Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 29: Information and response



A rapid bang of bangs sounded in the courtyard of the Ironwood City Official School, and a group of teenage students quickly gathered together with the sound of bangs.

“Hurry, hurry, let’s gather at the martial arts arena.”

This group of teenagers were running hurriedly down the aisle with smaller weapons.

“Little Tilly, hurry up.”

“Wait for me, alas”

Little Tilly carried his trumpet knight sword and hurriedly followed the large troops to the martial arts field.

“Quickly line up, line up.”

When Little Tilly arrived at the martial arts field, several teachers were already arranging the team in the martial arts field.

“Hurry up, if you delay any longer, you will be late.”

A teacher spotted little Tilly who was left behind, pointed at him and started shouting.

Little Tilly shivered at the yelling, then quickened his pace and hurriedly joined the team.

“Huh, luckily I’m not late.”

Little Tilly in the team was extremely lucky. He never wanted to try again after being punished for being late last time.

As if it was confirmed that everyone was present, a young teacher walked onto the stage.

“Who will allow me to live and work in peace and contentment?”

“Lord Richard!”

“Who can give me enough food and clothing?”

“Lord Richard!”

“You must remember that you can practice martial arts and essays here today, all thanks to the gift of Lord Richard.”

“I will swear allegiance to Lord Richard to the death! I will swear allegiance to Lord Richard to the death!”

This group of half-grown teenagers roared with great fanaticism,

Even people like Little Tilly, who often met Richard, also shouted, and he was even more enthusiastic than others. Anyway, he has admired Richard as his cousin since he was a child. All this is very important to Little Tilly. It may be too normal to say.



The teacher on the stage made a gesture, and the excited teenagers below slowly calmed down.

“Teachers in each class will lead their students to start today’s warm-up exercise.”

“One two one, one two one”

At this point, Richard, who was silently watching everything proceed in an orderly manner, nodded with satisfaction.

These are the fixed daily routines of the Ironwood City official school. In addition to practicing martial arts and literacy every day, they also need to let them understand who their allegiance will be in the future.

You can’t spend a lot of money and effort to cultivate talents that you can’t use for yourself in the end.

This group of students enjoy a systematic education at Ironwood City Official School that is inaccessible to children of the common people in this era. Naturally, they should devote their loyalty to those who provide education,

Under Richard’s instruction, in addition to cultural classes and military physical fitness courses, breathing techniques are also one of the courses offered by the official school in Ironwood City. The quality of official school education even exceeds the family education level of many small nobles.

Not only the civilian families in the territory are flocking to it, but even the children of the Hunter family are now required to join the official school for training.

But only in the remote Ironwood City and a bold lord named Richard could he dare to do this.

After all, controlling the spread of breathing techniques is an unspoken rule of the aristocratic class, and not everyone dares to challenge this unspoken rule.

The benefits of this are also obvious. After six years of training in official schools, these children can basically have good strength. The outstanding ones can even reach the level of quasi-knights, and they also have certain culture and management theory. Most people can quickly become junior officers and local civil servants.

Now is the period of expansion of the Hunter family’s power. This group of graduates who are loyal enough and have talents that exceed most people of this era have become the backbone of the Hunter family’s expansion.


Li Cha, who was observing the training of the newly admitted boys in the martial arts field, was interrupted by an emergency report.

“Sir, urgent information.”

A member of Yusidu came to Richard to report.

Richard no longer lingered in the official school, and walked to the meeting hall while reading the information sent,

The people from Yusidu went directly to the official school to find Richard. There must be something major happening, otherwise ordinary things would have to wait for Richard to go back and deal with them. They did not dare to disturb Richard at will.

When Richard came to the meeting hall, he found that his intelligence chief Colen and the general manager Egg were already waiting in the meeting hall.

“Sir.” When the two of them noticed Richard coming in, they immediately stood up and saluted.


Richard came to the main seat and asked the two of them to sit down.

“Where is my father?”

“Someone has been sent to notify.” Egger responded.

“Well, wait a moment, let’s take a look at the information this time.”

While waiting, Richard sat in his seat and frantically digested the large amount of information he suddenly received.

The first is the recognition of Ron’s inheritance. After Richard’s tricks, and a little luck and Lin Xuan’s help, Will’s large territory was finally no longer in danger of being deprived of it by the kingdom. Something to be happy about

But the second piece of news that came immediately made Richard raise his eyebrows.

There are a large number of ogres coming from the western wilderness to the north. Generally speaking, the Hunter Territory is remote and will not be the main target of the ogre tribe. However, the Hunter Territory is not located in the hinterland and is subject to partial attacks. Due to the possibility of harassment, it was also classified into the sixth war zone.

The sixth war zone includes two viscounties and three baronies including the Hunter Territory. On paper, it is the weakest war zone. Of course, this weakest does not take into account the monster-like strength of the Hunter Territory. .

Now the position of commander of the war zone seems quite interesting to Richard.

Richard soon realized that this was an opportunity for reasonable expansion. Piaoxue City came up with a chicken-feather arrow and wanted to use this crisis to expand his influence, but he, Richard, was going to take the arrow as an imperial edict. use.

The only thing to consider now is how to get this leadership position.

“Reporter, Mr. Sauter is watching the circus, and said that Mr. Richard can just let him know when he decides.”

After waiting for a while, I only waited for a message from the soldier.

Richard couldn’t help but hold his forehead,

Forget it, given my father’s temperament, he would just sit in a daze when he came.

The stronger the Hunter family is in Richard’s hands, the more Viscount Sauter is able to play with peace of mind, and now he doesn’t even look like he’s the boss.


After coughing to cover up his embarrassment, Richard signaled that they didn’t have to wait any longer and could start.

“Sir, the Lanster family’s military discussion was not kept secret this time, and the information must be correct.”


“Immediately send someone to bring some gifts, contact the fourth young master of the Lanster family, and ask him to help win the position of commander of the Sixth War Zone.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Uncle Egg.”

“Young Master”

“Make sure Ironwood City has sufficient supplies, and be prepared for the worst regardless of whether the ogre tribe attacks.”

“Yes, Master.”

Being fully prepared before anything happens is also one of Richard’s styles.

Soon, the two of them clarified their tasks and began to prepare.

After making detailed arrangements for the work, Richard personally came to the Flying Bear Army’s camp to inspect,

Although this army has been in existence for less than a month, it has benefited from the excellent soldiers – all selected from the peasant soldiers who have experienced the war with the Will family, as well as a large number of qualified grassroots officers. The army’s combat power has been maintained quite well, and it will be able to fight if it is pulled out.

Richard inspected the camp and made some assessments of the Flying Bear Army’s combat effectiveness.

Richard had a strong premonition that the war would definitely spread to his territory,

Before, the snow pirates were raging, and I had received the task of exterminating the snow pirates in the system. This time, the elimination of the ogre tribe did not seem to be without purpose.

Although it is just speculation now, this feeling is getting stronger and stronger. The Flying Bear Army may face its first difficult battle.


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