Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 28: Military discussion


When Lint came outside the meeting hall, a fierce dispute seemed to have broken out in the hall.

“You are abandoning my people in the North!”

“Subjects? They pay taxes to their own nobles. Who are your people? It won’t be too late to send troops until the ogres enter the territory of my Lanster family.”

“You…, you have no conscience!”

“Huh, I only think about my Lanster family.”

Both sides had a supporter. Marquis Wade sat in the main seat and did not speak, allowing both sides to argue below with red faces.

Lint quietly walked into the meeting hall and sat down without attracting anyone’s attention. I learned a little bit about the concepts of both parties.

One side believes that the Jingbei Army should be dispatched immediately to defend the enemy in the wilderness. It is best to let this group of ogres retreat before the difficulties.

One party felt that the loss in a wild battle with a super-large ogre tribe was too great, so it was better to defend the castle with a strong wall and clear the field. The ogres were not good at attacking cities anyway.

But doing so is equivalent to giving up the territories of many small nobles. Ogres are no longer good at attacking cities, and some small castles are difficult to resist. Not to mention that it is the time of spring plowing and there are still many villages that cannot be evacuated.

After some careful consideration, Lint is still more inclined to take the initiative. If he sits back and watches the Northland rot, the consequences of the outbreak in the second year may be even more unbearable.

However, Lint felt a little uneasy when he thought of sending troops. The arrival of this ogre tribe was a bit strange, and Lint instinctively smelled some conspiracy.

“Xiaosi, tell me what you think.”

While Lint was thinking, Marquis Wade suddenly spoke up,

For a moment, everyone at the table turned their attention to Lint.

The people who can sit here are naturally not as superficial as the ignorant people outside. With Lin Te’s management ability in recent years, no one will just regard him as a waste who cannot cultivate.

Finding that everyone was focusing on him, Lint could only express his own opinion.

Lin Te glanced at the two parties in the dispute and then said in a deep voice:

“What if the ogres break through the territories on the edge of the wilderness and continue to move eastward? What if they come this time and stop leaving? Do we have to hide in the city for the rest of our lives?

Don’t think that strong walls and clear fields will make the ogres retreat, think about why they are called ogres. ”

The reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold is understood everywhere. When the noble families near the wilderness cannot withstand it, the territory of Piaoxue City may be directly destroyed by the wilderness tribes.

Also, the option of strengthening the walls and clearing the wilderness may seem useful at first glance, but with so many villages in the North, it is impossible to move all the people into the city. They may all become the food of the ogres.

Lint’s intention was obvious, supporting the Jingbei Army to take the initiative.

Marquis Wade nodded at the table. Although he did not speak, it could still be seen that he agreed with Lint’s point of view.

“Then I suggest that the lords from various places rely on the castle to resist for a period of time. When they can no longer hold on, our Jingbei Army will take action.”

“Uncle Dawn is right.”

“Yes, we can’t take action so easily. These people usually don’t pay a copper ner tax to our Piaoxue City.”

“We have to let them know the pain before they can appreciate us.”

Everyone was talking and most of them agreed with Dawn’s statement.

Although the Northland defaults to the Lanster family as being respected, legally speaking, other nobles are also professed by the kingdom and have no direct affiliation with the Lanster family.

Now that the ogre tribe came from the wilderness and was separated from the Lanster family by several territories, most of the Lansters did not want to take the initiative.

Lint frowned. He didn’t quite agree with this in his heart, but this approach seemed to be more in line with Lanster’s interests, and he did not express any clear objection.

“I think that in order to allow these territories to resist the ogres for a while, we can provide them with some supplies first.”

“Divide them into several more war zones and let them choose their own commanders and coordinate their defense. We, the Jingbei Army, will hold them back.”

As soon as Dawn finished speaking, some echoing voices sounded again.

“What a great idea, it can keep them going for a while.”

Hearing Dawn’s words, Lin Te raised his head and looked over, a glimmer of light flashing in his eyes.

I don’t know how many benefits this old thing has gained.

The Marquis Mansion has the power to command the lords of the Northland during the war. This is not a bad rule. After dividing the war zone, it is said that it will choose a commander by itself.

But if we don’t choose a leader that the Lanster family is satisfied with, I’m afraid we won’t be able to get any support from the Lanster family.

Lint thought for a moment and knew that this suggestion would definitely be adopted,

It doesn’t cost much, but it can strengthen the Lanster family’s influence on other lords in the North. This is something Marquis Wade will definitely do.

The Lanster family only needs a chicken feather, and someone can take it and use it as seasonal arrows.

Lin Te unconsciously thought of Richard, who left a deep impression on him.

Maybe you can help this guy. I wonder what tricks he can do if chicken feathers are thrown into his hands.

Lin Te was actually looking forward to it.

After setting the tone for the entire operation in Piaoxue City, everyone began to discuss the specific details. The atmosphere in the entire meeting hall was relatively relaxed,

Although a super-large ogre tribe deserves the attention of Piaoxue City, it will never give the Lanster family a great sense of crisis.

If losses were not considered, under normal circumstances a hundred thousand Jingbei troops would definitely be able to defeat a super large ogre tribe.

Only Lin Te secretly felt that something was wrong, but he could never figure out where the danger lay.

“Okay, let’s do it like this, everyone, go down and prepare.”

In the end, Marquis Wade decided the final course of action.

Divided more than 20 territories that may be attacked by the ogre tribe into five war zones, and dispatched 80,000 Jingbei troops to wait for opportunities,

Except for some necessary left-behind troops, almost the entire Jingbei Army was dispatched, displaying a momentum like a lion fighting a rabbit.


“Sander, gather the Dark Riders.”

The more Lint thought about it when he returned to his residence, the more he felt something was wrong. Although the ogre was reckless, it was definitely not a mindless beast.

It is impossible for a super-large ogre tribe not to know the power of the Marquis Mansion in the North. Since they dare to come, they must have some confidence to compete with the Jingbei Army, or there is some reason why they have to come.

Without enough information, Lint was unable to make an accurate judgment. He could only try his best to gather the strength at hand for emergencies.

“The Dark Riders are still distributed in various caravans. If they are all transferred, it will have a great impact on the Chamber of Commerce.”

“Stop the Chamber of Commerce activities for a moment. The Dark Riders must gather before the Jingbei Army is dispatched.”

“Yes, Master”

Although Sander always likes to put forward his own ideas, as long as Lint makes a decision, whether he understands it or not, Sander will implement it to the letter.

The Dark Cavalry is an elite force secretly cultivated by Lin Te himself. Although there are only three hundred members, all members have the strength of quasi-knights or above, and they all ride expensive river valley horses. Together they will definitely have an impact. The strength to win or lose small and medium-sized battles.

People like Lin Te, who are smart but weak, have a serious lack of sense of security.

To put it bluntly, such people are more stubborn and always keep some trump cards in their hands.

The Dark Riders are one of Lint’s trump cards. When Sander went to issue the call order, Lint

Finally suppressed some of the uneasiness in my heart.

“I hope I’m just scaring myself.”

Lin Te muttered something, then calmed down and slowly made himself a pot of light tea.


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