Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 291: Adrillo



Never heard of it. ”

Haldane recalled it in his mind. He really didn’t expect this name, but he still had some impression of the Lord of the Rising Sun mentioned by the other party.

“Lord of the Rising Sun, God of mankind? You killed many of our people back then, and now you dare to appear here?”

The history of the orcs has not been chronological for hundreds of years. Ordinary people may not specifically understand the history of that year, but as the king of the orcs, Haldane must learn these things. As a person who manages the recent past, The king of all orcs cannot be a warrior with a head full of muscles.

The training and competition of the Orc King is no worse than that of the Golden Dragon Kingdom. Everyone is a gu raised by crazy involution, each one is more ferocious than the other. In this kind of fierce struggle, no force can tolerate mediocre successors. .

As soon as Haldane finished speaking, the orc warriors who had already surrounded Adelillo took another step forward, and the blade of the battle ax was about to hit Adelillo’s face, but Adelillo was Without any fear at all, he said to himself:

“Your Majesty Haldane, as the first divine servant under the great Lord of the Rising Sun, I have not walked on earth for hundreds of years. It is normal that you have not heard of my name. As long as I bring you enough Isn’t the benefit enough? ”

“Also, the sect that our Lord left in the human world was not ordered by our Lord to attack the orcs. Even after our Lord woke up, he immediately stopped the actions of the human church. Speaking of which, we should not be considered enemies.”

Haldane waved his hand, signaling to the surrounding orc warriors to be calm. He was afraid that some orc warriors would be impulsive and hungry for their axes.


“Then what benefits can you bring me?”

When Haldane heard this, he also became interested. Unlike the axe-wielding orc warriors in the temple, he had a deeper understanding of the Rising Sun Cult.

It is a fact that the Rising Sun Cult was one of the main forces in mankind’s attack on the orcs. No one can deny the contribution of the Rising Sun Cult in the early human battle against the orcs, and the orcs will not forget this pain.

But the Rising Sun Cult can be said to be the savior of the orcs in the end. If not for the sudden betrayal of the Rising Sun Cult in the final stage, the main force of the human frontline army and the dragon knights were transferred back to encircle and suppress the Rising Sun Cult. Aragorn, the strongest human being in the world, suddenly disappeared. The orcs now, not to mention becoming a serious nuisance to mankind, had a stalemate with humans at the Dragon’s Breath. I am afraid that they would have been completely wiped out by humans five hundred years ago, or they would have been driven to an even more desolate place. went.

Based on the principle that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, Haldane doesn’t have to care about the other person’s human identity.

“To show my sincerity, I can first provide His Majesty Haldane with an important piece of information. Humanity has lost the support of the golden dragon, and the Dragon Knight will become history this autumn.”


When Haldane heard the news, he could no longer maintain his composure on his face, but Adelillo continued to smile, looking proud.

Dragon Knights have always been a mountain that weighs on mankind. Dragon Knights who can breathe dragon breath can always turn the tide of the battle at critical moments. Over the years, the direct and indirect casualties caused to the orcs are countless,

This is only in the past few decades. With the advantages of the ground legions and a certain number of strong men, the orcs have been able to form a check and balance with the dragon knights.

Haldane could even feel the suffocating oppression that the dragon knights once caused to the orcs from the text. The single-digit dragon knights of human beings now gave him a headache. At the beginning, there were more than ten or twenty people. It was really not easy for the ancestors to withstand the pressure of the Dragon Knight.

“How do you prove this?”

Haldane is not a believer. It is impossible for this unknown Adelillo to confirm such a big thing with just a few words.

“By autumn at most, the Dragon Knight will completely disappear from the battlefield. As long as you pay attention, you will find this problem. There are also human movements that are a bit big. I believe that as long as you carefully explore, you will also be able to find some signs. Soon It will prove my words.”

“Immediately order people to pay attention to whether humans are showing signs of large-scale war preparations!”

If Adelillo had not provided this information to the orcs, the orcs might have been confused after the dragon knight disappeared, but it would take several rounds of testing to be sure, and this process would take at least several months. It was enough for humans to make more preparations, but now with Adriello’s intelligence, the orcs could respond faster.

Furthermore, the mobilization of the Golden Dragon Kingdom’s army is also very easy to prove. It is much easier to use the results to find traces than to draw a conclusion through clues. Although Haldane still ordered people to investigate first, he already believed it in his heart. A total of seventy-seven or eighty-eight.

The number of human dragon knights has been decreasing. He has discovered this pattern a long time ago. From double digits to single digits, and finally disappearing directly, isn’t it a very normal thing?

“I can also provide your majesty with an artifact that can protect your majesty’s army from the impact of the blizzard and pass through the snowfield smoothly,

By the way, let me tell you another piece of information for Your Majesty. The head of the Hunter family, Richard Hunter, will soon go to the human capital to marry the princess of the kingdom. He has taken many elites with him, and the defense will inevitably be relaxed. ”

As soon as Adriello mentioned it, Haldane immediately thought of Nuno’s elite team that had been lost in the North, and the way to bypass Dragon’s Breath Pass. As long as there was still some hope, the orcs were willing to try it,

Haldane, who had been hit head-on by the Hunter family, had temporarily given up the idea of ​​detouring through the snowfields and attacking the human north. When he heard Adriello’s words, his mind became active again.

“Approximately how many armies can the artifact you mentioned protect?”

“If you squeeze it a little, you can protect the passage of at least 20,000 troops, and ensure that your troops will not be swallowed up by the wind and snow again.”

As he spoke, Adelillo took out a red bead from his arms. The moment the bead came out, everyone in the hall felt a surge of heat.

Adillo then tapped the bead lightly, and an orange-red halo of light spread out in an arc along the bead, covering an area of ​​several thousand square meters before stopping.

“With the Vulcan Cover infused with divine power from our Lord, your soldiers will not be troubled by the blizzard as long as they are within the Vulcan Cover.”

“After all that, what do you want? Or what is your purpose?”

There may be hatred for no reason in this world, but there is never love for no reason. In the adult world, all efforts should be rewarded. When a person thinks everything about you and treats you well, first of all You should think about whether the other person may be your long-lost biological father.

Obviously, Haldane is under fifty years old. He is a member of the Lane family of the Orc Kingdom with a good-looking roots. He also has the iconic blond hair and golden eyes. He cannot be seen as the illegitimate son of the Lord of the Rising Sun. .

The Lord of the Rising Sun’s help is obviously purposeful and demanding.

“I like to deal with smart people, but this time it doesn’t cost you anything.”

“After all, we all have a common enemy – Aragorn.”

“Aragorn, which Aragorn? You mean…”

“No doubt, Your Majesty Haldane, there is no one else but that Aragorn.”

“Hasn’t he been missing for five hundred years?”

“You have to pay attention, he is just missing.”

“Can anyone really live this long?”

Haldane still looked unconvinced, obviously this matter had exceeded his common sense.

“Huh, it’s just trying to survive through some means.”

“According to our intelligence, Aragorn is now in Ironwood City. I need your army to break through Ironwood City and pull out Aragorn.”

Haldane knocked on the table in front of the throne, seemingly calm, but the “ta-da-da” knocking sound still revealed Haldane’s inner shock.

The information brought by this divine servant is more and more shocking, and now it has emerged that Aragorn is still alive in the human north. What’s even more frightening is that Haldane’s intuition told him that the guy who claimed to be the first divine servant of the Lord of the Rising Sun was not lying. The man who gave the orcs endless nightmares was still alive.

“One more thing.”


Just as Haldane was deep in thought, Adriello on the opposite side interrupted his thinking again.

“I hope to spread the teachings of the Rising Sun Cult among the orcs, and make our religion the state religion of the orc kingdom.”

The orcs do not have any established religion. The only belief is the primitive worship of birds, beasts, trees, etc., coupled with some strange shamans, which has become the current belief system of the orcs. Compared with A strict sect like the Rising Sun Divine Religion is not enough to defeat. As long as the Rising Sun Divine Religion is allowed to preach, maybe in a few years all the orcs will really embrace the Lord of the Rising Sun.

However, although the Rising Sun Cult had a good idea, the Beastman King was not stupid and knew the pros and cons, so he made a fuss and exposed the matter.

Adrilo felt a little dissatisfied when he saw that Haldane did not respond positively to the mission, but he still maintained basic courtesy.

“It doesn’t matter, as long as His Majesty does not prohibit our activities in the Orc Kingdom.”

Haldane’s face was still solemn, but thinking about relying on the other party’s strength, he still nodded reluctantly, which was regarded as acknowledging the other party’s request.

Seeing Haldane nod, Adriello’s face brightened slightly, and then he said:

“We can provide you with various intelligence from the human world. You must try your best to break through Ironwood City and kill Aragorn!”

“A pleasure to work with.”

“A pleasure to work with.”



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