Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 298: Influence and people


Royal Palace

Ren, who had just married his daughter, could not see any joy on his face. He was sitting on the throne expressionlessly, listening to Harris report to him about his good son-in-law Richard.

“According to the investigation of the Black Prison, the ten ceremonial knights who entered the city together on the day of Lord Richard’s wedding should all be masters of the earth level.”

“You mean, the Hunter family now has at least two sky knights, a red dragon, and ten earth knights?”

Richard did not deliberately hide the existence of Fred. He had already taken action twice in the capital. How could he hide it? The current situation no longer required the same caution as when the Stone Castle was first built. Instead, he should Show your strength appropriately and get more benefits.

“I’m afraid it’s more than that…”

“He, the Marquis, is richer than me, the king.”

“There are still dragon knights in the kingdom…”

“It will be gone soon.”

Thor’s entry into the Sky Level was originally a great event. The combination of the Sky Knight and the Golden Dragon is not only stronger in combat power, but also has an unprecedented intimidation effect. Unfortunately, now the top brass of the Golden Dragon Kingdom have confirmed that the Golden Dragon will leave. Even if Thor entered the sky level, it would be difficult to offset the loss of five dragons.

“Forget it, my son-in-law, please go back to the Northland for me in a few days. Don’t cause trouble in the Northland. I don’t have time to care about him anymore. Let’s talk about other things.”

In normal times, Renn might have put his mind on the Northland to test the Hunter family, and even considered suppressing the less honest Richard to establish his authority, but when the orcs were about to fully During the invasion, Renn completely gave up the idea of ​​causing trouble. As long as Richard stayed in the North, did not cause trouble and treated Messiah well, he would acquiesce to the fact that Richard would become the king and hegemon in the North.

First, the strength shown by Richard cannot be easily suppressed by the kingdom.

But the Northland area was originally an enclave with little profit for the kingdom. It turned out that the most important thing was to receive some of the refugees who could not survive in the river valley, and to enfeoff some new military exploits and those who wanted to open up. They are just knights. Even if the Northland completely loses control, it will not be a huge loss to the kingdom.

“According to the news from Longxi Pass, the orc army mobilized frequently. Before Longxi Pass, the orcs mobilized at least five more legions, nearly 100,000 troops.”

Ren raised his head and glanced at Harris. It was self-evident what happened. The orcs probably learned the information that the Dragon Knight would become history, and had already begun preparations. This news was very important to the human race. Unfriendly, this means that the Golden Dragon Kingdom has less time to prepare.

“Check which company leaked the news.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The dissolution of the Golden Dragon Alliance is not an announcement. It is just an internal secret among the top management. The only people who are qualified to know about this matter are the powerful marquis or above and big figures such as left and right ministers.

Of course, even if there are not many people who know about it, it still exceeds the number of hands. It is difficult to get conclusive evidence. We can only find a few suspected targets through elimination. It is worth mentioning that there are only a few suspects in the Northland. As far as Richard knew, the Lanster family was kept in the dark.

“Now that the orcs have noticed it, we need to make bigger preparations for war. There is no need to do anything to cover up.”

“Any news?”

“Recently, the Southern Sea Tribe has been attacking the port, and there is even a tendency to approach the big city. The situation is more serious than reported by several governors, and the help of dragon knights may be needed.”

“There are no dragon knights transferred to them now. Isn’t the Fourth Brother very powerful in the south? Let him handle it.”

Nothing about Pare’s operations in the south can escape Ren’s eyes. The entire Black Prison is reporting to Ren on the situation of several princes at any time. Even Pa Re himself has no intention of hiding it. The kingdom’s control over the south Originally limited to a few big cities and some directly affiliated armies, it was even a good thing for him to compete with the local wealthy merchants and nobles.


“After all this talk, is there no good news?”

“One more thing. Lord Julius successfully advanced to become an Earth Knight a few days ago. Someone should be here to inform His Majesty soon.”


When Ren heard the news, he was unexpectedly a little cold. Julius was also one of the kingdom’s dragon knights. He had been stuck at the half-step earth level stage. Now it is not surprising that he has advanced to an earth knight. , the previous five dragon knights, except for Thor, the other four are only at the peak level of the great knight.

Now that Julius has been promoted to the Earth Knight, it is originally something worth celebrating. In addition to the ceiling-level Thor, Ren’s only one secret guard and Marshal Mel in the court are Earth Knights. Qing It is a power that cannot be mobilized. Renn has never counted it as the combat power in his hand. Instead, he regards it as the trump card left by Aragorn to the Charman family. There is an extra earth knight. In the past, it was Something worth celebrating, even Ren would be happy from the bottom of his heart.

But after being tormented by Richard, there was an additional earth knight, which actually made Renn feel a little boring, but Renn still followed the normal procedure and said:

“When the official report comes out, we will draft an order. Julius will be promoted from earl to marquis, and will be rewarded with manors around the three royal capitals.”

This marquis is not a real title like Richard. In order not to distract the dragon knight, the title obtained by the dragon knight does not have a matching territory. It is just an honorary title. However, if you expect the dragon knight to work hard, of course it is impossible to just To give an honorary title, you still have to give real benefits. Many of the more valuable manors around the royal capital will be used to reward dragon knights who have made meritorious services or have made great breakthroughs in strength.

“Don’t pay attention to the Northland for the time being. Don’t waste manpower. Return your attention to Zhenbeiguan and bring more people back to the Great Plains. Some people need blood stimulation to wake up.”


Ren’s words were very calm, but Harris, as the wolfdog of the royal family, quickly smelled the blood in his words. The war was imminent, and Renn could not care much. In order to complete the integration of national power, it is estimated that Many heads fell to the ground.

However, Harris will not be embarrassed by the next cleaning task at all. This is what they do in the Black Prison, to share the king’s worries, to be the knife in the king’s hand and the arrow in the dark…


Inside the Marquis’s Mansion

Richard was taking Messiah for a walk in the garden. Messiah’s health was much better than Richard had imagined, and she was able to walk normally within two days.

They were newlyweds, and they were in a perfect relationship. Outsiders were too sensible to bother them, leaving Richard and Messiah to enjoy their two-person world for two days.

“Richard, I’m tired from walking!”

The garden of the Marquis Mansion is indeed very large, but it is not so large that a person like Messiah, whose physique is close to that of a quasi-knight, will be tired after just two laps. However, Richard is very sensible and does not expose it, but just silently He bent down, put one hand around Messiah’s waist, and the other hand around the crook of her knees to pick her up, and continued walking forward.

And Messiah hugged Richard tightly, as if she wanted to bury her whole body in Richard’s arms. She was still a little shy and did not dare to look at Richard, but glanced at him from the corner of her eye from time to time. Looking at the almost perfect profile, the expression becomes more and more infatuated.



“In two days, we will set off back to the North.”

“Ah, okay.”

Messiah, who was obviously held in Richard’s arms, was a little lost. She didn’t realize what Richard was saying for a moment and just responded blindly.

“If I leave the royal capital this time, I’m afraid I won’t be back for a while.”

After Richard understood what he said, Messiah realized that she was inevitably a little depressed. After all, Wangdu was where she had lived since she was a child. Although Ren was an old coin, he treated Messiah well, even though There is not enough care, but the basic feelings are still there. It is somewhat sad to have to leave suddenly.

However, after Messiah sorted out her emotions, she still said to Richard:

“As long as I stay with you.”

The beautiful eyes were fixed on Richard, full of love. Richard was so moved that he couldn’t help but peck him.

“Sir Richard, Prince Ward would like to see you.”

The voice of the messenger was a little weak, and he was obviously hesitating whether to disturb Richard now.

“Let him wait!”

Richard was slightly annoyed at being interrupted. Although the servant shouted softly, Richard’s hearing was twice that of ordinary people at this moment, so he still understood the words clearly.

“My dear, my eldest brother must have something to do with you. You’d better go and take a look first. I’ll wait for you here.”

Richard slowly put down Messiah. His last sentence was just an angry comment, just like someone occasionally gets angry. After the anger is over, you still have to do what you should do, don’t say anything. The identity of the other party and the artifact sent to him by Ward cannot be left to chance.

“Did His Highness Ward say you had anything to do with me?”

“That’s not true, it’s just that there is a teenage boy with Prince Ward.”

“Well, let’s go and greet His Highness Ward.”

As soon as Richard heard this, he naturally understood why the eldest prince came to him now. After taking the benefits, it was time to get to work…


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