Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 254: Offense and Defense 2


“Throw the stone! Beat the stone!”

“Smash these green beasts down!”

“Golden juice over here! Fall down!”


The rocks did not cause much damage to the orcs. The rocks that could only be lifted by two people were thrown. If they were not hit head-on, the orc warriors could use their good experience to dodge or find ways to push them away. The hot golden juice is irresistible to orcs, and any normal creature would be frightened to see it.

When a pot of golden juice is poured down, the climbing orc warriors will immediately scream and roll down as soon as one of them is showered. This kind of pain of being drenched with hot oil on the face, even this group of people have experienced it. Many orc warriors who lived and died could not bear it.

However, this sporadic tragic image was completely unable to stop the orc warriors from attacking. Under Nuno’s order, a steady stream of orc elites began to rush towards the city wall along the ropes laid by the flying hooks and the ladders set up. Due to the skills of these elite orc warriors, these ten-meter-high city walls could only stop them for less than ten seconds.


A captain of the city guard saw the iron claw hooked on the wall and cut the rope with a sharp knife.

An orc who had climbed halfway lost his balance in mid-air and fell straight down. However, the orc warrior actually rolled to the ground when he landed. After a few seconds, he got up again. , without the officer’s urging, he continued to engage in the attack. He fell seven or eight meters away, but the orc warrior did not suffer any substantial damage.


Soon, some orc warriors climbed up the city wall. The first thing the orc elite saw was several oncoming spearheads. The orc warriors who were experienced in combat quickly buried their heads. He dodged the spears that were thrust at him at the same time, and when the opponent had used up his strength, he grabbed the two spears and pulled them. The city guard soldier, who was not as strong as the orc warrior, was forcefully pulled away from the spears in his hand. , and then the orc warrior took advantage of this momentary gap to turn over and climb up the city wall.

“Dang, Dang!”

The orc warrior who had just landed was quickly attacked by the city guards. However, under the protection of his excellent iron armor, he was not seriously injured. Instead, he was killed with a single swing of the battle ax in his hand. A city guard soldier.

Originally, there is an absolute gap in strength between human soldiers and orc warriors. The last similar opponent was the ogre warrior, but the ogres can only be regarded as barbarians, and their equipment and combat skills are completely inferior. , but orcs can fight, even better than humans.

The orc warriors who stormed the city wall were not in a hurry to expand their victory. Instead, they turned their backs to the battlements and tried to hold on to the ladder. As long as a few more elite orcs came up, they would cooperate and even dare to attack the human knights.



Just when the surrounding city guard soldiers were about to continue to attack with their numerical advantage, a light green fighting spirit flashed through. The orc warriors guarding the battlements raised their battle axes in an attempt to resist, but it did not delay the opponent’s attack at all. With the action, the long sword with light cyan fighting spirit slashed down, along with the battle ax and helmet. The skull of the orc warrior who was still a bit majestic just now was cut in half, and he collapsed in the corner.

Another orc warrior who climbed up the ladder was chopped down by the knight’s sword before he even had time to stand on the city wall.

“When you go to support other places, you must not let the orcs gain a foothold on the city wall!”

“Pour the golden juice faster! Let the militia team add a few more pots and scald these green beasts to death!”

At this time, it was Richard’s father, Viscount Sauter, who was standing on the city wall to stabilize the overall situation. Viscount Sauter was also a master with the strength of a great knight. Two orc elites at the peak of quasi-knights were still arguing in front of him. If you can’t do anything, he will take care of it in just a few strokes.

But the attack position of the orcs is not limited to this section. Many orcs have already surged up in other places. It doesn’t take too many orcs holding battle axes to fight against dozens of human soldiers around them, especially In a location like the city wall,

As long as the orc warriors stand with their backs to the wall, if no knights take action, the human soldiers who have a numerical advantage in a short period of time will not be able to do anything to them.

Fortunately, there are many strong men in Ironwood City. In addition to the great knight Viscount Sauter, Richard’s second uncle and third uncle have also entered the knight level.

There are also two champion knights, two senior monks and eight crusaders left by Richard. Except for the two champion knights who were temporarily hidden under the order of Viscount Sauter, the senior monks and crusaders have already They began to provide support from all over, and many of the elite orcs who had already established a firm foothold were defeated by them.

But even so, the situation on the city wall is still very dangerous. Not only does the Hunter family have strong opponents, there are also many warriors and even great warriors on the orc side. Many orc warriors have also climbed onto the city wall, forming a formation with the human knights. Without the confrontation, and because of the lack of bonuses from Richard’s various skills, the strength of the system warriors is much weaker. The Crusaders will even be at a disadvantage when fighting against the orc warriors one-on-one.

It’s just that with the advantage of defending the city and a large number of city guards and even militia soldiers who dared to fight, they were barely holding on with their lives.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from a section of the city wall, and dozens of surrounding human soldiers fell to the ground at the same time. Even the two Crusaders supported by that section of the city wall did not hold on for a few more seconds. The surrounding soldiers fell to the ground. Soon after, he was hacked to death by an orc holding a battle axe.

“Legion Commander!”

“Legion Commander!”


Nuno, the orc army commander who turned out to be the orcs, also climbed onto the city wall. The orcs on the city wall were already very determined to fight, and now their morale has skyrocketed.

The corpses piled up around him and the death of two knight-level masters at the same time obviously shocked the surrounding human soldiers. The soldiers of the Hunter family only had high morale, but they were not really afraid of death. In this situation, they The attack also paused slightly.

“Do you want to be afraid of fighting?”

“Follow me!”

“Kill! Kill!”

After a pause for a few seconds, the surrounding human soldiers finally took courage under the reminder of the officer and rushed forward again. The Hunter leader not only had high rewards for military exploits, but also had strict military laws. It was a grave sin to be afraid of fighting in front of the battle line. It’s going to hurt the family, and few people dare to offend easily.


Just when Nuno was about to start another massacre, someone actually hit him.

After witnessing Nuno’s aggressive attack, Viscount Sauter still had some pressure. Instead of rushing forward, he let the two champion knights who had not made a move rush over…


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