Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 299: Little apprentice Blake and departure


“Good day, His Royal Highness.”

“Big Brother”

“Sorry to bother you.”

“No, no.”

Prince Ward brought little Blake to the front yard, and happened to meet Richard and Messiah. The two parties exchanged symbolic greetings. Messiah was a little reluctant to let go in front of the eldest prince, and did not keep going. Sticking to Richard, she stretched out her hand to say hello to the eldest prince. The Charman family’s Gu-raising model made the family relationship relatively indifferent. Messiah was not too familiar with the eldest prince, so she could only talk to him when they met now. Hello.

“This is little Blake. I will ask my brother-in-law to salute the teacher later.”

“Hello, teacher.”

Although little Blake is just a teenager, he does decent etiquette. Richard was not polite this time and stood up to receive the ceremony. The relationship between master and disciple in this world is quite close, and the civilian class If you give your child to a certain master, you are almost handing over the power of life and death to the other person. Sometimes this connection is closer than the relationship between father and son.

After Little Blake raised his head after giving a long salute, Richard carefully observed the young man in front of him.

Little Blake also has the standard appearance of a Charman family male. He is wearing a dark aristocratic robe. Although he is young, he is not as active as he should be at this age. He looks heavy and majestic.


Richard nodded.

“I am not prepared this time. When I return to the Northland, I will make up for the meeting gift. We will set off back to the Northland in two days. You should go back and prepare first.”

“No need, Blake’s things have been brought. I happen to have to deal with military affairs these two days, so just let Blake adapt here for two days.”

Li Cha thought for a while and nodded in agreement. These two days were a good time to see the character of this apprentice. Although he was forced to accept him, he still had to bear the basic responsibility.

After a few words of greeting, Ward seemed to really have something important to do, and quickly left the Hou Mansion, leaving only Blake in the Hou Mansion.

Charleman and the other guys are more hard-hearted than the last. Fortunately, Richard did not participate in the kingdom’s desire to seize the heir, otherwise it would be really difficult to choose. The rest of the people don’t know much about it, just between the fourth prince Paley and It would be difficult for Richard to choose between the eldest princes Ward. Both of them are like masters, but the eldest prince deployed military power first, while the fourth prince accumulated economic power.

“I’ll take little Blake to settle down first.”

No matter how strong and precocious little Blake appears to be, he is still a little at a loss when left alone in an unfamiliar environment.

Although Richard has been born in two lifetimes, he has never had the experience to take care of children’s emotions. He gave him a few casual instructions but made no arrangements. At this moment, Messiah, Blake’s aunt, stood up first and took him to settle down. , after hearing Messiah’s words, Blake finally found his backbone. He, who had been in a nervous state, quickly ran to Messiah’s side. For him, even the teacher Richard was actually a stranger. Messiah is the only person who can be regarded as an “acquaintance” whom I meet a few times every year.

“Well, it’s up to you to arrange his life.”

Richard himself cannot handle such small details, so it seems a bit perfunctory to leave it to the servants. It is also a good thing that Messiah can share some of it.

“But remember to go to bed early at night and start training with me in the morning from tomorrow.”

“Yes, teacher!”

Hearing Richard’s instructions, Blake reacted very loudly, as if he had received certain military training. This response was so loud that even Messiah was startled.

Very good, very energetic, seems to be a promising talent.

Richard waved his hand and signaled Messiah to take him to settle down first, while he returned to the office to handle the day’s affairs.

Half a month later

In the river valley, a team of several hundred people is marching. This team is not large in number, but if they have any ideas, they can beat up the garrison in Burai City at this time.

“Richard, are we arriving?”

Messiah poked her head out of the gorgeous carriage and asked. After half a month of travel, even though Messiah was in good health, she was still a little tired.

“Bolai City is ahead of us. Today we will go into the city to rest for a night. After leaving Zhenbeiguan this week, we will reach Ironwood City soon.”

There are more people in the team than when we went there. Not only Messiah and Blake, but also more than 50 knights and a great knight want to join Richard. Most of these people are from Bad landless knights, or the second sons of noble families, whose brothers have advanced to knighthood, have no right to inherit, and they have to strive for wealth like the commoner knights.

A top powerful marquis like Richard, although his fiefdom is far away, has a strong aura, and has gradually become the main target of these knights. There are always more people who add icing on the cake than people who help in times of trouble. This time Richard After showing his strength in the royal capital, Richard gained another group of subordinates. If the North was not so far away, this number could even double.

“Little Blake, if you are tired, just get in the carriage and sit for a while. You don’t have to ride the horse all the time.”

Turning his head, Richard looked at the somewhat stubborn Blake and said.

He has no concept of being a strict teacher. In his eyes, a twelve-year-old can only be considered a brat. It’s just that people in this era are a little more precocious.

Horse riding for a long time is actually quite physically demanding. Except for Messiah and Blake, there is no ordinary person in the team this time. Even the driver who drives the horse for Messiah is a knight. For good players, traveling on horseback for half a month is not difficult at all.

But little Blake is different. Although he received training early, due to age restrictions, he has not yet fully developed. In terms of physical fitness, he is definitely not as good as these knights. He has been gritting his teeth at least so I have been visibly tired for a long time.

“Teacher, I can still hold on. Those soldiers wore heavy armor and walked all the way without crying. How could I be tired while riding a horse?”

Richard knew that Little Blake was talking about the group of Crusaders led by Ron. They wore heavy armor and walked all the way. In the eyes of others, their physical strength was ridiculously good, especially the newly recruited knights. , many of whom have military experience and know the power of this.

Richard doesn’t know how to explain it. This group of crusaders are all knight-level masters, and with Richard’s skills and treasure bonuses, this kind of march can really only be said to be trivial. Poor Bray It is really inappropriate to use them as comparison objects.

Fortunately, Burai City is not far away, and he can go into the city to rest today, otherwise Richard would really be afraid of exhausting little Blake.

“Speed ​​up and spend the night in Burai City tonight.”



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