Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 272: Support


“Boy Richard, come and help me!”

Aragorn’s shout made Richard, who was still showing off just now, a little embarrassed. I just won a beautiful victory here, but your main battlefield can’t stand it anymore. It’s very difficult for me to do. .

The church knights who had been subdued also heard Aragorn’s shouts at this moment. It was obvious that “Mixiu” had the upper hand in the battle, and many of them were a little bit ready to move again. .

“Be honest!”

However, as Tarr slashed his sword, they understood what it means to be a good man who does not suffer the immediate consequences, and quickly restrained their actions.

This fight in the sky is not easy to fight. Whether it is Aragorn or the Rand envoy, their strength is obviously more than high-level in the sky. If they really want to help, the risk is not small.

Richard’s original preparations were somewhat inadequate. The nine champion knights and two diamond men arranged in the mansion have not had any effect so far,

In Richard’s original expectation, the two of them were consuming fighting energy very quickly in the sky, and they should soon move the main battle location to the ground. After all, Mi Xiu, whose strength was already close to the high level in the sky, could not Withstanding the cost of long-term flight, the main battle is still conducted on the ground.

But now it seems that both Rand and Aragorn have surpassed the category of sky level. They have been fighting in the sky for so long. If it were the previous Mi Xiu, they should have been unable to bear the consumption and voluntarily fell to the ground.

But now the two are still fighting fiercely in the sky, and neither side is lacking in fighting spirit. Even Aragorn, who is at a disadvantage, is obviously weak in terms of absolute strength.

“Boy Richard, you have also practiced the Lieyang Qi Drawing Technique. If you don’t think of a way to help me, he won’t let you go if I lose!”

Damn it, the old fox insists on dragging me into the water.

After hearing Aragorn’s shouting, Rand, who was attacking Aragorn, subconsciously glanced at Richard, obviously very concerned about the Lieyang Qi Art.

Richard, who was still hesitating at first, was very annoyed by Aragorn’s behavior, but he immediately made a decision,

Immediately took out the harpy horn from my waist and blew it gently, first using this group of cannon fodder to test and consume a wave,

These summoned harpies are second-level advanced units, although with the bonus of Richard’s various treasure skills, they only have a combat power of quasi-knight level,

But it has a huge advantage: it can fly. In addition, it can summon a hundred at a time, and there is a time limit. It just means that the word “cannon fodder” is written on the forehead. Use them to fight for a wave of consumption. Richard doesn’t feel distressed at all.

“Woo, woo…”

As the low sound of the harpy horn sounded, a group of harpies with blue wings soon appeared on the horizon. Not only did they look ugly and even a little thin, but look at their hands and body shape The machetes were completely inconsistent, no one doubted their ferocity, and they flew from the sky very fast, really like giant eagles.

Looking at the approach of these ugly harpies, both Rand and Aragorn paused for a moment and took some precautions. After all, they were creatures they had never seen before, and there were quite a lot of them. They should have subconsciously Be prepared.

However, this group of harpies soon revealed themselves as enemies. Under the command of Richard, a hundred harpies directly crossed the nearby Aragorn and rushed towards Rand.

“Hmph, ugly creature.”



With a sweep of the long sword in Rand’s hand, golden-red fire-attribute fighting energy exploded among the harpies, and seven or eight harpies fell from the sky.

“Aragorn, when did you fall to such a level that you are willing to accept such an ugly thing.

I remember that you didn’t like to talk about people who are not my race the most…”


While speaking, Rand waved his sword casually, and with a flash of golden-red fighting spirit, several more harpies fell screaming. These harpies could not even get close to Rand. .

However, these harpies’ fearless attacks gave Aragorn some breathing space. After all, even if Rand killed a hundred pigs, it would still take a few swings of his sword, right? Not to mention a hundred harpies armed with sharp blades.

Aragorn did not pick up Rand’s words. Although he never concealed his feelings towards these alien races, especially the ugly alien races such as orcs and harpies,

But this kind of disgust depends on timing anyway. Although I don’t know where these harpies came from, I can guess that they are reinforcements sent by Richard. His little ally is hiding There were so many things that even he couldn’t see through.

However, this amount of assistance was obviously not enough. Before Aragorn could take a few breaths, Rand, who had figured out the strength of these harpies, continued to swing his sword, and more than half of the harpies in the sky were lost. , that is, these harpies are summoned by system props. They must obey Richard’s orders 100% and execute the orders given by Richard to the letter. Otherwise, such heavy casualties in such a short period of time would be a complete disaster. In a battle, it would be difficult for any kind of intelligent life to carry out such successive attacks.

Richard, who had been observing the battle above, also discovered that the siege of the harpy was not a threat at all. For Rand, the trouble caused by the harpy was not as bad as a few cold arrows from the phantom shooter.

“Get ready, Mills.”

“My blade will fight for you.”

Archangel Mills said something that might have hit Richard’s ears for the second time, but now Richard had no time to think about it. After taking a deep breath, Richard first used the Reins of the Flying Dragon King to summon him. In addition to the mount Flying Dragon King, this thing is also a summoning thing and can be generated repeatedly. Although it is defined as a mount by the system, its combat power is still real. It can still exert the strength of an elementary-level earth, and it has the ability to fly. It’s like using another cannon fodder for nothing.

Subsequently, Richard used the functions of the angel necklace and the giant ring in his consciousness,

With all the combat power of an archangel and all the power of a giant, Richard’s combat power instantly increased several steps,

After waving the Vulcan Sword in his hand and getting used to the new power, the Flying Dragon King also responded to the summons.

“Let’s go!”

After saying that, Richard rose into the sky and used the angel necklace for the second time. Richard was much more experienced than the last time.

The time was only ten minutes, and there was no room for Richard to delay. Archangel Mills also flew up with Richard,

Only the Tar brothers and sisters and the church members were left stunned.

“Two levels of sky (protecting the country)…”

Although Hussein was defeated by Richard with a few moves just now, he could feel that Richard’s strength had not yet entered the sky level, and he had always been doubtful. Now that he saw Richard flying in the sky, his doubts were even greater. Seriously, Hussein never imagined that there were items in this world that could directly elevate a person’s strength to the sky level.

At this time, the Tar brothers and sisters felt that they had gotten to know Richard again. The lord himself was a sky-level master, and there was a sky-level master hidden beside him. If Aragorn was also counted as Richard’s person, , the Hunter family has three sky-level masters, and there are dragons of unknown origins to help. From the number of masters alone, excluding some trump card-level hidden powers, the high-end combat power of the Hunter family is enough to compete with the entire The orc kingdom is comparable,

Perhaps Lord Richard can really overthrow the orc kingdom? Tarr had no reason to think of what Richard had said to him on the battlefield before. Tarr didn’t have much hope at that time, but now he feels that there is no hope of realization?

Richard didn’t know the subtle changes in the minds of the people below. At this moment, he and Mills had already approached the battlefield, and the Flying Dragon King also flew to Richard’s side in time.

Rand had already eliminated the last harpy, and his face was relaxed as if he had not spent much effort.

Rand glanced at Richard and Mills who came up for support.

“What is this? Birdman?”

“Sky Knight?”

“Humph, I underestimated you…”


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