Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 277: Construction and generous rewards


The matter of army expansion was settled at Richard’s insistence. With the Hunter family’s financial resources, although it would be a bit stressful to support a new army, it could still be done by moving here and there. , as the big steward in charge of Ironwood City’s money and food, Egger always instinctively has some headaches about things like military expansion.

This military expansion is carried out from two aspects. One is to supplement the original two legions. The Flying Bear Army and the Tiger and Leopard Army each expanded a flag regiment of 5,000 people, forming a reinforcement of five flag regiments. Legion, a new legion of 25,000 people was formed. The new legion was named the Lieyang Legion, which happened to match Richard’s fighting spirit attributes.

The equipment of the Legion of the Burning Sun is still provided by the ordnance factory, but some updates have been made to the equipment compared to the past.

Ordinary bows and arrows have been basically eliminated from the equipment sequence. The long-range troops only retain the bear-hunting crossbow and the Zhangzhang crossbow, two long-range weapons with strong armor-breaking capabilities. The improved partial box truck fleet has also become the current ironclad The standard equipment of Mucheng regular army.

In war, you must be good at summarizing experience and lessons. The Hunter family has jumped out of the level of competition among small nobles. The target enemies have become orcs and even snow giants, non-human beings with amazing defense capabilities. The orcs are because Its strong body can be covered with thicker iron armor, and the snow giant is naturally rough-skinned and thick-bodied, so ordinary bows and arrows cannot break through their defenses. Even the system’s marksmen are not effective at damaging them. Only the big elves The archer can still see a little bit, but there is not much point in continuing to be an ordinary archer.

The sidecars can directly charge into battle against strong fighting races. At least when facing off against orcs, the soldiers can rely on the sidecars to make up for their physical disadvantages.

Lances, large shields and heavy armor-piercing weapons have become the main hand-to-hand combat equipment of the current armies of the Hunter family. Richard’s imaginary enemy in building an army has gradually completely shifted from the human army to the alien army, and everything revolves around the idea of ​​fighting the orcs.

Now, in addition to the system army, Richard will have more than 80,000 professional troops, including three legions: the Flying Bear Army, the Tiger and Leopard Army, and the Lieyang Army, plus a cavalry flag regiment. Based on the previous pattern of the Hunter family It certainly cannot support so many professional armies, but the Hunter family is different now,

Currently, the territory controlled directly or indirectly by the Hunter family already occupies half of the Northland, and it is still eroding the traditional sphere of influence of the Lanster family,

Although there were only more than two million people in the territory directly under the Lanster family in the past, as the overlord of the North, the Lanster family also had considerable influence on other northern lords. In the lord’s territory, no one dares to complain about trade and conscription as long as it doesn’t go too far.

But now with the rise of the Hunter family and their performance becoming more and more powerful, more nobles are gradually turning to the Hunter family. Otherwise, because of the harsh rules set by Richard, I am afraid that except for Lance, the entire Northland The other nobles have already fallen to the Hunter family.

Even though Richard has strict rules now, under the threat of war, many nobles still joined the alliance formed by the Hunter family in order to protect themselves, consciously sent their nephews to Ironwood City to study, and recruited their own quasi-knights Serve in the Hunter family army.

When the ogres marched eastward, the Hunter family performed very well. The nobles who took refuge with the Hunter family were basically spared from disaster. However, the nobles who had obeyed the Lanster family in the past had to fend for themselves in the end. , everyone voted with their feet. Since the Lanster family is no longer stable, it is reasonable to seek refuge with the Hunter family.

Especially in the last half month, the orc army has appeared. There has been such a big movement, with giant dragons and sky-level warriors fighting. Everyone is not a fool. It is impossible that nothing happened in Ironwood City. It is clear that after fully confirming the tension of the situation and the strength of the Hunter family, more nobles in the North surrendered to the Hunter family despite Richard’s somewhat harsh regulations.

Now the Northland population of more than 10 million people is divided into four and six. The Hunter family accounts for six and the Lanster family accounts for four. Moreover, the Hunter family is still expanding, and sooner or later the Lanster family will The Ste family’s sphere of influence is only their own direct territory, and even more…

And Richard now has a population of six million, half of the Northland, and a professional standing army of 80,000 people. This ratio is not actually considered militaristic.

In the past half month, apart from keeping an eye on army expansion, army training and territorial construction in Ironwood City, Richard did not go to Demon Suppressing City for the time being. There were two legions of the Flying Bear and the Tiger and Leopard Army there, as well as Lint coordinated the management and couldn’t think of anything happening, so he went to the Stone Castle to receive the reward for this mission.

This battle has overfulfilled the mission. The scale of the battle is small but the quality of the enemies is very high. The experience gain of more than 600,000 is almost the same as the increase in the battle with the orcs. When receiving the mission reward, I was again rewarded with hundreds of thousands of experience. Finally, Richard was given another level of regeneration.

At present, Richard’s level has reached level 19, but except for the improvement of various attributes, there has not been much improvement in strength for the time being. After gaining a few more skill points, the Lieyang Qi Entrainment Technique is finally at a level that can be upgraded. However, considering his current weak state, Richard was afraid of the negative consequences of rashly increasing his strength, so he planned to endure it until his physical condition recovered.

In addition to experience, the other rewards of the mission are also quite rich, including a treasure reward and a soldier reward.

The golden armor as a treasure reward can provide the wearer with a five-point strength bonus, and provide the wearer and subordinate soldiers with five defense points at the same time. Coupled with Richard’s advanced defense skills, it can have a considerable effect. Promote,

The basic defense of the Crusaders, which is famous for its defense, is twelve points. With the bonus of golden armor and advanced defense skills, the Crusaders’ defense can be close to twenty points. This is really going to be impossible to defeat on the battlefield. The tin can is moving.

The only thing that makes Richard dissatisfied is this gold armor. It is so beautiful and gorgeous. It is more than ten times more shiny than the white gold-edged armor that Richard made to show off. It has red gold patterns and the whole The armor looks so shiny that it’s hard not to be noticed on the battlefield.

Fortunately, the second bonus unit adds a close bodyguard for Richard – the Extraordinary Swordsman, the Extraordinary Swordsman. Richard is not familiar with this unit, but vaguely remembers them in a certain version of Invincible Heroes. He replaced the angels and became the top unit of the human forces. He is dressed in spiked heavy armor, wearing a cape that looks like Spartan red pants, and holds a giant sword that looks like a door panel. He is two meters tall and looks stronger than an orc. , one can see that he is particularly capable of fighting.

The only thing Richard is worried about is that in the game, the Excellent Swordsman is not a flying unit. If he comes here, he can only move on the ground. As a top-level soldier, there will indeed be some discounts. Fortunately, the Excellent Swordsman is also used as a flying unit. The system is equipped with a Dou Qi template. Excellent swordsmen with mid-level strength in the sky can also activate Dou Qi to fly, but their flying ability is weaker than those of archangels and dragons who are born with wings.

After receiving the reward, something happened that made Richard slightly confused. The Congress of Stone Castle did not issue new tasks. After checking many times to no avail, Richard could only give up temporarily and explain it. Cheng himself has recently completed the tasks and has not triggered new tasks for the time being.


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