Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 297: Afterwards


The early morning sunlight shone into the spacious bedroom. The light passed through the window leaves and hit Richard’s eyes. Richard opened his eyes slightly and subconsciously wanted to get up, but found that one of his hands was being A pair of white arms hugged her tightly.

With the golden eyes removed, Messiah is less bookish than usual, but more charming. Her white gooseneck rests on Richard’s shoulder, and her slender thighs closely match Richard’s. It made Richard’s heart throb again, or it could be said that Richard was not very satisfied in the first place.

Although Messiah is a princess and has the best resources for her training since she was a child, Messiah, who has always been smart, does not seem to have any talent in the way of knights, and she herself does not seem to be very interested. Messiah, who is only one year younger than Richard, is not even at the level of a quasi-knight. Perhaps compared to civilian children, this is a rare good physique, but compared with Richard, it is a world of difference, even if Richard This sky level is fake, but the earth level is real. In terms of this kind of physical fitness, in the entire human race, there are only a handful of people who can compare with Richard.

Looking at Messiah’s tired look, Richard had no choice but to suppress the throbbing in his heart and slowly sit up straight. Messiah was sleeping soundly, and Richard’s movement did not wake her up at all. He stood up and sat up. When Richard reached the bedside, he habitually stretched out his hand to grab a cigarette and start a beautiful day. However, when Richard lowered his head again and saw Messiah’s sweet look, he silently took his hand back. He has a wife. How can you smoke in the bedroom?

After entering the palace yesterday, Richard smoothly carried Messiah to the carriage. Renn did not continue to embarrass Richard. As a king, especially a reasonably sane king, even if he was angry, , at most it will only give Richard a small problem, and it is impossible to really go back on his promise. It will simply force Richard to jump back when the orcs are suppressing the situation.

Without Ren’s troubles, after passing Sol’s level, Senna, the personal maid who was originally supposed to guard the palace door as the last hurdle, hurriedly guarded the door before Richard could walk through it. Opened. Looking like that, I felt like I wanted to take Messiah out and hand it over to Richard. Richard, who easily entered the palace gate, did not forget to hand the wedding money he had prepared to Senna. Finally, in Senna’s eyes of joy and envy, He took out Messiah, who was about to shrink into an ostrich.

At night, after the guests in the mansion had dispersed, Richard also rushed the maid guards who were originally guarding him and the maid brought by the princess to other places. He did not have the habit of letting others listen to the wall.

This also meant that Richard, who was now standing up, had to find and put on his own clothes. Richard, who was wearing regular clothes, looked back at Messiah lying on the bed, and happened to meet the eyes of Messiah who had just opened her eyes. , Richard smiled softly, and Messiah stared blankly at Richard, feeling as if even the sunlight passing through the window had lost its color except for Richard.

But after reacting, Messiah suddenly blushed with embarrassment and closed her eyes tightly in an instant, as if she hadn’t woken up yet.

“Are you awake? Can I help you get dressed?”

“No! I’ll do it myself!”

In the end, Richard was defeated and went out to summon Senna to come in and serve Messiah. It was not that Messiah refused to obey, but that when Richard picked up a pile of Messiah’s clothes, he discovered He couldn’t even tell the front and back of these strange clothes. How could he wear them?

“Lord Richard!”

“Lord Richard!”

“Congratulations, Mr. Richard!”

Richard walked out of the bedroom alone and came to the living room, where he could already see the guards and maids. People passing by greeted Richard happily.

The smiles and blessings are all from the heart. Richard treats his subordinates very well, not to mention the generous salary. On days like this, with extra happy money, how can they not really love Richard.

Li Cha nodded all the way as a response and came to the room where business meetings were usually held.

It is now close to ten o’clock in the morning, breaking the record of the latest time for Richard to come here. Richard has always been a very self-disciplined person. He practices three-nine in the winter and three in the summer. On weekdays, At seven o’clock at the latest, Richard would get up and start his morning exercises, and at nine o’clock he would start handling matters on time.

This time it was a small accident that happened on the wedding night. However, Richard could be surprised, but his subordinates did not dare to be surprised.

When Richard walked into the room, he found that the stewards from the capital who were qualified to discuss matters, the spy leader, and Ron were already sitting in their respective seats, waiting for Richard to come in.

“Sorry, I’m a little late today.”

“Master Richard is serious.”

“My lord, you should spend time with Princess Messiah today.”

Li Cha is usually dignified but also quite amiable. When it comes to matters that are not matters of principle, his subordinates also speak more boldly.

“Let’s finish talking first, and I’ll go see Messiah later.”


“Over at Ironwood City, Lord Moriel has completed the recruitment of the army, with a total of 25,000 people in five flag regiments.”

“Well, how is the quality of the troops?”

“According to your order, the best sources of troops are used, and the officers are also selected official trainees. In addition to the old foundation of the Flying Bear Army, Lord Moriel’s Dragon Army should be considered second in basic terms, but …”


“Sir Richard, after this expansion of the army, it will be difficult for us to recruit large-scale troops in our earliest territories.”

People who meet the recruitment requirements and are willing to join the army are almost exhausted in the territory where the Hunter family first implemented the peasant-soldier system. Now in these earliest villages, there are no peasant soldiers left, or they are old. Those who are not enough are those who are over thirty years old, and they are no longer within the recruitment scope of the Hunter family’s army anyway. Some other newly expanded territories, although they have a strong population, have not yet accepted the Hunter family’s system. Education is indeed inferior compared to military resources.

“It’s okay. Let’s implement our system first. There is no need to expand the army for the time being.”

An army of more than 100,000 is enough for Richard. Continuing to expand the army will really seriously affect the production balance of the territory. At least before unifying the Northland, Richard is not prepared to continue to expand the army.

“Sir Richard, the gift list for your wedding has been tallied up. It is now filled with warehouses and two rooms, with a total of more than 60,000 gold nuggets, fourteen boxes of various rental treasures, and ornaments. More than 150 pieces, what do you think we should do with them?”

Richard’s wedding was expensive, but the rewards were even greater. In addition to some of the big nobles invited by Richard, most of the nobles in the entire capital who thought they were qualified to have a friendship with Richard came to give gifts. After all, for the Sky Knight who is less than twenty years old, this is no longer a question of a bright future. Now he is just a thick thigh, and anyone wants to get acquainted with him first and build friendship.

The eldest prince and the fourth prince each gave another heavy gift. Even the other princes who had only met Richard in person also gave him valuable gifts. It was obviously a kind of even if Unable to recruit and unwilling to offend, among the people of the Charman family, except for Messiah, no one is simple.

“First pick out some beautiful and unique ones from the jewelry ornaments, load them in a car and take them back to the North. Leave the rest in the capital. After a while, you can find a way to deal with them and fold them into gold.”

“Leave five thousand gold nairs as funds for Yusidu’s continued activities, and try to extend the scope of investigation to the south. At least the basic relationship between the various forces must be clear, and every big city should have a stronghold. .”

“Yes, Sir Richard.”

After hearing this order, the person in charge of Yusidu in the capital couldn’t stop smiling, and they increased funds to expand their strength. No one disliked it.

“Is there anything else?”

After seeing that everyone stopped talking, Richard immediately dismissed the meeting and arranged for everyone to execute it quickly, while Richard returned to Messiah.

After returning to his residence, Richard saw Messiah, who was wearing loose clothes, sitting at the dining table and preparing to eat with Senna’s support.

Obviously, Richard’s movements were a little too big last night, and Messiah’s movements were temporarily inconvenient.

“Richard, you are back.”

Messiah, who was sitting at the table, saw Richard. The somewhat painful expression on her face turned back to a sweet look, and there was uncontrollable joy in her voice.

“You still call me Richard?”

“Then, what are you calling?”

“Of course I call you dear…”

“Sigh, shameless.”

Messiah couldn’t stand teasing. She obviously did everything she should do, but Richard made a casual teasing and then blushed and buried his head.

“Are you really not shouting?”


Richard picked up Messiah again and walked towards the bed, causing Messiah to scream.

“Please spare me and go find Senna first!”

After hearing what Messiah said, Senna, who was still watching the excitement, not only was not afraid, but boldly looked at Richard,

Honestly speaking, as Messiah’s personal maid, Senna never does any rough or dirty work. She only does simple things. Her life is actually better than that of the average daughter of a small noble.

She is said to be fair-skinned and beautiful, and coupled with her bold personality, she has a unique charm. Messiah’s words made Richard, who was just joking at first, suddenly feel a little thirsty.

However, Messiah pinched the soft flesh of Richard’s waist and quickly brought him back to his senses. How could he do such a thing when they were so close at the wedding?

Finally, under Senna’s disappointed eyes, Richard called the waiter to bring a few plates of exquisite things and diverted his attention.

“Here, your favorite sweet-scented osmanthus cake!”

“I remember the last time we ate in the library was not like this.”

“The chef has improved again, you take a bite first.”

“How was it?”

“Sweet, take a bite too.”

This unprecedented grand wedding in the royal capital has finally come to an end, but the waves he caused are far from stopping…


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