Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 264: Complete and upgrade



At this time Nuno, the leader of the orc army, was stabbed through the body by two lances.

Although the champion knight only has the strength of the earth mid-level, seven earth mid-levels are a number that can lead to qualitative changes due to quantitative changes. Facing an opponent of the champion knight’s level, Nuno can easily go one-on-two. Three will be a bit difficult. If four are faced, Nuno will have to think about how to escape.

This time, we are facing seven, plus one Richard, who is equivalent to a high-level earth-level person. As long as he has not crossed the sky-level threshold and gained the ability to fly, he can only be beaten to death by Richard’s numerical advantage. of.


Nuno, who was impaled by two lances, had not lost his ability to fight. He held the two lances between his arms and used brute force to throw the champion knight off his horse.


If there were only these two champion knights, Nuno might still have a chance to fight for a while, but just after Nuno was restricted by two lances, two more champion knights found the opportunity to stab the lances in In Nuno’s burly body.

Because all the strength had been used in frontal attacks before, when Richard led the champion knights to break through the orcs’ front and reach the orcs’ center, there were not many people left around Nuno, mainly a few personal guards and The messenger is still with Nuno,

There was not even an orc warrior among these people. When they saw Richard and the seven champion knights rushing here, they wailed and raised their weapons to greet them, but the result was not enough to kill each of Richard’s side.

So in the final battle against Nuno, it became a situation where Richard led seven champion knights to challenge Nuno alone.

The result was no surprise. Seven champion knights who cooperated with each other took turns to attack, and Richard, who was even more powerful, besieged them. Nuno, who had only half a step of strength, quickly ran out of fighting spirit and became a ghost on the chopping block. fish meat.

With the cooperation of the four champion knights, Nuno, who had exhausted his fighting spirit, was lifted into the air with a lance. Nuno, who could not find a point of leverage in the air, completely lost his ability to resist.

“Kill me! Do you want me to surrender to you like that traitor in Tal?”

“There are only orcs who die in battle, there are no orcs who surrender!”

In Nuno’s view, the opponent clearly wanted to capture him after severely injuring him and then holding him in the air. Perhaps he also thought that he could serve him like that **** in Tarr.

Li Cha was riding on the horse and couldn’t help but touch his nose when he saw the strong orc being held up by the champion knights.

Heaven and earth conscience, he really has never given similar orders to the champion knights, and he has never thought of recruiting an orc to work under him. Orcs are different from half-orcs,

Although I am in the Northland now, I have eaten this orc vanguard to death, but generally speaking, the orcs are still suppressing the humans,

If it weren’t for the dragon knights who ruled the country and the natural barrier of Dragon Breathing Pass, I’m afraid the orcs’ military might could have invaded the capital in minutes.

Compared with the half-orcs who are discriminated against in the orc kingdom, these orthodox orcs have their own inexplicable pride. Although in Richard’s opinion, the orcs are ugly and smelly, he doesn’t know what they are proud of. , Richard has always been glad that he was reborn as a human being in this world. He couldn’t bear to be reborn as an orc with a green face, fangs and green skin.

However, Richard looked down on the orcs, but he still knew clearly that these guys had a strong sense of honor. Even if the other party really wanted to surrender to him, he would not dare to use them like he did with Tal.

Watching the opponent’s constant impassioned shouting, Richard felt inexplicably that if he ignored his appearance, he would look more like a villain. The champion knights were his lackeys, while the opponent was a hero who would rather die than surrender.


After taking a deep breath and expelling this strange sense of déjà vu from his mind, Richard decisively jumped up from the red flame horse and stabbed Nuno with his sword, who was still yelling.


As the flaming sword penetrated the opponent’s heart, Nuno stopped shouting and bit his lip in pain. In less than ten seconds, he closed his eyes and completely lost his life. Although the orcs on the earth level The vitality and recovery power are both powerful, but no matter how powerful the recovery power is, it cannot restore a heart that is almost roasted.

“Next time I don’t give the order to keep alive, you can just kill the other party directly, there is no need to leave the other party’s leader to me until the end.”

“Yes, sir.”

Richard finally endured it and gave instructions to the champion knights. I don’t know who took the lead. These system soldiers also learned how to flatter their commander like a normal army.

If the opponent’s leader has a chance, he must leave it to Richard to deal with it. If he doesn’t have a chance, he must let Richard do the last hit when he creates an opportunity.

If last-minute hits could increase experience, Richard might still be willing to make last-hit hits, but this cheating system calculates experience based on battles. It doesn’t seem to have much to do with how many kills he personally killed. Just pretend.

“A brilliant victory!”

“Congratulations on gaining 850,000 experience points.”

“Congratulations on your upgrade.”


Level: 17

Strength: 34.5

Physique: 31.3

Agility: 32.1

Spirit: 12.5

Talent: Dominance

Skills: Beast’s Breathing Technique (Grandmaster – cannot be upgraded), Sun Air Entrainment Technique (intermediate), Offensive Technique (Advanced), Defense Technique (Advanced), Logistics Technique (Elementary).

Available skill points: 2

Although the number of orcs is not large, the quality is indeed guaranteed. The team of less than a hundred people provided Richard with more than 800,000 experience points, allowing Richard to successfully reach level 17, but this level As expected, it becomes more and more difficult to advance as you go forward. More than 800,000 experience points are only enough for Richard to advance to one level.

The improvement in level has slightly increased Richard’s attributes. If this continues, one day Richard will be able to wrestle with an ancient dragon using his own physical strength.

There is also one more skill point. Now Richard has two skill points in his hand. Finally, there is a basic logistics skill in the skill that can be improved.

If he were to change to the previous Richard, he would naturally throw in the skill points immediately without even thinking about this kind of strategic skill.

But now Richard is thinking about saving two skill points. He urgently needs to improve his own physical strength to be able to defeat the golden dragon in a duel. This affects when he can build Dragon Cliff. Recruit the kingdom’s coveted golden dragon.

In order to save time, Richard never thought of practicing slowly by himself at the beginning. When he could defeat the golden dragon, he would challenge the golden dragon in a duel. The progress was too slow. Even if Richard was a super genius, It will take at least a few years to have that strength. If Dragon Cliff is built earlier, it will take a few years to assemble a dragon army.

Just two skill points were obviously not enough to advance from intermediate to advanced level in the Burning Sun Qi-Entraining Technique. After thinking about it for a while, Richard decided to save the skill points first. After completing the mission, he might be able to level up one more level. Level, you can’t have three skill points without adding Qi Entrainment.

Almost at the same time after Richard solved Nuno without any pressure, the orc army, which had been at a comprehensive disadvantage before, completely collapsed. When Richard led the champion knight to break through from the front, he disrupted them. The front was finally stabilized by relying on the reserve team,

Although the eight earth-level masters did not target these ordinary orc warriors, they passed by and caused a lot of damage to the orcs with a casual attack.

After Richard chose to personally lead the championship knights to attack, Chilong, who was still constraining each other with Nuno, was immediately ordered to give up playing the big-eyed game with Nuno, and turn around to pick up those who were still fighting with Cross. Orc warriors fighting fiercely,

Nuno, who was targeted by Richard and seven champion knights, could no longer control so much and could only let the red dragon kill indiscriminately.

In the end, less than fifty orc warriors could not withstand the pressure of death and fled. The fighting will of this orc vanguard army was absolutely tenacious to the extreme.

The escaping orcs did not escape from the large circle of the battlefield in the end, and did not use targets in the air. As soon as these orcs fled in all directions, they were blocked by the centaur elites and the Red Flame Knights on both wings, and were forced to The battle came down to the last soldier, and Richard did what he said at the beginning, not to let a single orc escape.

“Congratulations on completing the mission – Shadow of the Orcs.”


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