Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 258: Encounters and disagreements


“Lord Hadmon, the orcs are looting the surrounding villages.”

The Red Flame Knights wandering around soon discovered the movements of the orcs. Some villages were even burned down after being plundered by the orcs. The orcs came not to occupy and rule, they wanted to What they are fighting for is territory and living space, not public opinion. To use an analogy, the mentality of the orcs is the same as that of the white-skinned Indians on the American continent when they exterminated the Indians. Naturally, they are as violent as possible.

“Lord Hadmon? Are we going to attack?”

The village was destroyed, and the deaths and injuries of the villagers certainly made Hardman, who regarded the Hunter family as his head family, a little distressed. He was as angry as his men about the atrocities of the orcs, but as a person who has experienced a long war, Ha Demen will not be as impulsive as some young knights who have just debuted.

Although these orcs who went out to rob the city were divided into multiple teams, they were basically in units of a hundred people. There should be several orc warriors or even great warriors mixed in. With the elite combat power and fighting will of these orcs, they were prepared. None of them can be easily annihilated.

And the seemingly scattered teams are actually not too far apart from each other. As long as the Red Flame Knights are entangled by any one of them, the nearest team can support them in a short time and defeat the Red Flame Knights. The group is trapped in the quagmire, not to mention that the orcs still have two earth-level masters. If there is an earth-level orc hidden in a certain team, then the Red Flame Knights will go up, let alone annihilate the marauding orcs. Whether he can escape unscathed is a question. This arrangement of the orcs made Hardman feel a bit of conspiracy, as if he was deliberately trying to lure him into an attack.

Hadmen, who was riding a horse, stared at the black smoke rising from the village in the distance for a few seconds, shook his head firmly, and rejected his men’s proposal.

In fact, this is a conspiracy of the orcs. If Hadmen dares to save it, then it is very likely that the Red Flame Knights will be severely damaged by the orcs. If Hardmen does not save it, then the orcs will have no time to collect supplies. Destroy villages.

But there is actually only one choice in front of Hadmon, which is to protect Ironwood City. As long as the Red Flame Knights still maintain their strength and roam around the periphery, the orcs will always be **** when attacking the city and cannot use all their strength to attack the city. If you go, at least one earth-level master and some elites must be left behind to prevent the Red Flame Knights from suddenly launching an attack on the attacking orc army, which greatly reduces the defensive pressure on Ironwood City. In comparison, the destruction and survival of a few villages is just a matter of time. Not that important anymore.

“Continue to observe the movements of the orc army, and report immediately if they show signs of continuing to attack the city.”


Just when Hadmen coldly decided to abandon the surrounding villages, a slightly strange team broke into the chaotic battlefield at an inappropriate time.

“Lord Mixiu, something seems to have happened up front.”

“I know, let’s go and have a look.”

Ma Xiu, who had been silent while riding on the horse, finally spoke. There was abnormal black smoke in front of him. Even a person could tell that something was wrong.

This village happened to be stuck on the shortest road for the church’s team to go to Ironwood City. The bold and talented Yaxiu had no idea of ​​taking a detour and led the team directly towards the village with black smoke billowing in the distance. Go.

The closer the distance, the more Mi Xiu and others realized that something was wrong. Originally, Mi Xiu thought it was something like bandits attacking the village and robbing property. This kind of thing is actually relatively common in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, especially in the Western Region of the North. There is always room for such gangsters to live in slightly marginal areas.

But the corpse at the entrance of the village made Yaxiu and others feel that things were not simple.

“Your Holiness, those who attacked the village must not be ordinary bandits.”

The first person to see the problem was Hussein, the knight commander of the church. This knight commander of the church had experienced many battles and real battlefields. He could tell just by looking at the wounds and positions of the corpses. Fewer questions to come.

“There was a very determined resistance at the entrance of the village. These farmers and soldiers should have good fighting ability. They almost have armor on their bodies and their weapons are standard weapons. However, the battle ended in a short time. Judging from the blood stains, the battle ended at Not long ago, there was such a brutal fight without even a single enemy corpse. Ordinary bandits did not have this fighting capacity.”

Mixiu nodded, indicating that he understood, and then ordered the people around him:

“Go and see if there is anyone alive in front of you and ask what’s going on.”

“Yes, Your Holiness the Pope!”

Soon, the church personnel behind them began to search the ruined village, but all they could see were burning flames and a large number of **** corpses, as if the entire village had been slaughtered.

“Your Holiness, there are people here!”

The people were soon brought to Yaxiu, a half-grown boy and a toddler who finally couldn’t help but cry loudly.

“What happened in the village?”

Mixiu asked the young man with an indifferent expression.


The young man had some sharp eyesight, and after experiencing the panic of being found out from the mezzanine of the house, he quickly realized who was the talker of this team, and knelt down in front of Mishu.

“Sir Knight, the orcs, it was the orcs who attacked our village. They forced everyone to hand over the food and then killed everyone…”

“Sir Knight! They haven’t gone far yet, I can lead you!”

The young man kowtowed to Yaxiu as he told the story. In his opinion, knights are already the most powerful existence. If the other person is a knight, he must be able to avenge the villagers and his parents.

Although he also wanted to take revenge, he knew very well that with his own strength, he didn’t know if he would have a chance to take revenge in this life. And the enemy was not far away, leaving in a big way. If the group of people in front of him were willing to go For killing the orcs, he could repay him by being a cow or a horse, let alone kowtow a few times.

“The Pope? This?”

Hussein on the other side glanced at Mi Xiu hesitantly. Regardless of his identity and stance, Hussein was actually a decent person. Faced with this situation, Hussein tended to just leave it alone. of.


Without much hesitation, Mi Xiu gave the order to pursue, but just when everyone in the church was preparing to follow Mi Xiu in pursuit, an accident happened.

A phantom of flame emerged from the scepter again and stood in the middle of the team. Everyone in the church was used to the angel appearing in this form, but it frightened the kneeling teenagers and young children. One jump.

“Lord God’s Envoy!”

Everyone except Mi Xiu knelt in front of the divine envoy.

“Don’t waste time. I can feel the breath of the blasphemer. It’s very close. It’s in the city in the northeast. Don’t cause trouble, go and eliminate the blasphemer immediately!”

The flame phantom pointed to Ironwood City further away, and directly issued an order to everyone. However, at this moment, there was a conflict between the orders of the pope and the divine envoy. Everyone appeared hesitant, and on one side was Jiwei. The heavy pope and the envoys who directly represented the gods on one side did make it difficult for them. Even Hussein, who preferred to eliminate the surrounding orcs first, fell into hesitation.

But Mi Xiu just glanced at the other party, then looked at the two children on the ground who looked frightened and helpless, and said again:

“I said, catch up and destroy the orcs first!”

“This, the Pope?”

The people in the church became even more confused. A bishop even wanted to persuade Mi Xiu to persuade him, but when Mi Xiu saw that no one in the church was moving, he flew up from his horse and flew in the direction pointed by the young man.

“The Pope! The Pope!”

Everyone in the church was quite anxious, but the envoy who had been denied the order did not make any movement. He just looked at the distant Yaxiu with blurry eyes…


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