Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 261: Return to aid (big


“Your Holiness, what should we do next?”

Mixiu and others have arrived not far from Ironwood City, and can observe the small city from a close distance. In order not to attract attention, the large army temporarily stayed in a camp in front to rest, Mixiu I took Hussein and several other bishops here to check it out.

Ironwood City has arrived, but at this moment, the city gates are closed because it has entered a state of war. The city is full of soldiers patrolling intensively, and they are on high alert. There are still many kerosene burns on the walls. Black and gray, it is obvious that this small town is the target of attack by the nearby orcs.

Although according to the location given by the divine envoy, the so-called blasphemers should be in this small city, it is obvious that they cannot enter through normal methods. Among these people, only Mi Xiu has the ability to enter. The soldiers entered the city calmly under high alert.

“Wait a minute, this city is the territory of Marquis Richard, and the orcs may be in trouble.”

Compared with the backward intelligence of the orcs, Mi Xiu actually had a high opinion of the strength of the Hunter family, at least for those who had fought against each other before. Mi Xiu didn’t know that Richard had used an angel necklace to cheat. The treasure forcibly obtained the strength of the sky level,

In Mi Xiu’s view, Richard is a strong man who is as strong as himself. He has subordinates who can compete with masters like Hussein. He should not be suppressed and beaten by a small orc army. The biggest It may be that Richard is not in the city for the time being. Now it seems that the defenders of Ironwood City are cowering and not daring to move out, allowing the orcs to plunder.

But looking at the actual traces on the battlefield, it is obvious that the orcs tried to attack the city but were repulsed. Even when Richard was away, the orcs were unable to attack the small city. When Richard comes back, what else can this orc team do? Is it a storm?

“But, Lord Mishu, the blasphemer we are looking for should be in the city.”

“It doesn’t matter, as long as people are in the city, they can’t escape.”

“I mean, does the blasphemer have something to do with the Hunter family? Why don’t we take advantage of it now?”

As the second master of the church, Hussein has been standing silently beside Mi Xiu without speaking. However, the bishop of the central diocese was trying to remind Mi Xiu of something. When the power of the Rising Sun Cult was exposed in the Golden Dragon City, the Central Plains The Sect of the Rising Sun could no longer stay for the time being. The bishop of the central diocese who was originally active in the central plains also followed Mixiu to the north.

The bishop’s worry is not unreasonable, and this trend is even obvious. If you want to say that the sudden appearance of the blasphemer happened to appear in Ironwood City, the home of the Hunter family, it has nothing to do with the Hunter family. If it’s all a coincidence, how can there be such a coincidence in the world?

Because of Mi Xiu’s previous actions of killing the orcs, the bishop didn’t even dare to finish his words. He originally wanted to propose using the opportunity of the orcs to attack the city to help the orcs break Ironwood City in one fell swoop and cause chaos in the city. This way, the strength of the Hunter family Being involved by the orc warriors will be more conducive to them solving the blasphemer’s affairs.

But remembering the scene where Mi Xiu was chasing the orcs and even the divine envoys were angry, the bishop did not dare to say this suggestion out loud, so he could only vaguely remind Mi Xiu a few words.

Mi Xiu was silent for a moment and shook his head.

“No, after the orcs are defeated and order is restored in Ironwood City, I will go in alone, find the blasphemer, deal with him, and then leave.”


Reliance on force, strong-willedness, and benevolence of a woman.

The long series of complaints finally turned into a sigh from the bishop’s mouth, but Hussein on the side breathed a sigh of relief. To a certain extent, Hussein, like Misu, was very resistant to colluding with foreign races.

The release of trolls from the southern diocese to divert Thor’s energy was already the most difficult decision that Misu had ever made. After all, that time was to complete the central flowering at the core of the Golden Dragon Kingdom and restore the status of the divine religion as the state religion in one fell swoop. .

In a sense, a person with a high moral threshold like Mi Xiu is not suitable to be the leader of a force, but in this world, sometimes the one with the big fist is the boss. Most of the time, Mi Xiu’s strength is To make up for his shortcomings in other aspects, the only time he suffered a setback was when he met Richard.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure this time.”

Mixiu himself also has some concerns. With his high-level strength in the sky, and the fact that he can’t feel the depth of the divine messenger in the scepter,

As long as he does not take the initiative to fight against a large number of troops, it is difficult for ordinary troops to stop him from arresting and killing people in the city. He does not care about the power of the Hunter family. In his opinion, the Hunter family The only person in the Te family that deserves his attention is Richard, and he is fully confident that he can defeat the opponent in a short time this time.

The bishop did not continue to give advice. Everyone in the church knew what kind of temper Mi Xiu was. No matter how much others tried to persuade him on the matters he decided, it would be useless. And the envoy who had been giving orders in the past has since been disobeyed by Mi Xiu. It stopped after one order, and no one could change Mi Xiu’s mind.

Everyone could only look at Ironwood City behind Mi Xiu with various expressions, as if there was a girl in the city that they thought about day and night.

“What is that?”

“Dragon Knight?”

Just as everyone in the Rising Sun Sect was following Mi Xiu and standing silently with their own thoughts, a huge figure suddenly appeared in the distant sky. Even though they were far away, everyone could imagine its huge size. ,

Because the figure in the distance is too familiar to them. It is the obstacle that all those who try to oppose the Golden Dragon Kingdom cannot get around – the giant dragon.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are not only the silhouette of the giant dragon in the distant sky, but also more small black spots around it, but one giant dragon is enough to attract everyone’s attention.

“It doesn’t look like a giant dragon, right?”

“No, it’s just a dragon from another tribe.”

Although the default dragons in the eyes of many humans are only the golden dragon and the green dragon, there are many knowledgeable people in the church who naturally know that there are not only two types of dragons in the world, the golden dragon and the green dragon, but also many different types. attributes of the dragon clan.

Although the color of the giant dragon in the distance is a bit unfamiliar, judging from its outline, there is no doubt that it is a giant dragon.

“That’s a red dragon, but they should live in the volcanic land further east. Why do they appear in the north?”

Both black dragons and red dragons like hot environments. Although with the dragon’s physique, colder weather will not have much impact on them, but the cold north will definitely not have any attraction to them. For those who know red dragons, the appearance of such a creature in the Northland is quite outrageous.

“Did the treacherous Charman family reach another agreement with the Black Dragon Clan?”

In the eyes of people in the church, Aragorn’s actions were treacherous. Those church leaders would not tell later people that it was their first attempt to attack Aragorn that failed, which led to the kingdom’s attack on the Rising Sun Cult. Cleared up operations.

“Probably not. The kingdom’s dragon knights are very precious. The Northland is not worthy of the kingdom sending a dragon knight.”

“If you’re not a dragon knight from the kingdom, are you still from the Hunter family?”

“Why not?”

There was a smile on Mi Xiu’s lips when he answered. Things seemed to be getting more and more interesting in his eyes. The Hunter family actually had the support of a giant dragon. Just talking about being powerful in the eyes of others When facing the invincible dragon, Mi Xiu’s tone was very relaxed,

A red dragon is only as strong as a green dragon. In terms of strength, it is equivalent to a strong man who is half a step above the sky level. Now Mi Xiu is sure to defeat even a golden dragon in his prime, not to mention a red dragon. .


Chiron’s next move completely confirmed everyone’s guesses. After circling for two times, Chilong seemed to have chosen a target.

A breath of flame dragon breath was sprayed down. Looking in that direction, it was obvious that there were traces of orc activity. This was the reinforcements from Ironwood City.


At this time, in an orc camp, a large number of orcs were in chaos. They didn’t know how the giant dragon that should be restrained on the front line of Longxing Pass suddenly appeared in the North.

This sudden attack directly caused the death of several orc warriors, and the orc warriors who lacked large ordnance had no means of counterattack,

Even if these orcs are selected elites, they cannot stand and die where they are.



Another breath of dragon breath came out, and this time the orcs reacted. Not only were they prepared, but they also dispersed a lot. This time, only two or three orcs were injured or killed.


Just when Chilong was about to continue bullying the orcs below who had no countermeasures, a scarlet fighting spirit burst out from the camp, but this time Chilong was in a higher position and had certain precautions. Most of the blow was dodged by Chilong, only a few scales on his back were scratched.

No matter whether the red dragon was originally grumpy or not, his temper would definitely get worse if someone scratched him, and he might rush down to fight with someone, but this red dragon gradually increased its height. After walking around the orc camp, he decisively turned around and left.

At this moment, the orcs noticed that there were not only giant dragons in the sky, but also some relatively small strange creatures. They seemed to have followed the giant dragon, but they did not follow the giant dragon’s departure. He left, but stayed and started to circle around the orc camp at high altitude, and some of them scattered to other places, as if leaving a pair of eyes…


“What’s going on!”

“Why is there a giant dragon? Where does this dragon come from?”

The orc army leader Nuno has completely exploded at this moment. Things have been going wrong since he came out of Ironwood Forest. He wanted to take a small city as an advance base and supply station, but he did not expect that this city would be unexpectedly difficult. Kneading, he lost a lot of troops, but he was still repulsed and attacked a small human city. The determination of the defenders inside actually made him feel like he was attacking a military fortress near Longxing Pass. Kneaking teeth.

Today he received another report. The human knights were completely under their surveillance. They had been wandering around the periphery and had no intention of attacking the marauding team. However, one of the people he sent out unexpectedly disappeared inexplicably. , the result of sending people to check was that all members were killed. Although this team only had a few dozen people, they were all elite orcs wearing hard-wearing armor. There was also a peak warrior leading the team. According to the intelligence, such a configuration would not be possible unless it encountered humans. The army besieged them, otherwise they could have almost walked sideways in the northern land of mankind.

But they all died silently? When the human knights didn’t move, no matter how much Nuno wanted to kill him, he couldn’t even imagine that this team bumped into Mishu and was slaughtered by Mishu with passion.

In order to prevent this kind of accident from happening again, Nuno immediately ordered the orcs who were still having fun outside to return to the camp to assemble immediately. Anyway, the surrounding human villages are really rich, and the supplies currently looted are enough to last for a long time. It’s time.

But just when Nuno was picking his scalp to find out the reason why all members of this team died, the camp was suddenly attacked by a giant dragon. This dragon was not the common golden dragon or green dragon on the human side. It is the black dragon Red Dragon that mainly inhabits the eastern volcanic areas.

Everything that happened one after another can be called strange, and Nuno’s confidence has been shaken. If the cities in the hinterland of mankind are as difficult to defeat as this Ironwood City, then what is the point of breaking the Dragon’s Breath Pass? ?

“Lord Legion Commander, a human army has appeared to the north of us.”

Hearing the scout’s report, Nuno stopped his random thoughts and decided to deal with the matter at hand first.

Nuno was actually considering retreating to Tiemulin for a long-term plan, but he did not expect that a human army would appear on his retreat.

“How many are there?”

Nuno was slightly nervous when he asked this question. Things were really not going well these past few days, which made him feel like he had fallen into a trap.

“Less than two thousand people.”


Nuno breathed a sigh of relief. Compared to other things, the two thousand human reinforcements seemed to him the easiest to solve.

Based on his experience, with a legion of orc warriors, he can at least fight against five or six human legions. In extreme cases, it is not impossible to fight ten human legions. This is the huge gap in the individual strength of the soldiers on both sides.

Although he does not have many people with him now, they are all elite forces who are stronger than ordinary orc warriors. He will not be frightened even if an army of 10,000 humans comes.

These two thousand people turned out to be the best to deal with in his eyes.

“Lord Legion Commander, the human knights are also heading north. They should be planning to join up with each other.”

Hearing this, Nuno’s expression became a little more solemn. The cavalry team composed entirely of human knights was not easy to deal with. If it weren’t for them, Ironwood City would have been captured before even if its defense capabilities exceeded expectations. .

After thinking for a while, Nuno made a decision.

“Send the order, the entire army must assemble and prepare for battle!”


The messenger quickly rushed out to convey Nuno’s order. No matter what, they must break through the human army in the north first, otherwise they would not even be able to fight if their retreat was cut off.

North of Ironwood City

Richard, who had been marching urgently, finally came back. After confirming through the royal griffon that Ironwood City had not been captured, Richard breathed a sigh of relief and was no longer as anxious as before.

In order to rush on the road, Richard left the slower deadwood warriors in the Iron Wood Forest and led his men to run wildly. This marching speed exhausted the few half-orc warriors who followed him into the forest. The orcs could not enjoy Richard’s skills and treasure bonuses. In their eyes, the rapid march of this army was simply outrageous. What was even more outrageous was that no one was left behind.

“Da da da…”

Just when Richard took a breath, Hardman, who discovered the traces of Richard’s army, immediately came with the Red Flame Knights to join Richard.

“Lord Richard!”

Arriving in front of and behind Richard, Harden immediately got off his horse and saluted Richard.

At this moment, Richard couldn’t care less about being polite and asked first:

“How is the situation in the city?”

“The soldiers suffered heavy losses, but they did not let the orcs attack. Lord Sauter and the others are all fine.”


Hadmen briefly told Richard what happened in the past few days, first to reassure Richard.

“Hardman, you did a good job.”

“It’s everyone’s credit.”

“I know your merits, can you still fight now?”

“I am willing to die for you.”

“Then prepare to continue fighting, don’t let go of any orc…”


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