Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 286: Marriage and reactions of all parties


(I wish you all a happy holiday first, I am tired of using mobile phone codes in the countryside)

“Your Majesty, is this really the arrangement in the North? I’m afraid Richard and James won’t be able to resist it.”

After the others left, only Ren and Thor were left in the palace. Thor, who was still worried about the orcs appearing in the North, couldn’t help but ask again,

In his opinion, Renne’s arrangement is still a bit irresponsible.

“I’m afraid it won’t be conducive to the battle in the North if we send people there now. It’s better to guard Zhenbeiguan first and let Richard do his best.”

“If you send too many people, the kingdom will not be able to spare any time. If you send too few people, it will become a hindrance.”

Ren has seen this more clearly. With the current state of the north, I am afraid that the attitude towards reinforcements from the kingdom is not very welcoming. This can be seen from the fact that Richard has not asked for help from the royal capital until now. In the letter, apart from asking for various supplies like a lion’s mouth, there was no mention of reinforcements.

If it weren’t for the current enemy, Renn would have wanted to kill this rebellious traitor. Moreover, Renn had the Black Prison to get information about the Hunter family. In the past, the focus of the Black Prison was not in the North, but now the Black Prison is Turning your attention, the strength of this kingdom’s old intelligence agency became apparent. In addition to the Red Dragon, the strength of the Hunter family was at least 30% to 40%. Even the Stone Castle was highlighted by the Black Prison.

Ren knows the strength of the Hunter family better than Thor. He has already brought the Hunter family to the same level as the Ross family in the West. There will be no mistakes in a short time. If he really sends some people there, it will cause the order to go out. In a bullish situation, as for using the Lanster family to give Richard some eye drops, that is the basic operation of the king. If Richard had not had too much power from unknown sources, even if the Northland was assigned to him in such a crisis, So what about Richard, there is a Duke of the West anyway, but not many Dukes of the North.

“What about the little Messiah?”

Saul nodded and acknowledged Ren’s statement. Saul was considered an elder of the Charman family, so it was reasonable for him to discuss Messiah’s marriage with Ren.

“Humph, that kid Richard wrote about this two days ago. I asked him to prepare the betrothal gift and come to the capital to pick up Messiah.”

“Isn’t it dangerous to let Messiah marry to the North now?”

Saul does not object to the marriage between Messiah and Richard. As long as the princess in the Charlemagne royal family does not have the idea of ​​getting involved in power, her life will be much happier than the prince, and she can only enjoy the warmth of the family to some extent. Saul They also regard Messiah as a junior, so they will naturally consider Messiah’s safety.

In Saul’s eyes, the Northland will soon become a war zone, and both the Richard and Hunter families will be on the front line. It may not be safe for Messiah to marry again in the Northland. .

“Messiah has identified with Richard. When she heard that Richard had written to inquire about marriage, she came to my place every day to talk to him.”

There was a bit of helplessness in Renn’s words. He had to be cruel to the prince, and all his tenderness could only be transferred to the princess, so Renn always doted on the Messiah.

“What’s more, Messiah staying in the capital is not necessarily safer than going to the North…”

Ren’s last words are very meaningful. Although Thor still doesn’t know the strength of the Hunter family, he also feels that under the current situation, there is no absolutely safe place. At least the Hunter family still has a red dragon. , as long as Richard has some conscience, he will not let Messiah die trapped in the Northland during the crisis.

“Uncle Wang still needs to pay attention to the city defense of Jinlongdu and the reinforcements going to Zhenbeiguan.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“The armaments in the river valley have improved a lot since the last reorganization. Now that we are sending two legions to station, no matter how far the situation in the north develops, with the danger of Zhenbeiguan, we can win enough for us. reaction time.”


Ren nodded. Seeing that Ren was also a little tired, Thor did not stay any longer. He bowed to Ren and then turned and left the palace. He had to do many things himself to feel at ease.

The only person left in the palace is Ren, who is sitting with his eyes closed and meditating. He may be the person with the greatest pressure in the entire kingdom. Ren himself is definitely an excellent monarch, and he has the same courage and means. , if this was placed in a world full of humans, the Golden Dragon Kingdom would at least be in a state of resurgence under his governance. Unfortunately, the reality is that it is surrounded by a group of non-human beings who are not easy to mess with. Now it has to deal with the overwhelming crisis of the Orc Kingdom. Maybe he will become the last king of the Golden Dragon Kingdom and become a real king of subjugation.


When everyone dispersed, Ren couldn’t hold on to the heavy confidence he had maintained and sighed heavily. The threat from the orcs was more serious than imagined.

Western Realm

Rock City

This is the center of power of the Duke of Ross’s family. It is the largest city in the entire Western Territory, with more than 600,000 residents living here. The city is named Rock to express that it is as hard and unbreakable as a rock.

Compared to the Lanster family, which can only be regarded as the overlord of the North, the Ross family is the real emperor in the West.

The entire Western Territory has a population of more than 20 million, all under the jurisdiction of the Ross family. The kingdom has not enfeoffed any nobles in the Western Territory for hundreds of years. The Ross family has a history as long as the kingdom, and its ancestors are from Aragorn’s side. One of the founding knights, this land has also been a permanent town given to the Ross family since the days of Aragon. No king of any generation has ever touched this rule.

Fortunately, the Ross family is never domineering at night, and the required etiquette is performed meticulously. The required offerings are always delivered on time. Every year, thousands of horses from the Western Region are transported to the royal capital by the Ross family, so everyone is in good hands. All good looking.

Compared to the territories in the south and north that are threatened from time to time, the situation in the west is the best,

Three hundred thousand Western Territory cavalry suppressed the entire territory. The gold diggers who came to the Western Territory only dared to involve themselves. When faced with Duke Ross’s men, these ferocious gold diggers and private mine owners could kill people and steal goods at any time. Better than a rabbit.

The lizard man tribe in the desert next door had already had their bones broken by the Ross family, and they would only dare to show their knives with the gold diggers and private mine owners. If any of the Ross family’s cavalry were attacked by the lizard men in the desert The Ross family would not investigate the ins and outs carefully. The nearest lizardmen tribes around them had to be slaughtered by the Ross family’s cavalry. Although the Ross family was submissive to the kingdom, they were synonymous with arrogance and domineering in the Western Territory. The solution to the problem Just kill,

It is this simple and crude method that has created the Ross family’s reputation in the West.

Theo Ross

This man, one of the few known masters of the Earth Knights, is also the contemporary Duke of the Western Territory. He has been in the Western Territory for more than fifty years. This name has the effect of stopping children from crying at night among the lizard people tribe in the desert.

Although he is over eighty years old, he looks like a middle-aged man. As a master of the peak of the Earth Knight, he is still in his prime.

At this time, he was thinking deeply while holding a letter in his hand.

Later he ordered some of his most important confidant generals to be summoned.

“Your Majesty the Duke!”

“Your Majesty the Duke!”

Except for the commanders of the ten legions of the Western Border Army, who had brought people to have friendly exchanges with the lizard people in the desert, the rest all came to the meeting hall.

“I want to ask you a question this time.”

Everyone looked at Theo, who was not angry and boastful, with some confusion. He called everyone here to ask a question?

“Is the scimitar in the Iron Rider of the West still sharp?”

“I polish it day and night, and it never goes to waste!”

Everyone answered in unison, sharpening the knife was a tradition of the Western Army. This knife was sharpened so hard that the whetstone was almost gone. It was hard to keep it sharp.

Everyone’s unanimous answer seemed to give Theo reassurance. He seemed to understand the rules set by his ancestors. The knife must be sharpened frequently and must not be slacked off. Now is the time for the knife to really come into play. Now…


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