Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 266: Archangel and upgraded again (changed)


“Sir Pope, it seems that the orcs have been eliminated.”

Although Mi Xiu, Hussein and others were far away from the battlefield, the red dragon that was so conspicuous in the sky could not escape their eyes. Mi Xiu came with Hussein and others out of some unknown state of mind. At the edge of the battlefield, until the shouts of killing gradually ended, even the sound of Richard leaving alone on the Flying Dragon King fell into Mi Xiu’s eyes.

“Let’s go, Ironwood City should return to normal soon. After Ironwood City returns to normal, we will enter the city in batches and leave after finding the blasphemer.”

“Your Holiness, the Hunter family is too powerful…”

Although we were only on the edge of the battlefield and did not observe more details of the battle, the light of fighting spirit and the red dragon in the sky would not deceive others. The strength of the orcs was not weak, but they were defeated after a short period of support. The Te family has solved it. If the Hunter family wants to protect the blasphemer, things will be troublesome. Even the Hunter family is related to the blasphemer. It is already a certain thing in the heart of the bishop of the central diocese.

Just now, he had been thinking of suggesting that Mi Xiu take action directly. While the Hunter family and the orcs were fighting, he could either forcefully break into Ironwood City and find the blasphemer first, or simply cooperate with the orcs to severely damage the Hunter family on the battlefield. Instead of just watching the show, the bishop knew Mi Xiu well. According to Mi Xiu’s character and temper, he probably wouldn’t be able to do either of the two things. He didn’t ask for trouble by trying to persuade him. He just wanted to give a sideways reminder. Take it easy, don’t take the Hunter family lightly.

Hearing the bishop’s reminder, Mi Xiu paused for a moment. He seemed to understand what the bishop meant, and turned around and said:

“If the Hunter family tries to stop me, I will not show mercy…”

Bishop: “…”

I am not afraid that you will show mercy, I am afraid that something unexpected will happen and you may not be able to beat them,

Of course, the bishop finally suppressed these words and did not say it out loud. He just like everyone else turned around and left with Mishu…

Stone Castle

After arranging some matters after the war, Richard rushed back to the Stone Castle on the Flying Dragon King. When he landed, he went straight to the Congress Hall of the Stone Castle.

The Rock Castle was the original home of the Will family, and it was not far from Ironwood City. However, no matter how lively the fighting was outside Ironwood City, Richard never worried about the safety of the Rock Castle.

After all, he had left a giant and a frost giant in the castle in order to prevent any accidents from happening to Stonehenge. In addition, with the system soldiers originally staying at the castle, it was impossible for anyone to capture them before he could react. Stone Castle, if anyone has such strength,

Then whether he supports it or not will probably not change the outcome.

“Shadow of the Orcs (Complete)”



After Richard entered the Congress Hall of Stone Castle, he immediately received a prompt from the system, and he submitted the task directly without hesitation.

“Congratulations on gaining 600,000 experience points.”

“Congratulations on your upgrade.”

“Congratulations on getting the reward creature Archangel X1”

Archangel: The most powerful soldier in the castle (human beings), with superb swordsmanship and strong physique, comparable to dragons.

Skill: Resurrection

Effect: Used on friendly units whose death time is within four hours and whose bodies are intact, the target can be resurrected immediately and all injuries can be restored. (Cooling time: one day)

“Congratulations on getting the treasure Vitality Holy Bottle.”

Effect: The physical fitness of all soldiers under your command increases by one.

“Congratulations on obtaining ordinary resources, stone X10”

The reward for annihilating the orcs this time is also quite generous. After the previous battle, Richard not only improved his level by one level, but also had more than half of his experience bar. Now that he has gained the experience rewarded by the mission, his level has been improved again, from seventeen to seventeen. Reached level 18.

After the upgrade, Richard’s attributes have increased slightly, but not by much. His strength has only been slightly improved. The biggest gain should be that the number of skill points he can use has increased to 3 points.

Unfortunately, after careful inspection, Richard found that the only skills that could be upgraded were primary logistics skills. Currently, the Burning Sun Air Entrainment Technique (intermediate level) that Richard wanted to improve most was still in a gray and non-upgradeable state.

Upgrading strategic skills such as offensive and defensive skills from intermediate to advanced only costs three skill points. Unexpectedly, the Sun Air Entrainment Technique turned out to be a bigger consumer of skill points than them. I can comfort myself that this thing is indeed a top-level air-entraining technique that can directly access the laws.

If you want to save, then save until the end. After thinking about it for a while, Richard still did not choose to upgrade the basic logistics skills, but continued to save the skill points,

Now that he wants to quickly improve his own strength, he must rely on the cheating function provided by the system. Otherwise, even if he has outstanding qualifications, it will be difficult to make a big improvement in a short period of time, let alone such a method involving laws. , good talent may not mean you can practice well.

The Archangel, the second reward, is quite spiritual. Richard has experienced the strength of the Archangel. With the addition of his own skills, the strength of the Archangel is at the level of the mid-level sky, but only slightly. It’s just weaker than Pope Mixiu of the Rising Sun Cult. (Richard’s offensive and defensive skills are effective on himself, but he does not enjoy the bonuses of other heroes.)

Although it is not possible to build buildings such as Yunzhong City and Dragon Cliff yet, with this archangel and the angel necklace that I can use once a month, I now have two sky mid-level ones on my side. Fighting strength.

The entire orc kingdom’s high-end combat power is nothing more than this,

Of course, we must also rule out the possibility that there is an old guy like Master Qing in the Orc Kingdom, or an old guy like Aragorn who has been hiding it.

The most important thing is that Richard no longer has to worry about the church’s revenge. Before the angel necklace was restored to CD, he had been worried that the people from the church would suddenly come to the North under the leadership of Mi Xiu.

Anyway, no matter who provoked whom first, the relationship has long been established. It is impossible for the kingdom to send a dragon knight to him to protect the Hunter family every day.

He did not dare to casually say that his sky-level strength could only be maintained for ten minutes a month. Fortunately, the Rising Sun Cult did not come to trouble him until the cooling time of the angel necklace was up. After the angel necklace could be used, Li The police officer’s sense of crisis has weakened a little, at least he is not without the ability to resist, although he still cannot defeat him.

It wasn’t until the reward creature Archangel appeared that Richard finally gained some confidence. At least unlike his own fake sky level that only lasted ten minutes, Archangel, as a seventh-level promoted unit of the castle (human) force, had a combat power of It’s real, and it also has incredible resurrection ability, which is much better than this parallel import like him.

Because of his size, the Archangel does not appear from outside the Congress Hall like the Red Dragon and the Giant, but appears directly from the Congress Hall.

The archangel is slightly taller than Richard, about 1.9 meters tall. His head is wrapped under a wing-shaped golden helmet. Only two eyeballs are exposed on his face, and his appearance cannot be seen.

Wearing a gilt robe with some armor on it, although it looks divine and gorgeous, from Richard’s professional point of view, the actual combat effect of this equipment is definitely not good,

Of course, for a strong person at the level of an archangel, unless you have some treasure-level equipment, it will not have much impact on your strength. It is better to wear something that looks good.

Even Richard can now feel that as his strength increases, his specially made and sophisticated armor plays less and less role on the battlefield.

On the archangel’s back is a pair of snow-white wings, but they are now in a contracted state, so they don’t look obvious. Although the opponent’s helmet blocks his face, he can’t see the beauty or ugliness.

But this image of an archangel still made Richard feel relieved. Fortunately, it was not the image of the third-generation archangel that he was most familiar with. The classic image of the wavy hair, short skirt, and big hairy legs was really eye-catching. Although Brother Mao sounded friendly, if he really wanted to use it around him, Richard, a lord who paid a little attention to the team’s image, would still be a little concerned.

“Dear Envoy of God, Mills salutes you.”

While Richard was observing, the Archangel had already arrived in front of Richard, half-bending his body and lowering his head to pay tribute to Richard.

The voice was a magnetic male voice, which broke the little bit of expectations in Richard’s heart for the angel girl and the curiosity about what she looked like under the helmet.

Richard would be curious about how good-looking the angel girls are, but he would not be curious about how handsome the male angels are. Anyway, they are not more handsome than him. How could he be the leader of the kingdom in vain?

“No need to be polite.”

Although the curiosity in his heart has gone a lot and he no longer tries to get the other person to take off his helmet, Richard still has the respect he deserves for such a strong man,

In addition to being unfriendly to those time-sensitive summoned units, Richard has always treated soldiers of other systems equally and will not be used as a tool without any thought.

After Richard helped him up, he briefly asked a few questions. Mills’s answers were similar to those of other high-level units. He even described the scene of Yunzhong City to Richard, which satisfied Richard. curiosity,

Like other units, he can’t figure out how he got here, but deep in his mind, he is sure that Richard is his allegiance.

After the conversation, Richard turned his attention to the small red medicine bottle that appeared out of thin air on the table in front of him.

This small medicine bottle is quite compact, about the same size as a pen cap. As soon as Richard took it into his hand, he could feel a slight increase in his physique.

For Richard, this effect is not obvious, but for the low-level units under his command, the physical improvement is not small. At least after having this treasure, the physical fitness of the halberdier should no longer be Worse than ordinary orc warriors.

But the more important thing is not the attributes of the treasure. Now Richard already has a vitality ring and a vitality blood bottle, and the previous elf hero also has a life ring,

These three treasures can only be regarded as low-level treasures with average attributes, but they can be combined into a combined treasure that is effective against low-level soldiers and even mid-to-high-level soldiers.

If Richard remembers correctly, the Vitality Ring, the Life Ring, and the Vitality Blood Bottle can be combined into a Holy Blood Bottle. In addition to directly improving the physical fitness of himself and all his soldiers by five points, it also has a very good battlefield recovery effect.

Just how to deceive the life ring from the little elf money man is quite a troublesome matter. Richard does not want to force his heroes to hand over their treasures. It would look ugly and is not Richard’s style. , it is best to be rational and emotional, so that the other party can voluntarily hand over the treasure to you.

Why don’t you search her for some bright and precious gems? If you really can’t do it, throw in some more gold?

“A sneeze!”

Forest City

The little elf girl who was ordered to station here is playing with the unicorn sacred beast. She doesn’t do much every day. Apart from leading a patrol, she plays in the forest and mountains like a child.

The unprovoked sneeze at this moment made her feel a little weird. A hero like her has a much stronger physique than ordinary people. It had been so long since she had experienced anything like a cold or a sneeze, which made her feel weird. I wonder if I have been cursed.

Looked around suspiciously, but found nothing unusual.

Are you allergic to something? The elf hero who was playing carefree just now stopped and fell into thinking.

Stone Castle

After accepting the vitality blood bottle, Richard walked directly to the hall of Congress and wanted to check the new tasks,

As for a resource reward? What is that? Stone, do you have the nerve to say rewards? If it weren’t for the miser Grandet in the market who didn’t recycle it,

Richard can use wood and stones to recover all the gold spent on buying treasures.

“Mission: Peeping into ?”

Task description: A force that does not belong to the human world has appeared in your territory. A certain **** walking in the human world has quietly sneaked into your territory, figured out the other party’s purpose, and expelled the other party from your territory. ”

“Inspect and expel.”

When Richard saw this mission, his whole expression fell. Without any further investigation, Richard could guess which **** this matter was related to by guessing,

In addition to the so-called Lord of the Rising Sun, Richard has no need to provoke anyone. There is only one well-known **** in the human world now. Although he does not have the slightest understanding of the realm of gods, when a **** walks, he feels There is no way I can resist it now.

The Divine Religion is not easy to deal with just a pontifical cult, and now there is an additional person walking around. The sense of security that was just given by the Archangel is gone now.

In fact, after practicing the Sun Air Entrainment Technique and forming an alliance with Aragorn, Richard was mentally prepared to face the Lord of the Rising Sun sooner or later, but he did not expect that the other party would come so quickly.

Can’t you just wait for a while to cultivate well?

According to the mission description, the other party has arrived in his territory. After some consideration, Richard decided to return to Ironwood City immediately. He must first let Aragorn, a scammer, also understand the seriousness of the problem.

After a little analysis based on the mission description, Richard basically determined that the other party’s target was not him. Although he was against the church, he was not the only one who had been at odds with the church for hundreds of years. Now in the royal capital There is still a vigorous clean-up operation over there.

If ?’s Walking had to come all the way for such a nonsense, he would be exhausted even if he wasn’t too busy. Now that ?’s Walking came to visit, it must have been the trouble caused by Aragorn.

It’s such a troubled time, can’t you just let me farm again…


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