Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 289: Untitled


In a secluded mansion in Ironwood City, several Crusaders blocked the door.

Since Rand was eliminated that day, Aragorn has not moved back to Ironwood Castle and has been living in this mansion to repair his body. Richard only arranged for people to provide him with the necessary materials and arranged several waiters to provide him with the necessary materials. Sent.

Richard took Fred and Mills into the courtyard together. Aragorn was sitting in the pavilion with his eyes closed, looking like he was drunk in the spring. He opened his eyes when he heard Richard coming in. Asked:

“Boy Richard, why did you come to me again?”


As soon as he finished asking, Aragorn noticed the burly Fred behind Richard.

“You have more masters under your command.”

Richard didn’t respond. He couldn’t explain such a thing, so he directly explained his purpose to Aragorn.

“Your Majesty Aragorn, do you want to come with me when I go to the royal capital this time?”

There are many secrets hidden in Aragorn. Richard even thought that the other party might be able to bring the Lord Qing who was in charge of the palace to the North to take charge. That would be truly as stable as Mount Tai.

“Why do I go to the royal capital like this?”

Aragorn shook his head and rejected Richard’s invitation.

Others don’t recognize you. It’s impossible for someone of Qing’s level not to recognize you. Also, it would be nice to give me a dozen of the treasures you left in the royal capital. This is what Richard thinks in his heart. Of course, he can’t. Let’s talk about it on the table.

“I’m going to marry your great-great-great…woman. Can you give me some advice?”

“Then please call me Zeng Zeng Zeng…Father.”

“Once upon a time… Sir, my younger brother, Richard, would like to send you my regards.”

Aragorn: “…”

He really didn’t expect that even though he was a noble prince, Richard could still be so shameless.

In the end, he could only hold back the word “go away” to Richard.

Of course Richard wants face, but it also depends on who is right. When facing his subordinates, Richard must always maintain his dignity when showing intimacy, but seeing an old man like Aragorn When he’s a monster, it’s no longer interesting to continue to put on airs. It’s better to be shameless and gain some practical benefits. What’s more, he will marry the Messiah soon, so he won’t suffer any disadvantage in terms of his seniority.

Seeing that Aragorn had no intention of going to the royal capital with him, Richard fled quickly without getting any benefits. Richard had to seize the time to go south. With the sound of the door slamming, there was only one sound in the yard. Aragorn was left with his eyes closed to rest.

“The point of breaking the situation is not in the royal capital…”

The procession going south to welcome the bride set out from Ironwood City in great force. Although it was a procession to welcome the bride, except for some decorations on their bodies, everyone in the team was armed to the teeth.

The champion knights and crusaders would not be affected by the embroidered flower on their chests when they drew their swords, and the red dragon that had been hovering at low altitude would not be restricted by the big red flower above its head.

The lords along the way took the initiative to provide convenience for the team. There was enough drinking water and food along the way. Although the team moved very fast, the conditions were not difficult. This was the benefit of inside operations.

Moreover, the high-profile appearance of the Red Dragon and Richard’s marriage to Princess Messiah also made more northern nobles sober up. Many of the nobles who were still under the Lanster family originally , all have the intention to switch to the Hunter family. Looking at this situation, it is only a matter of time before the Lanster family completely declines. Even if the conditions of the Hunter family are harsher, it is better than guarding a ship that sinks.

Not only did they take advantage of Richard’s trip south, they cooperated vigorously and ensured logistics along the way to please him. They had even prepared gifts. Regardless of whether they had received an invitation or not, when the princess arrived in Ironwood City, they had to send a gift to express their position.

For these attentive people, whether the other party is looking at the face of the Red Dragon, the face of the Messiah, or has noticed that there will be big changes and wants to find a big tree to enjoy the shade, no matter the other party No matter what kind of mentality he has, Richard always accepts everyone who comes.

Loyalty can be cultivated slowly. As long as the other party joins the Hunter family’s system, they will be dragged forward. It is difficult to jump out of the car. Moreover, troubled times are coming, and it is impossible for anyone with a brain. If you take the initiative to leave this big tree, the Lanster family will be the most uncomfortable in the whole process.

James broke several more cups at the Marquis Mansion in Piaoxue City. Unfortunately, everything was just incompetent and furious. As the Hunter family showed more and more strength, the declining Lanster family continued to I no longer have the courage to make small moves.

James was actually thinking of doing something, and taking advantage of the fact that Richard’s team heading south to welcome his bride passed through Piaoxue City’s sphere of influence to cause some trouble, but as soon as he proposed this idea, he was stopped by the old guys of the Lanster family. James is still a little impulsive. These old guys who have lived for decades can see very clearly. The objective condition for the existence of the Lanster family now is that the kingdom has not fallen and the rules of the kingdom are still there. If you want to provoke Li Cha, maybe Richard also took down Piaoxue City on impulse.

James was originally ambitious to restore the 100,000 Jingbei Army, but in the end he could only maintain three legions, and the quality was far worse than before, let alone compared with the Hunter family. Everyone is no longer A player on the same level.

Now James is not as strong as when Lint first took charge, let alone the power when Marquis Wade was still there. Although he is not a puppet, his power is also subject to greater checks and balances, and some impulsive The decision was difficult to implement, and in the end I could only watch Richard’s wedding team swaggering past Piaoxue City.


The door was opened early, and there was no preparation for the team coming from the Hunter family. Even the highest commander of the river valley, Legion Commander Dane, was in the team to greet Richard.

Zhenbeiguan, a gate city built to the north, was originally built to guard against ogres, half-elves, forest wild people and other forces in the wilderness. However, when Zhenbeiguan was built, it was still the expansion period of the human race. Later, the Northland It has basically been developed, and the actual significance of Zhenbeiguan is not great.

A big reason why Dane dared to eat most of the empty sound was because he felt that there would be no problem with the safety of the river valley. It was not until Grugesh led the ogres eastward to cause trouble in the North that Zhenbeiguan was re-established. Attention was paid to it, and a new valley army was established with Zhenbeiguan as the center.

Now that orcs have appeared in the North, the Kingdom’s emphasis on Zhenbeiguan has reached a new level. The Kingdom has repeatedly asked Dane to strengthen the defense of Zhenbeiguan, but Dane ignored this when facing Richard. The defense was very loose. Before Richard could reach the place, he discovered the traces of Richard’s team three miles in advance and ordered his men to open the city gate wide and line up to meet him.

“Sir Richard, going south to marry the princess this time has made our northern warriors look bad. I heard that many nobles in the capital are beating their chests and stamping their feet after hearing this.”

Strictly speaking, Dane can only be regarded as half a Northland warrior. People in the River Valley both look down on the nobles of the Northland and are looked down upon by people in the Royal Capital. The nobles also regarded him as a barbarian from the North, but this did not affect Dane’s use of tricks to get close to Richard.

“Hahaha, the princess and I truly love each other. What does it have to do with those kids from the capital?”

“I made a mistake, the Marquis is a man of temper.”

“Brother Dane, let’s try one.”

Richard handed Dane a cigarette newly produced by Ironwood City. This was also a way to build relationships with a certain group of people. Dane’s attitude made Richard very satisfied. The Marquis barked in a well-behaved manner, and everyone His actions clearly showed his intention to surrender, so Richard naturally had to show a certain degree of closeness appropriately, which meant that he regarded him as one of his own.


Whether it was good or not, Dane took it and lit it with a fire stick to enjoy it with Richard.

In terms of understanding of the Hunter family, or Richard’s power, apart from Lane, who has a black prison to collect intelligence, Dane is probably ranked second. After having this level of understanding, Coupled with Dane’s decisive character of betting, Dane has now completely turned to Richard. If it weren’t for the fact that a Imperial Guard was about to enter Zhenbeiguan, and when there was a change in the kingdom, the defenders of Zhenbeiguan would I’m afraid we can sell Guancheng directly and take Richard directly to Burai City.

“This trip south is very important, so I won’t leave the Marquis alone.”

After stopping for a while in the river valley and expressing his importance to Dane, Richard continued to lead his people south…

Royal Palace

“Sena, what day is it today?”

“My princess, how many times do you have to ask me this question every day? It has only been less than a week since Sir Richard set out. Are you so anxious to marry yourself off?”

Messiah has a gentle temperament and is not very dignified towards her servants. As Messiah’s personal maid, Senna occasionally dares to joke and tease Messiah.

“Begging for a beating!”

When the maid said this, Messiah, who was already a bit shy, immediately blushed and tried to fight. Senna also pretended to dodge, and the two got into a fight.

“It’s normal for Her Royal Highness the Princess to look forward to Sir Richard coming to the capital. Which girl in the kingdom doesn’t want to marry Mr. Richard? I heard that many men in the theater want to get close to Mr. Richard.”

“Men? Are there any men who like Richard?”

“You don’t understand this…”

Sena suddenly reacted as she spoke, covering her mouth, unwilling to say any more.

Messiah asked a few questions out of curiosity, but Senna had no choice but to change the subject.

“Your Highness, Princess, please make good preparations to marry Lord Richard. Lord Richard is handsome in appearance and powerful. He was granted the title of Marquis at a young age and is the number one master in the kingdom. What girl wouldn’t like him?”

“So, you also want to marry Richard?”

“I, am I not born as a princess, and die as a princess? If the princess marries Lord Richard, I will naturally marry Lord Richard.”

“Okay, you **** girl, now you’re thinking about Richard. Let’s see if I don’t tear your face apart.”

“Help, help!”

The two played and joked for a while, and finally stopped when they were really tired.

Messiah sat quietly on the chair again, looking north through the window, as if she wanted to see Richard who was galloping south…


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