Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 280: Small actions that have no effect (changed)


Golden Dragon City

It has been spring for a long time, and the temperature has basically warmed up. Pedestrians on the street are dressed in confusion, some are still wearing long-sleeved robes, and some are already wearing unlined upper garments.

The market is still bustling, businessmen come and go, teahouses and restaurants are full of guests, and the citizens of Jinlongdu are always more willing to discuss national affairs. Although most of them are just talking nonsense, they can still be lively. , the top priority in these two days is naturally the appearance of orcs in the North.

Almost twenty days have passed since the orcs appeared in the Hunter Territory. At that time, there were many caravans coming and going in the Hunter Territory. Richard did not deliberately implement any information blockade. There was a message a few days ago. The caravan back to Jinlongdu passed the news over,

Things involving orcs are more likely to attract people’s attention. Less than ten days after the first caravan returned to Golden Dragon, most people knew about the orcs’ appearance in the North.

Although the orcs caused little movement this time, they were quickly suppressed by Richard. The damage they caused to the Northland was completely incomparable with the last time the ogres marched eastward.

But the shock to the royal capital was far greater than the eastward advance of the ogres. Even the people of Shengdou felt threatened.

“Tell me, is the orc’s appearance in the Northland true or false?”

“Can this be true? My cousin’s neighbor’s son works in a fur shop. Their caravan just returned from the North. I heard from them that the orcs also tried to attack Ironwood City, but Li Lord Cha led his troops to eliminate them, but they were still waiting for the orcs to be eliminated before leaving Ironwood City. When they left, they saw carloads of orc heads being loaded into cars.”

“Then it seems that the orcs are nothing more than that.”

“Shit! Who is Lord Richard? He is the strongest man in the kingdom, a master comparable to the Dragon Knight. If it weren’t for Lord Richard being strong enough, I think the Northland would be in danger this time.”

“No matter how strong Sir Richard is, there is only one person. I heard that there are not many orcs coming this time. If there are more, can Sir Richard still be able to stop them?”

“That’s right. What do you think the big shots in the palace will do?”

“What else can we do? Sir Richard will just become a dragon knight. At worst, he will order the River Valley and the Lanster family to provide support.”

“As bad as the Lanster family?”

The last time the Lanster family suffered a disastrous defeat when the ogres marched eastward, they gained a bad reputation. In fact, the Jingbei Army that the Lanster family has re-established now is at least as powerful as the kingdom’s regular army. Perhaps It’s still a little better than the average of the Southern Corps, but when you fail, no one will care about your past glory, and will only remember your latest fiasco.

Now in the eyes of the citizens of the royal capital, the Lanster family is a weakling who was defeated by the uncivilized barbarians of the wilderness ogres. If the ogres can defeat Zhenbeiguan all the way to Zhenbeiguan, it will be okay,

But not long afterward, Richard led his men to pick off both of Grugesh’s heads, and later occupied the opponent’s lair. Everything seemed so easy, making the Lanster family look like Even more useless.

“Otherwise? Do we really want to fight with orcs in the wild?”

To fight against the orcs, you can only rely on the dangers of the castle in the general direction. This is the common sense of humans in this era. They have long forgotten how the human coalition forces fought against the orcs in large groups on the plains in the Aragonese era.

This is the view held by all the ordinary people in Shengdou, let alone the big shots in the palace. Even Thor is unwilling to lead people to a decisive battle with the orcs in the wild unless it is absolutely necessary.

“Your Majesty, I think no matter how the orcs came, what we need to do now is to immediately strengthen Zhenbeiguan!”

“Yes, what the right minister said makes sense. We should immediately strengthen the defense capabilities of Zhenbeiguan, order reinforcement work in the valley, and then deploy large forces to strengthen the defense force in the valley.”

This is the first time that the big figures in the kingdom have officially discussed the appearance of orcs in the North. The two factions of the left and right ministers actually reached a tacit agreement on this matter from the beginning, which is to immediately strengthen the defense of Zhenbeiguan. .

As for the life and death of the Northland, it is not within the scope of their discussion at all, because if the orcs can directly appear in the Northland, there is no danger in the Northland. Except for the colder weather, the Northland is actually a smaller version. Central Plains,

You have to go all the way south to the river valley to reach the Zhenbeiguan Pass. This pass, which was not much valued at first, has now become the most mentioned place name in this meeting.

“We can support some supplies from the river valley to the north, and order the Hunter family and the Lanster family to hold on. There shouldn’t be many orcs coming from the northern snowfield. Maybe the north can hold on on its own.”

“Uncle King Sol, what do you think?”

Ren did not express his opinion immediately, but first asked Saul for his opinion.

“Your Majesty, I think we should make two preparations. Taking advantage of the orcs’ unstable footing, mobilize the army into the north to prepare for war, and at the same time strengthen the defense of Zhenbeiguan.”

“Lord Saul, while strengthening the defense of Zhenbeiguan, you also need to send troops to the Northland? I’m afraid that neither side will be able to take care of it by then.”

“I don’t think Northland should be given up so easily.”

“This is not giving up. We can allow the river valley to provide sufficient material support.”

“Okay, okay, let’s order 40,000 people from the First and Second Legions of the Forbidden Army to go to Zhenbeiguan to consolidate the defense of Zhenbeiguan. The follow-up will depend on the situation. On the other hand, let the valley area get some supplies, and the kingdom will get out. Part of the support is given to the North, so that they can hold on to the North and not allow the orcs to cross.”

“Your Majesty is wise.”

“Your Majesty is wise.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Ren has decided the final result of the argument, and Thor’s attitude is not firm. It is true that the kingdom’s military strength is insufficient. Even though such a large kingdom has several million standing troops, you will find that when it is used, you will find that It’s not easy to move anywhere,

The army at Longxing Pass must not be moved easily. The more than one million southern troops have to guard against swamp creatures and Nagas in the sea. There are also not many troops to move.

The Western Region is the Duke of Ross’s private army. The kingdom will not mobilize bad rules as a last resort. As for the security forces and garrison forces in various places, everyone knows their actual combat effectiveness from top to bottom, and no one will count on it. .

In the end, we can only transfer some people from the Guards to respond to the emergency. At least this unit can fight, but the number is insufficient, so we will not consider supporting the Northland for the time being.

“Okay, the next thing is that this time our kingdom’s top master, Lord Richard, has made great achievements again. With nearly a thousand orc heads and the commander of the orc army inside, Longxiguan has been destroyed for a year. If we can’t get out so many orc heads, let’s see how we can reward them.”

“Reward 10,000 gold nairs, and add some fiefdoms.”

“I think we should…”

This credit is actually quite embarrassing. It is impossible for a duke to do it, but it doesn’t make sense to give it away casually. It mainly depends on Ren’s intention.

“How about this, reward Richard with 10,000 gold coins alone, make Zebul, Hardman and others viscounts, and… make barons.”

“Your Majesty is wise…”

While everyone was shouting that Your Majesty is wise, they actually felt a little bit of it in their hearts. Seeing that His Majesty was so generous in granting two viscounts and several barons, the territories had all been given to Hunter by default before. The unclaimed land of the family has been sealed again by this hand. It seems to be to raise merit, but in fact it is to give some eye drops to Richard. As expected, he is with you like a tiger, and he was a new favorite before. Sir, this treatment is about to change.

It’s just that neither Ren nor the ministers in the palace knew that, except for Hadmen, the list of names reported by Richard were all warriors produced by the system. There was not much difference between giving the fiefdom to them and giving it to Richard. It’s not even disgusting…


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