Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 294: Request (changed)


Although Richard’s current status is indeed high enough, it is not enough for a prince, especially a powerful prince who has managed his own power, to be so attentive to this level. The so-called attentiveness for nothing is a traitor or a thief. Everyone of this kind of person Most of the actions have a purpose. The fourth prince Paley seems to be out of touch and out of tune, but in fact he is definitely a man with means and a strong purpose. He is highly regarded by Richard and does not know how to do anything. Meaningless things.

After being pointed out so directly by Richard, Parley felt a little embarrassed. He paused for a second before speaking:

“I do have a merciless invitation here.”

No, do everyone in your family like to make unkind favors so much? I knew it was an unwelcome invitation but I kept saying it.

“Can you tell me first? Let me start by saying something ugly. It might be unrealistic for you to ask me to help you fight for the throne.”

Richard left some room for himself in his words. The fourth prince’s character was somewhat similar to his own. If he spoke too eloquently, he might be criticized. He had to leave the conversation behind for a while before using the ugly words. Let him go first, so that when Parley sees Richard accepting Ward’s son as his disciple, he will not make any urgent demands that will embarrass everyone. Although both parties have common interests, the binding is not particularly tight. Richard can prefer The fourth prince, but he will not end up directly. With his strength, he can just sit on the sidelines in this kind of fight. In order to avoid forcing Richard to the opponent, no one comes back and actively provokes him. If he ends up, it may not be that simple. Yes, Richard is not afraid of a prince when he confronts him head-on, but these people have been in business for so long, and they only use dirty tricks to harm the interests of the Hunter family.

“Brother-in-law, what are you thinking about? I am different from the impatient eldest brother and I. Our brothers can only reach the knight level at most, not even a great knight. In the end, we still have to decide whether we can survive our father. What’s there to fight about now?”

“I want my brother-in-law to go to the south to help me.”

Pare’s business route is different from that of the eldest prince. The eldest prince focused on development in the royal capital and squeezed the second and third sons who also developed in the royal capital until they were unable to fight back. However, Pare took a different path and started from Starting from the south, he took advantage of his status as a prince and his shameless skills to carve out his own world in the south of the kingdom, and also became a strong contender for the throne.

When Richard heard this request, he was also a little embarrassed. It is said that the Fourth Prince not only provides Richard with a large number of gem resources, but also shares a large amount of soap and cigarette profits every month. As a half ally, he should help. Yes, but this matter conflicts with Richard’s plan, and the route is wrong.

Richard has no intention of leaving the Northland for long. His plan is to go back to the Northland immediately after his wedding in Jinlongdu and marry Messiah. The current situation is treacherous and it is not suitable for running around. Just when Richard was about to refuse, Parley continued to add:

“How about one hundred thousand gold nards, plus I owe you a favor?”

After hearing the words that he wanted to refuse, Richard stopped and fell into hesitation again. Although Parley did not offer Richard an artifact that he could not refuse like Prince Ward, he gave him too much gold.

With this gold, the Dragon Army that Richard tried to build around Moriel can be put on the agenda immediately, and the financial tension can be quickly alleviated. During this period, the Hunter family has also been To hoard supplies for the upcoming great changes, the food in the river valley has been purchased at a high price by the Hunter family.

However, although Richard is in short supply of Kinnaar now, after all, Kinnaar is not something that must be taken away like Liz’s protection before. He went from the royal capital to the south to help Parley, back and forth. It took at least half a month, which seriously delayed the trip, so I had no choice but to refuse, which was a pity for the one hundred thousand gold.

Just when Richard was about to refuse cruelly, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed. It seemed that there was a way to get the best of both worlds. The protection from Liz that he had just received seemed to be put to use immediately.

“I wonder what His Highness Parley needs me to do?”

Li Cha, who had already made preliminary plans, asked first.

As soon as Pa Lei heard that there was something going on, the fake smile on his face became more natural in Richard’s eyes.

“Help me teach the Sea Tribe a lesson, they are becoming more and more greedy.”

After Richard asked, Pare slowly told the whole story. Pare was very prosperous in the south, and his influence spread across several large trading cities and ports. Naturally, he was inevitably involved with the Sea Clan. deal with.

The Sea Clan and the humans in the south barely maintained a balance of power. The Sea Clan on the shore could not defeat the humans. The more than one million Southern Legion, although their combat effectiveness was not as good as the elites of the Longxiguan Legion, they were still regular troops of the Kingdom. It’s okay to beat up the Sea Clan, but when it comes to the sea, humans are at a disadvantage. A sea ship carrying hundreds of soldiers is easily besieged by thousands of Sea Clan, and the iron-covered bottom of the ship is sometimes attacked by strong Sea Clan people. Destruction, directly sinking the ship, and at sea, the human side becomes the younger brother.

In the south, humans and the Sea Tribe sometimes fight, and sometimes trade peacefully. After so many years of operation, Parley has also found some ways, reached an agreement with the Sea Tribe, and created several stable routes. It is not an exaggeration to make money every day.

Unfortunately, the human dragon knights have recently been under too much pressure from the orcs. Except for Thor who is in the royal capital, the other four dragon knights have all been transferred to Dragon Breathing Pass to assist in the battle. The dragon knights who used to wander south from time to time are now also He was nailed to the front line of Longxiguan and couldn’t move away.

Without the military suppression of the Dragon Knight, the Sea Tribe suddenly felt that they were capable again. Not only did they frequently loot human port cities, but they also failed to comply with some of the trade agreements reached with Pare. Several robberies of human ships occurred. The incident directly led to the destruction of the ship and the death of people.

The ship, the cargo on the ship, and the skilled crew and navy are all valuable assets. After several losses, even Parley couldn’t bear it anymore. Parley organized several revenges by himself, but they all failed. It ended in failure. Although Parley is quite powerful in the south, at sea, ordinary soldiers cannot form a numerical advantage over the Hai clan. As for masters, Parley can only recruit some masters of the knight level, who can really defeat the Hai clan. The masters of the clan are very precious in the entire kingdom, and he does not dare to pursue the idea of ​​​​the dragon knights of the country. It is a taboo. If he uses regular channels to mobilize, the losses caused by the sea clan will be very painful for Pare. Bones, but it is only a small matter to the entire kingdom, far less of a threat than the orcs, and it is impossible to transfer precious dragon knights from Dragon Breath Pass.

After much thought, my attention was drawn to Richard. This was a master who was already on par with the dragon knights of Zhenguo. He also brought a giant dragon with him, and it was not a taboo to bribe Richard to take action. To say that Richard has become the most suitable candidate, the only problem is Richard’s own wishes.

“Is one sky level enough?”

Although Richard is only an Earth Knight at the moment, he has already shamelessly admitted that he is a master of Sky Level. One month and ten minutes of Sky Level is also Sky Level, not to mention that he also has a half-step Sky Level. The red dragon.

“Well, although it is a bit reluctant, there are no masters in the Sea Clan. Currently, the only masters in the Sea Clan are the High Priest and the Sea King. I am organizing some knights here to attack their clam fields and make them submit. It’s not that difficult?”

“Can I and your men alone attack the Hai Clan’s clam farm?”

Although Richard is in the North, he attaches great importance to information. Nightingale and Yusi may not be able to collect some detailed information yet, but they still have important common sense.

Although most of the sea people live in the water, clam farms are on some islands and tidal flats, or floating on the sea. This is an important place for the sea people to give birth to the next generation. Such an important place, the natural environment Some of them are around deep-sea islands far away from humans, and they are also places where the Sea Clan has heavy military presence.

The human army has to take a boat, cross a large area of ​​​​water, and break through the heavy resistance of the sea tribe to have a chance to attack the clam field. This is basically impossible for the human army without dragon knights. Even if there is The dragon knight is actually 50-50, and at most he has the ability to threaten the sea clan, which makes the sea clan have some scruples. Now that the dragon knight has not shown his face for a long time, naturally the sea clan has become arrogant again.

“It’s okay, just make a gesture. It doesn’t have to be to conquer the sea clan’s clam field. As long as we hurt them and tell them that we have the ability to threaten the clam field, they will naturally restrain themselves.”

Although Pare was annoyed that the Sea Clan broke up the agreement at will, he was still very clear-headed and knew that even with Richard’s help, the human army was still too weak at sea. Although there was a chance to capture the clam field, the price paid might be a bit high. heavy.

“You are only doing this to maintain peace for a while. To truly establish your authority, you have to capture a few of their clam farms.”

Parley shook his head and said:

“I thought so too at first. I tried several times but still couldn’t do it. There was nothing I could do to compromise.”

“What if I said I could help?”

“How can I help?”

Facing Parley’s question, Richard did not answer directly. Instead, he pointed to the tall warrior beside him and introduced to Parley:

“This is Fred, currently my captain of the bodyguard…”

Parley actually noticed this burly and somewhat outrageous warrior as soon as he walked into the courtyard, but he only glanced at it briefly. After all, with such a large population base of mankind, although such burly warriors are rare, But if you really search slowly and carefully, you can at least find no less than a hundred similar ones, which are not worthy of Pare’s too much attention. Now after Richard said it, Pare turned his attention to Fred again. .

After Richard finished the introduction, he nodded towards Fred. The latter quickly understood and directly ignited his fighting spirit, carrying a heavy armor and rising to the height of the eaves.

“Sky Knight!”

Pare spat out these words almost one by one, with a look of disbelief on his face. Besides himself, Richard actually had sky-level combat power. This was another figure equivalent to a dragon knight. What a fighting power. Just when Parley was still shocked by Fred’s strength, Fred, who had already demonstrated his strength, descended from the air and continued to guard Richard.

“How about it, Your Highness the Fourth Prince, would you like to set a bigger goal?”

Ignoring Parley, who was still in shock, Richard continued to ask. This was just Richard hiding his clumsiness. Letting Mills come out and shock him too much might have the opposite effect.

As soon as Richard asked, Pare, who was still in shock, immediately reacted and his mind began to work crazily. He realized that this was a huge opportunity. If he seized it, he might really be able to make the Sea Clan prosper in the long run. After a period of time, it stopped, and as the main hero, and with Richard’s absolute military platform, his prestige in the south will be raised to a higher level. In addition to cleaning up the Hai clan, those who originally grabbed food from their bowl and loved him The nobles who ignored him and even had some hatred had to bow to him.

The strength on Richard’s side exceeds his expectations. Two skies and a red dragon may not be enough to deal with the orcs, but in the south it will definitely be a crushing force. The original plan must be completely redone. , just like what Richard said, perhaps the plan should be changed to directly capture the clam field and give the Sea Clan a painful beating.

“Let me think about it, the plan may have to change.”

Richard does not need to prepare too much. He only needs to provide experts when the time comes. However, if he needs to provide ordinary soldiers, quasi-knights, and knights with basic to backbone combat capabilities, Parley will have to spend some time to prepare again. It involves force mobilization, logistical preparations, and ship deployment, which cannot be decided in one sentence here.

“It’s okay, we still have enough time. At least we have to wait until my wedding is over, and then your sister will have time to help you after she returns to Ironwood City.”


Parley nodded and then said:

“Then I won’t bother you anymore.”

Now it is Pare’s turn to be anxious. Richard’s process only lasted a month or two. It seems like a long time, but for a medium-sized war, the preparation time is still a bit tight. Pa Lei Lei De immediately re-planned and arranged the tasks, and had no intention of chatting and eating with Richard.

“Wait, Your Highness Parley.”


Just when Parley turned around to leave, Richard called out to Parley to stop him.

“Two sky steps and one giant dragon, I’m afraid I’ll have to pay more.”

Parley: “…”

After some friendly negotiations, Parley finally offered 200,000 kinnars. The money was divided into two payments, of which 100,000 kinnars was a deposit, which was paid immediately, and another 100,000 jinnars after the completion of the matter. It is very fair to pay Richard again.

After Pa Lei left, Richard immediately asked Yu Sidu to send a letter to Ironwood City through Fengniao, and immediately expanded the size of the Dragon Army to five flag regiments and 25,000 people, and increased the number of There is no need to worry about insufficient money when purchasing various materials. Richard, who suddenly became wealthy, finally experienced the happiness of a rich man.

The reason why Richard is willing to agree to take action is actually very simple. He has to thank the eldest prince for the artifact. When he returns to the North, he will place the artifact in Ironwood Castle and the magic guild will be established. He will learn it immediately. By moving, there is no need to worry about the long distance back and forth, and the problem of being unable to reach several cities that has troubled Richard for a long time can be completely solved…


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