Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 293: Artifacts and successive visits (changed)


“The military affairs are busy, so I will take the first step.”

After achieving his goal, Ward had no intention of staying any longer.

“Let me see you off.”

“Brother-in-law, there is no need to be so polite.”

Having said that, Ward still walked out chatting and laughing with Richard. If Richard wanted to put aside the relationship, he should find an excuse and let the servant send him off in this situation, but since he even The other party’s son will already be taught by his subordinates, so there is no need to avoid this suspicion.

“Brother-in-law, just come here, there is no need to send him off again.”

Richard sent people to the door and made a good show before leaving. He must be worthy of the price of the eldest prince. The law of true fragrance is universal everywhere. It’s not that Richard is unwilling to insist that he will not cause trouble. The principles are really given too much by the eldest prince.

The princes of the Golden Dragon Kingdom are not trash who are kept in a deep palace and only receive a small amount of filial piety every month.

It is the little silver coins who started to build government agencies in their teens to win over their business forces. People like the eldest prince Ward, who has been operating in the royal capital for a long time, have richer families than Richard imagined. many.

The things given also directly penetrated Richard’s principles. The Jinnar alone was enough for Richard to raise an army of flag regiments. There were also many jewels and treasures, which could be used to send the Golden Spirit away. The hero Si Air, who took her Ring of Life last time, is still chattering to Richard, so he just used it to stop her mouth.

Of course, the current Richard cannot easily shake his principles with ordinary jewelry and gold. The key is that the eldest prince brought out a treasure that made Richard unable to say no.

“Artifact: Liz’s Asylum (Damaged)

Introduction: Liz is the main water **** of the Elf Age. Unlike other gods, Liz has always protected believers with her divine power. She is a truly benevolent god. Unfortunately, her benevolence did not allow her to escape the twilight of the gods. As the main **** of the water system, Liz was one of the main targets of the Mad Emperor. When she died, Liz left behind her last gift with the intention of continuing to protect her followers.

Effect: Placed in the main city, the main city will gain great benefits.

1: Open the Building Magic Guild, unlock all water spells, and visit heroes to record these magics.

2: The main city will receive a continuous gain effect, and the effects of all water-based exercises in the main city will be doubled.

3: You can open a shield that blocks all attacks, lasting five hours and having a one-day cooldown.

4: A water element creature nest will appear in the city, and thirty water elements can be produced every week to assist in defense (they cannot leave the main city within 20 miles).

5: Within the scope of the main city, a weak injury recovery effect will be produced and aging will be delayed. ”

When the great prince Ward took out this artifact, the system immediately reacted. When Richard saw this dark blue jewelry, he had already made a decision in his heart, but he still pretended to be embarrassed. look like.

According to the eldest prince, this is an extremely precious magic ornament with a very long history. It has only lost its original power under the erosion of time and is now just a precious ornament. Richard In order to obtain this artifact, I could only pretend to be greedy for money, as if I was moved by the treasure provided by Ward.

Finally, at the begging of the eldest prince Ward, he reluctantly accepted his eldest son as his eldest disciple.

The value of this artifact is enough for Richard to come off the stage and cheer for it,

The first effect, opening the magic guild is already something that Richard must win. Although only water magic is given, some of the water magic in Invincible Heroes is completely abnormal, except for healing, thunderbolt ice, and magic god. In addition to practical magic such as arrows, there is also teleportation, which is a bug-like magic on the battlefield. This thing is extremely powerful in the game, and the effect may be even worse in reality.

In addition to teleportation, there is also the Mirror Image Technique, which is also classified as water magic in Heroes of Invincibility. It can directly copy a type of soldier and have all their attack power. It will disappear if it is attacked and has no defensive capabilities.

As long as any hero is lucky enough to understand teleportation or mirroring, the strength of Richard’s system army will increase geometrically.

In addition, the effect of producing thirty water elements per week is also quite good. Water elements are the third-level entry-level soldiers of the Elemental City. The benchmark is griffons, and they are at least the level of quasi-knights. , thirty are generated every week, that is, thirty quasi-knight-level combat capabilities are given for free. Although they can only assist in defending the city, over time, the accumulated water elements may be enough to kill even seventh-level soldiers. .

The other effects are also quite good. I don’t know how big the improvement is in improving the water-based practice. If the improvement is big enough, Richard will have to make a special Qi-entrainment with water-based effects. Jue is used to train subordinates. In the future, all potential subordinates will be gathered in Stone Castle for regular training to supplement the shortcomings of strong knights and great knights in the ordinary army, and try to make up for the last shortcoming.

Anyway, the people who should be aware of the Stone Castle have also noticed it. Richard’s strength is no longer afraid of any interested people’s prying eyes. He can let his subordinates feel the magic of the Stone Castle and consolidate his image and status.

Anyway, the value of Liz’s protection as an artifact to Richard is strategic. It just accepts a disciple and gives him an ambiguous attitude. Richard does not need to hesitate at all. Fortunately, the eldest prince does not know about this dark blue jewelry. The true value, otherwise, Richard might have to ask for a higher price,

However, this damaged artifact can only play its role in the hands of Richard. Regardless of whether others know how to use this artifact, in its current damaged state, only Richard can You can go to the blacksmith shop for repairs. In this era, there are no craftsmen who can repair magic instruments, let alone repair an artifact.

While Richard was still studying the newly acquired artifact, the eldest prince, who had also achieved his goal and was in a good mood, returned to the palace in the royal capital.


Just when the eldest prince Ward took off the sword from his waist, a boy in his early ten years came out excitedly.

The boy was holding a shrunken knight’s sword in his hand and was wearing a full set of protective gear. His golden hair was completely wet with sweat. He could tell that he had been training for more than a short while.

“Little Blake, have you been training well during this time?”

“Father, the instructor said that I have made great progress and will soon become a knight!”

The eldest son of Prince Ward, Prince Ward has always been responsible for his daily training. Occasionally, he will be guided by retainers in the mansion. There is no shortage of famous teachers.

“Hahaha, okay, I’ll give you a set of gifts when you become a knight.”

The Charlemagne family may have been influenced by Aragon, and they are very concerned about the cultivation of their offspring. Only strong and stronger people can hardly raise waste. As the son of the eldest prince Ward, Blake received knight training earlier than his peers, and had more abundant resources and more scientific training methods. He would not be like some young nobles who couldn’t train too hard when their children’s bodies were not growing.

Blake began to gradually learn about breathing techniques when he was six years old. He has been practicing the basics for six years now. Let alone his peers, ordinary adult soldiers may not be Blake’s opponent. The only limitation for him now is his age. The problem is, knights rely on talent, while quasi-cavaliers rely entirely on long-term polishing.

Based on Blake’s current foundation, Blake may be able to try to break through the Cavaliers in two or three years.

“But now your father has found a teacher for you, and he must teach you to become a knight.”

“Is the teacher you are talking about better than you, my father?”

“Hahaha, of course, otherwise how would you be qualified to teach my son? The teacher your father found for you is the number one master in the kingdom, Sky Knight Richard.”

“The Marquis of the North?”


Ward nodded. Twelve-year-olds already know some things. What’s more, the Charman family has always been precocious. Some of the devilish twelve-year-olds started to try to organize their own forces. Blake It’s not surprising to know Richard’s name.

“How about it, are you satisfied with the teacher your father found for you?”

“Then, how will he teach me in Northland?”

Blake is not opposed to having a master like Richard as a teacher. Originally, the eldest prince’s goal was Thor, the Dragon Knight of the Kingdom. However, although Thor did not participate in the politics of the kingdom, he was not a political idiot, so he naturally would not agree. Ward’s request, and Ward couldn’t come up with a similar treasure that would make Thor as hard to refuse as Richard, so things naturally went south.

“Of course you will follow your teacher. When Richard and your aunt’s wedding is completed, you will go to the North with the wedding procession.”

“Can I not go?”

Blake stuttered a little. This was the first time he questioned Ward’s request, and he was somewhat nervous.

Blake stared at Ward pitifully, but Ward shook his head firmly and said:

“How can a boy from the Charlemagne family stay under the wings of his parents and follow your teacher to the North to hone himself there and become a person who is helpful to his father in the future.”

“Yes, Father.”

Twelve-year-old Blake is no longer a child after all, and the men of the Charman family do not have a tradition of crying. Blake has known since he was a child that crying will not get you what you want, but will only bring disaster. Father’s severe punishment.

“Well, let’s prepare well these days.”

“Prince Ward, would it be unsafe for my young master to follow Lord Richard to the North now?”

“Oh, nowhere is safe. Maybe Blake is safer than us in the North.”

Everyone knows that a small army of orcs has appeared in the North. The kingdom has only strengthened the defense of Zhenbeiguan, and it seems that the North is being abandoned. Most people will feel that the North has become the most important place in the kingdom. Unsafe place.

But few people know that if the Dragon Knight is gone, the entire kingdom will not be too safe. Prince Ward happens to be one of the people qualified to know,

With Richard, the “Sky Knight” and a giant dragon, the Northland is relatively safe. After all, the main force of the orcs will only be at Dragon Breathing Pass anyway, and it is impossible for them all to go around the Northland. The Northland With Richard in charge, the orcs might not be able to defeat Richard.

“But the value of that dark blue crystal is greater than I thought. It’s a loss, a loss.”

Prince Ward’s words made the close relatives on the side confused. If Richard were here, he would definitely lament that his acting skills are not up to par, and there are indeed no fools in this world.

After the eldest prince returned for a while, another acquaintance came to the door of Richard’s mansion.

“Sir Richard, someone is visiting.”

“Didn’t I say I pushed them all?”

At this moment, Richard is studying the artifact sent by the eldest prince with admiration, and his tone is a little impatient. As long as he has the strength, even if Richard is in the north, there are still a lot of kings. Du’s friends wanted to visit him, but Richard couldn’t meet him, so he had to reject them all.

“The person who came, His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince…”

Yes, this is obvious. In a sense, the fourth prince is the prince who has the closest relationship with Richard. All the cold spring gems that the system needs to consume every month are brought from the south by the fourth prince’s power. Send it to the North for Richard, let alone the value of this gem. Richard doesn’t have the channels in the south. Now with Lin Te’s help, the Hunter family’s business can reach the royal capital at most. , it would be a bit out of reach further south, and we had to rely on the Fourth Prince to stabilize the supply.

Furthermore, the soap business in the south and the new cigarette business were also contracted by the Fourth Prince. Everyone cooperated quite happily. The money that should be given to the Hunter family was earned by the Fourth Prince. Everyone basically became a small business. A coalition of interests, in the eyes of many people, Richard is already a member of the Fourth Prince’s Party. Richard’s operation of recruiting the eldest prince’s eldest son as his disciple is somewhat suspected of being repeated. Even Richard himself heard that he was a member of the Fourth Prince’s Party. The prince is a little embarrassed to come to visit,

I still have little experience, my rank is only at the level of a small coin, and my face has not been honed in place.

“Congratulations, brother-in-law, not only did you marry the daughter of my father, but you also gained a great disciple.”


Richard coughed in embarrassment. He didn’t expect this guy to be so well-informed. He already knew what happened just a few hours ago.

“It’s better to come early than to come by chance. I’ve always been hungry for the skills of my brother-in-law’s cook. I should cook more.”

The fourth prince was dressed much more casually than the eldest prince, and his behavior was even more casual. After walking in, he sat down by himself, as if he didn’t regard himself as an outsider at all.

Since the other party did not mention the matter of accepting a disciple, Richard followed the words casually and ordered his servants to prepare an extra meal for one person.

“I wonder what happened to the fourth prince…”

“Oh, brother-in-law, you are too polite. From now on, we are all a family, so what is the fourth prince?”

“Thanks to my brother-in-law this time, the soap and your cigarettes are selling very well in the south. I have a lot of money. I thank you especially. When you and Messiah get married, I will I’ve prepared a big gift.”

“If there’s anything the Fourth Prince needs me to do, just tell me. It’s too tiring for you to talk like this.”

Fourth Prince: “…”


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