Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 271: Play against each other


“You surrender on your own, or let me take action?”

When Richard said this, he did not take the other party seriously. In other words, with the strength that Richard now has, the power of the entire Rising Sun Cult in the mortal world, except for Mi Xiu, is not worthy of his attention.

At this moment, Richard didn’t even want to reveal too much of his strength. He didn’t even plan to use the angel necklace, and he didn’t intend to let Archangel Mills take action. These were all cards reserved for precautions.

“Tal, Hypatia.”

“My subordinates are here!”

Not only did Richard avoid the sudden attack of “Mi Xiu”, but Tal and Hypatia, who were originally on alert, did not dare to move forward.

The power of the fight between the two sides clearly exceeded the scope of the sky level. Tal and Hypatia would not take the initiative to join in the fight as long as they were not stupid. Both of them are still on standby.

Hearing Richard’s call at this time, he quickly came over.

“Come with me and take them down.”

After finishing speaking, Richard seemed to think of something again, and turned around and added:

“Try to stay alive.”

“Yes, sir.”


After all, Hussein and the rest of the church could not accept surrender without a fight. Perhaps just to make a gesture, they mustered up the courage to kill Richard.

It’s just that these people were stopped halfway by Tal and Hypatia, who were eager to show off. Their previous flinching performance in the face of “Mixiu” made Tal and Hypatia feel inexplicably guilty. Now they are just taking advantage of these people. Show off.


Tal soon got into a fight with Hussein, the leader. Tal was doing it for performance, while Hussein was completely aware of the huge gap in strength between the two sides and did not dare to save any strength. As soon as the two sides fought, the battle was over. It immediately entered a white-hot state.


Tal, who was half a step above the sky, clearly had an advantage in terms of absolute strength. After only a few moves, Hussein stopped parrying Tal’s sword head-on.

As a half-orc, his natural strength is slightly stronger than that of humans. Not to mention that Tal is also slightly stronger than Hussein in terms of fighting spirit. That is to say, the church that Hussein has experienced since he was a child is a systematic training in swordsmanship. More sophisticated than Tal, Tal seems to have the upper hand now, but Hussein is no mediocre player either. It is obvious that the winner cannot be decided for a while.

On the other side, Hypatia’s situation seemed a bit embarrassing. When Tal and Hussein were duel, Hypatia naturally faced off against masters from other churches, including seven or eight great knights. The siege was very difficult for Hypatia, who had only just entered the earth level, to deal with it. Not to mention that there were dozens of knight level masters participating in the siege. It was difficult for Hypatia to resist with her strength.

Seeing that Tal and Hypatia were having difficulty taking down each other, Richard raised his hand again and wiped his fingers on a black ring.

The effect of the Ogre King’s Ring was activated, and Richard chose to summon five chief-level ogres.


In less than ten seconds, several large holes were opened in the walls around the mansion, and five burly ogre chiefs over two meters tall rushed out of the holes one after another.

Except for the two who had already hit the sky and paid no attention to the situation below, the rest of the people present were shocked and did not understand why five ogres suddenly appeared in Ironwood City.

Because the ogre chief’s appearance was a bit loud, the battle on the field came to a halt. After all, anyone who saw five ogres rushing towards them would subconsciously take precautions. Hypatia was rare. Got a chance to breathe.


It didn’t take long for everyone to be confused. After the five ogre chiefs directly attacked the church people, everyone present instantly understood whose helpers they were.

Under the command of Richard, the ogre chief did not participate in the battle on Tar’s side, but quickly helped Hypatia out of the siege.

The Ogre Chief was originally a high-level knight with high-level combat power. After being summoned by Richard, he also enjoyed advanced offensive and advanced defensive skills. His strength has reached the peak level of a great knight.

After five ogre chiefs wearing heavy armor and holding maces joined the battle, the situation on the scene was quickly reversed,

The eight knights of the church have different strengths, and they are obviously no match for the five ogre chiefs.

Soon she was in a situation of being suppressed and beaten. After reacting, Hypatia quickly cooperated with the ogre chiefs. The side with fewer people suppressed a group of church elites and beat them.

Li Cha, who was watching the battle from a distance, nodded, quite satisfied with the combat attitude of the newly joined Orc brothers and sisters.


We have almost reached this point while watching the show. All the power of the church has been exposed. Although I don’t understand why “Mixiu” is so confident that this group of people can take him down, Richard is ready to accept this great gift. Got off.


Richard, holding the Vulcan Sword, took a few steps to join Tarr and Hussein’s battle group. Hussein, who was originally at a disadvantage against Tarr, was completely unable to resist Richard who suddenly joined the battle group.

In terms of actual combat power, Richard, who was holding the Vulcan Sword, was no weaker than Tarr. After the fierce Yang fighting spirit broke out, Hussein tried his best to raise his sword to resist, but was firmly restrained by Tarr. After receiving a blow from Richard, he could no longer stabilize his body and flew sideways.


The blazing wave of fire and the powerful impact caused Hussein to cough up a large pool of blood after falling to the ground. He obviously suffered serious internal injuries.

This is the result of Richard holding back a little, otherwise this might directly kill Hussein.

“Don’t move!”

Hussein, who had fallen to the ground, was still trying to get up with the support of his long sword. However, the moment he raised his head, Tal’s long sword was already on his neck.

Facts have proved that when the knife is placed on the neck, few people can continue to maintain their toughness. Facing Richard, who is suspected of being a sky-level man, Hussein, who dares to take action for the sake of his own honor, is trapped by the tower. The long knife was pressed against your neck, and when you felt the cold blade, you calmly made no unnecessary movements.

Next, Tarr kicked the long sword out of Hussein’s hand with a very skillful kick, completely cutting off his resistance.

“Let your people surrender.”

On the other side, under the leadership of eight church knights, dozens of church knights were still struggling against Hypatia and the five ogre chiefs,

Relying on the numerical advantage and the will to fight supported by faith, although they were completely suppressed on the scene, they were not as completely powerless as Hussein.

“They won’t listen to me.”

Hussein looked at the church knights who were still fighting tenaciously, and shook his head at Richard,

He is telling the truth. The person with the highest status present is not his knight commander Hussein, but the combination of the pope and the divine envoy who is fighting fiercely with Aragorn. That is the entire religion of the Rising Sun now. The highest status in the field.

Although Hussein is the leader of the knights, it is difficult to order these church knights who are still fighting to put down their weapons. They can become the core force of the church not only because of the strength of knights and grand knights, but also Have faith in the Lord of the Rising Sun since childhood.

Unless…there’s enough blood to wake them up.

After giving Tal a wink, Richard personally joined the battle group holding the Vulcan Sword.



A powerful man at the peak of the earth level joined the battle and quickly changed the original balance of the battle.

With two swords, he defeated a great knight who was still fighting with Hypatia.

Richard wanted to force them to surrender, not because of any kindness. What’s more, many of them had participated in his assassination. Richard just wanted to try and capture a group of core masters of the church. Can we make the “Mixiu” in heaven have any scruples?

But since the opponent still wants to resist, they have to kill a group of them to create a deterrent.

Originally, the four great knights of the church cooperated with each other to restrain Hypatia, and never gave Hypatia a chance to kill anyone.

But after Richard powerfully killed a great knight, this balance was instantly broken. Not only was the combined attack on Hypatia broken, but he also had to worry about the obviously stronger Richard. The result of taking care of both ends is that neither end can be taken care of.



Hypatia, who was already troubled by several church knights, accurately seized the opportunity.

The heavy scimitar in his hand slashed at the nearest knight. The opponent raised his sword to block the heavy blow. At this moment, he should have restrained Hypatia to prevent her from continuing to pursue. The other person has been penetrated through the heart by the Vulcan Sword.

The heart is probably cooked now. If you smell it carefully, you can even smell a little meaty aroma.

Without the restraints of his companions, fighting Hypatia alone would obviously not bring any good results. Hypatia slashed her leg with the second knife,

The scimitar filled with fighting spirit cut off half of his calf, and the knight lost his support and fell heavily to the ground.

He did not suffer for long. The next moment, he saw a head flying…

Hypatia’s fighting style is much more brutal than Richard’s, and she doesn’t care about the blood spilled all over her body,

After a while, the blue and white armor on Hypatia was dyed blood red, which made Richard consider whether to order a red armor for her. It was too difficult. washed.

However, Hypatia’s crazy look during the battle was a bit more frightening to the enemy.

After suffering nearly half of the casualties, someone finally softened their grip when facing Hypatia and dropped their weapons.

Although Hypatia looked like she was crazy about killing, her mind was actually kept awake. She still remembered Richard’s order to surrender and not kill him. After the opponent dropped his weapon, he did not kill him. Hacked to death.

“Dang, Dang…”

Surrender is the easiest thing to cause a chain reaction on the battlefield. When the first long sword fell to the ground, watching the opponent stop killing, the other church knights who were already on the verge of collapse also They all dropped their weapons. The two earth knights couldn’t defeat them, and the five ogre chiefs couldn’t defeat them either.

In this state of being constantly being killed unilaterally, it will be difficult for anyone who is not a fanatical believer to persevere.

Richard also kept his promise and did not continue to kill. Instead, he asked the ogre to bring these church knights who had dropped their weapons and surrendered to Hussein and took custody of them together.

With such a bishop and an envoy, no matter what the outcome of the battle between Rand and Aragorn, the power of the church will probably shrink massively,

Five of the great knights alone died this time, and the remaining three were all injured. More than half of the knights were killed or injured. It would be difficult to recover from this kind of loss without seven or eight years of accumulation.

Seeing several ogres and Hypatia escorting people over,

Hussein, who had been watched by Tal, couldn’t help but said to Richard:

“Unexpectedly, Lord Richard, who defeated the ogres in the wilderness, actually colluded with the ogres and orcs.”

“Collusion? They are my subordinates who actually work for me. In comparison, when your church released the trolls in the south, that was the real collusion. When it comes to this kind of thing, I am much cleaner than you. ”

“Hundreds of years ago, if your church hadn’t suddenly rebelled and held back, there would be no orc kingdom now. Are you qualified to criticize me?”

“That’s not even…”

“What else can you do? You are abandoning the interests of a country and a nation for the sake of the interests of a sect and a religion. Do you still think you are doing the right thing?”

Since the other party dares to make provocative words, Richard is not a silent person. Compared with talking nonsense, Richard was also an invincible person who complained all over the forum back then. He could argue even if he was unreasonable, let alone now. In fact, he was reasonable and choked Hussein back with a few words, and he squatted like a prisoner.

The battle on Richard’s side was very easy. He easily defeated one-third of the church’s elite power without even using the hidden champion knights and archangels.

But everyone knows that the key to this battle actually lies in the sky. This is why the knights of the church still resisted for so long after Hussein was captured. Their backbone has not yet been defeated.

Not only was “Mixiu” not defeated, but he also gained some upper hand in the battle.

In several fierce confrontations, Aragorn’s body began to be unable to withstand the impact of such a powerful force, and some cracks appeared faintly.


“Your Majesty Aragorn, your strength has recovered faster than I thought.”

Although he said that Aragorn’s strength recovered quickly, it turned out that Aragorn was once again at a disadvantage in the confrontation. Rand spoke to Aragorn in a condescending tone.

“Are you proud of using power that is not yours?”

“Hmph, as long as I can defeat you.”


These words obviously still stimulated Rand, who had been acting aloof just now, and immediately stepped up his offensive after finishing his words.

“Whoosh, whoosh,…”

Five more white lights struck. Rand waved his hand to block these attacks but once again gave Aragorn a chance to breathe.

“This group of trash, mortals are really unreliable.”

While the fight with Aragorn was fierce, Rand had no time to be distracted. Although he had a firm upper hand in the battle with Aragorn, he did not have the energy to pay attention to the battle in the mansion.

When the phantom shooters kept disgusting him at critical moments, he asked him to pay attention to the situation below. Only then did he realize that the people of the church had either died in battle or been captured in a short period of time.

“Humph, let’s get rid of you first!”

After a slight hesitation, Rand determined his goal. In his opinion, as long as Aragorn was eliminated, the others would be just cats and dogs that could be dismissed.

In this era where the Sky Level is about to become a legend, Rand does have the qualifications to be arrogant.

“Boy Richard, come and help me!”


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