Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 27: Arms and big improvements


Another week passed after Lint and Sander left.

After Richard learned the Blue Qi Entrainment Technique, he taught it to Ron and Viscount Sauter respectively. Ron, who also had the hero template, quickly completed the introduction,

But Viscount Sauter has never been able to complete the entry. Viscount Sauter, who was actually quite talented, began to have self-doubt under the attack of Richard and Ron.

Leaving aside the issue of cultivation, at this time, Richard was taking Egger with him to learn about the equipment situation in the ordnance factory in Ironwood City.

The entire factory area was in full swing. The Ironwood City Arms Workshop, which originally had only a dozen half-qualified masters, expanded greatly after the Hunter family defeated the Will family.

The craftsmen of the Will family were all recruited into the Ironwood City Ordnance Factory. After they became familiar with the assembly line operations of the Ironwood City Ordnance Factory, they greatly improved the manufacturing efficiency of the ordnance factory.

“Is this made from our own iron ore?”

Richard asked from an iron gun head on the shelf that had not been installed on the barrel:

“Yes, this batch of equipment is made of the ore produced by the vein in the Ironwood Forest.”

The steward who followed him quickly answered.

“How does it compare with the ore originally bought from the Western Region?”

“The quality of the weapons and armor made by the mines in the Western Region is better, but it is too expensive. Our own mines can use more materials, and the quality is not much worse.”

Richard nodded in agreement. When there were few people in the past, it was still affordable to buy high-quality iron ore from the Western Region. Now that the army has expanded tenfold, it is unwise to blindly pursue quality. You have to be careful with your budget. Have a good time.

“How much armor and weapons can we produce every week now.”

“With sufficient raw materials, we can produce more than 100 pieces of cloth armor a week, more than 50 knight swords, more than 500 gun heads, and thousands of arrow clusters.”

“Now that knight swords and spearheads have met the expansion needs, we are mainly focusing on making cloth armor, and will expand production to a certain extent over time.”

In the feudal era, there was no shortage of weapons. What was really lacking was armor. One of the important indicators of the combat effectiveness of an army was the armor coverage rate.

Although cloth armor is simple in process and cost-effective, it is armor after all. Even with the introduction of leading production methods such as assembly line production, production capacity is still somewhat tight.

Up to now, half of the Flying Bear Army has no armor and is currently training in linen clothes and straw rope leather armor.

Li Cha checked the quality of the armor and weapons and was basically satisfied.

All large-scale equipment cannot fully consider quality issues. A balance point must be found between price and quality.

These equipment may not be said to be excellent, but they are definitely qualified ordnance. In the entire North, apart from the wealthy and wealthy Jingbei Army, Richard is probably the only one who can afford to wear armor for all his soldiers so extravagantly.

“Production is gradually increasing, and don’t relax on quality. You have to worry more, thank you for your hard work.”

“Unfortunately, everything I have is given by Mr. Richard, I…”

Richard’s words made the manager of the ordnance factory beside him blush with excitement, and his words became somewhat incoherent.

After a few words of encouragement to the workers, Richard left the ordnance factory with a few of his men.

A new week is here, let’s take a look at the development of Stone Castle.

In the new week, another building point appears in the castle. The temple that produces level 5 soldiers and the cavalry camp that produces level 6 soldiers are still in a gray and unbuildable state.

Richard couldn’t figure out the reason for the time being, so he could only choose to upgrade the swordsman camp to a crusader camp first.

“Sure enough.”

Richard squeezed his hands in excitement. After the building was upgraded, the previous swordsmen were all ready to be upgraded. He decisively spent some gold to upgrade all the swordsmen to crusaders.

This week, Richard’s personal strength and military strength under his command have almost improved by leaps and bounds. Now look at Richard’s personal panel:

Name: Richard

Level: 4 (560/8000)

Strength: 12.9

Physique: 11.9

Agility: 12.1

Spirit: 4.2

Skills: Beast Breathing Technique (Grandmaster), Blue Qi Entrainment Technique (Beginner Level), and Offensive Technique (Intermediate Level).

Army: Lancers (70), Archers (40), Griffins 18, Royal Griffins (5), Crusaders (10)

Using Qing Qi Entraining Technique to replace the general Qi Entraining Technique can be said to be a shotgun exchange for a cannon. All aspects of attributes and fighting spirit are already at the level of a senior knight.

The system troops under his command have received another wave of reinforcements, especially the ten Crusaders, which means that Richard has increased the combat power of ten knights under his command (Ron is no longer counted as a heroic unit)

Although the system’s army is powerful, Richard still attaches great importance to the operation of his own forces.

After all, the system’s army will be stronger if it is stronger, but the number is still too small. The most produced spearmen are only 20 in a week, and only 2,000 in two years. It will be very small on the battlefield where hundreds of thousands of people may be encountered in the future. Not enough.

After studying the various buildings in the Stone Fortress for a while, Richard visited the military camp again and brushed up on his sense of presence.

In less than a month, these new recruits have been trained to a high standard. After all, Ironwood City has an official academy, and there is no shortage of qualified junior officers in Ironwood City. The knights also became wealthy.

After handling chores for a day, Richard has a clearer understanding of the military strength of his subordinates,

At this time, he began to think about the more difficult task. With more than a dozen knight-level combat forces overwhelming the formation, he might try to wipe out a small ogre tribe.


Piaoxue City, in the mansion of the Fourth Young Master of Lanster.

Lin Te is still holding a few books given by Richard and doing research. Since he got them back from Hunter last week, Lin Te has stayed in the house without going anywhere. He has been studying these books and kept reading. Annotating notes.

I am afraid that Richard himself is not as careful as Lin Te.

“Master, the Marquis has asked you to discuss matters.”

While Lint was fascinated by the book, Sander’s voice pulled Lint out of the ocean of books.

“Do you know what it is?”

Lint raised his eyes but did not put down the book in his hand.

“The Sword Eagle Knight detected the migration of a very large ogre tribe in the wilderness.”

“How far is it?”

Lin Te finally put down the book in his hand and asked seriously.

“They came from the Western Wilderness, about three hundred kilometers away from the nearest noble territory.”

After hearing this, Lin Te frowned,

Three hundred kilometers is already very close. If we walk faster, we can enter the territory of human survival in a week.

Ogres have always been the most troublesome enemies of humans in the North. Each adult ogre is equivalent to the best among human quasi-knights. The stronger ogre warriors can even compete with the knights.

In the past, ogres would migrate from the wilderness to the edge of human territory, and the number was not large. The most recent incident was when a medium-sized tribe came with less than 500 ogres, which directly led to the demise of several noble families.

A super-large ogre tribe consists of at least three thousand ogres. If one of them fails to respond well, it may have very serious consequences, so Lin Te cannot ignore it.

“Come on Sander, let’s talk as we walk.”

Lint showed a rare serious attitude and urged Sander to rush to the Lanster family meeting room.



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