Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 285: Deployment


Royal Palace

In a relatively spacious room, five important figures were sitting. The one sitting at the head was King Ren, the current supreme ruler of the Kingdom.

The remaining people are the left prime minister who represents the interests of the traditional aristocracy, the right prime minister who represents the interests of the emerging bureaucrats and big businessmen, Marshal Sanchez, the military representative, and the leader of the Golden Dragon Forbidden Army, the Dragon Knight Thor.

These people who might have quarreled over the groups they represented at the court meeting were now sitting quietly on their chairs, digesting the news just announced by Renne and Thor.

“Lord Thor, are the Golden Dragon clan determined to tear up the agreement? Is there any room for reversal?”

The Left Prime Minister asked again without giving up.

The human race has been under the protection of the Golden Dragon for hundreds of years. Since the disappearance of the first king Aragorn, the relationship between the human race and the golden dragon has entered an unequal situation. Originally, they signed a contract with the human race under the pressure of Aragorn. The Golden Dragon clan who agreed to the agreement gradually became the patron saint of mankind, and mankind became accustomed to the protection of the Golden Dragon.

It’s just that for the Golden Dragon clan, all the constraints are not a piece of paper with no effect, but Aragorn’s powerful strength. Since Aragorn disappeared, this binding force has been continuously declining. For a hundred years, the human race could still have double digits of dragon knights at the same time, and they were all solid young golden dragons. Later, Aragorn disappeared for longer and longer, and the attitude of the golden dragon clan also gradually changed. From almost free help , to start putting forward various conditions. The number is getting smaller and smaller, and green dragons are still used to make up the number. By this generation, there are only two golden dragons and four green dragons to make up the number. Even because the human king executed a dragon knight, one green dragon was recalled, which could once be formed. There are now only five pitiful dragon knights left in the team.

“Is there really no other way? If possible, just leave one dragon behind.”

The person speaking this time was Army Marshal Sanchez. This veteran who was over seventy years old spoke very forcefully. Although his strength was only the peak strength of the Grand Knight, with his outstanding war command level in his early years, his presence was also among the military. It’s like a sea-fixing needle,

But the old marshal, who had always maintained a resolute attitude, now also looked anxious. Compared to the left and right ministers, he was the one who understood the value of the golden dragon best. Even Thor didn’t care about him. So thorough,

In fact, the dragon knights of the Golden Dragon Kingdom do not have much advantage against the orcs in Thor’s generation. The orcs have two sky-level masters. Even if they are not the opponents of the two golden dragons, they can still form a containment. Green dragons, orcs also have far more earth-level masters to deal with than humans.

In terms of high-end force, even if you include the Dragon Knights of the Kingdom, the advantage of humans is not obvious. In terms of mid-to-low-end strength, they are completely crushed by the orcs. The population advantage is not as big as expected. Some women Orcs and old orcs who are not too old to walk can also afford weapons to fight when needed, and their combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of young and strong human soldiers.

Human beings can still enjoy peace for two reasons. One is the obstruction of Longxing Pass. After all, Longxing Pass is a key place that humans have managed for hundreds of years. Not only are the fortresses strong, but also various military facilities It is fully equipped, and the most elite Longxinguan Corps of mankind is stationed there, which has sufficient food, grass and baggage. It cannot be broken through by the orcs. Secondly, the orcs still have concerns about the Golden Dragon clan. What the orcs are afraid of is not actually the five dragon knights of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, but the sudden intervention of the golden dragon. What they are afraid of is the same as hundreds of years ago, with dozens of dragon knights. The golden dragon and the green dragon suddenly appeared on the battlefield and killed the orcs indiscriminately.

Based on these two reasons, although humans and orcs have had constant conflicts in Longxing Pass for hundreds of years, and Longxing Pass is also the place where the human army has the highest death rate in service, the orcs have never truly conquered the nation. The force launched an attack.

Sanchez hopes to keep a golden dragon, just to keep a deterrent, at least to have some contact, to show the attitude of the golden dragon clan. If there is really no dragon left, wouldn’t he tell the orcs clearly that the golden dragon no longer intends to protect humans?

Unfortunately, in the face of Sanchez’s question, Sol still shook his head. Sol and Renne have worked hard in all the directions that these people can think of. If there is any chance, Renne will not Will choose to disclose the information. The support of the golden dragon is a kind of protective force for humans. For the Charman family, it is the most important part of consolidating the royal power. If the matter was not irreversible, Ren would not be willing to take it. On the table.

“Asuo is willing to stay and help me, but the order from the leader of the Golden Dragon Clan is that all dragons must withdraw before autumn.”

After all, the Golden Dragon clan has been getting along with humans for so many years. With the longevity of the Golden Dragon, many dragons and dragon knights in the clan have a certain friendship of fighting side by side. They are not too strict in doing things, and they still give humans some buffers. Time is just too short, far from enough for human reaction. Golden dragons like Asuo, who are quite close to humans, are even more willing to stay, but they cannot withstand the clan leader’s strict order and must return.

“There is no need to discuss the matter of Rang Jinlong now. We have to prepare for what will happen after Jinlong leaves.”

“The Longxiguan Corps must be expanded again, to maintain at least 1.5 million troops. The castles on the plain between the east side of the royal capital and Longxiguan must be inspected to ensure that each castle has Certain combat capabilities.”

“There is also the Jinlongjiang fleet, which must be expanded and prepared for war recently, and all the fortresses on the river bank must be inspected.”

After all, with the great enemy of the orcs on its side, the Golden Dragon Kingdom has never produced a truly foolish king. No matter how human beings have been involved in the past hundreds of years, they have never relaxed in strengthening defenses against the orcs. Of course, the defense line includes not only Dragon Breath Pass, but also several fulcrum-level cities on the east side of the central plain and hundreds of noble castles of various sizes. Most of the nobles of these castles are also military nobles who came from Long Breath Pass.

The defensive function itself is not weak, but it has been peaceful for a long time. I am afraid that some descendants have weakened the defensive capabilities of the castle a lot. At this time, the kingdom needs to supervise and strengthen them. These castles and several on the eastern front The great city is the second line of defense of the Golden Dragon Kingdom.

The navy and fortress defense line of the Jinlong River is the third line of defense operated by the human kingdom. If the orcs break through the second line of defense and the Golden Dragon is lost, then humans can still give up the eastern territory of the Central Plains and retreat to the west bank of the Jinlong River. The Jinlongjiang fleet, which has been operating for many years, continues to resist.

“Awareness of this matter is temporarily controlled. Apart from everyone sitting here, only nobles above the marquis and some important ministers have the right to know.”

“Does anyone have objections to this deployment?”

Ren sat in the front seat and asked after listening to Sanchez and Saul deciding on specific actions one by one.

“No, no…”

At this moment, the five most powerful people in the Golden Dragon quickly reached an agreement in a small palace. No matter how they usually fight, everyone is not a fool. They know the stakes and can sit in this position. There will be fools, and the details may still need to be considered, but consistency in the general direction has been reached. Next, the army and military facilities across the country will undergo the most stringent inspections…


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