Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 257: Grain collection


As Nuno and Raph retreated, the orcs, who had been in chaos under the attack of the Red Flame Knights, quickly restored order and showed what an elite orc should be like,

After Hardmen discovered that the orc siege troops were retreating, he immediately led the knights towards the outside. Hardmen was not stupid. After a little observation, he could also see the two earth-level warriors on the top of the city. With the power coming, if two earth-level strong men and the orc elites joined the encirclement and suppression, he had no confidence that he would be able to escape unscathed like before.

However, although Hardmen rushed towards the outside, he did not get too far away. Instead, he led the knights around, and his slippery state made the orcs who were attacking the city quite uncomfortable.


After retreating from the city wall, Nuno, who was already a bit grumpy, slammed the giant ax in his hand to the ground. Not only did the attack on the city not be as devastating as he expected, but it also caused human beings to rush After getting off the tower, many soldiers were killed.

In addition to the orc warriors who died during the siege, many were killed by the charging Red Flame Knights. A rough estimate shows that at least two hundred orc warriors have lost their fighting ability. Now Nuno has The total strength is less than 800.

“Legion Commander, what should we do next?”

The orcs suffered a lot of casualties this time. There are still many wounded soldiers in the camp wailing in pain, and the city has not been captured, so their morale has inevitably suffered a blow. Fortunately, they have a strong will to fight. There is no intention of retreating.

Adjutant Raf asked this question to let Raf make an idea, whether to continue to attack the city under pressure, or to simply avoid this difficult city.

“First let each team go to the surrounding human villages to find some food. If we don’t replenish the food, we will run out of food in two days.”

Although Nuno was angry at the moment, his mind was not burned by the anger. They took a detour from the Orc Kingdom to the Northland, and they didn’t bring much food. They mainly relied on snow for supplies along the way. Giant, according to Nuno’s idea, taking this small town can not only serve as a stronghold connected to the Ironwood Forest, but also solve the problem of feeding his vanguard.

However, the difficulty of defeating Ironwood City was completely beyond Nuno’s expectations. Not only was it not taken down as easily as imagined, but it also continued to stand tall after causing a lot of casualties to the orc army. After many but very powerful cavalry were roaming around the outside, Nuno was even more wary. He was no longer so confident that he could capture Ironwood City quickly, so going to the villages around Ironwood City to grab food must also be put on the agenda. .

“But what about the knights?”

After listening to Nuno’s arrangement, Raf seemed to have thought of something, and expressed his doubts with some hesitation.

The Red Flame Knights, this cavalry composed entirely of knight-level warriors and tall red horses, makes Rafe a little afraid. If they divide their troops to collect food, they are likely to be attacked by their kicks.

“It’s okay, they shouldn’t dare. As long as we don’t continue to attack the city, they won’t take the initiative to attack us.”

“The team that goes out to collect food is divided into hundreds of troops. At most half of them can leave at a time. Each team must confirm each other’s position. I will change my armor and lead the team myself. You just need to sit here.”

“Yes, Lord Legion Commander.”

Raff understood what Nuno meant after hearing it for a while. On the human side, only the two people on the top of the city could restrain Nuno to a certain extent, and one of them was seriously injured by Nuno and would not rest for a while. Time, I’m afraid it will be difficult to exert its due strength in a short period of time, and it will not pose much of a threat in a short period of time.

With Rafe guarding the camp, Nuno will lead the team out to collect food and capture some prisoners. It would be fine if the Red Flame Knights stand still. If the Red Flame Knights dare to launch a direct attack like before, then Nuno is confident that he will keep most of them.

“The orcs are coming, the orcs are coming!”

“Fire the arrow! Fire the arrow!”

An unknown small village outside Ironwood City. This originally peaceful village unfortunately became one of the targets for the orcs to collect food. Because the orcs came quite suddenly, the Hunter family did not have time to do anything to strengthen the walls and clear the country. , the villagers and materials in many villages around Ironwood City were able to be transferred in time.

Of course, compared to other villages, in addition to supplies and villagers, the villages under the Hunter family also have a certain degree of resistance. After all, there are also paramilitary forces such as peasant soldiers who have received certain military training.

“Fire the arrow! Fire the arrow!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

The sheriff in the village is relatively capable, and he is also said to be brave and promising. When Ironwood City was attacked, he summoned the farmers and soldiers and arranged for the villagers to retreat. At this time, they were not fully protected. The evacuated villagers led dozens of peasant soldiers to make final delays at the entrance of the village.

Unfortunately, even the standard longbows issued to Ironwood City’s regular army in the past were difficult to deal with heavily armored targets such as orc warriors. They had to rely on composite crossbows such as the crossbow and the bear hunting crossbow to cause damage, which was even worse. Not to mention the hunting bows of varying quality in the hands of these farmers and soldiers.

The accuracy of the arrows was pretty good. After all, the distance was not far. Most of these arrows landed on a pile of orcs dozens of steps away, but they did no harm at all. Such powerful arrows were flying under the The orc elites wearing heavy armor couldn’t even break through the defense. If it weren’t for the arrows that hit their faces, the orc warriors wouldn’t even bother to block them.

“Spear, spearman ready!”



Dozens of peasant soldiers and dozens of orc warriors may seem to be about the same number, but their combat capabilities are vastly different. Even the most elite defenders of Dragon Breath Pass in humans must have some skills when fighting orcs on the ground. It takes four or five times the numerical advantage to barely resist. When the numbers are equal, the individual advantage of the orcs is really too great.

The moment the two sides collided, it was a one-sided battle. The orc warrior’s giant ax could easily kill a peasant soldier. Most of these peasant soldiers only had leather armor. How could they stop the orc warrior? Even the captain in cloth armor couldn’t support the axe. In a sense, the giant ax can be regarded as a blunt weapon. In addition to being heavier, it is definitely more lethal than swords and spears. arms.

“Ah! Run!”

Less than a minute after the contact, more than half of the peasants and soldiers in the village fled quickly. After all, they were facing a group of elite orcs who were comparable to the top quasi-knights, including orc warriors who were equivalent to human knights. A group of peasant soldiers could resist, but after the death of the more prestigious captain, the remaining group of frightened peasant soldiers quickly collapsed.


“Where is the food!”

“Push out the grain!”



Most of the villagers who did not have time to escape were intercepted by this group of orcs in the village. The so-called food requisition is just a nice way of saying it. Most of the requisitioning of food in enemy territory will be accompanied by burning, killing and looting. This kind of thing is very common among similar people. It’s not uncommon, not to mention the two races that are incompatible with each other, humans and orcs.

After the peasants and soldiers stopped resisting, the villagers were gathered together by the orcs. The brutal orcs were no more merciful than the ogres, and almost always killed the villagers. The only thing that was better was that the orcs were considered civilized. Race, generally speaking, will not eat another intelligent creature…


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