Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 26: Reciprocate love


“Sir, the two people you asked me to pay attention to are already at the city gate planning to leave.”

Colen reported to Richard, who was sitting in the chair. After Richard separated from Lin Te, he told Kelen to pay attention to their movements. Although Yusidu was founded not long ago, it has definitely penetrated into every aspect in this Ironwood City.

“Send these books to them.”

Richard pointed to several books on the table. The covers were all uniformly black. If you look carefully, you can see the titles of the books: “Ironwood City Code”, “Ironwood City Rewards and Punishment Regulations”, “Ironwood City Tax Law”, “Ironwood City Management Rules” etc.

Without exception, the words “Li Cha” are written in larger fonts next to the book titles.

Richard knows his own affairs, and there is not much in Ironwood City that can attract such a big shot. Only some management methods and concepts that are ahead of the times can attract the attention of a wise man like Lin Te.

“Forget it, I’ll go by myself.”

As soon as Colon picked up the book, he was stopped by Richard.

Ignoring the confused Column, Richard put the book in his bag and went out, got on his horse and rushed to the city gate.

Since you want to hug your thighs, you have to adopt the attitude of hugging your thighs and lick deep into everything.


“You two stay here.”

The donkey cart of Lin Te and Sander was not moving very fast, and Richard caught up with them shortly after leaving the city gate.

Sander slowly stopped the donkey cart, and Lint poked his head out of the cart with some confusion.

At this time, Richard also rode up to the car.

“Let me reintroduce you, Richard, the son of Viscount Sauter, Lord Hunter.”

“Lint Lanster”

After the introduction, the two looked at each other and smiled. In fact, everyone already knew what was going on.

“I wonder if you have anything else to do?”

“I am a guest from afar. Ironwood City has nothing to offer, so I can only give you a few books as gifts.”

Richard handed over several books in his luggage, and Sander caught the books and handed them to Lint.

Lint flipped through the book in his hand with interest,

People with wisdom have one thing in common, that is, they love to read books. No matter what kind of book they are, people can always gain something from it.

Richard didn’t urge him and waited for Lin Te to turn over the pages slowly for a while.

“This book must be read carefully, not in a hurry.” Lin Te put the book away.

“This gift is a bit heavy.”

After saying these words, Lint stopped and thought for a moment.

“Sander, give Richard the Qing Qi Entrainment Technique.”

“Master, this?”

Sander was a little hesitant. This Qing Qi Entrainment Technique was obtained by Lin Te’s subordinates at a great cost and used for the training of his confidants.

Although the Lanster family has the top-notch White Wolf Qi Entrainment Technique, it is strictly controlled. People who are not from the Lanster family are not allowed to practice it. If it is spread secretly, no matter who it is, they will be executed, and the practitioners will also be killed by the Lanster family. Chase with all your strength.

Lin Te Te said that he had no chance of contacting him because he was unable to cultivate his physique. For the sake of his subordinates’ power, Lin Te had to acquire this first-class Qi Entrainment Technique.

The preciousness of the air-entraining technique is reflected in the fact that the universal basic air-entraining technique can only be used to break through from the quasi-knight to the knight level. Soon there will be no room for improvement. At least the second-rate air-entraining technique can have a chance to impact the great knight. Rank, one can imagine the preciousness of this first-class Qing Qi Entraining Technique.

As Lin Te’s confidant, Sander naturally knew how valuable Qing Qi Entrainment was, so he hesitated.

“Give it to him. The book Sir Richard gave us is more precious.”

Sander finally reluctantly handed over the Qing Qi Entrainment Technique to Richard.

“Master Richard, there is no need to send it off anymore. We will talk about it again when we have the opportunity to come to Piaoxue City.”

After saying that, Lint returned to the donkey cart, while Sander drove the donkey cart away without saying a word. He even used more strength in his hands to urge the donkey to go faster.

Giving Richard a copy of Qing’s Qi Entrainment Technique really made him feel a little distressed. He was really afraid that this guy would come back to ask for some benefits again.

“Master, it hurts my heart to give him this Qing Qi-entraining technique like this.”

After leaving for a while, Sander still felt a little sore.

“These books of his are not as valuable as Qing’s Qi-Entraining Technique. It is even said that in the hands of some people, they can play a hundred times greater effect than Qing’s Qi-Entraining Technique.”

“What a pity…”

In the car, Lint looked out the window at the farmers who were busy farming. Although they were dressed in shabby clothes and still looked poor, they had a spirit that farmers in other places did not have.

“If it can be fully promoted in the Northland…”

Thinking about it, Lin Te shook his head again. The ship was in danger of turning around, and he would not dare to do it even if he died.


Li Cha watched the two men’s donkey cart gradually go away.

Sending books is a thoughtful move by Richard. These books were compiled by him standing on the shoulders of countless sages in Blue Star. He understands better than anyone the preciousness of this knowledge in this era.

However, as long as you implement these system management things, those who want to know about them can always get them with a little effort. Originally, Hunter’s territory was remote and unobtrusive, but now it has attracted the attention of people like Lint. , it’s just a matter of time before others want to know, so it’s better to be more generous.

This licking gesture was elegant, and it just scratched the itch of a wise man like Lin Te. He actually got the advanced air-entraining technique that Richard lacked most at the moment, and finally his efforts were not in vain.

When the donkey cart completely disappeared, a satisfied Richard rode back to Ironwood City.

Li Cha, who returned to the city, couldn’t wait to study this newly acquired Qing Qi Entrainment Technique. With the hero template, he quickly got started successfully.

As a stronger warm current is introduced into the body, the general air-entraining technique (intermediate level) on the character panel disappears, replaced by the blue air-entraining technique (elementary level), and the four-dimensional attribute of strength also increases slightly.

The most important thing is that Richard can clearly feel that the amount of fighting spirit has increased. Finally, he is no longer a man who uses up his fighting spirit in five seconds with a few sword strikes. His endurance has increased a lot.

Then Richard began to handle official business again,

Richard has been paying close attention to the recent reorganization and training of the Ironwood City Flying Bear Army, as well as all aspects of iron ore mining and ordnance manufacturing,

Only the fourth young master of the Lanster family was worth spending most of his time.

This thigh needs to be held tightly, and Richard, who has benefited from it, secretly made up his mind.


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