Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 256: Attack on Hadmon


In Ironwood City, there is still a powerful team that has not entered the battle.

The Red Flame Knights, this heavy cavalry composed of more than 80 knight-level masters, was left by Richard in Ironwood City because it was not suitable for use in the Ironwood Forest. This team is currently considered powerful. The knights are the last life-saving straw for Ironwood City. Otherwise, relying only on the power on the city at this moment, the city will fall sooner or later.

As Richard’s personally appointed deputy commander, Hardman has been suppressing his desire to fight at the request of Viscount Sauter,

It is a helpless move to throw the champion knights into the battle at the top of the city. Without the two champion knights to dismount and fight on foot, Ironwood City may be declared to have fallen when the orc army leader Nuno ascends the city.

As for Hardman and the eighty red flame knights he led, Viscount Sauter was not going to have the luxury of letting them dismount and go to the city to fight a war of attrition with the orcs. The knights should play their due role.

Hadmen and many Red Flame knights, who have been anxiously waiting for the battle mission, finally received the order to attack not long ago. More than 80 Red Flame knights, wearing heavy armor, stood on the central avenue of Ironwood City. ,

There have long been no crowds of people coming and going in the middle of the spacious avenue, and the flat road is very suitable for cavalry to charge,

Hadmen, who was standing at the front of the team on horseback, was not prepared to say anything. He just raised his sword and shouted:

“Red Flame Knights!”

“Win, win, win!”

These knights who were attracted by Richard’s reputation were originally unwilling to be mediocre. After confirming the Hunter family’s emphasis on military merit and the system of clear rewards and punishments, they all had great enthusiasm for war.

Without any further encouragement from Hardmen, the morale of the Red Flame Knights has reached its peak. The friendly forces on the city have been fighting lively for a long time. They have suppressed their fighting spirit for long enough.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

A scene that made the orcs feel incredible happened. The city gate they had been unable to conquer for so long began to open on its own…

“Da, da, da…”

More than eighty red flame knights and twice the number of knights’ attendants launched a charge under the leadership of Hardmen when the city gate began to open.

Although the Red Flame Horse was heavily armored, its speed-up time was very short. It quickly entered a charging state, and the knights and attendants riding the horses of the Western Region could not keep up.

Compared with the knights’ desire for battle, this group of red flame horses who have smelled the smell of blood for a long time have a more pure desire for the battlefield. They like the warm battlefield atmosphere and the strong smell of blood.



The timing of Hardmen’s charge was perfect. As soon as the city gate opened, Hardmen rushed into the city gate with the Red Flame Knights following closely behind him.


A dozen tall orc warriors also entered the city gate. These orc warriors who were still climbing on the city wall saw the Ironwood City gate open on its own, and regardless of whether it was a trick, they always came in. After some testing, the few soldiers who had just been guarding the city gate were no match, and had been killed by more than a dozen orcs.

But before these orcs could rush into the city, they ran into the oncoming Red Flame Knights.

There was no need to expend any effort to swing the sword. The orc warriors who saw the charging Red Flame Knights had not had time to run out of the city gate were directly knocked out by the Red Flame Knights wearing iron armor.

Even though they were several times stronger than humans and generally a head taller than humans, they could not stop the charge of the Red Flame Knights. The orc warriors who were knocked to the ground had no time to struggle and were trampled to pieces by the subsequent Red Flame Horses. mud.

The Red Flame knights rushing out from the city gate directly disrupted the rhythm of the orcs’ siege. A group of orc warriors who only focused on siege were completely unprepared to resist the heavy cavalry, and were instantly overtaken by the Red Flame knights. .

“Stop them!”

A team of hundred orcs, led by a great orc warrior and several orc warriors, came out in an organized manner, trying to block the sudden rush of the Red Flame Knights. Heavy cavalry composed of knights.


“Attack directly and disperse them!”

Hardman once served in Longxingguan, and it goes without saying that he has combat experience. At least as an officer of the Knights, he is fully qualified to command such a small-scale battle. Seeing that the other party’s established army wants to stop him, This sign will be dispelled quickly.


The two troops soon collided with each other. If he had just a group of ordinary cavalry, Hardmen would not dare to give such an order easily. Others do not know how strong the orcs are, but Hardmen knows clearly. If ten ordinary cavalry attack the orcs, at least both sides will be injured. Those cavalry must be elite among the ordinary cavalry.

Now, the Red Flame Knights under Hardman can be said to be top-notch in terms of knights, horses, and equipment. If there are more of them, they can be used as trump cards in Dragon’s Breath Pass. The small orc team was completely unable to stop the attack of the Red Flame Knights.

Hadmen gathered his fighting spirit and slashed directly at the orc warrior in front of him with the long knife in his hand. The orc warrior, who was also holding a battle ax, was knocked backwards by Hardman’s blow and rolled on the ground. Stand up after a few laps,

The situation of other orc warriors is even worse. The elite orc warriors who only have physical fitness but no fighting spirit were completely slaughtered in a one-sided manner when faced with the Red Flame Knights who had been recharging their energy for a long time.

After the red flame knight’s fighting spirit broke out, the long knife in his hand became extremely sharp due to the fighting spirit. It was difficult for the orc warriors who tried to resist to block the next blow.


Ordinary orc warriors are difficult to resist, and the orc warriors in the team also suffered heavy losses. If taken out alone to fight on foot, these orc warriors will most likely defeat a human knight. The racial advantage is quite obvious,

But at this moment, an orc warrior was immediately besieged by several Red Flame Knights on horseback after being exposed, unable to form effective resistance. This orc team trying to block the attack of the Red Flame Knights was in After losing more than half, they quickly collapsed, and it was difficult for the surviving orc warriors to gather the defeated troops again in a short period of time.

“Rush, don’t stop, keep killing!”

After overwhelming the Orc Hundreds in front of him, Hardman continued to lead the Red Flame Knights to rush to the outside. The orc warriors who were still approaching the city wall were either directly overwhelmed by it, or stood hesitantly on the spot. If we don’t move forward, our morale will take a big hit.

“What’s going on!”

He just blocked another missile. Although Nuno was mainly focused on the battle in front of him, he still noticed the noise outside the city and discovered something was wrong.

The armor of the champion knight who was fighting with him now had several dents, and one hand even had a wound that was deep enough to show the bone. The fact that he could still hold a sword and move at this moment was also due to his willpower. Determined, but the huge gap in strength obviously cannot be made up by the will to fight. Even with the cooperation of two senior monks, this champion knight is no match for Nuno.

After the initial test, Nuno had adapted to the interference of the blue missiles. After a few more moves, Nuno was confident that he could take down the opponent. However, at this moment, the cry of killing came from outside the city. distracted him.

“Lord Legion Commander, a human cavalry opened the city gate and rushed out. Our subsequent siege troops cannot come up!”

“Damn it!”

Nuno looked outside the city and saw a fiery red heavy cavalry riding a tall war horse that he had never seen before, attacking from left to right among the orc siege troops. Now the siege troops were completely overwhelmed. It was broken into two sections, and the follow-up troops were completely unable to get up.

Although it feels like we are only a little bit close to capturing the city wall, this is based on the follow-up troops continuing to catch up. Otherwise, the few people on the city wall will become a lonely army, and the human army will continue to come. Come here, you’ll have to kill them all!

“Raff! Take the people back first!”

After struggling for a few seconds, Nuno made a decisive decision.

When leaving the city wall, I glanced at the dead champion knight bitterly, and blue light began to gather in the palms of two senior monks in the distance again…


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