Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 302: New products


“My most beloved Lord God, I am your admirer, I…”

“Show me this month’s new items.”

As Richard entered the market, Grandet’s duck-like voice sounded as usual. Richard ignored Grandet as usual and walked in to check out the new products.

“Treasure type: Building blueprints (training camp). After you have the blueprints, you can build a training camp in any city.

Effect: You can upgrade any level of entry-level troops to advanced levels. (For example, spearmen can be upgraded to halberdiers directly through the training camp) Ordinary soldiers can also be trained. Twenty units of soldiers can be trained in the weekly training camp.

Price: 25,000 gold.

Pharmacies: Knight’s Blessing X5

Effect: Greatly improves the chance of a would-be knight to break through to the knight level. The probability depends on the user’s talent.

Introduction: A good-quality alchemical potion, the leisure work of the potion master.

Price: 800 Kinnar

Soldier type: Hydra X1

Introduction: The top predator in the swamp, the nine-headed hydra has powerful vitality. As a sub-dragon species, they have the strength to challenge the giant dragon.

Price: 6000 gold.

Resource type: Sulfur X5


Except for the resources that have been completely ignored by Richard, the new products in the market are all very practical. The training camp blueprint can build a training camp in Stone Castle. This thing can only be found in the wild in the Invincible Heroes game. , you can complete the upgrade of all levels of arms that have not been advanced, which is of great help to Richard. Now there are several unadvanced arms under Richard’s command, such as giant, green dragon, red dragon, and frost. The giants and the Hydra that he is about to acquire are all in an unadvanced state of level 7. Richard does not have the corresponding advanced level 7 soldiers camp to upgrade these units. The difference in combat effectiveness of these level 7 soldiers before and after promotion is still quite large. Large, and there is actually a team of ordinary soldiers in the training camp that can play a role, which means that Richard can also send outstanding people from the indigenous legions into the training camp for training. In addition to potions, Richard discovered The second thing that system products can directly affect non-system soldiers is that we don’t know how effective this training is.

Of course, this is also the most expensive treasure Richard has ever seen. Twenty-five thousand gold nuggets are more than twice as expensive as any previous treasure. Of course, the price is definitely worth it in terms of effects. , even upgrading a few seventh-level junior soldiers is worth the price. Even if it is more expensive, you have to buy it with grit.

The five bottles of Knight’s Blessing in the potion category have also appeared before, and the effect of taking them is quite good. The five officers who used the potion successfully broke through to the knight level, strengthening the backbone of the Hunter family.

This time there are five bottles. Although this potion, which can only help prospective knights break through, is of little use to Richard himself, in addition to continuing to select and train meritorious and talented officers, it can also be used to reward him. For die-hard fans like the Nader family and the Bender family to unite people’s hearts, it is quite cost-effective to buy five of them at the price of eight hundred gold nuggets each.

The Hydra is at the bottom of the seventh-level soldiers, barely ranked ahead of the Bone Dragon. It is a typical soldier that bullies the weak and fears the strong. It is good at group battles and is very powerful against creatures weaker than itself, but it is very tough against single targets. Creatures with strong combat capabilities are out of business, but after all, Hydra is also a seventh-level soldier, and it can be upgraded to the ultimate Hydra through the training camp. According to Richard’s estimation, no matter how weak the Ultimate Hydra is, it can There is a sky-level combat power level, which can definitely be regarded as high-end combat power.

Finally, ignoring the five units of sulfur, Richard waved his hand boldly again and bought all the first three categories of goods. The blueprints and potions appeared on the table one after another, and Richard carefully put them away. , and soon there was the faint sound of giant creatures moving outside the market. It seemed that Hydra had also arrived.

“Dear envoy of God, welcome to come again next time…”

Richard strode out of the market, and Grandet’s flattering voice came from far behind him.

As soon as he came outside the door, Richard saw the slightly strange-looking Hydra. Although the Hydra was called Hydra, according to Richard’s standards, its correct name should be Hydra. Weird. Of course, this may have something to do with game translation. In different translations, there are different ways of calling it.

Hydra’s nine-headed appearance looks extremely shocking. Its nine heads are all grown on the same huge body. Its body is as strong as a giant dragon, and it has four strong tails like ordinary land creatures. The limbs and body are dark green as a whole, with some scales covering them. It looks like its defense and attack power are quite good.

The nine heads of the Hydra were all looking at Richard at the same time. After making eye contact with Richard, they all lowered their heads slightly and expressed their submission to Richard.

It’s just that Richard smelled a fishy smell from a distance, so he didn’t get closer to observe. He just nodded and showed basic respect. Fortunately, the intelligence of the Hydra is not high. Compared with the giant dragon and other The seventh-level humanoid soldier was far from aware of Richard’s disdain.

There are now frost giants in the Stone Fortress, and the Red Dragon is now joined by a Hydra. It is like a monster concentration camp. Fortunately, some of the residents of the generation who built the Elrath Temple in the Stone Fortress have also seen it. Being accustomed to the mysterious power of the Stone Fortress, the appearance of the Hydra did not cause panic.

“Is the training camp built from drawings?”


“Constructing a camp requires 2,000 Jinnar, wood X10, stone X10, mercury X10…”


After consuming a certain amount of resources, a large camp appeared out of thin air in an open space in the Rock Castle. The camp was surrounded by stone walls, making it difficult for people outside to see what was inside.

Fortunately, the Stone Castle was large in scale, and all the original residents were moved out by Richard, so that it could accommodate so many systematic buildings.

Richard approached the training camp that suddenly appeared, found the direction of the door and walked in.

“Dear Envoy of God, I am Brogg, the instructor of the training camp.”

As soon as Richard entered the training camp gate, he saw spears, hammers, crossbows and other weapons hanging on the walls on both sides. Any weapon he could think of could be found in the camp.

And Richard followed the sound and looked over, and found Brogg, who had just spoken and claimed to be an instructor. Brogg was standing next to a pair of knives and axes. He was more than two meters tall, and his muscles were like Granite is generally solid.

“How should I train my soldiers?”

“Dear envoy, as long as you bring your warriors to the training camp and pay a certain fee, they can be trained.”

“Isn’t this a little too small for a dragon or some other creature?”

This is Richard’s inner doubt. The training camp is not small, but it is for humans. Creatures with the size of dragons and hydras may have difficulty even entering this gate.

Faced with Richard’s question, Broger just smiled slightly and then said:

“Under the rules of the Creator God, they will all receive the best training.”

After thinking about it, Richard first brought over the Hydra that he had just taken under his command. As soon as the Hydra approached the training camp with Richard, Richard received a prompt from the system.

“Whether to train Hydra to become the ultimate Hydra.”


“This training will cost 2,000 gold, please confirm whether to train.”


After Kinnaar made the deduction, Richard stared curiously at the Hydra whose body and head were higher than the outer wall of the training camp. He wanted to see how it was trained, but he didn’t expect a slap in the face. A dimensional gate like a black hole appeared in front of Hydra. Hydra was sucked in by the dimensional gate without any reaction, and reappeared in less than ten seconds.

In just ten seconds, Hydra completed a complete transformation and became the ultimate Hydra. Not only did its body become stronger, but the color of part of its body also turned brown. Looking at the head, the overall appearance Becoming more ferocious and aggressive.

Without any further hesitation, Richard brought the Red Dragon and the Frost Giant into the training camp one after another. The Frost Giant advanced into an Ice Giant. Not only did he become taller, but his entire image also became more majestic. , and a new skill called Ice Spear has been added, and the strength has been greatly improved.

There are two branch options for the Red Dragon promotion.

Option 1: Advance to become a red dragon. The red dragon’s melee combat ability and dragon breath power are greatly improved compared to the red dragon, and it is immune to 50% of magic damage.

Option 2: Advance to become a black dragon. The black dragon’s melee combat ability and dragon breath power are slightly improved compared to the red dragon, and it is immune to 99% of magic damage.

Two options, the red dragon’s combat effectiveness is undoubtedly more powerful, but it is not as good as the black dragon in terms of magic immunity. Considering that the enemies he is currently dealing with are not very powerful in magic, Richard finally chose to upgrade the red dragon into a red dragon. .

At this point, the strength of the monsters in the Stone Castle has been greatly improved, especially the red dragon. The pure combat ability may have surpassed the archangel and can be compared with the high-level powerhouses in the sky. There is currently a giant at the border of the wilderness. With Elena frightening the snowfield, a green dragon is staying in the forest city to avoid being exposed under Xi Air. Next, Richard will use teleportation to take them to complete the advancement.

It’s just that it’s not time to leave the Rock Castle yet, there is still a big event behind.

It was getting late, and Richard stared at the dilapidated tavern, waiting for its dim lights to light up again…


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