Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 273: Loss


Now that he decided to take action, Richard acted very decisively. The flame wave of the Vulcan Sword was stimulated to the extreme. From the store, it looked like a meteor trailing the flame tail, and then moved from top to bottom towards Rand. Cut it off,

Rand’s attention was almost all on Aragorn, and he didn’t pay much attention to Richard. He waved his sword casually, driving Richard away like a fly.


After receiving Richard’s sword, Rand couldn’t stabilize his figure in the sky, and actually showed a flaw. Aragorn, who seized the opportunity, caught up with him and attacked fiercely, which made him look embarrassed for a while.

Richard’s strange strength at this time may have exceeded fifty points. Even if an ancient golden dragon came to wrestle with Richard, he would probably be knocked to the ground by Richard. Lan, who did not have much preparation, De was caught off guard by Richard’s huge strength.

But the person who was even more surprised was Richard, with the full strength of an archangel and the full strength of a giant,

Richard’s power at this moment is the superposition of two top-level soldiers. This kind of power can directly beat people into meat patties, but it only made Rand’s body shake slightly, without much defense. , it just caused a little trouble.


Seizing the opportunity, Aragorn was knocked out again by Rand who came back to his senses. Even Richard could feel it. Aragorn’s condition was getting worse and worse. If he continued fighting like this, he would wait for Aragorn. Once he couldn’t hold it back, the whole battle collapsed.


The Flying Dragon King spat out a mouthful of acid towards Rand, but before the highly corrosive acid could reach Rand’s body, it was evaporated by the golden-red fighting spirit surrounding him, leaving only one or two drops. The acid splashed onto Rand’s clothes, leaving a few small black spots.

And Rand raised his hand and struck a sword, and the arc-shaped fighting energy came out of the sword and struck the Flying Dragon King, immediately spurting out a large amount of blood.


Rand’s sword not only caused serious injuries to the Flying Dragon King, but also opened a long **** in his flesh wing. With just one strike, the Flying Dragon King, who was used as cannon fodder by Richard, died. Lost the strength to fight again,

However, with the strength of the Flying Dragon King being no more than the elementary level of the earth, it is indeed more than reluctant to participate in this level of battle. If the number is not large enough to cause a qualitative change, participating in the battle from the sky is basically equivalent to giving away food.

“Your Majesty Aragon, is this what gives you the confidence to face me here?”

“If that’s all you have, then please disappear completely today!”

Richard and Archangel’s participation in the battle only played a role in containing Rand slightly. When fighting Rand, Richard discovered that the other party’s control and understanding of fighting spirit was completely on another level, and the sanctuary had arrived. His skills were so close to the Taoist level that when Richard was fighting against Rand next to him, he even felt that his fighting spirit was not flowing smoothly. He could only compete with brute force when being targeted by the surrounding environment.

The situation of Archangel Mills is even more embarrassing. He doesn’t even have brute strength and becomes a mere auxiliary in the battle.

“Your Majesty Aragon, what’s going on?”

Richard can still remember that before the fight started, Aragorn looked as steady as an old dog. He knew the opponent’s character and strength well and didn’t look worried at all. This also gave Richard a certain degree of confidence, at least for this person involved. No panic at all.

But now it seems that Aragorn is going to have his head blown off by this former subordinate, and the body made of alchemy materials has already fallen into pieces,

After a while, Aragorn loses his arms, legs, and head, and Richard won’t be surprised at all.

“With this physical problem, his strength has exceeded my expectations. His current strength is probably even stronger than when he was at his peak.”

“Hahahaha, Aragorn, the contemporary pope is a truly chosen person by God, and is in perfect harmony with the power of our Lord’s laws.”

Rand smiled very proudly. Being able to see Aragorn in embarrassment was definitely an exciting thing for him. As a betrayer, Rand probably wanted Aragorn to die more than the God of the Rising Sun.

In addition to hatred for Aragorn, Rand also had fear. Aragorn was the undisputed strongest man of that era. Even gods of the level of the Lord of the Rising Sun were defeated and both sides suffered. Sleeping, if Aragorn was in full condition, instead of the current situation where he is neither human nor ghost, and even his body is just a temporary container, Rand would not even be qualified to fight Aragorn.

“You are just using a power that does not belong to you.”

“Huh, Aragorn, I’m not as talented as you, I admit it,”

Don’t judge me with a condescending air. I am not even qualified to fight you on my own, but now I have the opportunity to kill you like a dog. My choice was not wrong. ”


Richard and Mills were once again rushed out by a hot wave of air. Rand’s target was never Richard and Mills. After moving Richard and Mills away, Rand was no longer restrained. De hit Aragorn head-on.

Aragorn tried his best to resist with his sword, but his body had reached its limit. The arms holding the knight’s sword had dense cracks like porcelain that had been struck.


In an emergency, Richard rushed to the rescue regardless of the danger. Although Richard, who used the angel necklace, was only at the mid-level of the sky, his strange strength still made Rand a little wary.

Rand could only temporarily give up chasing Aragorn and turn around to resist Richard’s attack.

“Damn mortal, let me finish you off first!”

Richard repeatedly made trouble at critical moments, finally angering Rand, and successfully transferred the hatred to himself.


Damn it, Richard secretly spat. After taking a few moves from Rand, he looked very embarrassed.

Half of the originally gorgeous armor was broken into pieces, and half of the clothes on his body were stained red by his own blood. Just now, after Rand attacked Richard with all his strength,

Li Cha was left with several serious injuries, and one blow made Richard feel as if his internal organs were about to be shattered.

Fortunately, before he was injured enough to lose consciousness, Richard immediately gave himself a sip of milk from the sacred blood bottle and recovered all his injuries. Although Richard looked embarrassed now, he was actually in full condition.

At the critical moment, Aragorn rushed over to share the pressure with Richard in time. Otherwise, with Richard’s current strength, even if he recovered once, it would not be enough for Rand to fight for several more rounds.

In fact, Richard has prepared for the worst, and Mills has gradually withdrawn from the battle under his order. Although Mills also has the strength of the mid-level sky, he lacks various equipment bonuses, especially There are no Vulcan Sword and Giant Power,

Mills’ actual combat effectiveness is actually much inferior to Richard’s. Instead of staying here to play a little role, it is better to leave the battlefield completely.

The opponent’s main target is still Aragorn. If after killing Richard, he will probably not have time to do anything to destroy corpses and eliminate traces, but will continue to chase Aragorn. At this time, Mills on the periphery of the battlefield will use it directly. Resurrection, after Richard is resurrected, the two of them sell Aragorn and escape quickly, there should be a glimmer of hope.

But now Aragorn has temporarily helped Richard out of the siege, and the situation has not yet reached its worst.

“Your Majesty Aragorn, why don’t we run separately and I will lure him away for you!”

“No, we have to run together!”

Damn it! Seeing that there was no way to fool Aragorn into running away separately, Richard was no longer prepared to act and said directly:

“Your Majesty Aragorn, please tell me if you have any other options, otherwise I will really run away. At worst, after escaping, I will modify another Qi Entraining Technique. I think the envoy of the Lord of the Rising Sun cannot keep chasing me. Kill me.”

Richard’s guess is also well-founded. God’s messengers come to the world at a price. If they can really stay here indefinitely, the church will not be suppressed like this by the kingdom.


“None of you can leave!”

Richard was knocked out again by Rand, and the Vulcan Sword held horizontally was blocked in front of him, but the huge force directly caused blood to burst out from Richard’s tiger’s mouth. After a few more blows, Richard might even lose his sword. I can’t even hold it firmly.

After knocking Richard away, Rand did not chase after him, but once again changed the main attacker to Aragorn. Aragorn’s condition was getting worse and worse, and he seemed to be unable to sustain himself with just a few moves.

But this time, Richard had no intention of going over to support him. Instead, he stopped moving. He had already made up his mind. If Aragorn didn’t come up with a solution, Richard would turn around and run away. Angel Necklace The duration is almost up, and Richard thinks that as an ally, he has done his best to be benevolent and righteous.

“Boy Richard, the ring! That ring!”



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