Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 278: Untitled (changed)



“My Lord…”

As a warrior with a strong back and a strong waist walked in and saluted Richard, or to say that using a strong back and strong waist on him was a bit demeaning, the tiger was in front of him, looking at the nearly two-meter-high weapon in his hand. The giant sword may have to learn to become a well-behaved kitten.

This Fred is the reward unit that Richard received in the mission reward-Excellent Swordsman. Compared with the Archangel, they have their own strengths. In terms of overall cost performance, the Archangel is better. A resurrection The magical skills and strong combat power are enough to make the archangel surpass all seventh-level soldiers. But in reality, the lethality of the outstanding swordsman in group battles should be higher than that of the archangel. Just because his physique is similar to this door panel As soon as the heavy sword entered the crowd, it was the existence of man blocking the killing god, and it was impossible to stop him without paying the lives of hundreds of elite soldiers.

But at this time, the powerful warrior named Fred respectfully obeyed Richard’s call and came in from outside the house, waiting for Richard’s next order.

“Get ready, I’m going out of the castle and have a look around the city.”

“Yes, sir.”

As the enemy becomes more and more powerful, Richard has also raised his own safety standards higher and higher, especially since he is in a weak state recently. A random knight may easily kill him, so he must be vigilant. One point, always take experts like Fred and Mills with you when you go out to prevent any unexpected events.

Inspecting Ironwood City from time to time is a homework that Richard must do every day, especially now that the new students of Ironwood City Official School have just entered, and the new recruits of the Sun Legion have just arrived to start training. They are all a blank piece of paper, which is exactly what is needed. When he shows his presence more, he has to leave a deeper impression on them at the beginning.

“Master Richard, Master Richard…”

People on the street greeted Richard one after another. Richard’s face was so famous in Ironwood City. The only one who could rival him was Viscount Sauter who often hung out in the circus.

However, although Richard behaved very close to the people, the vigilant Fred behind him and a group of guards still made the civilians of Ironwood City sensible to keep a certain distance, especially when Richard is relatively weak now. , the eyes of the guards behind them were as if they wanted to eat people, and everyone looked like assassins with ulterior motives.

“Go to the school first, then to the military camp.”

“Yes, Sir Richard.”

In Richard’s mind, in terms of importance, the importance of the academy is slightly higher than that of the army.

Especially since Ironwood City Academy is a paramilitary academy, most of the people it trains are basic military officers. Capturing the hearts of these students will at least capture half of the military morale.

At present, Ironwood City College has become more and more complete. In addition to the original six-year training system, it has also added a crash course of several months.

Six-year students are still admitted from the more talented children among the common people, plus a small number of noble children who have joined the Hunter family. After six years of studying at Ironwood City Academy, they will at least be peak quasi-knights when they leave.

Now that the resources of the Hunter family can keep up, this batch of talented people may even be promoted to knights when they graduate in the summer. After they join the army, they will all start directly, which is lower than the starting point of other students. Much higher.

There is also a crash course, which is mainly for soldiers and low-level officers who have performed well in the army. They have generally redeemed the breathing method. Those who can come to Ironwood City Academy’s crash course have probably accumulated military merit in exchange for the breathing method.

Come here to receive systematic training and study again, and make some cultural and theoretical improvements by the way. Of course, more importantly, you must also receive the influence of Richard’s theoretical thoughts, and return after a few months of improvement. It won’t take long for the respective troops to become a centurion-level officer, breaking away from the category of ordinary soldiers.

“Gather! Gather!”

“Da da da…”

Because Ironwood City Academy has a strong official background, it has enclosed a large area in the core of Ironwood City for the academy. There are several playgrounds for training.

A teacher on the stage who was wearing a battle armor and dressed like an officer shouted to assemble. The young boys who were still scattered on the playground for sparring quickly started to trot, and the assembly was completed in less than ten seconds. It seemed that It has been practiced for a long time.

“This time the orcs invaded our Ironwood City and finally escaped despite the resistance of my heroic warriors. However, after they failed to siege the city, they attacked the villages and massacred civilians, resulting in the death of a large number of civilians. This is a shame for our soldiers.”

After saying this, the instructor above glanced at the young boys below, and saw that everyone’s face was red, and they looked like they could not wait to fight the orcs to the death right away. In Ironwood City Academy , most of the students regard themselves as members of the army, and most of the talents trained here are also added to the army. At this moment, it sounds like everyone is losing.

“Kill the orcs, kill the orcs!”

No need for the instructor to say anything, these teenagers soon started to scream.

“With your current strength, you cannot even defeat an orc. If you go out to fight rashly, you will be slaughtered by the orcs like a dog. Fortunately, Lord Richard led his troops to annihilate the orcs and protect everyone again.”

“Long live Lord Richard!”

“Practice your skills and kill the orcs!”

“Practice your skills well and repay Lord Richard’s kindness!”

The chicken blood fight is very successful. Whether it is establishing worship or enemies, it can become the motivation for these teenagers to survive boring training every day. Without any motivation, how can teenagers of this age survive such a day? After studying and training day after day, this wave of excitement must have prompted many people to continue practicing during their breaks.

The financial subsidy given by Richard is sufficient. Even the army cannot guarantee that every meal can be eaten, but it can be done in this college. The three meals a day are not only full but also full of oil and meat. Some low-level nobles live a good life, and can often eat beef. Nutritious meals are also prepared according to Richard’s suggestions, so that they can support such a training method. Otherwise, people with this intensity will become useless.

But it is all worth it. In the future, Ironwood City Academy will be able to provide him with hundreds of loyal, educated and qualified quasi-knight-level officers in each issue. These investments will slowly become the cornerstone of Richard’s continuous expansion of power. .

With the instructors and students looking surprised and excited, Richard walked from the edge of the training ground to the stage and gave a few words of encouragement, which aroused bursts of cheers until Richard left and went to the military camp to inspect the newly recruited troops. , the cheers couldn’t stop for a long time,

Tiemucheng College was very successful, Richard thought…


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