Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 281: New month


What happened in the royal capital has not yet reached Richard. According to Yusidu’s intelligence capabilities, it is not yet possible to directly plant ears and eyes in the palace’s court meetings. He can only conduct espionage through some indirect means. Afterwards, it was confirmed and sent to Richard’s hands. There was always a slight delay between the two comings and goings.

Richard has now basically returned to the strength of a great knight. Although he is still a little weak, he is not as fragile as before, and his basic training has begun to recover.

“Dang, Dang!”

“Sir, you lose!”

“Huh, it turns out there is still a huge difference in strength.”

“Sir, you are just a little weak now.”

“It’s okay, Fred, you don’t have to be humble. Even if I’m at my best, I’m no match for you.”

Richard is practicing with the outstanding swordsman Fred in the school yard, or Fred is teaching Richard to train,

Compared to Archangel Mills, the combat skills of the superb swordsman Fred are more suitable for Richard. After all, the archangel has received the benefits of racial talent, while the superb swordsman has truly grown up through training and fighting. of human beings.

Richard does not lack combat experience and skills, but in front of the outstanding swordsman, he is completely like Guan Gong. During the sparring, the outstanding swordsman can always predict Richard’s moves and break them one by one. , even if the opponent only uses the power of the Great Knight level, Richard can’t make more than a dozen moves in his hands.

“Your talent is one of the best people I have ever seen, but he still lacks some understanding of life and death.”


“The experience of moving forward without hesitation, risking death and living again.”

“Have you all experienced it?”

“Every outstanding swordsman has the experience of facing many enemies with fewer enemies, and they are all the ones who stand out from difficult battles.”

Richard nodded, but had no intention of trying. He just learned combat skills and experience from Fred. His level was much higher than that of the previous Crusaders and Champion Knights. He should be on par with Ai Elena is comparable, but as Elena is a hero with independent leadership ability, it is impossible for Richard to put someone beside him to be his martial arts teacher, so Fred becomes the most suitable person.

But what you learn is what you learn, but if you really want to try Fred’s so-called experience between life and death, it is impossible. Fred said it was easy, but I don’t know how many people died without realizing it. Richard I don’t want to try to see if I can stand out.

Trying not to put yourself in danger is the bottom line for Richard.

“Okay, that’s it for today. You can go and rest first.”

“Yes, sir.”

Richard had no plans to do any life and death training, and Fred could not persuade him to leave respectfully.

After making some repairs, Richard summoned the Flying Dragon King and flew towards the Stone Castle under the protection of Archangel Mills.

It’s a new month again. The treasures in the market and the heroes in the tavern must be collected as soon as possible. After experiencing the incident between the orcs and the Rising Sun Cult, Richard’s nerves that had just calmed down were tense again. Now is not the time to sit back and relax, you must seize every day to become stronger.

“Dear Sir Richard, long time no see.”

As soon as Richard walked into the market, Grandet’s very recognizable voice came over, his tone was respectful and disgusting, but it was useless not to miss a penny.

Richard was in a normal mood, nodded politely, walked to the counter without stopping, and directly asked Grandet about the treasures updated this month.

Treasure Category: Longan Ring

Effect 1: All attributes +1

Effect 2: Slightly increases affinity with dragon creatures.

Introduction: One of the combined parts of the Dragon King’s Divine Power. Collect all the Dragon King’s Divine Power sets to obtain the combined treasure Dragon King’s Divine Power.

Price: 6000 Kinnar

Pharmacies: Knight’s Blessing X5

Effect: Greatly improves the chance of a would-be knight to break through to the knight level. The probability depends on the user’s talent.

Introduction: A good-quality alchemical potion, the leisure work of the potion master.

Price: 800 Kinnar

Biology: Green Dragon X1

Introduction: The seventh-level primary unit of the barrier (elf) force. Because it is close to nature, it has a relatively peaceful temper, but its strength cannot be underestimated.

Price: 8000 Kinnar

Resource type: Mana Crystal X5

The attributes of the dragon eye ring in the treasure category are average. A little increase in all attributes will have little effect on the current Richard. A dragon affinity makes it impossible for Richard, who can’t find other dragons except the dragon given by the system, to see it. How useful it is, and as one of the kits of the Dragon King’s divine power, it is still unknown how many years and months it will take to collect all nine pieces. For Richard, who needs to improve his strength in the short term, it is temporarily useless.

The price of the green dragon from the soldier type is still ridiculously expensive compared to the biological nest, but it is still one of the must-buy items. Of course, being expensive is relative. If the kingdom has this opportunity, let alone Eight thousand jinna, they will buy it if they don’t get it, they will always be restless because they can’t get it.

The biggest problem with buying a green dragon at present is that it is a bit sensitive and difficult to use. Compared with the red dragon, the appearance of the green dragon can stimulate the nerves of the kingdom. The origin of the red dragon has been unclear. The kingdom had already sent someone to ask, but Richard couldn’t explain it. Could it be that I was given this by the system? I could only make up some lies to deceive ghosts and deal with it casually.

The perfunctory attitude must have aroused dissatisfaction in the kingdom. If there is another green dragon, the kingdom will have to break the casserole and ask the question.

I bought it, but how to use it in the future is a question. At least until I can completely ignore the pressure from the kingdom, it is best not to expose it.

The following five potions seem useless to Richard, but they are also resources that Richard is in short supply. They can be used to train his subordinates. Some young men who have graduated from Ironwood City College and have served in the military for many years are still stuck. There has been no breakthrough at the peak of the quasi-knight,

It would also be good to use these potions that help break through to the knight level as rewards for those who have made meritorious deeds, and to cultivate more knight-level backbones for the Hunter family.

As for resources? What is that? Now Richard has the confidence to reject those rare resources that are sold at sky-high prices in the market without even taking a second look.

“Master Richard, walk slowly!”

“Welcome to come again next time.”

Richard put on the longan ring and turned around to leave. Now that the rings in his hand are getting more and more upgrades, he can no longer suppress the taste of the nouveau riche.

Behind him was still Grandet’s respectful and tiring voice, not even a penny discount, boring.

If this is the case, why not give me a beautiful shopping guide, wait for me to finish scanning the goods, and the boss will look at me with pride and care, at least it will be more comfortable than that of a bad old man like Grandet.

After leaving the Congress Hall, the Green Dragon was already standing in the open space outside. The appearance of the Green Dragon was somewhat different from that of the Red Dragon. It was slightly larger, but not too obvious. The lines on its head were gentler, and there was no Red Dragon. It looks a little more ferocious and docile.

After discovering that Richard came out, Green Dragon also lowered his head slightly and expressed respect to Richard. From the time of purchase to the time when he came out, Richard had already thought about the arrangements for Green Dragon,

In the dead of night, fly directly to the forest city from high altitude, and work for the little money fan first. At least the activities in the forest city in the iron wood forest will not be easily discovered, and you can also guard against the orcs who may continue to go south through the iron wood forest from the snow field. This is not the time to casually stimulate the kingdom’s nerves.

After observing the green dragon, Richard took Fred around the castle again. The temple of the Dragon of Light was almost completed. This was Richard’s promise to Elena. Naturally, she had to take the matter to heart. on,

In order to build this temple, a group of construction workers were specially hired to let them settle here with relatively generous conditions. However, there were too many magical things in the castle, and they could not leave for a long time after completing the construction. , one of the rare permanent residents in the Stone Castle.

Time passed quickly. As Richard was wandering around, the sky gradually became dark again. The previously empty and seemingly deserted tavern was dimly lit again, and the tavern door slowly turned dark. Open it…


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