Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 295: Getting married (changed)


The wedding team marched on the wide main road of Jinlongdu. A row of champion knights lined up neatly. Their plate armors were all decorated in red. Their lances were raised at an angle, and there were fireworks on the heads of the lances. It looked like They are less aggressive and more festive, but their actual combat effectiveness has not been reduced much. They are still powerful weapons for killing people by tearing off fireworks with lances.

Following a group of floats, the powerful marquis marries a princess. This level of union cannot be shabby no matter what. Although Richard is not very powerful in the royal capital and does not have much property, he cannot hold up the fancy sedan chair and carry it. It is not an exaggeration to say that every call can be answered by a thousand responses.

The manpower, the floats, and the band that created the event were all the best in the capital. The arrangements were made by the fourth prince Paley, and Richard happily accepted it. This guy might be one of the top richest men in the kingdom. Let’s take a look. I can’t help but feel sorry for him having to eat so many times.

The city guards also changed into festive clothes and lined up on both sides, clearing a path for the procession to welcome the bride.

The same group of Crusaders wearing decorated back plate armor, but with bucklers and long swords tied to their waists, holding high the Hunter family’s three-arrow flag, followed the float and pulled a decorated A luxurious carriage protects the center.

Richard rode a tall red flame horse and walked at the front of the team. Richard, who always liked to show off in military uniform, put on a gorgeous silk dress today, with a reserved smile on his face, and occasionally walked to the street. The people watching the excitement waved their hands.

“Ah! Lord Richard!”

As Richard responded to the people on both sides with a smile, a burst of girls’ shouts sounded from time to time. The atmosphere of the Golden Dragon Kingdom was much more open than that of the ancient Earth. Although it was not as good as the modern Earth, it was definitely better than the atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty. That’s right, girls have the right to pursue beautiful things.

Although Richard’s appearance is not very in line with the rugged aesthetics of the North, he is quite in line with the taste of the girls in the capital. He has a tall and straight figure, eyes as deep as stars, long eyebrows like willows, a straight nose, and a smooth face. Jade, just in terms of looks, matches all the fantasies these girls in the capital have about their partners. No matter in appearance or figure, she is even better than those popular actresses in the theater, and this is just based on looks. Come up and say.

Coupled with his status as Marquis Quan and his reputation as the number one master in the kingdom, he is simply more competitive than any prince. It can be said that Richard is definitely the dream lover of most girls in the capital.

It is a pity that this most talented husband has already been married, so the majority of girls in the capital can only mourn in silence.



The onlookers began to shout excitedly, even overpowering the voices of the girls cheering for Richard. Naturally, the only one who could cause such a sensation was Chilong. The huge Chilong leaned over from the street. Flying past, although the people of Golden Dragon City looked a little unfamiliar with the color of the red dragon, they still recognized that it was a real giant dragon from a close distance, so they all shouted excitedly towards the red dragon.

The Golden Dragon clan has protected humans for hundreds of years. No matter what the reason is, in the eyes of ordinary people, this is a kind of kindness, so humans have a universal worship of giant dragons. Of course, this kind of worship is not the same as the worship of gods. Different beliefs, this kind of worship is more utilitarian. With the departure of the golden dragon, the kingdom once again publicizes the treachery of the golden dragon clan, and this kind of worship will soon dissipate.

But now, this kind of worship has aroused the emotions of the people to the extreme. The dragon knight is an important weapon of the country. Normally, when you see it, you can only watch the dragon galloping past in the sky from a distance, but this time it is It can be observed up close, because the red dragon has been hovering near the top of the wedding party.

“I’ve learned a lot about this kind of pomp and circumstance!”

“Who says it’s not that? The last time I saw a giant dragon appearing at such a ceremony was when His Majesty ascended the throne, but that time there were five dragons in total.”

“Can that compare? That was the ceremony for His Majesty’s enthronement. This time, Lord Richard is just going to welcome the bride.”

“I bring a giant dragon with me to welcome the bride, which is incredible.”

The red dragon is not only hovering above the procession of welcoming the bride, but also hanging a large corsage, and its body is decorated with sparkling lights. Anyone can tell at a glance that the red dragon is accompanying the bride-to-be. Don’t say anything about this scene. Ordinary people, even the so-called well-informed nobles of the royal capital, were stunned for a moment. Forget about the luxurious team, after all, this kind of lineup can be produced by spending money, but pulling out a giant dragon It would be a bit too much to help out and dress up the proud dragon like this. This shows that Richard’s control over this dragon is not ordinary.

Little did they know that this was not enough for Richard. According to Richard’s idea, it would be best to build a dragon carriage and use several giant dragons to drag a giant carriage down the main street of the royal capital. Go to the palace to welcome the bride.

It’s a pity that firstly, this is too high-profile. Richard doesn’t want to overly stimulate his old Taishan. Although he knows that he is an old coin, the old coin also has a mentality collapse. What if the mentality of Lao Taishan collapses due to stimulation? , who knows what will happen. Secondly, conditions did not allow it. There were not enough giant dragons, and the construction and transportation of giant carriages was also a problem. The tense situation did not allow Richard to prepare slowly, so he could only settle for the next best thing, dress up the red dragon to make a scene. .

Just when the people’s attention was focused on the red dragon, something even more attractive to them came.

I only heard a group of people in the middle of the team shouting neat chants:

“Get up!”

“Get up!”

“Get up!”

In the center of the float, dozens of strong men lifted up a small stage, and a group of people wearing red and yellow satin appeared on the stage.

What they were carrying were heavy baskets, which contained all the yellow and white things that the masses loved to see.

There was a serious rain of money on the street. A large number of silver coins were sprinkled from the table, and occasionally there were a few more attractive gold coins wrapped in them, making the atmosphere even more lively.

I don’t know whether this custom of throwing out happy money was brought by Aragorn or it is already in this world. Richard can only follow the rules and not be too stingy. Spreading out happy money It must be worthy of the formation he created. Just to spread the money along the way, Richard prepared tens of thousands of gold and also converted most of the gold into silver from Parenal in advance. Gnar is used to spread money, and the amount is so large that it can definitely be called generous.

It was hard work for the city guards who helped maintain law and order. They not only had to stop people trying to get close to the wedding procession, but also dispersed some people who were eager to grab the bride. Especially since Richard’s wedding money was also mixed with Jinnaer, this golden color is not a temptation that ordinary people can resist. Without the city guards to stop it, people’s brains may be like dogs’ brains.

Fortunately, Richard greeted the eldest prince in advance. The eldest prince had just handed over his eldest son to Richard. He also worked hard and mobilized the elite of the city guard. If it were an ordinary security team, it would not only suppress If you don’t control the situation, you might be able to join the ranks of people grabbing happy money.

Even so, the city guards could only barely maintain order, and only hoped that Richard would arrive at the palace quickly. On a tall building in the distance, the eldest prince who was personally in charge was sweating at the sight, fearing that something would happen. Screwed up.

“Tsk, tsk, my brother-in-law really doesn’t shy away from suspicion at all. This battle makes me feel a little sour.”

“If His Highness Parley wants to do this during his wedding, we can make it even grander.”

Parley is sitting on a high-rise building not far from the eldest prince. These high-rise buildings that are convenient for viewing have long been surrounded by high-ranking nobles. They want them to follow the procession of welcoming the bride like ordinary people. They also I can’t pull that face off.

“More grand? Can I get a giant dragon to welcome the bride like him?”


The old servant on the side was a little silent. He was one of the most loyal people to Pare. He had watched Pare grow up. It can be said that Ren and Pare did not get along as long as he did. With him Regarding the relationship with Pare, there is no need to flatter him by saying things that he himself thinks are unlikely.

Using a dragon to arrange his own marriage, not to mention that Pare is just a prince. Even if he succeeds in inheriting the throne, as a king, he cannot use a dragon to decorate his marriage.

“Maybe that’s okay!”

Parley seemed to have a flash of inspiration, thought of something, sat upright and patted his thigh.


The old servant on the side frowned slightly. Usually he would turn a blind eye when Pare was messing around. After all, except for the occasional erratic behavior, Pare’s abilities were still there, but if he went to fight the dragon knight Then he must advise him and tell him the story of his father’s generation’s battle for the throne.

“I can rent it with Richard. That guy is so short of money that he will definitely be willing to rent it to me.”

“In this world, as long as you can afford the money, there is nothing you can’t get. If you can’t get it, it must be money, not enough.”


The old servant on the side thought for a while and said no more, because after going through it in his mind, he found that the idea of ​​Parley was really fine in theory. As long as Richard was willing to rent, it was completely possible.

“Hey, let’s go, let’s go.”

“My father doesn’t like this kid Richard very much. I heard that even Grandpa Saul has been arranged to block the door, so hurry up and see the excitement.”

As the procession of picking up the bride got further and further away, Paley shouted and led the others, avoiding the crowd and rushing to the main entrance of the palace from another way, as if he was just watching the excitement and didn’t think it was a big deal.

Royal Palace

Messiah is wearing a golden flower crown and a long dress and is sitting on the big bed in her palace. Messiah, who never puts on makeup, also **** her hair with the help of the maid and painted her face. A light powder was applied on her face, and her eyebrows were drawn into a slender line, highlighting her beautiful appearance even more charmingly. Sometimes she smiled, sometimes she looked distressed, and she didn’t know how her mood was changing. The only thing that was certain was, She must be looking forward to it now. Richard is both a confidant and a lover. He is the first man to break into her heart. How can she not be looking forward to it? Messiah seemed to be sitting upright at this time, but her slightly trembling fingertips still revealed her nervous mood.

“Your Highness the Princess! Your Highness the Princess! Lord Richard has arrived at the palace gate!”

At this time, Messiah’s personal maid ran in from outside the palace. Although Messiah could no longer move around before Richard received her, she could send her own spies to find out the news. She had been looking forward to it Senna became the most suitable candidate to be the dowry maid.

“Ah, so fast?”

“Don’t you want to see Lord Richard, Your Highness Messiah?”

“No, it’s not.”

Messiah immediately denied it, she was just a little nervous.

“Your Highness, Princess, let me tell you, the procession to welcome the bride is so impressive! The float stretched for ten miles, and people on both sides cheered endlessly. The gold prepared by Lord Richard was thrown out as if it was free…”

“Kinnar is money.”

Sena, who was eloquent, was choked by Messiah’s words.

“You keep talking.”

Seeing Senna stop, Messiah continued to urge. She still wanted to hear what the wedding team was like.

After hearing Messiah’s urging, Senna was choked and continued to preach:

“The most powerful thing is that Mr. Richard brought a giant dragon to welcome you. Dragon! The carriage that picked you up was pulled by a dragon. Oh, that shouldn’t be called a carriage. That’s There are dragon carriages and more…”

Senna actually just looked at the palace gate from a distance. Messiah could not leave the palace, and she could only walk up to the palace wall at most. She could only make up for many things by looking at them from a distance.

As for Senna, Messiah can actually find a lot of loopholes if he thinks about it carefully. A float in Shili? The entire main street is only a few miles long, so how many floats will it take up?

But now Messiah is completely in a love brain state, and her usual cleverness is gone. Following Senna’s description, her mind is filled with thoughts about the wedding procession.


“But what?”

“I saw at the palace gate that the person blocking the door seemed to be Lord Saul.”

Senna was a little worried when she said this. After all, Thor’s power was known to the entire kingdom. According to the rules left by His Majesty Aragorn, one must pass Thor’s level. She was afraid that Richard would not be able to pass the level. It went well, and all the good things about using her as a dowry maid were ruined.

“Why is my father like this!”

Compared with Sina’s worries, Messiah, who was troubled by concern, immediately became anxious, feeling that Ren was trying to embarrass Richard.

“Don’t worry, Your Highness, Mr. Richard is the number one master in the kingdom, and he should be able to pass Mr. Saul’s test.”

“But, that’s Grandpa Sol…”

Here, just when Messiah was worried, Richard finally led the wedding team to the gate of the palace.

Although the guards on both sides of the city were all wearing ceremonial armor and looking happy on their faces, the heavy iron gates of the palace were tightly closed. Judging from the tight stitching of the palace gates, the back The top wood might even be standing still.

Then the confused Richard called the etiquette officer sent from the palace and asked:

“What’s going on?”

The etiquette officer on the side also looked confused:

“Usually the palace gate is closed, but no one told me that the palace gate is also closed…”

Damn it, this old guy Ren En is not a human being. As soon as Richard thought, he knew that it was Ren En who was giving him problems to make him sick…


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