Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 260: Slaughter


“If you can’t run away, fight him!”

Just when the orcs were panicking, the orc warrior leading the team roared, which stabilized the morale of the army.

Looking at the opponent’s race and the direct killing action, you can tell that they are enemies rather than friends. They are a group of orc warriors who don’t even have a great warrior. Who can outrun the warriors who protect the country?


The orc who woke up immediately showed his brave side! He yelled to kill to boost his courage, and threw several flying axes directly at Mi Xiu in mid-air.


After easily dodging the flying axe, Mi Xiu rushed into the orcs again. Dressed in white fur, Mi Xiu, each measuring 1.8 meters, looked extremely thin among the orcs who were generally about two meters tall.

But the black iron scepter in his hand could send several orcs flying backwards with every blow.


Four or five battle axes hit Mi Xiu at the same time, but were firmly blocked by a black iron scepter. Then, with a slight movement, these elite orcs, who are famous for their strength, could not hold their weapons tightly at the same time. The giant axes flew out together,

Then a golden-red light flashed from Mi Xiu’s body, and several orcs who were besieging Mi Xiu were knocked out at the same time.



Except for the initial smashing of an orc’s head in a fit of anger, the rest of Mishu’s attack didn’t look so bloody. The orc who was knocked away by it lay on the ground with faint bloodshot eyes. , there was no bleeding, and it didn’t look like he was seriously injured, but in fact, none of the orcs who were knocked to the ground by Mishui could stand up again.


After understanding that there was no way to survive, the orcs also burst out with incomparable courage. These elite orc warriors, who were selected from the best, surrounded Mi Xiu layer by layer, always keeping Ya Xiu in the same position. Facing the attack of four or five orcs,

This is a tactic used by ordinary orc warriors when facing strong human beings. They stick to the opponent firmly, are not afraid of sacrifice, and always maintain a siege state. If it were an ordinary human, even a great knight might be besieging them. He exhausted all his fighting spirit, and finally fell into a rage under the tactics of the elite orcs.

But this method is obviously not good enough to deal with the mid-level Mi Xiu in the sky. Maybe the orcs have never thought that they can surround and kill a strong man of the national protector warrior level with their own strength. This is more just To die with dignity.


Mixiu seemed to be a little tired of being besieged, and he burst out with fighting spirit again. With a wave of the black scepter in his hand, golden and red fighting spirit burst out in all directions. This time it was no longer a flash,

More than a dozen orcs from the three floors inside and outside flew out at the same time, clearing a small open space. After a few minutes of fighting, and this, the orcs who could stand around included the orcs leading the team. Including the warriors, there were less than ten.

Mixiu stood among a group of orc corpses, and his white fur was not stained with a trace of blood.

Mixiu’s move caused the orc, who was still supported by a **** courage, to completely lose his courage. Now he stood there in a daze, not daring to step forward and making no move to escape.

But Mi Xiu didn’t just stand there and just wait for the orc warriors to attack. Seeing that the opponent was too frightened to attack, Mi Xiu took the initiative to attack.



Whether it is strength or speed, the mid-level sky mid-level can’t defeat these elite orcs who are only at the peak level of quasi-knights. In just ten breaths, the last few orc warriors standing collapsed to the ground. Only one orc warrior with obviously better armor was left standing there.

Mi Xiu walked up to the other party without haste, holding the scepter, looked at the other party’s dull face and said:

“Hey, did you give the order to massacre the village?”

Hearing Mi Xiu’s voice, the orc warrior suddenly came back to his senses. His originally dull face became distorted due to fear, and finally became a little ferocious.

“So what if it’s me!”


The orc warrior chose to be strong in the end, using all his strength to use the light red fighting spirit to attach to the battle ax and strike at Yaxiu in front of him.

Faced with the opponent’s full-force axe, Mi Xiu picked up the scepter and gently tapped it to hold the opponent’s axe.


Then, Mi Xiu punched the orc warrior on the chest. A fist mark appeared directly on the orc warrior’s thick breastplate. The battle ax was released directly, and everyone flew backwards.


The fallen orc warrior did not lose his life directly like other orc warriors, but a mouthful of blood and some mixed debris appeared. He struggled hard and tried to get up, but was walked over. Yaxiu stepped on the ground.

The seemingly strong orc warrior was stepped on the ground by the thin-looking Yaxiu. His limbs were weak and he struggled but couldn’t even turn over.

Mixiu, who was stepping on the orc warrior, looked around hesitantly, as if he was looking for something, and finally his eyes rested on a sharp battle ax next to him.

Mi Xiu bowed and picked up the battle axe, then looked at the orc warrior who was still struggling, curled his lips in disgust, then picked up the battle axe, and struck the opponent’s neck with the axe,

In an instant, the orc warrior stopped struggling, and blood spurted out from the severed head. After a few seconds of pause, Yaxiu reached out and grabbed the strange braid on the orc’s head, and pulled his entire head away. stand up.

“The Pope is back.”

“His Holiness the Pope!”

“His Holiness the Pope!”

After killing all the orcs, Mi Xiu returned to the church’s team carrying only the head. No one dared to chase him, and the entire convoy stayed in place without moving.

But Ya Xiu didn’t say a word when he came back, and the atmosphere in the team was a bit awkward.

Mixiu walked straight up to the teenager and young child who were still kneeling on the ground. He didn’t care whether a **** head would have any psychological shadow on the child, and threw it directly in front of them.

The boy performed well. Although his face was livid, he did not make any unnecessary movements. However, the toddler who had calmed down started crying again.

“I have killed all this group of orcs, and this is the head of their leader.”

After saying that, Mi Xiu returned to the middle of the motorcade, leaving behind a stunned boy and a crying child.

The envoy of the God of the Rising Sun still maintained his flaming body and did not disappear. He was still standing in the team. Mi Xiu looked at him and said:

“It only took me ten minutes…”

“Huh, there’s going to be a big war soon, but you’re still consuming your fighting spirit like this…”


Before the other party finished speaking, Mi Xiu suddenly burst out with even stronger fighting spirit than before, and his power was even stronger than before.

“Is that enough?”

Everyone in the motorcade looked like they had seen a ghost. They went out for a walk. Why did they break through the realm again?

“High level in the sky? As expected?…”

The envoy hesitated to speak, but finally put away his dissatisfaction and turned into a flame again and entered the scepter.

“Let’s go to Ironwood City.”

“Yes, Your Holiness.”

The entire team seemed like nothing had happened. Only the young man who had reacted and the young child beside him knelt on the roadside and kept kowtowing towards the leaving motorcade…


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