Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 30: Golden Dragon City


After the Daling River and Xiaoling River merged in Piaoxue City, they were called Longjiang by the people of the Golden Dragon Kingdom. The Longjiang River went southward. After leaving the valley, the water flow became gentle and gentle, forming thousands of miles of fertile soil in the central plain. It has become the core territory of the Golden Dragon Kingdom today.

Golden Dragon City is located on this plain. Relying on the Longjiang river transportation and water supply, Golden Dragon City has a population of nearly one million and is the most prosperous city in the kingdom.

Unlike the bitter cold in the north, the central plain where Golden Dragon City is located has a warm and pleasant climate, and crops can even be grown for two seasons. The kingdom’s food is generally in a state of surplus,

This also led to the explosive growth of human population after occupying the Central Plains. Although the civilians at the bottom did not have a good quality of life, they could still have enough to eat. If the threats from external forces were not considered, the rule of the kingdom was relatively stable.

Different from the toughness of the people in the North, the martial atmosphere of Golden Dragon City is much weaker. The people of the North, regardless of nobles or civilians, worship force more, and their aesthetics still favor those strong men with big muscles and round waists.

In recent decades, there has been a literary trend in Jinlong City. Although the status of knights is still high, those opera singers and weak minstrels who are good at singing and dancing have also become the objects of people’s pursuit.

Even many civilians no longer regard practicing martial arts as the only chance to make a comeback. Applying makeup and makeup on their faces to perform some elegant arts seems to have the opportunity to become a master.

Fortunately, the laws of the kingdom stipulate that the heir to the title must have the strength of a knight, and non-knights cannot be nobles. Finally, the nobles in the royal capital can maintain some fighting power.


As a heavy bell rang, the iron gate of the inner city of the royal capital slowly opened, and the noble ministers who had been waiting outside the door entered the palace in an orderly manner according to their respective titles and status.

The steps were then inspected by the guards outside, and then they walked up the tall stone steps and entered the main hall.

After everyone entered the palace and waited for half an hour.

The official sang loudly and cheered everyone up.

“His Majesty the King has arrived.”

Then a middle-aged man in golden uniform walked into the hall surrounded by a group of people. Everyone bowed their heads to show respect.

This middle-aged man is now the nominal master of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, Charman V-Ryan Charman. Although the Golden Dragon Kingdom has been in existence for hundreds of years, since almost all knights have longer The lifespan has only been passed down to the fifth generation in hundreds of years.

The current Charlemagne V has only been in power for three years. Many nobles even despise this king because of some coincidence in getting the throne of Charlemagne V. Some even call the current king Lucky Wren.

There are no rules for the succession of the throne of the Golden Dragon Kingdom. Instead, the princes who intend to compete for the throne fight within a limited scope, and finally decide a winner and win the inheritance of the throne.

But for things like power struggles, although there are rules and restrictions, accidents will always happen, and people who are jealous can do anything.

Before the death of the old King Charlemagne IV, the eldest prince and the third prince were popular candidates for succession to the throne,

Although Ren, the sixth eldest son, has the strength of a knight and theoretically has the right to inherit the throne, he is like a transparent person in front of the eldest prince and the third prince. , no one would have thought that the sixth prince would have a chance to ascend the throne.

In the end, the third prince outplayed the game and won the right to inherit the throne. Shortly after the third prince established his status as crown prince, a green dragon fell from the sky. The unsuspecting third prince was sprayed to death by a breath of dragon’s breath in public.

The eldest prince, who was red-eyed at the loss, did not know what conditions he used to impress a Zhenguo Dragon Knight and killed the third prince. However, the eldest prince did not fare well either. During the succession struggle, he used the Zhenguo Dragon Knight and directly killed another prince. The prince was a taboo, and the old king was so angry that he immediately executed him.

The remaining princes were either too weak to hold up the wall, or they did not have the strength of the knight level. In the end, the taller one was chosen among the dwarfs, and the throne fell to Ren.

As a prince who did not participate in the competition for the throne, Ren did not manage any influence. He weaved his own wings and obtained the throne by picking up the bargain. Naturally, he was somewhat despised.

However, as long as he sits on that supreme chair, no one will dare to openly disrespect him,

It wasn’t until Renn walked to the golden chair and sat down, and asked everyone to get up, that the ministers who were lying below straightened up and looked up at Renn who was sitting above.

“Let’s talk about what happened today.”

“I received a signal from the Wind Bird today. The Northland may be attacked by a large number of ogres, and the Jingbei Army has begun mobilizing.” The Wind Bird is a small but fast-flying bird. The Kingdom serves as a conduit for the rapid delivery of important information.

“Well, keep paying attention and try to help if Northland needs assistance from the kingdom.”

After hearing this, Ren didn’t take it too seriously. The Jingbei Army and the Ogres didn’t fight once or twice, so he didn’t need to worry about their combat power.

“Report, Longxiguan reported that the orcs seem to be moving, but there are no signs of war yet.”

“Intensify attention. The Dragon Knights and Imperial Guards of the town must be prepared to dispatch and reinforce Longxi Pass at any time.”

This news attracted Ren’s attention. The Orc Kingdom in the east of Longxing Pass has always been the biggest enemy of the Golden Dragon Kingdom.

Every piece of information about Longxing Pass will receive special attention from the Golden Dragon Kingdom.


Several minor and minor matters were then reported to Renn, and Renn’s handling of them was quite satisfactory.

“Is there anything else?”

The court fell into silence and Ren couldn’t help but ask.

At this time, a noble standing in the middle stood up.

“Your Majesty, I propose to cancel the regulation that the nobility can only be inherited by knights. This move will win the hearts of the heroes.”

Ren didn’t speak immediately, but his face turned pale and his gentle look was gone. He knew that this minister was a member of the House of Nobles.

“Oh, we want to change the title succession law, let me see who else agrees.”

At this time, everyone could hear that Ren’s tone was somewhat unkind, and the scene came to a standstill.

But soon someone stood up.

“I second my opinion, the heroes have made great contributions to the country in the war, and we cannot deprive the family of the title just because the descendants are not talented enough to become knights. This is indeed a disgrace to the meritorious officials.”

“Who else agrees?” Renn seemed to have calmed down and his tone returned to calmness.

“I second the proposal”

“I second the proposal”

In the end, two or three characters, both large and small, came forward to support this proposal. People with a discerning eye can naturally see that there are people behind it.

Ren didn’t say anything, as if he was still waiting for supportive people to come forward.

Others said nothing more, and the entire hall seemed to be able to hear a pin drop, falling into a deathly silence…


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