Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 279: The newly formed army and the royal capital


“Good practice.”

“The supply of soldiers is so good that my subordinates dare not take credit.”

The one who answered the conversation on the side was Eliart, the commander of the Sun Legion who had just taken office. He looked to be only in his twenties. This is one of the characteristics of the Hunter family, or a characteristic of a newly rising force. One is that the backbone is all young,

Elite was also one of the early students of Ironwood City Academy. He graduated from Ironwood City Academy and worked for the Hunter family before the Hunter family rose to prominence.

From the captain of the Old City Guards to the leader of the First Flag Regiment of the Flying Bear Army, they were originally among the most talented people in the early Ironwood City Academy. With Richard’s focused training and resource allocation, they successfully entered the field. After gaining the rank of knight, this time the Blazing Sun Legion was newly formed, and Richard transferred him back from the Flying Bear Army to serve as the legion commander.

To put it simply, the Hunter family has risen too fast. Even with Richard’s early years of paving the way to accelerate the training of talents and establish a development system, the starting point of the Hunter family is still too low, and the steps have been a bit big. So far, the Hunter family has The Te family has only managed to have a shortage of basic officers at the quasi-knight level, but senior officers such as the legion commander can only be appointed by knights, which are not up to the standards of the kingdom’s elite legions. Even Jingbei, the former Lanster family, Army, the rank of army commander is also held by a knight.

But now the knights are all okay. More resources can be allocated to cultivate the approved knights with the best talents. Some of them will always emerge, but the level of the great knight cannot be cultivated by oneself in a short time. Now Richard’s subordinates , in addition to the soldiers of the heroic invincibility system, there are also knights without knights who have taken refuge from outside. The number of knights I have trained has reached nearly double digits, but the most talented among them have just reached the middle level of knights. Great knights are about to begin to emerge. At least it will take several years of accumulation.

Now, compared with the elite legions of the Kingdom, the advantages of several legions including the Flying Bear, Tiger and Leopard, including the Lieyang Legion, still lie in the basic soldiers and officers. They have stronger fighting will and discipline. In terms of the number of strong men, Suffering some losses, at least the Hunter family’s army is not yet able to have every knight serve, and can barely do half of it.

As for Viscount Sauter and his two uncles, Richard still knew in his heart that it would be okay for them to command hundreds of thousands of troops to charge, but if they were really entrusted with important tasks, commanding an army of tens of thousands would be an absolute mess.

“No matter how good the recruits are, you still have a share of the credit. I heard that you have never stepped out of the military camp since the first batch of new recruits arrived.”

“What subordinates should do.”

Richard encouraged Eliot a few more words, and then they went on a patrol together and agreed.

The main body of the newly built Sun Legion is still stationed outside the city. After all, Ironwood City is only a city of tens of thousands of people. It would still seem a bit crowded to put an entire legion directly in the city, and it is not wartime.

After the recruitment of the army, they have completed the change of equipment. Standard weapons and cloth armors have been distributed to the soldiers. Training has begun on the assembly and use of sidecars and the operation of strong crossbows and bear-hunting crossbows.

Now that the Hunter family has a bigger fortune, it is much richer than before. In the past, when the army expanded, people often waited for equipment. Now, as soon as the army expands, the equipment can be obtained immediately.

Although the soldiers have only been training for a few days, they already look decent. Even after a few more exercises, they should be ready to fight.

In this era, the training of new recruits originally took at least three or four months. To really develop sufficient combat effectiveness, the training cycle was more than half a year. However, this cycle is to train a farmer who has just put down his **** to be able to kill people with a knife. level of professional soldier.

The recruits of the Burning Sun Army basically come from the old territory of the Hunter family and territories such as Weirland, Banderland, and Naderland that were absorbed into the Hunter family’s war preparation system early on.

All the soldiers are led by the peace officers during their leisure time and have received relatively professional military training. Naturally, they are not starting from scratch. They are familiar with the basic queues and the use of weapons.

The junior officers are also experienced veterans from other armies and graduates of Ironwood City Academy. Their quality is above the standard. In addition, Eliot is indeed a capable regiment commander, so he can serve as general in less than a week. The Legion of the Burning Sun came up with a plan.




The training of soldiers is very serious, and they are highly motivated. The Hunter family has no shortage of soldiers, and there is no one who is reluctant to join. They all volunteer to join the army and have to pick and choose, and some Compared with the soldiers who were forced to recruit from the local area, they were naturally more proactive.

Although I can still trust Eliot, I still say that, do your supervision first and don’t test human nature.

Li Cha inspected the food situation of the soldiers as usual, asked the soldiers individually about the amount of money and food they received every month, and then randomly took a few soldiers’ weapons to check the quality. Only then did he complete the inspection of the Lieyang Legion, and turned back. Rest in Ironwood Castle. The cost of using the God-killing Ring once is too high. Richard estimates that it will take at least half a month for him to recover. Moreover, if he comes often, it may cause some irreversible damage to his body. He must use it with caution in the future. It’s better not to have another chance to use it.

Royal Capital

In a side hall of the palace, the waiters had already exited the room. Only Ren and the leader of the black prison, Harris, were left in the hall. Harris, who originally had a rich and kind temperament, was not very calm in front of Ren. He looked cautious.

“Have you still not found out where the red dragon that appeared under my son-in-law came from?”

“Sorry, Your Majesty, the Black Prison has used all its power, and I still don’t know where Lord Richard got the red dragon.”

“What happened to the Sky Knights fighting in Ironwood City?”

“Except for Lord Richard, we can only confirm that one of them is the contemporary Pope Mixiu of the Rising Sun Sect. There is no relevant information about the other people.”

Ren asked calmly, but Harris became colder and colder as he answered. After things kept popping up from Richard’s side, Harris’s mood became worse and worse. There was also Chilong on Richard’s side. The strong men all seemed to appear out of nowhere, making it impossible for Harris to speak in front of Renne with trepidation.

“I can’t find this, I can’t find that, so why am I raising a black jail?”

“Your Majesty, forgive me.”

“Bang! Keep checking!”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The strength that Richard has shown now is no longer something that Ren can easily touch. At most, he will send someone to inquire, and the tone will not be too serious. Richard will be over with a little perfunctory.

Of course, Renn has no intention of tampering with Richard. When it comes to means, Renn is definitely a qualified old bastard. He will not act casually when he should do something, but it is just the innate ability of the superior. His desire for control only prompted him to explore the secrets of Hunter Territory…

“Your Majesty, there is another piece of information.”


Ren’s tone is not very good. Although he will continue to rely on Harris to manage Black Prison, it is obvious that Renn is somewhat dissatisfied with the performance of Harris and Black Prison this time.

“Some evidence has been found about the assassination of Lord Richard.”


“There is definite evidence that this matter is related to the new head of the Lanster family, James, and they are suspected of colluding with the Rising Sun Cult.”

After hearing this, Renn did not show the appropriate anger. A high-ranking noble colluded with the kingdom’s mortal enemy to assassinate another high-ranking noble, and he was still a meritorious minister. This should have been a heinous crime, but Renn was very Calmly, his fingers kept tapping the table, as if he was thinking about something.

“How many people know about this?”

“This is a single line of information. The key person is still in the dungeon of the Black Hell. I am personally responsible for the interrogation. I guarantee that no one else will know.”

“Go back and deal with the people. Don’t let the third person know about this.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Harris is only responsible for executing Lane’s orders and never asks why. This is one of the key qualities that allows him to rule Black Prison for a long time.

“Red Dragon, Dragon Knight, Sky Knight, Rising Sun Cult, and Orcs…”

After Harris left, Lane sat alone in a chair, closed his eyes and meditated, muttering silently…


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