Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 274: Correct usage of rings



Richard reacted after less than a second of confusion. Aragorn was talking about the Ring of Rebellion of the Elf King,

This ring has always been the key to the game between Richard and Aragorn. After the ring was repaired by the system’s blacksmith shop, although Richard gained control of the ring, he never found the correct use of the ring. Method, the only effect of this ring on Richard’s hand is to release Aragorn, who has been hiding in the ring and licking his wounds.

And the ring forms a certain check and balance on Aragorn. Aragorn in the soul state cannot directly absorb the energy in the magic crystal to recover. From time to time, he still has to rely on the ring to convert the energy of the magic crystal. Absorption, it has not been found that Aragorn can be restored through other methods.

But Richard believes that this rebellious Ring of the Elf King can never be as simple as converting the magic power in the magic crystal to repair the soul. Aragorn has always hidden something from him,

Of course, this is normal. Originally, the control of the ring should be in the hands of Aragorn. Richard relied on the power of the system to forcibly seize control of the ring from Aragorn.

If it weren’t for the Lord of the Rising Sun, a common enemy, Richard might not even dare to make a body container for Aragorn.

Both of them had their hands on each other, and now Aragorn was cornered by Rand due to an accident, and had to remind Richard to use the ring.

“How to use!”

Richard in the distance has his hand on the rebellious Elf King’s Ring, waiting for Aragorn to teach him how to use it.

“Aim at Rand and say it to me!”


Aragorn read a string of words that were very difficult to pronounce. Richard could only vaguely understand that the words sounded like ancient Elvish language. The half-elves in the territory occasionally had similar pronunciations, but they were no longer complete. The meaning was I don’t understand at all,

But this does not prevent Richard from relying on his strong mental power to write down this awkward sentence. He just needs to read it according to it, and there is no need to know its specific meaning for the time being.

Rand, who didn’t pay much attention to Richard at first, seemed to have remembered something. Rand, who was crushing Aragorn unilaterally, changed his face for the first time since the battle.

He remembered the reason why the Lord of the Rising Sun had not recovered from his sleep. It seemed that he was severely injured by Aragorn with a treasure from the heyday of the Elf Empire. Now that he heard a piece of Elvish language, a huge sense of crisis hit his heart.

Rand simply gave up on Aragorn, who was almost unable to support himself, and turned to chase Richard, who gave him a huge sense of crisis.

Given the strength gap between Rand and Richard, with all his strength, Richard would not be able to hold on for more than ten seconds.

Rand was very fast, and with all his strength, he rushed in front of Richard in just one second, with a look of shock and anger on his face. This time, he had to deal with Richard completely first. .


The sword in Rand’s hand has been raised, but Richard’s spell has been spoken.

The moment he finished reciting the spell, Richard felt a huge suction coming from the ring on his hand, starting with the fighting spirit on Richard’s body.

Richard’s relatively strong fighting spirit was drained away in an instant. Richard himself had never used his fighting spirit so cleanly in battle, and it felt like not a drop of it was really gone.

And draining away Richard’s fighting spirit is not enough. This Elf King Ring’s appetite is much greater than Richard thought. After draining away Richard’s fighting spirit, it begins to squeeze out Richard’s spiritual power. , this kind of power that was originally difficult to quantify also rushed towards the ring crazily in Richard’s perception, and in the end it even made Richard feel like his soul was being sucked in.

Finally, just when Richard felt like he was about to be torn apart, the Elf King Ring finally stopped extracting the fighting spirit and mental power from Richard as if he had almost eaten it.

It turned into a powerful force and attacked Rand, who was already in the face.


Feeling the energy impact of the Elf King Ring, Rand tried to use his last strength to interrupt Richard’s spellcasting, but he was still a step too slow. From Richard chanting the curse to extracting energy from the Elf King Ring, it was too late. It’s just a matter of a moment,

This was just enough time for Rand to rush in front of Richard, causing Richard to hit Rand right in the face, without even having to take aim.


An invisible ripple hit Rand’s body. Rand stopped all his movements, wailed in pain, and then gradually lost his life.

Richard could even feel that a certain existence had completely disappeared between heaven and earth. Rand seemed to have completely died and was completely annihilated from the soul level.

Think about it, this kind of attack that can severely damage the Lord of the Rising Sun is overkill when used on Rand. Even if Richard’s strength is not as strong as Aragorn, he does not provide sufficient energy for the Elven King’s Ring.

But obviously the gap between Rand and the Lord of the Rising Sun is greater than the gap between Richard and Aragorn. The Lord of the Rising Sun was only severely injured by Aragorn, while Rand was directly affected by Richard from the soul level. Eliminated.

Then, “Mixiu”, who seemed to be uninjured at all, fell straight to the ground. This body should have lost its soul, leaving only a complete body.

After releasing the blow from the Elf King Ring, Richard was unable to continue flying and fell straight down like “Mixiu”.

However, Archangel Mills, who had been paying attention to the situation for a long time, reacted quickly. When Richard fell to a height of more than ten meters above the ground, he dragged Richard back and slowly took him with him. After landing on the ground, Richard had no strength left at all, and his head was in severe pain due to the extraction of spiritual power from the Elf King Ring just now.

At this moment, Richard is completely defenseless. An ordinary person might be able to strangle Richard to death with his bare hands.

Fortunately, Richard’s people were under control of the situation, and Archangel Mills, who was not seriously injured, was guarding him vigilantly. There was not much problem with Richard’s safety.

“Mixiu” did not receive such good treatment. Mixiu, who fell almost at the same time as Richard, fell to the ground with a “bang”, falling dozens of meters high. If it were an ordinary person, it would be indispensable. Red and white things were scattered all over the floor, and there were several broken bones.

But “Mi Xiu”‘s body seems to be still intact after falling to the ground. It’s just that some skin has been broken in some places, and the injuries are not serious. This kind of polishing the body, step by step to reach the top of the sky, the body The strength has indeed reached an extraordinary level. This kind of blow is fatal to ordinary people and even knight-level masters, but it does not cause any serious damage to “Mixiu”.

“His Holiness the Pope!”

“His Holiness the Pope!”

Watching “Mixiu” fall from the sky, everyone in the church who had become prisoners was a little anxious at this time. They didn’t know what happened in the air, causing the Lord God who seemed to have the upper hand just now to suddenly fall. When they got to the ground, they tried to support them and caused a commotion, but they were quickly suppressed by Tarr’s punches and kicks.

In a real sense of punching and kicking, a church knight who stood up a little bigger was punched by Tarr and half of his teeth were knocked out. Not to mention, Tarr kicked one of his legs and broke it, forcing him to squat again. Went back.

“Cough cough”

At this moment, something incredible happened to Richard. Mi Xiu, who was supposed to be just a body, coughed twice and slowly got up from the ground.

“It hurts!”

After getting up, Mi Xiu looked at his surroundings in confusion after confirming his injury, and then looked at Richard, who was barely standing while being supported by Archangel Mills.

“You actually won.”

The real Mi Xiu seems to be back. Richard feels regretful now. Very regretful. He should have made arrangements in advance and quickly hit the target when Rand was eliminated. Although Rand was ridiculously strong, his original Mi Xiu is not weak at all. Although I don’t understand why Mi Xiu was not wiped out by the impact of the Elf King Ring, the reality is that it has already happened.

Richard looked at Aragorn with a vote of remaining health. This guy just barely managed to come down from the sky and then sat still. He didn’t know how much fighting power he had.

Richard now has no fighting ability at all. He needs to be supported by others to even stand firm. Archangel Mills is only slightly stronger, but he is only in half condition.

Angels in full state are also weaker than Mi Xiu. This is the strength tested by Richard himself. There is no mistake. We can only see whether Mi Xiu’s state will decline after being possessed by Rand.

“Da, da, da…”

The nine champion knights who were originally ambushing rushed out under Richard’s order. The diamond men also got up from the water next to them. They closely protected Richard, fearing that Richard would be harmed at this moment. What attack is normal.


Mi Xiu paid no attention to Richard’s actions, and seemed not to be interested in the injured Richard at all. He just ignited his own golden fighting spirit, as if he was familiar with his control over his body again.

Mixiu was extremely disgusted with Rand’s previous behavior of occupying his body. After discovering that Rand was eliminated by Richard, he actually felt a little relieved.

And this time Rand controlled his body. Although it had been eliminated, it vaguely allowed him to feel a higher level of power. Most of Rand’s soul crushed by the impact of the Elf King Ring had been annihilated. Some small random things are directly deposited in Mi Xiu’s consciousness, becoming ownerless soul power that can be directly used.

After Mi Xiu woke up, not only was he not far away from the higher realm of the Holy Realm, but he also gained a few points of spiritual power in vain, and his strength actually increased instead of falling.

Seeing that Mi Xiu could still use his fighting spirit, Richard’s heart went cold. He had not reached the limit of being able to release his fighting spirit, and he still had the strength to fight. With Mi Xiu’s strength, if he stared at Richard and chased him, Li Cha would It may be really dangerous if you check it.

None of the archangels and nine champion knights around him could give Richard a sense of security. As long as Mi Xiu didn’t fight hard and relied on the flexibility of the sky level, after defeating the archangels, Richard might really There will be no escape.

After observing for a while, Mi Xiu slowly walked towards Richard. Richard looked at Aragorn who was sitting on the ground. The other person had his eyes closed and assumed an oriental meditation posture. From the time Mi Xiu woke up, he went to court. Aragorn didn’t react at all to this move.

I don’t know if I don’t want to take action or if I no longer have the ability to take action. I hope I can’t put it on Aragorn.

However, Mi Xiu, who was walking towards Richard, stopped at a relatively safe location.

Shouting to Richard:

“You are different from other nobles, I don’t want to kill you.”

Richard: “???”

Li Cha actually felt uncomfortable after hearing this. It felt really bad to have life and death in someone else’s hands for no apparent reason.

But who is it that Mi Xiu has become the strongest person in the audience now? The strength of the high-level sky is about to enter the holy realm. If he insists on killing Richard, it may not be possible based on the people around Richard now. If you can protect yourself well, will you rely on the archangel’s resurrection technique when the time comes?

Although he felt uncomfortable, Richard still did not lose his temper recklessly. He just remained silent after hearing what Mi Xiu said.

Then, Mixiu pointed to Hussein and other prisoners who were being guarded by Tal and others.

“I need to take these people away…”


Richard took a deep breath and replied.

Although he is a little reluctant, if he can stabilize Mi Xiu at this time and buy himself some time to recover, then releasing these church knights is not an unacceptable thing.

With Richard’s approval, Tal and Hypatia naturally could not persist. They immediately gave up the custody of the church knights, returned to Richard with the five ogre chiefs, and continued to maintain They must be vigilant, but the weapons and equipment have not been returned. They also want to prevent Mi Xiu from suddenly attacking after he returns.

Fortunately, Mi Xiu seemed to have no intention of continuing to take action. He nodded to Hussein and others. Without saying more, he turned around and walked out of the mansion.

Hussein and others also quickly followed Mi Xiu’s pace. They were also frightened. Seeing that Mi Xiu was not ready to take action, they walked faster.

Watching everyone in the church slowly disappearing from the gate, Richard narrowed his eyes slightly. After Mi Xiu left, he was thinking about whether he should simply summon an army to keep the other party in Ironwood City forever. No future trouble.

However, after careful consideration, Richard gave up this tempting idea.

Without him, it is easy to get caught up with yourself if you are not sure. Now Richard himself has become the biggest shortcoming of the entire force. He is worse than ordinary people. Anyone who can break through the peripheral troops and find Richard can easily kill him. Kill him,

He currently only has Archangel Mills who has the ability to intercept in the air. He is a little unsure about the high-level strength of Mi Xiu in the sky.

Having given up the tempting thoughts in his heart, Richard turned around and focused on Aragorn. With the support of Archangel Mills, Richard walked to Aragorn and looked at Aragorn who was still meditating with his eyes closed. Asked:

“Your Majesty, should you explain it to me?”

“Explain what?”

At this moment Aragorn finally opened his eyes and asked back.


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