Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 270: The Messenger Rand and the Secret


The person speaking was Mi Xiu, whom Richard was quite familiar with. After all, we had known each other for ten minutes,

It’s just that the tone of Mi Xiu’s words and the temperament he displays are completely different from the Mi Xiu in Richard’s impression.

Li Cha has always been deeply impressed by a strong man with a special temperament like Mi Xiu. Originally, Mi Xiu’s pride was reserved and engraved in his bones.

Now this Mi Xiu not only has two fire-colored lines on his face, but his personality is also much more arrogant than Mi Xiu,

If the Mi Xiu whom Richard knew was so proud, then in Richard’s opinion, this Mi Xiu now seems to be a bit arrogant and arrogant.

But what makes Richard even more confused is that the other party seems to be familiar with Aragorn. He barged in in the most rude way, but greeted Aragorn like an old acquaintance.

It’s not that Richard has not collected information about Mi Xiu. This is the number one terrorist in the kingdom. The kingdom’s black prison has almost wiped out three generations of his ancestors.

This is a native of the kingdom. In the era when Aragorn was the dominant one, Grandpa Misu’s grandfather was probably not even born yet. How could he be familiar with Aragorn?

Combined with the other party’s strange behavior, I’m afraid they are not the same person.

“Rand, your character has not changed after hundreds of years.”

Aragorn shook his head and only focused on chatting with the other party.

Listening to Aragorn’s answer, the other party did not rush to take action, but stopped and started talking.

“Your Majesty Aragon, you always look calm, which is really disgusting.”

“Is this why you betrayed me in the first place?”

“As one of the three knights under me, I still can’t understand why I left a good person and insisted on being a dog for the Lord of the Rising Sun.”

If we don’t have a good fight when we meet, how can we still have a conversation? However, the content was so exciting that while Richard was complaining, he also listened carefully, fearing that he might miss some secrets. These were secrets that were difficult for the intelligence department to collect.

“Be a dog?”

“Your Majesty Aragorn, do you think too highly of yourself? Aren’t I acting like a dog when I work for you?”

“Or do you think that being a dog for you is more honorable than being a dog for someone else?”

“I have never treated you as subordinates. In my eyes, we are all righteous brothers who worked together to overthrow the rule of the Orc Kingdom.”

Hey, I am familiar with this statement. As a superior, you say that your subordinates are brothers. Whoever believes it will throw money away.

If you don’t give any actual benefits and do some tricks to get an official position, just talk about the relationship between brothers, and let the other party work for you, in Richard’s eyes, you are acting like a hooligan. No wonder the other party will betray you.

“Brother? When you gave the Qi Entraining Technique discovered in the ruins of the Elf Empire, you gave it to your servant but not to us brothers? You are really a brother.”

“Qing is not a domestic servant, you have to make it clear.”

“Hmph, he is a knight in the sky. He leads your horse and drives you all day long. Do you think he is not a domestic servant?”

“Of course, looking at it now, Qing is the smartest among us. Of course, if I lead your horse and drive you, you will be given the Qi-Entraining Technique that can directly understand the laws of life. If I had known earlier, I would also lead your horse and drive you. Ah.”

“You betrayed me just for this?”

“Betrayal? I have never regarded myself as inferior to you. When we resisted the orcs together, we never said that you would be the leader. That is to say, that guy Ross insisted on the knighthood. Tao, regard you as my master!”

“The set of Qi-inducing techniques found in the ruins of the Elf Empire is defective. Even if the Holy Domain is achieved by relying on that set of Qi-inducing techniques, it is still the weakest in the Sanctuary.”

“Huh, that’s also a holy land. I know that boy Qing is still alive and well. After I deal with you, I will have to go to the so-called royal capital.”

“Rand, if you join the Lord of the Rising Sun, you will never be able to achieve the Holy Realm. Is it worth it? With your talent, you may not be able to enter the Holy Realm like me.”

“I just want to live, so what if the road ahead is cut off? Look at Ross, he has turned into loess for many years. One of the three majestic knights, now only a luxurious tombstone is left.”

“Aragorn, you have said too much. Don’t delay any more. I want to see how many levels of strength you can regain in this era!”

Just when Aragorn was about to say something, Rand had no intention of continuing to talk nonsense, and that was about it.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

Just before Rand was about to take action, Richard, seeing that Aragorn’s words were ineffective, immediately gave the order to attack. The first to attack were five hidden phantom shooters.

Five sharp arrows with white light arrived in an instant. When the sound came out, all the arrows had flown in front of Misu, or the divine envoy Rand, and were focused by the five phantom shooters, which was the earth level. Even the masters dare not take it lightly,

But a barrier formed by golden and red fighting energy suddenly appeared in front of Mi Xiu. Just like that, the five powerful arrows were blocked and difficult to break through.

“Yes, he is as good as the most elite marksman you had at the time. I didn’t expect that you could find a marksman of this level so quickly after disappearing for five hundred years.”

Obviously, Rand did not regard the five phantom shooters who could pose a threat to earth-level masters as Richard’s men, but thought they were Aragorn’s back-up men.

“However, Aragorn, if you want to escape with such power, are you underestimating me?”

“Go find those sharpshooters. Don’t let others disturb me.”


After instructing his church elites to send away the others, “Mi Xiu” picked up the black and red scepter in his hand, jumped up, and ran straight towards Aragorn in the pavilion.

Li Cha saw that the other party’s purpose was simple and simple. In the next second, he turned over and walked out of the pavilion as quickly as possible, leaving the battlefield to the two bosses.


Aragorn picked up the sword at his fastest speed,

The scepter and the sword were exchanged together, and the aftermath of the tentative exchange alone made the pavilion where Richard and Aragorn had just been crumbling.


In order to escape from the battlefield between the two of them, Richard turned around and rolled down on the grass to the side without worrying about his image. When he raised his head, he accidentally got some dirt.

When the archangel received the order, he followed Richard closely. As Richard fled, he also abandoned Aragorn and ran out.


Damn it, Aragorn is so strong, and he leaves me here to eat for free every day. If Aragorn is willing to take action when the orcs attack, nothing will happen next,

Richard did not feel ashamed for selling his teammates at the speed of light. He was still thinking about how to squeeze the value of his teammates in the future if he could survive this crisis.

Richard, who had just stood up, unconsciously looked at Hussein and others opposite him, and showed a friendly smile towards them.

Hussein and other church elites could only give Richard a polite rather than awkward smile, but no matter how you looked at it, this smile was a little bit bitter.

At this time, Hussein and several church masters who had witnessed Richard’s actions did not know how many times they had scolded Rand.

Both Mi Xiu and Rand have a very indifferent character. There was almost no communication between the two along the way. Rand did not know Richard’s strength, and Mi Xiu did not take the initiative to explain.

One is extremely arrogant and the other is arrogant. When “Mixiu” and Aragorn faced off, a group of church elites were left to deal with Richard.

It stands to reason that this group of people from the church is not weak at all. There is only Hussein, the high-level knight commander of the earth, seven or eight masters of the knight level, and the rest are also masters of the knight level.

Of course, everyone who can participate in this operation is not a mediocre person. Except for Pope Mi Xiu, at least one-third of the strength of the church is concentrated here. Such strength can be achieved in any marquis territory. It’s easy to go, but it’s not enough to face Richard now.

Hussein still had fresh memories of the battle between Richard and Mi Xiu in the royal capital. At this moment, looking at Richard who had just stood up in embarrassment and smiling at him, he was the only one who knew the bitterness in his heart.

Compared to Hussein and others who looked constipated, Richard felt refreshed. After he felt better, even the mouthful of sand he just took had an aftertaste of earthy fragrance.

It feels so good to be ignored by the big guys and only have to deal with the minions.

After smiling, Richard quickly shouted something to the other party. Although the two sides were still ten or twenty meters apart, as an earth-level master, Hussein could still hear the words. It was very real, and there was a hint of anger on his face unconsciously.

“Surrender yourself, or let me take action?”


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