Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 287: Richard’s arrangement


Southern Walaya Marquis Palace

Marquis Varaya, who was nearly forty years old, was reading a letter from the royal capital with a frown.

The surname Varaya has a very obvious barbarian style. The Varaya family was originally a tribe of human barbarians. However, after Aragorn unified all human forces and started a war with the orcs five hundred years ago, humans have no distinction. They are like barbarian grassland people,

Everyone has the name of a minister of the Golden Dragon Kingdom. The Varaya family, who was granted a title in the south by Aragorn, just has a surname with a bit of a barbarian flavor. The habits of the entire family are not much different from those of ordinary human nobles. The difference is that even because he has been in the south for a long time, he has been influenced by industrial and commercial owners, and has also acquired some business habits. Compared with force, not to mention compared with the Ross family in the West, it is much worse than the Lanster family.

“The messenger! The messenger!”

After Marquis Varaya closed the letter, he immediately shouted for the messengers outside the palace to come in. After a while, a messenger wearing gorgeous armor finally ran in panting.

“Your Majesty the Marquis!”

If this kind of speed were placed in the Hunter family’s army or the Western Army, it would be enough to drag people down and beat them with military sticks, but Marquis Varaya was only slightly unswerving and didn’t say much.

“Order the Silver Shield Army to assemble immediately. I will conduct a review later.”


“Go quickly!”

“Yes, Lord Marquis!”

The messenger had obviously not received the order from the Marquis to review the legion for a long time. He was stunned for a moment, and only turned around and prepared to run out after Marquis Varaya urged him again!

“Wait a minute! Remember to change the flashy armor you are wearing. Remember to change to lighter leather armor in the future.”

“Yes, Lord Marquis!”

The messenger is just a small soldier, and what he wears actually depends on the preference of the superior. Let alone asking him to change into leather armor, even if Marquis Varaya asked him to change into women’s clothes, he would not dare to resist…

Ironwood City

Richard also received a letter from the royal capital. He is also qualified to know in advance that the Dragon Knight is about to become one of the top nobles in history.

“Although it was expected, it happened faster than expected.”

After finishing speaking, Richard handed the letter in his hand to Moriel. When Lint was away, Moriel could also act as a strategic adviser. The Dragon Queen who once unified Negan to fight for the continent was also A great strategist.

Compared with Richard’s somewhat relieved look, Moriel was quite happy after reading the letter.

“Lord, this is a good opportunity for us.”

A stable kingdom is definitely not suitable for ambitions. Moriel has done a good job in her homework during these days. She is very clear about Richard’s current situation and the situation of the kingdom. Without external forces to destroy the kingdom, In fact, it is in a very stable state. Breaking the situation with force is somewhat thankless. Now that the orcs, a powerful external force, can break the situation, it is actually a good thing for Richard.

She is currently the most enthusiastic of all the heroes to expand Richard’s power. Except for Moriel, Ron is a bit dull, Siair is a complete joke, and Elena’s words are completely righteous friends, let them do it It is unrealistic to be enthusiastic about the expansion of power.

“If the orcs break the Dragon’s Breath Pass, we can send our troops south and quickly capture Piaoxue City. First, completely occupy the north, then go down the river, capture Zhenbei Pass, and capture the valley together.”

“We also need to guard against the orcs coming from the snowfield.”

“The environment of the snowfield means that the expeditionary orc army will not be too large. We are fully capable of fighting on two fronts, and it will be easy to capture Piaoxue City and the river valley.”

If you put aside Richard’s psychological factors, Moriel’s idea is absolutely correct. The unification of the North is so far just a matter of Richard’s wishes.

With the current Piaoxue City and the Jingbei Army that has not yet recovered its breath, they cannot stop the Hunter family, which is now in the ascendant in the Northland, and the Lanster family cannot even bring out the Great Knight. Over the past few years, Richard’s men have reached several sky-level combat capabilities. The two sides have long been no longer on the same level.

The Hunter family has not directly annexed Piaoxue City because they don’t want to break up with the kingdom, let alone challenge the existing rules of the human kingdom. Once the orcs invade in large numbers, the kingdom will have no time to look north and challenge the rules. If you do it, you will do it. Even if Richard goes too far, no one can do anything to him. But from the bottom of his heart, doing this when the orc enemy is invading is not taking advantage of the national crisis to strengthen himself. own suspicion.

Breaking through the Zhenbei Pass and capturing the river valley seems to be a little more troublesome than defeating Piaoxue City. After all, it is also a strong pass, and it is backed by a valley with rich supplies. However, all objective factors cannot be circumvented by subjective factors. Conditions, that is, people. Under Richard’s deliberate management, the commanders of the garrison in the river valley have already been flirting with the Hunter family. If the army really comes to the city, how much resistance can the defenders of Zhenbeiguan have? What about will?

“Let’s prepare first, deal with the orcs who may attack again, and wait for changes in Dragon’s Breath Pass before moving.”

“Ah, useless compassion.”

In Moriel’s view, even if Richard were to attack Piaoxue City now, the kingdom would have to hold its nose and admit it. This lord is ambitious, but he is still a little less decisive.

“Then I need to lead an army, and the red dragon will be brought under my command first.”

It was originally a big taboo for his generals to take the initiative to ask for military power, but with the dual constraints of the system and the system, Richard would not be afraid. He thought about it and said:

“For the time being, we can only expand the army of one flag regiment. You can choose your own people. Chilong will be under your command after I go to the royal capital.”

Another expansion of 5,000 people is within the current capacity of the Hunter Territory. Richard’s original plan was to rest for a while and slowly eat away at some territory and population before making further moves, but now the plan cannot catch up. Changes, big changes are coming, and even if it doesn’t have to be as radical as Moriel’s idea, the action still needs to be a little faster.

“Thar and the newly recruited Orc Legion can also be added to your dragon army and trained by you.”

Recently, the special effects of the Taldu heroes have attracted many orcs to join the Hunter family. Now we can barely make up two people by selecting young and strong people. Originally, orcs and humans are different after all, and they should be like the West. Like the White Wolf Warriors, they formed a separate army, but now they have better choices. They assigned Moriel to the Dragon Army. Richard believed in Moriel’s ability. She could rectify so many strange races in the dungeon. Together they become a strong army, five thousand human soldiers, plus more than a thousand orcs, which is just a trivial matter to Moriel.

“Lord, you want to go to the royal capital at this time? It is not the right thing to focus on women.”

Moriel naturally knows what Richard is going to do when he goes to the king, but going to the capital now does not seem very wise to Moriel. The benefits of marrying a princess are not high now. From a purely profit perspective, This marriage is not of great significance to Richard.

After all, Messiah is not Ren’s only daughter. There are several brothers in front of her, and Messiah’s turn is not her turn.

“If you can’t even get the woman you want, then what’s the point of being ambitious?

Power, women, I want them all. ”


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