Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 282: Powerful new heroes



Richard skillfully pushed open the door of the tavern. This was his third visit to this magical tavern. There were dim lights, a few wooden tables with a sense of age, and a smell of alcohol and mold mixed with it. The strange smell together, coupled with the fact that the boss is a boring and unattractive man,

Under normal circumstances, with Richard’s pretentious character, let alone visiting this kind of pub three times, he would probably be able to walk out backwards the first time he entered, close the door and politely say “excuse me”.

But because there were heroes to recruit here, Richard could only say “It tastes really good.” After ordering a glass of light sake as usual, Richard began to observe the situation in the tavern.

There were three guests sitting in the tavern this time, a human dressed as a knight, a **** race with horns and red skin, and another who was obviously female, but her head was covered by a hood and could not be seen for the time being. What about the task of clearing the race?

But it doesn’t matter, Richard has privileges in this tavern, and no disguise can escape his visit. Soon Richard focused his attention on the person dressed as the first knight.

“Elite Champion Knight Unit Chernik:

A wandering knight, as a knight of superior strength, he did not know when he suffered from hemophobia. He always fell into fear at critical moments in battle, losing his due bravery, and soon Soon no lord is willing to hire this powerful knight. He can only rely on his relatively strong body and do odd jobs to make a living. However, he has always been a proud knight who is incompatible with the common people and hopes to win over the lord. With recognition, as long as you are a lord, he is willing to serve you. ”

After reading this description, Richard felt deep sympathy for this once powerful knight and had the idea of ​​giving him a chance.

A champion knight of an elite unit must at least have the strength of a high-level earth. Unfortunately, fear of blood can easily lead to failure at critical moments, but Richard has already thought of the correct usage of this champion knight.

Ironwood City Academy, let a high-level instructor from the earth enter, what kind of situation will it be? The teaching force can be raised several levels by force. The knights of this era basically have the experience of leading attendants,

In terms of teaching, as long as Chernik is not stupid, he should be able to take up the post after some training. The key is that the recruitment conditions are ridiculously low. There are no conditions at all. Richard can bring the effectiveness of his own weapons and rations with just a wave of his hand. Don’t waste it. .

After making a decision in his heart, Richard continued to glance at the next target.

“Elite Evil God King:

A female evil **** king with a violent personality seems to be very good at driving evil spirits. In each battle, she can resurrect more evil ghosts from the corpses of her teammates. She hopes to serve a lord who is cruel and violent enough. She likes to be a caster. The abuser longs to be the victim. ”

After reading the introduction, Richard squinted his eyes slightly and carefully observed the other person’s appearance. Apart from the skin color and the long horns on his head, which were a bit curious, his figure was quite hot. He also had a long whip around his waist. He looked so… If you choose Yujie style, just read it in conjunction with this introduction…

Something is wrong.

Although this introduction is more tempting, and the other party’s skill in summoning evil spirits is also good, it is obvious that Richard cannot meet the other party’s requirements. Richard does not consider himself to be a saint-like lord who loves his people like his son, and occasionally has some bellyaching. Black, but it definitely has nothing to do with cruelty and tyranny. It is difficult for a cruel and tyrannical lord to develop and expand his territory. He silently gave the other party a cross in his heart. Richard then observed the last person in the tavern.

Heroic unit: Dragon Queen Moriel


Let’s not talk about attributes for now. Just this name makes Richard tremble. This name is so legendary in Heroes III. After seeing this name, Richard kept shouting in his heart. , take her down, take her down!

Richard continued to check Moriel’s information with a hint of excitement.

Level: 17

Strength: 37

Agility: 35

Physique: 39

Spirit: 21

Remarks: In human form

Feature 1: Dragon Specialization, the combat effectiveness of dragon creatures increases by 30% under the leadership of Moriel.

Feature 2: Dragon Bloodline (intermediate level), transform into an ancient black dragon, all attributes +10 and gain the dragon’s exclusive dragon breath skill.

Skills: Offensive Technique (Advanced), Defensive Technique (Intermediate), Dragon Flame Breathing Technique (Master Level), Dragon Flame Qi Entrainment Technique (Advanced), Financial Management Technique (Intermediate Level), Logistics Technique (Advanced Level)


1. Dragon Wing Robe

Effect: Mental power +2, one of the Dragon King’s divine power combination kits.

2. Red Dragon Sword

Effect: The attack power of the wearer and the army he leads increases by 10%.

Introduction: Moriel, the legendary lord of Negan, the dragon queen. Moriel, who has strong fighting talent, also has super battlefield command ability, and has also made certain achievements in internal affairs. She is a rare all-rounder with a huge body. Moriel, who has dragon blood, can also transform into a powerful black dragon to lead the dragon in battle. The dragon army led by Moriel is the most terrifying existence on the battlefield. Although for unknown reasons, Moriel came here to become a hero that can be recruited, but Moriel hopes to follow a young lord with both strength and ambition. Perhaps she has had enough of living in decay and old age. The days of serving under the lord.

After reading Moriel’s introduction, Richard felt like shit, this was even more luxurious than Elena’s original attributes.


Moriel should have discovered Richard’s investigation. Some beings with slightly higher perception are more sensitive to this kind of investigation.

After Moriel turned around, Richard finally saw the other person’s full face. He had long, fiery red wavy hair, deep eyes, a tall nose, and typical three-dimensional facial features of a Westerner, even if he didn’t appreciate Western aesthetics. Richard had to admit that the other party was indeed an iconic beauty, exuding a wild aura, which took her charm to a higher level.

At this moment, Richard had completely ignored the other two passers-by waiting for recruitment in the tavern, and only had eyes for Dragon Queen Moriel.

Now that he was discovered, Richard simply acted more generously, picked up the wine glass, walked to Moriel’s table calmly and confidently and said:

“Beautiful lady, may I have the pleasure of buying you a glass of wine?”

After finishing speaking, Richard turned around and shouted to the boss who remained silent at the bar, regardless of whether Moriel agreed or not:

“Please give this lady a glass of your best wine.”

Although Richard’s words were spoken boldly, his tone was very soothing and elegant. It not only showed that he valued the other party, but also did not reduce his own strength too much. It was just that this technique was too skillful and a bit of a scumbag. What I mean…


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