Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 263: Flat push (changed)


The Crusaders waved the long swords in their hands coldly and efficiently. More than a hundred knight-level masters who cooperated well and had rich combat experience were very effective in this small-scale war. The orcs were strong and powerful. The soldiers were beaten back by the Crusaders.

The huge battle ax in the hands of the orcs was easily blocked by the half-buckler in the hands of the Crusaders. Whether it was in terms of reaction or strength, the orc warriors were suppressed by the Crusaders in all directions,

Although the attacks of the orc warriors are not very effective, the crusaders’ counterattack can actually cause great damage to the orcs,

The long sword with fighting spirit in the hands of the Crusaders can easily cut through the thick armor of the orcs. The orcs who were counterattacked by the Crusaders were left with a wound deep enough to see the bones, or in severe cases, they were disemboweled or even directly die.

“Surround, surround!”

Facing the fierce offensive of the Crusaders, the orcs are not helpless. They are all elites trained on the battlefield. In adversity, they still have ways to face human masters!

With the orc warriors as the fulcrum, more orcs came up,

In the years of war with humans, the orcs have almost completely studied the human army. The biggest problem with the human army is that the strength gap between ordinary soldiers and experts is too large.

Although human knight-level masters are generally weaker than orc warriors, the gap is not big, and they can always form a confrontation. The best among them are not afraid of orc warriors at all.

But there is a huge gap between ordinary soldiers. There is a quasi-knight between ordinary human soldiers and knights. Compared with the orc army, there is a huge gap between ordinary human armies and strong human armies.

This situation does not exist for the orcs. Ordinary soldiers on the human side are at the level of quasi-knights. With heavy armor and heavy equipment, a small group of a dozen orcs can pose a danger to the knights if they cooperate well.

The powerful combat capabilities of the orc warriors can easily separate human masters from ordinary soldiers in a short period of time. Many knights on the Longxiguan battlefield were beaten to death by the orcs in this way.

The orc commander tried to use the same tactics to cut up the Hunter family’s army in front of him, and formed a numerical advantage on the more than one hundred charging Crusaders on the local battlefield to complete the killing of the Crusaders.



However, the Orcs’ tactic of using individual advantage and clever coordination to complete fine division of the battlefield failed to work against the Hunter family’s men.

In terms of coordination, the halberdiers who have been fighting for years on the continent of Erathia are not weak at all. In terms of individual soldier quality, the halberdiers have just stepped into the threshold of quasi-knights, and are weaker than the elite orcs on the opposite side. Some, but definitely not weak in terms of coordination and combat experience.

When the orc warriors pounced on the halberdiers behind them, the halberdiers quickly formed a formation and fought against the orcs in two or three groups. The line did not waver at all. The tactics originally used by the orcs to bully ordinary human armies had no effect at all. However, the goal of separating the Crusaders from the follow-up troops was not achieved. Instead, they suffered some losses due to some rash intrusions.

Although the orcs failed to achieve their tactical goals and were suppressed and bullied by the Crusaders, they were all elites who selected the best from the best and dragged the battle into a stalemate with their bravery.

But this stalemate did not last long. The orcs were running out of skills, but Richard still had many cards in his hand that he still had to play.

After falling into the melee, the war dancers with superb sword skills also joined the battle one after another. When fighting in formation, their superb skills did not have much room to display. No matter how agile you are, your sword skills can be used as well. It’s fancy, but it can’t stand up to the rows of heavily armored warriors pushing forward in teams. Now that the battle in the front row has turned into a melee, more than three hundred war dancers can play a greater role by joining the battle.


A war dancer nimbly dodged the orc warrior’s giant axe. The orc warrior hit the air with an axe, revealing an obvious flaw. This is also one of the disadvantages of heavy soldiers. It can completely retract and deploy heavy soldiers freely. There were not many people, and it was impossible for all the orc warriors to reach that level.

The war dancer would not let go of this opportunity. In just one second, a heavy scimitar struck the orc who was holding a tomahawk in both hands. The orc warrior tried to lift the tomahawk, but the tomahawk had already Once in the air, it fell to the ground with a “bang” again.


The arm of the orc warrior was broken off at the elbow, and one forearm was still tightly grasped on the battle axe. The war dancer took advantage of this second to hit the orc arm armor with a precise blow. At the link, he cut off the opponent’s forearm from the weakest part of the orc warrior’s armor using the least laborious method.


The orc elite warrior who had broken his forearm screamed in pain and immediately punched the war dancer with his good right hand. With the war dancer’s physique, he would not have been hit by the orc warrior’s hateful punch. Yeah, it won’t feel too good if I don’t die,

Fortunately, the war dancer was not careless because he cut off the orc’s arm. He rolled on the spot and dodged the punch. When he stood up, he held out the scimitar in his hand again, cutting off the orc warrior’s arm with one blow. Amputate the calf,

The orc warrior who lost his balance immediately fell to the ground, allowing the war dancer to wipe his neck easily.

On the battlefield, there were also war dancers and halberdiers who were hit by orc battle axes, and their deaths were quite tragic. Even with the bonus of Richard’s intermediate defense skills, such heavy weapons were hit, and the war dancers and halberdiers were hit. The physique of the halberdier is also very dangerous, and only the Crusaders or stronger units are qualified to carry it.

It’s just that some casualties are insignificant in Richard’s opinion.



A breath of dragon’s breath fell from the sky. Nuno, the Orc Legion who was still in charge of the central army, was forced to jump up and use his fighting spirit to scatter the dragon’s breath in the air. This extremely consuming fighting spirit method usually leaves no ground. What I am willing to do is simply not cost-effective. If I do this a few times, the normal earth ladder cannot afford it.

That is to say, Nuno, a strong man at the top of the earth who is half-step into the sky, can have such luxury, but Nuno has no choice but to do this,

When the army is in formation, if the dragon’s breath is allowed to fall in the dense military formation, even the most elite team may not be able to hold on.

Chilong looked at the orc who blocked his dragon’s breath in mid-air. He did not choose to land and fight with him, but climbed up in a very obscene manner under Richard’s command.

He was still acting as if he might spit out dragon’s breath at any time. As long as Nuno diverted his attention for a moment, the red dragon’s sneezing-like movement might turn into a mouthful of real dragon’s breath.

“Damn it!”

Nuno observed the situation on the entire battlefield. The cavalry on both sides of the opponent’s side had not yet been dispatched. Apart from the last reserve force, there was no spare force on his side.

The turning point lies in myself, the peak imperial warrior, and the weaker adjutant Raf. If humans don’t have anyone strong enough to fight against, then I still have a chance, but there are two human beings on the other side’s wall. Knight of the Earth,

He himself doesn’t believe that the army outside the city, which is more like the main force of mankind, does not have a strong man of the earth knight level,

At first, when Nuno saw the red dragon attacking, he had already grasped the battle ax tightly, preparing to fight to the death to severely injure a giant human dragon even if he was defeated. Unexpectedly, a giant dragon would use such despicable tactics without dignity, which made Nuno Nuo’s clenched fist felt as uncomfortable as hitting cotton.

I can’t even do a vigorous battle with a giant dragon…


The one who issued such obscene instructions to the red dragon was naturally Richard, otherwise the dragon would not have used such a tactic with its pride,

But Richard doesn’t need Chilong to go up and fight the opponent, he just needs to contain the opponent. When all the opponent’s trump cards are forced out, it’s time to decide the outcome.

“Raff, lead the reserve team up!”


Facing Nuno’s order, Raf, who had been leading the reserve team but not taking action, was obviously hesitant.

This reserved reserve force is used to defend against the human cavalry. If the human cavalry does not move, the reserve force will be used first. Then wouldn’t the entire team be defenseless against the human cavalry? That’s a heavy cavalry covered in armor.

“There is no chance. If we don’t move, we will have no chance!”

Although the reserve team is reserved for defensive cavalry, the front of the orcs is almost killed by Ron and the Crusaders, and a few great warriors cannot stop the assault composed of all the Crusaders with the peak strength of the knight level. Strength, if the reserve team is not used, once all the orcs in front are completely defeated, there will be no chance to use it.

“You personally lead the team up and strive to defeat the humans in front of you in a short time!”

Nuno still wants to try to make a final struggle. The human army in front does not seem to have the strength of the earth level. With the strength of Raff’s national warrior level and another two hundred troops, there may be a chance to complete a frontal breakthrough and grasp the front line. vitality.

“Yes, Lord Legion Commander!”

“Reserve team, follow me!”


The orc reserves, who had been recharging their strength, noticed the bad situation on the battlefield naturally at night, and felt vaguely uneasy waiting to die. At this time, they finally heard the order and were about to join the battle, regardless of whether the situation could be reversed or not. , this momentum was brought out, at least the entire battlefield knew that they were going to join the war.


Under the leadership of Rafe, the last two hundred orc warriors also participated in the battle, but their participation did not have the expected effect.

It just stabilized the line that was about to collapse and gained a slight upper hand. The Crusaders were too strong in this kind of frontal battle. Under the leadership of Ron, more than a hundred Crusaders were as solid as a rock. The prisoner was at the front, and no matter how the orcs counterattacked, the front remained unmoved.

Raff, who was originally used as a force to break the game, met his opponent as soon as he took action, an opponent he was very familiar with.

A long, wide-edged knife held his heavy hammer firmly. Not only was it difficult for his heavy hammer to advance even an inch, it was also slowly lifted up by the opponent. The opponent’s strength was obviously still within him. above.


Through the color attributes of weapons and fighting spirit, Rafe still recognized Tal, who was wearing the Hunter family’s standard general armor. Although Tal was completely covered with armor and had a hood on his face, the familiar figure People can still recognize it at a glance.

“Tal, you betrayed the kingdom!”



Reacting to Raf’s outburst of anger, he pulled back the hammer. Raf pushed his fighting spirit to the extreme and hit the opponent hard again.

Most of the time, traitors are more hateful than enemies. Drawing on the anger towards Tal’s betrayal, Rafe hit the second blow with the original strength of twelve points, and there were faint signs of breaking through to the middle level of the earth,

But the second blow was still firmly received by Tal’s long sword, and it even felt like an understatement. Tal was still a half-step sky-level master, even if there were more powerful ones. In the orc kingdom, there are also masters who can be ranked within two hands. They cannot be defeated by Rafe’s sudden burst.

“Tal, you son of a bitch, you betrayed the kingdom, betrayed the orcs, you will not die a good death!”

Raph, who had already exploded with all his strength and turned red in the face, still could not put too much pressure on Tal. His weapon was held up by Tal again, so he could only turn on Zaun mode to vent his resentment.

“I knew you half-orc **** couldn’t be trusted. I should have killed you **** long ago!”


As soon as he said this, Raf was blown away by Tal’s sudden burst of fighting spirit.

The expression under the mask changed from indifference to anger at the beginning. If Tarr was originally a little embarrassed about becoming a traitor, with Rafe’s final scolding, he stepped on it like crazy Tal Nilin’s words completely dispelled the shame in Tal’s heart. Anyway, the orcs never regarded him as one of their own. Even a guy who was several levels weaker than himself looked down on his status as a half-orc.

“Huh, humans can’t be our orcs’ opponents. When the kingdom’s army breaks through the Dragon’s Breath Pass, the first ones to be killed will be traitors like you, half-orc bastards, and that **** sister of yours…”


As Tal accelerated his offensive, Rafe looked very embarrassed. Rafe was not Tal’s opponent in the first place, not to mention that his talkative words now completely angered the opponent.

Seeing Tal fight hard, Richard, who was watching the battle from a distance, nodded, recognizing Tal’s attitude.

Letting Tarr go up to join the battle this time is also to let the other party accept the certificate of surrender. If he kills another orc earth-level strongman, Tarr will have no way out, and he can safely entrust him with important tasks. .

“The orcs are at their wits end.”

“Order the Red Flame Knights and Centaur elites to pass through from both wings, and be sure not to let a single orc escape.”

Richard’s request not to let a single orc go was not entirely to vent his anger. With the strength of these orcs, if some of them fled and dispersed on the northern plains, it didn’t take much. As long as they formed a group of three or five, they could deal with an orc. Great damage was done to the village.

When he came back and looked at several smoky villages, Richard, who had a bit of a miser mentality, felt very distressed. At this moment, he definitely didn’t want to run any more orcs into Huo Huo’s own territory.

After issuing the order, Richard stretched out his hand to pull off his visor, and then raised the Vulcan Sword in his hand. Under the stimulation of fighting spirit, the simple Vulcan Sword once again glowed with colorful fire, and with a hammer It’s time to set the tone.

No need for extra orders. When Richard raised the Vulcan Sword in his hand, the seven champion knights behind him were ready to charge at the same time.

When Richard made a move, he followed closely. Richard chose to rush in directly from the front. The orcs’ formation was completely chaotic. I am afraid that even ordinary heavy cavalry could not stop it, let alone stop Richard. And the champion knight.


Where the Vulcan Sword pointed, there was no enemy at all. Richard led seven champion knights like a walk and broke through the line that the orcs had just stabilized with the support of the reserve team…

When passing by the battle circle between Tarr and Raph, Richard didn’t even pause. He winked at Tarr, expressed the intention of leaving it to you, and then headed towards Raph, who was still in a stalemate with the red dragon. …


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