.

Night Angel, Natalies.

Generally speaking, Richard is not willing to recruit heroes such as undead demons as his subordinates. After all, they are cool to play in the game, but as a normal person, no one wants to have zombies or skeletons. Hanging around him all day long, after all, Richard is not a pervert, not to mention that Richard also has to consider the issue of taking care of the emotions of his men. Whether they are the soldiers provided by the system or the indigenous forces of the Hunter family, they all belong to the living. On the one hand, if Richard had a bunch of undead creatures around him, a group of senior members of the Hunter family who had never seen undead creatures would probably be scared to death first.

But the Night Angel in front of me is not in this category. The cool and elegant Night Angel is definitely in line with the aesthetics of most ordinary people. Except for some strong people who are sensitive to the aura of death, I am afraid that most people will not Rejection of the Night Angel,

More importantly, the strength of this night angel made Richard willing to take certain risks to recruit him.

First of all, the death judgment effect is more than 30% instant death judgment. This thing is like cheating when used to deal with high-level creatures, but I don’t know where the upper limit of this instant death effect is.

The second skill to summon Night Angel is also a ridiculously powerful skill. The strength of Night Angel corresponds to that of Archangel, which should be the strength of the mid-level sky. With Natalis’ mental power, the corresponding mana value is There are more than two hundred points, which is equivalent to using one skill to summon two mid-level night angels in the sky to assist in the battle. It is definitely the strongest summoning ability that Richard has ever seen.

The only problem now is that the introduction only talks about the other party’s beliefs, and there are not many clues about recruitment. The clues that look pleasing to the eye are too subjective and are not comparable to the previous description of Moriel.

Wait a minute, will this pleasing to the eye have something to do with being handsome? If it is really related to being handsome, wouldn’t it be a question that will give you points?

Li Cha held the wine glass in one hand and touched his face with the other, suddenly feeling a strange sense of confidence.

Richard’s peek also aroused the other party’s idea. Night Angel, who was elegantly alone, suddenly seemed to feel something. He raised his head and met Richard’s eyes. The black pupils were in Richard’s eyes. As deep as the sea of ​​the dead. Richard smiled subconsciously, raised his wine glass towards the other party, and then walked over generously.

“Excuse me, can I sit down?”

“Please do so.”

Night Angel’s voice was as cold as her appearance. Even though she agreed to Richard’s request, she still gave people a feeling of being thousands of miles away.

“I am a lord. I wonder if the lady is interested in serving me?”

Because there was no more information and the other party seemed like he didn’t know how to chat, Richard didn’t want to find some strange topics to talk about. Maybe looking for some random topics would arouse the other party’s disgust, so he simply chose to call him. A straight shot.

After Richard finished speaking, Natalis, the night angel opposite, paused slightly in her hands. Although she knew that there would be lords recruiting heroes in this tavern, the person in front of her looked a little too young, and she was too old to speak. Too direct, but he looks pretty handsome.

As long as people with normal aesthetics will always have a better first impression of good-looking people, although Night Angels belong to the undead category, their aesthetics are actually consistent with humans, and those who pursue elegance like Natalies The undead also have a fondness for beautiful things. So even though what Richard said was a bit abrupt, Natalie didn’t have much disgust. Instead, she showed a slightly meaningful smile after being stunned for a moment.

“How are you going to recruit me? A lord from the temple? I feel Elrath’s favor in you.”

“What is the conflict between commanding the Temple and being favored by Elrath and recruiting a beautiful and powerful lady?”

“I am an undead soul.”

Natalia pulled down half of her mask, and her delicate face was completely revealed in front of Richard. Her appearance was comparable to that of Messiah. She was definitely one of the most beautiful women Richard had ever seen. It’s just that this kind of beauty is different from Messiah’s. Messiah’s beauty is full of vitality, intelligence, and gentleness. But Natalia’s beauty is somewhat morbid, her face is abnormally white, her lips are also blue and black, and she lacks a bit of the vitality of a normal person.

“What about the undead?”

Natalis thought that Richard did not recognize her identity, but Richard had already prepared a whole set of excuses based on Natalia’s identity.

“Death is also part of the rules. All things have life and death. There is no equal sign between death and evil.”

“There is no equal sign between death and evil…”

Natalis read Richard’s words silently and seemed to be a little inspired.

“Isn’t the undead creature that represents death considered evil in your eyes?”

“Power is something that can be righteous when used righteously, and evil when used evilly. The power of the Holy Light can still be used to kill, and the power of the undead can also be used to stop killing.”

The previous undead creatures have fainted from crying in the toilet. That’s not what you said before!

“Interesting, I didn’t expect such words to come out of the mouth of an Elrath believer.”

“Sorry, I want to correct you. Although I respect Lord Elrath very much, I am not a believer in her.”

“Oh? I feel a strong favor from you, then whose believer are you?”

“I am an unbeliever.”

“The souls of the unbelieving will be nailed to the wall.”

“No, the souls of the unbelievers are kept by themselves.”

“Hahaha, interesting, the favored person of Elrath turned out to be an unbeliever.”

After listening to Richard’s words, Natalie smiled happily, and even couldn’t maintain her elegant movements, so she had to raise her hand to cover the corners of her mouth. And Richard always looked at Natalia with a confident smile.

After a while, Natalia regained her composure, stared at Richard and said:

“You have impressed me. I, the leader of the Night Angel clan, Natalis, am willing to follow you.”


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