Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 290: Orcs


East of Longxiguan

The place where the orcs, the sworn enemies of mankind, currently live, although this area seems to be vast, not much smaller than the territory that Aragorn led the humans to seize, there is actually not much land that can be used.

This is a relatively barren land, with no weeds growing in most places. Not to mention the fertile central plains, it is even worse than the Northland, which is regarded as an enclave by the kingdom. Up several levels.

In this vast and barren land, the Orc Kingdom has been licking its wounds and has never given up its determination to break the Dragon Breath Pass and regain the land it once lost.

It is a pity that in the past few years, let alone breaking the dragon’s breath barrier, human double-digit dragon knights could easily defeat the orcs’ poor air power, and then assist those weak but large armies to defeat the orcs’ ground army.

Humanity has relied on dragon knights to go on several expeditions. If the territory of the orcs had not been so large that humans had never been able to maintain an army for deep combat for a long time, perhaps the hidden danger of the orcs would not have been around today.

It was not until the last hundred years that the situation began to change. There were fewer and fewer human dragon knights, and human attacks became increasingly weak. In the end, they were suppressed by the desperate orc kingdom at the Dragon Breathing Pass, forming a long-lasting The two sides have been in confrontation for decades, but the new king of the orcs is no longer satisfied with this confrontation and is trying to break the deadlock.

The orc capital, Monaya

This majestic city, which was built less than a century ago, stands only 500 kilometers east of Longxi Pass.

Originally, the Orc King’s capital was still deep in the eastern plateau, but as humans have strategically shrunk in the past hundred years, the Orcs have gradually limited the scope of human activities to the front line of Longxing Pass, and the originally dangerous place has become the rear.

Relatively speaking, the land closer to Longxing Pass is relatively fertile and can support a larger population. Therefore, starting from the previous generation of orc kings, the orc capital was moved to Monaya.

Of course, the orc capital is not as prosperous as the human capital. The entire city of Monaya has a rough style, and there are about 200,000 resident orcs. If Richard comes to see it, these so-called orcs The style of the royal capital is more like a large Orgrimmar.

In this city, the only decent-looking building is located in the center. Although the style is still rough, the exquisite paintings and ferocious totems on the building, coupled with the large area of ​​​​area, make this place… The building has a somewhat wild and domineering feel.

There are a large number of orcs wearing iron armor standing outside the building, guarding the building without blind spots. Although the eastern plateau occupied by the orcs lacks food, it does not lack iron ore. The orcs’ smelting level is not low, so the orcs’ equipment Not much worse than humans.

“Your Majesty Haldane, according to reliable information, Commander Nuno and his troops should have been wiped out.”

Although the information about the orcs is somewhat delayed, after all, they have been feuding with humans for so many years, and there are still some channels. Moreover, Richard has no intention of concealing it. Instead, he is vigorously promoting it. It is not difficult for the orcs to obtain this information.

A tall orc wearing a blood-red cloak was sitting on the throne, listening to the following subordinates reporting to him information about the previous elite expeditionary force.

Haldane Lane, the contemporary king of the Orc Kingdom, has blond hair and three-dimensional facial features that reflect the midday sun. He actually carries a hint of god-like majesty, which is in sharp contrast to the ordinary green-skinned orcs. It’s not that his tall body and the sharp claws on his hands are too different from normal humans, I’m afraid no one would object if he was a handsome blond guy.

“Didn’t it mean that the human northern land has been severely damaged by the ogres and is unable to resist our elites? Humanity has not even mobilized the dragon knights. Why was Nuno’s entire army annihilated?”

“Your Majesty, our intelligence is wrong. Although the Hou Lanster family in the northern part of mankind was severely damaged by ogres, the strength of the newly emerged Hunter family is still higher than that of the Lanster family. More importantly, Hunter In addition to the army, the family also has a red dragon, which is quite powerful.”

No matter how difficult it is to get intelligence on the orcs from the human side, things like the fact that the Hunter family in the North has a giant dragon can still be collected.

“Red Dragon?”

“Have you found out the source? Could it be that humans have some kind of covenant with the red dragon?”

“As far as we know, this red dragon should not come from the red dragon clan. It seems to have appeared suddenly. The human kingdom is not sure about its origin.”

Hearing this, Haldane breathed a sigh of relief. Compared to the annihilation of the expeditionary force in the North, it would be greater bad news if humans were helped by another giant dragon now.

After thinking for a moment, Haldane said:

“Information errors are not your problem. It’s just a pity for General Nuno and so many warriors.”

Haldane is not a king without common sense, but a very wise monarch. He understands how difficult it is to obtain intelligence from humans, so he will not make too harsh requirements.

“Your Majesty, will the plan to expedition to the North continue?”

The Northland expedition must be more than Nuno’s vanguard of a thousand men. There will be tens of thousands of troops arriving in batches later. Those thousand men are just exploring the road.

Detouring through the snowfield, even with the cooperation of snow giants, is a very risky thing. Whether it is a heavy snowstorm or encountering a white-haired wind, it will ruin the army. The risk of tens of thousands of troops dispatching at the same time is too high. Once encountering such Due to such a natural disaster, the elite orc army can only be used in vain. At most, a few masters can survive, which is of little use.

“Stop it for now.”

Although this road was opened by the orcs at great cost, the current situation is that continuing to send people there is nothing, and the vanguard cannot stand. It is a rational decision to temporarily stop the idea of ​​​​conquering the North.


While the orc kings and ministers continued to discuss how to put pressure on the human Dragon’s Breathing Pass and find ways to break through the Dragon’s Breathing Pass, a ball of golden flames rushed directly through the roof of the hall and fell on the aisle in the middle of the hall. .

“Protect Your Majesty!”

After a moment of shock, the guards in the orc hall reacted quickly and blocked in front of Haldane, staring closely at the smoke and dust emitted by the golden fireball.

A little

A humanoid being walked out of the smoke. If you look closely, it looks like a human being.

“Qiang! Qiang!…”

There is no rule in the orc kingdom against wearing weapons into the palace. Both the guards in the palace and the officials who were discussing matters in the hall just now pulled out their weapons and surrounded the sudden appearance of the human being.

“Human! Seeking death!”

At this time, the orcs had long suffered from human PTSD symptoms. The other party inexplicably broke into their core area and looked like a human. It was difficult for the orcs to react too much.

“Human? I’m not. It’s really rude of you to treat me like that poor bug.”

“Are you not human?”

“Hmph, breaking into the palace without permission is also a capital offense. If we take it down, everything will become clear.”

“I have important information about humans here, about the dragon knights and the Northland. I can help you realize your long-cherished wish. Are you sure you want to be so rude? Orcs!”

“Be bold!”

“Get him!”

“Wait a minute.”

The orc king Haldane, who was sitting on the throne with a calm expression, stopped the orcs who were about to try.

“Since you said you are not human and you also said you can help us achieve our long-cherished wish, why should we believe you? Or, can you introduce yourself?”

Haldane showed enough patience to inquire about the other party’s identity.

“Me? I am the first divine servant of the great Lord of the Rising Sun, Adriello.”


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