Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 276: The end


“During the war, the gods played with the elements and rules wantonly. The elf magisters were not willing to be suppressed all the time. They kept fighting for the dominance of the elements. Various forbidden spells were developed, and finally a demonic tide fell. .”

“Although the gods were defeated and became sculptures in the true sense, the decline of the demon tide was inevitable. In addition, the influence of the gods in the Elf Empire at that time was not small. Ever since Kallis started the war with the gods, there have been constant rebellions within the empire. There are many supporters of the gods from the top officials of the empire to the common people. While fighting the gods, Kalis has also been involved in the constant internal rebellions. After the end of the gods, the Elf Empire itself was greatly damaged. Coupled with internal divisions and low demon tide, the Elf Empire completely collapsed soon after Kalis.”

Richard listened to all of Aragorn’s description of the rebellious Elf King’s Ring as if he were listening to a story. To be honest, Richard understood the protagonist of the story, Kalis, very well, and no worthy emperor would be able to tolerate it. The divine power is above one’s own, and the rules and elements are controlled by the gods. These gods are still conscious of their emotions and joys. What a desperate era it was. Behind the glory of the gods is the sorrow of mortals.

“What about the Lord of the Rising Sun?”

“The Lord of the Rising Sun was just a fish out of that era. He was very smart and did not confront Kallis. He used his human identity to hide early on. Yes, before the Lord of the Rising Sun became a god, his identity He is a human being. He does not have the pride of those elven gods. Instead, he knows how to adapt and adapt. He actually became one of the few gods in that era who escaped disaster by sleeping, and he did not wake up until the era of the demise of the elven empire. “

Aragorn didn’t need to tell what happened next. Richard could guess it. Whether it was luck or misfortune, the Lord of the Rising Sun escaped the era of the end of the gods and thought he could take a break. He bumped into Aragorn, who was like a child of destiny. The immortal Aragorn still held the God-killing Ring, which was called the nemesis of the gods, and directly wounded the Lord of the Rising Sun into a deep sleep again.

Now that Aragorn has awakened, the Lord of the Rising Sun has sensed Aragorn’s presence and sent out twenty-five Rand envoys to test. Yes, it’s a test. From the beginning to the end, Rand can be discarded at any time. Just chess pieces,

The Lord of the Rising Sun sent Rand as cannon fodder when he was not sure whether Aragorn could still use the God-killing Ring. He just wanted to test Aragorn’s strength. If he could destroy Aragorn, it would be an accident. Fortunately, it would not be a loss for the Lord of the Rising Sun to use Rand’s annihilation in exchange for some information after failing to kill Aragorn.

The only good thing is that Richard should not have to worry about the downward attack from the level of gods for the time being. After Rand’s failure this time, the Rising Sun Cult should be quiet for a while. At least the Lord of the Rising Sun is not sure. It was impossible to end at will before. The only thing that Richard couldn’t understand was the Pope Mi Xiu. This guy’s behavior seemed quite confusing to Richard. He even vaguely felt that the other person’s belief in the Lord of the Rising Sun was not considered. Firm, a pope who has no faith in his own gods? What a hell.

“Your Majesty Aragorn, please stay here and cultivate yourself well. If you need anything, please tell Butler Eger. As long as the request is not particularly outrageous, it will be met immediately.”

Aragorn nodded to indicate that he understood, and he also needed to rest for some time.

Richard got up and left with others to go back to Ironwood Fort. In order to deal with the incoming Rising Sun Cult, the main members of the Hunter family were transferred one after another. The whole process was too fast and was a bit confusing. , now that the matter is over, Richard has to go back and clean up the situation.

Furthermore, Richard’s current physical condition is not very good, and he needs to return to Ironwood City to rest. After achieving his goal, there is no need to stay any longer.

“Sir Richard, these are cigarettes made according to your requirements. What do you think?”

In the ironwood fort, Richard took the box handed over by the waiter and looked at it carefully. It was a small, square box with a gold and red pattern stamped on it through some memory. Richard was quite satisfied with the appearance. , a little bit like Huazi from his previous life.

Opening the box, there were twenty relatively thin cigarettes lying neatly inside, which looked much more refined than those on the market. Filters and other items were also added according to Richard’s requirements, and the leaves were also pressed. The cigarettes are more detailed, and in terms of appearance alone, they have surpassed those cigarettes on the market in the past. However, the cost is inevitably higher, but it does not hurt to have a higher cost. This product is not originally aimed at the customer group of the lower class. It’s the high-end route.

This feeling of overlapping with the memories of his previous life gave Richard, who had been recuperating for almost half a month, the idea of ​​having a good time. This thing is like this sometimes,

You might say you are addicted. In fact, if you don’t think about it, you may not touch it for a long time, but you can’t stand someone holding it and dangling it in front of you, and you just can’t see it.


Richard took out one from the box, but found that he didn’t even have a fire with him, so he could only ask the waiter in front of him.

“Here, Sir Richard, I will get it for you.”

“Forget it, forget it, go and call Manager Egger.”

“Yes, sir.”

As the waiter walked out of the room, Richard couldn’t help but complain:

“Give me smoke but not fire, little brother, you are walking a narrow road.”

Of course, Richard’s final decision to endure it was not just because of the fire. In that battle half a month ago, the God-killing Ring was sucked too hard, and the sequelae were so strong that he has not fully recovered yet. , barely able to exert some knight-level strength, the body is still a little weak, not suitable for whipping something as powerful as Hua Zi.

“Master Richard, what are your orders?”

As soon as Manager Egger entered the door, he saluted Richard. In terms of etiquette, Egger was the most persistent and particular about it. The rules of the Hunter family were basically governed by Egger, otherwise it would be Viscount Sauter’s. A few rough guys, they might get so drunk that they can become brothers with the servants around them.

“Uncle Egg, sit down, no need to be polite.”

“Thank you, Master Richard.”

Iger didn’t show much pretense. After the etiquette was in place, he followed Richard’s gesture and sat on a chair next to him.

“Look at this cigarette.”

Iger took the delicate box handed over by Richard and after looking at it for a while, he realized that this thing was different from the cigarettes on the market.

“There should be some sales.”

Iger said it more conservatively, but since even Iger is optimistic about it, the early promotion should be no problem.

“I have already ordered the factory to recruit people and prepare for mass production. Uncle Egg, keep an eye on it. It may be another big source of our Hunter family’s economy.”

Richard knew better than anyone how profitable tobacco was. The kingdom had always neglected this area of ​​business and did not engage in any special taxation, which gave Richard a chance to develop.

“Yes, Master Richard.”

After Richard said this, Iger also increased his attention. Anyway, Richard’s arrangements are always right. This is the consensus of the Hunter family’s senior management. Since Richard said he can make a lot of money, he must be right. .

“In terms of sales promotion, in addition to arranging for the caravans from Zhenmo City, we cannot let go of the caravans from Ironwood City in the past, and try to let the caravans from Ironwood City develop together.”

“Yes, I understand.”

The caravans and management personnel in Zhenmo City are basically brought by Lin Te. Lin Te used to rely on Piaoxue City to operate, and his foundation is much stronger than the caravans in Ironwood City. The sales volume and talent pool are not comparable to Ironwood City’s original caravan.

But Richard, the caravanner of Ironwood City, has never given up training. It’s not that Richard can’t trust Lin Te, it’s just a balance that a superior should do. Sometimes some of the superiors’ subordinates don’t have much ambition. In fact, The opportunities given by those in power are so great that if you don’t want to cause trouble, you have to do it.

Richard never wants to test human nature. The rules that should be established and the balance that should be done must be done in advance.

“Master Richard, do you have anything else to say?”

“Well, the next thing is to prepare to expand the army.”

Aige: “…”

“But Master Richard, our finances are still in a tight state, and we don’t have much budget for military expansion for the time being.”

Although Lin Te’s joining made the Hunter family a little richer and filled a lot of previous financial holes, they still couldn’t withstand Richard’s horrific expenses, including military expansion, infrastructure, education, and monthly treasures. , neither item can be dropped. The Hunter family’s finances are still in a relatively tight state, but it has only eased a little.

Now that Butler Iger didn’t even cover his wallet, he heard the word “army expansion” that bothered him again, and he couldn’t help but want to persuade him.

“Isn’t this cigarette going to make money soon…”


After hearing what Richard said, Egg sighed heavily,

This rabbit is still on the mountain far away, you have to cut it up and eat it first…


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