Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 300: Return and new crisis


The late spring cold has passed in the Northland in April and May, and the knights in the team are not very sensitive to this change in temperature. By the time they reach the knight level, their physiques have basically entered the extraordinary realm, and they are not affected by cold or heat. It’s a bit worse, but the temperature difference of more than ten degrees is nothing to them, but it is still a little cold for Messiah who grew up in the royal capital. Fortunately, Senna was prepared for it, and she has been there since she left Zhenbeiguan. A slightly thicker coat was put on Messiah.

Little Blake also put on a coat after leaving Zhenbeiguan. The boy was reluctant at first, but finally put on more clothes under Richard’s strict order. He only wore a single coat and kept riding away. If you go to Ironwood City, you may get sick before you even start to adapt to the environment.

The surrounding scenery became more and more familiar, the roads became wider and wider, and finally the outline of Ironwood City gradually became clear. Richard, who had left the Northland for more than a month, finally returned to his loyal Hunter Territory.

“Honey, we’re home…”

Richard lifted the curtain of the carriage and said to Messiah who was taking a nap in the carriage.

“Come on, Richard, you have to have a drink with your uncle tonight!”

Richard was holding a wine glass and dealing with the guests. Because of the long distance, Richard was in a hurry for the grand wedding in the royal capital. The relatives of the Hunter family and the nobles attached to the Hunter family were all Didn’t participate.

After returning to Ironwood City, I have to make up for it. If you don’t hold a cocktail party for this kind of thing, how can you unite your subordinates.

“Sir Richard has brought glory to our Northland again this time. Let’s see who dares to say that we are Northland barbarians in the future!”

Baron Band came up, held a glass of wine and saluted Richard, and then drank it all in one gulp. Richard himself was considered a favor, but in fact, after reaching the knight level, it is difficult to drink even a little wine. Drunk, not to mention that Richard is now a master of the earth level. Even if he drinks up a wine cellar, it is just a few more trips to the toilet. However, controlling the amount of drinking is a habit that Richard has always maintained, and to give his men some face. That is, he must always show his different status in this harmonious atmosphere.

“When people praise you, they also praise you Lord Richard. Even though you, Baron Band, have gone to the royal capital, you are still a barbarian in their eyes.”

At this time, Viscount Nader also came over with a cup. Now in the eyes of others, Baron Band and Viscount Nader are the two losers under Richard. Not only did they defect early, but they also licked shamelessly. Baron Bender did everything to the extreme. Not only did Baron Bender send all his children of appropriate age to Ironwood City Academy, but his family also moved directly out of the castle and lived in Ironwood City. He also offered to hand over the castle to the Hunter family for management. Not to be outdone, Viscount Nader also moved to Ironwood City. After the orc attack, he even took the initiative to take his own children to join the Ironwood City Guards and act as pawns under Richard. The actions of these two people can be regarded as The standards for surrender have been raised even higher, making it hard for people to imitate them. For the time being, these two people are the only ones competing on their own.

“Then according to what you said, Viscount Nader is still a barbarian when he goes to the royal capital.”

“Hey, if you want to be a barbarian, just be a barbarian. Wherever Master Richard points his hand, I, the barbarian, will hit you.”

Nader’s words actually imply that he, a northern barbarian, only recognizes Richard’s orders and can ignore anyone, even the king. Regarding the strength of the Hunter family, Viscount Nader is even more important than Lei Cha. En knows better that the Sky Knight, Red Dragon, Earth Knight, and the recent Ms. Moriel are not fake. There are not so many strong people in the kingdom.

Now that his eldest son Clayman has joined the army earlier, and the Hunter family had a shortage of talents in the early days, a knight-level strength has been promoted to the position of leader of the flag regiment this time. Now he is serving as Ms. Morel. Serving under his subordinates, most of the nephews and nephews of the Nader family are also studying at Ironwood City College. It can be said that the Nader family is completely tied to the Hunter family. If Richard wants to rebel today, Viscount Nader can only carry weapons. Followed.


Baron Bender didn’t expect Viscount Nader to be so shameless. He didn’t know how to win back the city at the moment. He couldn’t just say “Me too”, right?

“Okay, okay, you two…”

At the critical moment, Richard still has to smooth things over and give the two of them a step down to avoid embarrassment. After all, these two nobles are the most active in being a dog-legger to Richard. You still have to show your importance.

The two people’s full investment is not unrewarded. Richard understands better than anyone the principle of buying horse bones for a thousand dollars. The mansions installed in Ironwood City and the priority allocation of resources are all real benefits. Who can Everyone can see it, and the benefits will naturally strengthen the determination of the two families to tie up with the Hunter family.

After the two veterans, Baron Bender and Viscount Nader, finished meeting with Richard, some of the new nobles who had taken refuge in the Hunter family came up and expressed their congratulations to Richard one by one. For these people who had taken refuge in him, Regardless of whether he took the initiative or was forced to do so, Richard still gave him face, a few words of encouragement and a bunch of carrots.

“Richard, where is the Messiah?”

At this moment, Viscount Sauter, who had finished drinking, finally turned his attention back to Richard. He asked Messiah as soon as he opened his mouth. He still paid a lot of attention to it.

“She and her mother went down to rest first.”

Messiah was a little tired due to the long journey. After her appearance at the beginning of the banquet, she was rushed to rest by Richard. She was probably being pulled by Richard’s mother, Mrs. Kailin, to communicate with her. Back in the Northland, all kinds of things were waiting for him, and he couldn’t continue to spend all day with Messiah for the time being.

“Then you should go back early to accompany Messiah, as long as there is dad here.”

At times like this, Viscount Sauter always seems to be very weak. The first protagonist who can bring these nobles together is Richard. If Richard really leaves, the atmosphere will probably drop a few degrees.

Richard nodded towards Viscount Sauter without expressing anything clearly. Viscount Sauter was also a three-second hot drinker, and he turned around and started drinking with the two brothers around him.

“Master Richard, you are so blessed. No wonder you are willing to spend a month to marry such a beauty.”

The speaker was Moriel. She looked extremely cool and noble in her formal dress. In addition to various nobles, the Hunter family would definitely be involved in such a big event as Richard marrying the princess. Even Moriel , System heroes like Ron will also join in.

Obviously, Moriel is no stranger to this kind of situation. As a powerful lord who once unified Negan, Moriel still needs to win over a group of subordinates despite having a powerful dragon army. After all, in addition to interests, some regular activities are also Able to properly tighten ties.

“This trip to the royal capital has yielded unexpected results.”

“Are you referring to the Dragon Army’s military expenditure?”

Morill knew that the expansion of the Dragon Army she led was only possible because of Richard’s windfall from the capital, and he was very generous in letting the Dragon Army build it according to Moriel’s ideas. The expenditure was higher than that of the Flying Bear Army, which allowed Moriel’s dragon army to take shape much faster than before. In more than a month, the people and equipment were ready, and under Moriel’s training, it even looked a bit like it.

“More than that, you will understand in a few days.”

Seeing the proud look on Richard’s face, Moriel wanted to complain a few words about this guy who was just a hands-off shopkeeper, but she suppressed her words and did not continue. She just raised her glass to signal to Richard, Cha raised his glass in a dignified manner this time and drank the wine in one gulp.

“How is the current training situation of Long Army?”

Li Cha had great hopes for Long Jun, and he talked about Long Jun’s training for a few words.

“It’s not bad. If you train for another month, you should be able to compare with the Hell Cave Man. In two days, hand over the Red Dragon to me. I’m going to train them to fight in coordination with the giant dragon.”

What does it mean to be comparable to Hell Cave Man? Richard didn’t know for a moment whether Moriel’s words were sarcastic. This thing is a first-level promotion unit in the dungeon. The name sounds quite domineering, but in fact it is a scumbag, basically the weakest first-level unit. Soldiers.

“Most people here have the same physique as cave people.”

Morill seemed to notice Richard’s hesitation, so she opened her mouth to explain to Richard.

Li Cha felt relieved after thinking about it. He couldn’t always use in-game thinking to consider things in the real world.

In the Orc Kingdom, when the situation at Longxing Pass was tense, three elite regiments that had always been fighting on the front line of Longxing Pass were secretly transferred. The Longxing Pass Corps, which had been suppressed in the pass by the orcs’ recent massive increase in troops, was not aware of it for a moment. To the transfer of elite orcs.

“Her Majesty Adelillo, our troops are already in place, and they are all the most elite warriors.”

God Envoy Adelillo frowned, looked at the tens of thousands of orcs in front of him and said:

“Why have so many people been transferred? I can’t protect such a large area.”

“Our soldiers can stand tighter and receive shelter in turns, no problem at all.”

Of course it is a lie that there is no problem at all. In the harsh climate of the snowfield, if there is a wind disaster, even if you can take turns to accept the protection of the Vulcan Cover, there will be a lot of losses, but in order to send more troops at a time , the orcs are obviously prepared to bear a certain amount of losses.

Seeing that the orcs were willing to take risks, Adelillo didn’t care about the orcs’ losses anymore. He nodded and turned over an orb in his hand. A heat wave visible to the naked eye instantly rose from his hand and quickly covered it. One-third of the orc army, the strange sight in the sky made these elite soldiers who were used to seeing life and death look up.

“Okay, team, stand tighter and hurry up and set off.”

Three legions and 60,000 elite orcs, under the command of the general of the orc expeditionary force, the protector warrior Geert, passed through the Cold Wind Canyon and embarked on a journey to the Northland.


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