Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 288: Face


“Quick, how about trying this flower.”

“Let Chilong lower his head a little, otherwise he won’t be able to put it on, yes, yes, that’s it.”

At this time, Ironwood Castle was a busy scene. In the end, Moriel not only failed to persuade Richard to give up going to the royal capital, but was even a little shaken by Richard’s words. She actually thought about it in the past two days. Does wanting a woman count as a way to realize your ambition? What if the lord wanted a man? Should we stop it next time?

Leave aside Moriel’s confused thinking, after hearing Richard announce that he was going to the royal capital to marry the princess, the entire Hunter family treated this matter as a first-class matter, even Viscount Sauter, who had always been out of touch. I didn’t go hunting or watching the circus for a few days. I just stayed in Ironwood Castle and focused on Richard’s marriage arrangements.

Whether it is Richard’s identity as the heir to the Hunter family or his identity as Princess Messiah, their marriage is no longer a matter of two people. For the Hunter family, it has become a major military matter. The above is not an exaggeration.

“Hey, if you use a red dragon to pick up a bride, no one can compare to our grand family.”

Viscount Sauter had just directed the red flower-forged silk on the red dragon in the yard. After the whole decoration, the originally ferocious red dragon now looked a little funny and cute,

Chilong, who lowered his head and let others dress him up, was obviously aggrieved, but he didn’t dare to be angry or speak out, he didn’t even dare to be angry. Although Chilong couldn’t speak human language, he still had some intelligence. He knew Sauter The relationship between the Viscount and Richard was suppressed by Viscount Sauter, so he could only let the servants of Ironwood Castle paint it clean and dress it up.

The twelve champion knights who will follow Richard to the royal capital to pick up his bride, their armors at this time have also been decorated from the traditional blue and white to gold and red colors. Fortunately, they only need to change the colors. As shameful as a red dragon.

The tall and outstanding swordsman Fred also wore shoulder straps and a corsage in front of him, as did the aloof Archangel Mills.

This time, Richard is going to the royal capital to welcome his bride. Although Richard is very sure that with Ren’s character, it is impossible to cause trouble in this situation, he still has to rely on his own people to protect his own safety. The angel necklace is still cooling down. In the battle, Richard only had the combat power of the peak of the earth level. In order to prevent accidents, Richard brought the combat power of two sky rings of Mills and Fred with him. The champion knight brought ten people, as well as some senior monks and Ron. For the crusaders under his command, in order to ensure speed, Richard only plans to bring the system army. The number is small but the combat capability is definitely strong enough. As long as the Lord Qing in the palace does not take action, no matter what happens, Richard will I am sure that I will be able to escape safely with Messiah and King Cong.

“Master Richard, is it too high-profile to use a red dragon to go to the royal capital to welcome your bride?”

“This is not high-profile. It is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. I only have the red dragon now. If possible, I would like to step on the colorful auspicious clouds.”

Although Manager Egger who asked the question didn’t quite understand what Richard was talking nonsense in the second half of his sentence, he still clearly understood what Richard meant, which was to make the scene bigger and grander.

Iger did not continue to dissuade him. Richard was happy to resolve a lifelong event. Viscount Sauter was just making nonsense of the preparations in Ironwood City. He really needed to be organized and arrange things well. You still have to look at Egg.

The wedding customs in this world have become a bit strange since Aragorn unified mankind. A familiar scene like hanging red silk and wearing red flowers actually appeared in Ironwood Castle. This set of procedures was completely done by Richard. Fang’s mother, Mrs. Kailin, came to arrange the arrangement. It is said that she imitated the process of the great man Aragorn when he married the queen.

Although the red dragon hanging with big red flowers and the castle with strange window grilles seemed a bit inconsistent to Richard, these were just side effects. As long as the person you married was right, you could go with the right etiquette. It was a cutscene, and Richard didn’t need to ask any more questions.

After he decided on the manpower he wanted to bring, he also had to make arrangements for his family affairs. He couldn’t delay anything.

Originally, Elena was based in the wilderness, taking care of the Ice Flame Tribe and the central plains of the wilderness, which echoed Lint’s Demon Suppression City, so there was no problem.

Although the combination of Ron and Egg in Ironwood City was a little inferior in the past, it could barely make Richard feel at ease and leave for a while,

But now the situation is strange. Orcs may attack at any time in Ironwood Forest in the north. The combination of Ron and Egg guarding such an important place in Ironwood City makes Richard a little worried.

Fortunately, we now have a better entrustment partner. Ron and the Crusaders are both taken by Richard, and Moriel has become Ironwood City’s new anchor besides Richard.

“After I go south, I will leave the family affairs to you. I have already greeted Manager Egger and Tal about the Dragon Army. There are 5,000 trained peasants and soldiers, and another 1,000 A young and strong half-orc, I hope that when I come back, I will see a dragon army that is capable of fighting.”

Li Cha still has a good idea. He can go south to the capital for at least a month. Even if he has good soldiers and famous generals in this time, he may not have enough time to train a strong army. It may be barely enough to be able to fight.

“I have a request.”

“You said.”

“Graduates from Ironwood City College, allocate a group to me.”


As expected, Moriel was not idle. She quickly grasped the focus of the Hunter family’s power development and requested the deployment of a group of students to become the basic officers of the Dragon Army.

Of course Richard would not refuse. He had great expectations for Moriel and her dragon army, so of course he would open the door to convenience.

“There is also the Ironwood Forest to the north. You should pay more attention to prevent the orcs from attacking. Anything can happen now, so don’t be careless.”

Logically speaking, it would be enough time for Richard to return to Ironwood City from the capital after the orcs get the news that the vanguard here has been wiped out, and then reorganize their forces to attack. However, even the snow giants and the orcs united , hundreds of years ago, people became gods and envoys. This kind of thing happened. It is not impossible for some accidents to happen again. What should be explained should still be explained.

“Don’t worry, Lord, if they dare to attack again, I will make sure they never come back!”

Moriel’s words are filled with strong self-confidence. This is the self-confidence of a former king. Moriel herself also has this confidence. In human form, she has the strength of a mid-level sky, comparable to archangels and outstanding swordsmen. Richard has not yet seen how powerful he is after transforming into a dragon, but he is conservatively estimated to be at the peak of the sky level. There has never been a strong man of this level on the front lines of the Orc Dragon Breathing Pass.

“Thank you for your hard work…”

Richard patted Moriel’s shoulder habitually. Moriel was not used to Richard’s approach to his subordinates and was a little overwhelmed. In the end, she could only raise her hand slightly in response.

“Lord Richard! We are ready, shall we set off now?”

Ron’s voice came from a distance. The betrothal gifts and the attire and clothes that Richard needed had been packed into boxes. The champion knights and crusaders wearing corsages had already lined up. The red dragons on their heads were The accessories are finally fixed and the dragon head can be raised, and the team is ready to set off at any time.

“Wait a moment, I’ll go see someone again…”


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