Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 283: Fooling


Moriel did not speak, but stared at Richard with interest, and casually took the wine brought by the wine treasurer.

“Unfortunately, the wine in this pub is not expensive.”

“After drinking this cup, I invite you to go to my territory, where there is a better one.”

“Oh? Are you still a lord?”

The interest in Moriel’s eyes became even stronger. The little interest she originally aroused was because of Richard’s good looks. In any case, as long as a person has normal aesthetics, he will always be more interested in good-looking people.

“Of course, I rule a huge territory, several cities, and have more than 100,000 soldiers serving me.”

Because he knew the conditions of the lord that Moriel wanted to join, Richard directly described his power to Moriel.

Morill nodded noncommittally and commented:


Definitely, although Richard’s strength is not weak, but from the point of view of Moriel, the dragon queen who once led all the dragons to rule the entire Negan, he can only be called so-so.

“Yes, I am not strong enough yet. If I can get your help, I think my territory will be stronger.”

“Oh, you want to recruit me?”


Richard has basically figured out Moriel’s character, which is straightforward, so there is no need to be too subtle, just express the intention of soliciting directly.

“Do you know how my last master died?”

Moriel stared at Richard’s eyes, as if she wanted to see through Richard.

Richard still vaguely remembers the answer to this question. Moriel was once just a subordinate of a powerful lord Negan. Because he disliked the other party’s sluggishness and lack of enterprising spirit, he simply replaced him himself, and finally became Negan’s new ruler. , this is a record of betraying the master.

To tell the truth from the bottom of my heart, Richard must be cautious in using such a hero who is ambitious, has a record of betrayal, and is also powerful. But it is different now. He has a system. Dad, as long as Molly If you agree to his solicitation, you are not afraid of betrayal.

And even if there is any accident, the reality is no better than the game. Whether it is the Hunter family’s own army or the army recruited from the system city, they are loyal to Richard and cannot follow any hero to cause trouble.

So Richard is quite confident when facing Moriel.

“That’s not important. How can such a sluggish lord compare with me? I believe that under my command, you will have more room to perform.”

With the support of the system, Richard is indeed quite confident in his speech, and of course he shows a generous and heroic demeanor. Even a heroic figure like Dragon Queen Moriel has to admit that this young and handsome lord, There was indeed a different kind of charm, and Moriel did have the idea of ​​agreeing to Richard’s recruitment.

“Last question, you are just a lord now, do you have the idea of ​​becoming a king?”

“King, that’s not the case.”

Moriel was a little disappointed after hearing this. She didn’t want the lord she was loyal to to have another loyal partner.

But Richard’s next words made Moriel’s eyes light up and she made up her mind.

“What is a king? I want to be the emperor, the emperor who unifies the entire continent and even the world. From the southern islands to the northern snowfields, from the ocean to the sky, humans, orcs, giants and even dragons must surrender to me. Under his command.”

Isn’t it just to show ambition? How can a human kingdom be enough? If you want to play, play big. If people have no dreams, what is the difference between them and salted fish? Even gods should submit to the imperial power.

Sure enough, Richard’s ambition quickly became the straw that broke the camel’s back, and Moriel stood up and stretched out a hand.

“Keep your ambitions alive and hope you don’t disappoint me.”

Moriel stood up and was almost 1.8 meters tall, only slightly shorter than Richard. Richard also stretched out a hand and put it on Moriel’s palm.

“You won’t be disappointed.”

“The heroic unit Moriel has joined your team.”

The system’s prompt sound sounded in Richard’s ears like the sound of nature, and he finally tricked the person into joining his team.

Richard seemed to have conquered Moriel relatively easily through his rhetorical skills. In fact, it was better to get assistance from the system. Just like Elena and others before, as long as they showed corresponding actions based on the intelligence they found out, With special characteristics, it is easy to impress the opponent by following their liking. There are also some people who are obviously not suitable for recruitment, but they can be avoided in time without causing subsequent trouble.

“Lord? How long will you hold my hand?”

“Uh…I’m sorry, I’m rude.”

Richard was excited for a moment, and kept his hand on Moriel’s hand. Not to mention, a strong man of Moriel’s level could be considered to have completed his life before, and his skin did not have the roughness of an ordinary martial artist. Richard’s hand still felt a little smooth when he touched it.

However, after being reminded by Moriel, Richard quickly took his hand off, because it was worth losing his favor.

“Lord, take me to see your territory and army. It would be best if you have a dragon. I will conquer the entire continent for you.”

Moriel was even more impatient than Richard. Although she was influenced by some systems and decided to be loyal to Richard, her nature has not changed, and her ambition to conquer is burning.

But Richard remembered something after Moriel’s reminder. Moriel’s dragon specialty can be superimposed with Richard’s command specialty. When Moriel and Richard are present at the same time, Moriel’s giant dragon speciality can be superimposed. The dragon’s bonus and Richard’s advanced offensive and defensive techniques take effect at the same time. When the number of dragons increases, the dragon army may really become Hunter’s iconic army.

“But, Lord, can I make a suggestion to you?”


“Please pay attention to your body and don’t use some forbidden techniques that harm your origin. I don’t want your empire to suddenly lose its emperor when it is halfway through its establishment.”

Morill obviously saw that Richard was in a weak state and thought that Richard had used some forbidden techniques at the expense of his life force, so she gave him some advice.

“Well, I will pay attention. Sometimes I have no choice but to do so.”

The price of using the God-killing Ring can indeed be regarded as using a forbidden curse in a sense.

“In the future, I will clear out all enemies for you, so you don’t have to use such forbidden techniques anymore.”

Richard nodded, and Richard was a little moved by Moriel’s words.

However, Moriel’s attitude is different from Elena. After Elena pledged her allegiance to Richard, her attitude changed quickly and she completely abided by the etiquette of knights and lords, while Moriel seemed a little more casual. ,

Fortunately, Moriel is produced by the system, so there won’t be any big problems with loyalty. With Moriel’s strength, Richard will not get entangled in such small issues.

Just when Richard was about to leave with Moriel, he seemed to think of something. Richard, who had paid the bill and was already standing at the door, suddenly turned around and looked at the unlucky knight who just suffered from hemophobia.

I saw the other party looking at me eagerly, looking hesitant.

The words of Richard and Moriel just now were not deliberately lowered, but the elite champion knight Chernik heard them clearly.

Richard’s strength may not sound like much to Moriel, but to Chernik’s ears, he is already a great lord. With several cities and an army of 100,000, Chernik has never been loyal to such a powerful person. The key is that the other party is still recruiting subordinates. If it were not for his pride and the rules of the tavern, Chernik would have wanted to go up and ask the other party to accept him. Seeing that the other party looked like he was about to leave, Chernik would be disappointed again. When, Richard turned his head.

“This knight, I am recruiting some men who are willing to fight for me. Are you willing to be my knight?”

“Extremely happy.”

As expected, recruiting this elite champion knight is not difficult at all. You don’t need to waste words, just express a little meaning, and the other party will seize this opportunity to stick to you.

Moriel stood aside and watched Richard recruiting another customer in the tavern with an indifferent expression. Anyway, the other party’s strength was dispensable in Moriel’s opinion. At its peak, Moriel controlled more than three dragons. How many digits do you care about?

In the end, Richard and Moriel walked out of the tavern almost side by side, with Chernik following obediently. Apart from the boss, there was only a lone Evil God King left in the tavern.


The moment Richard walked out with Moriel and Chernik, the door of the tavern closed automatically and the dim yellow light dimmed.


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