Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 252: Back-up support


As Viscount Sauter issued a few orders, the entire Ironwood City began to take action. Even though Viscount Sauter was not very reliable at ordinary times, when it came to war, he showed his side as a qualified commander.

The arrangement cannot be said to be perfect, but it can be regarded as a proper response and will not leave Ironwood City in a state of leaderlessness. However, the arrangement is indeed a bit reckless.

Compared with the outer city of Ironwood City, Ironwood Fort may actually be better defended. If we ignore the life and death of the people in the outer city and directly retreat to Ironwood Fort, more than a thousand defenders plus a few masters left by Richard, It is definitely much simpler than letting go of the entire Ironwood City.

But Viscount Sauter had no intention of abandoning the people of the outer city from the beginning. Compared to the lords of this era, and even compared to Richard, Viscount Sauter’s moral bottom line as a lord was much higher.

If it were up to Richard to make the arrangements, he would never put his family in danger. Even if he would not directly abandon Ironwood City, he would be ready to retreat, or even prepare to retreat directly. And Sauter The Viscount’s arrangement is that no matter how strong the enemy is, I will either survive with the city or die with the city.

“Hurry, hurry, hurry!”

“The militiamen are here to collect their weapons! After putting on their equipment, gather at the school grounds!”

In Ironwood City, which has a population of tens of thousands, in addition to more than a thousand standing city guards, there are also thousands of trained urban militias. Their equipment is generally better than that of the peasant soldiers in the villages, and they bring their own armor. The proportion has actually reached half, and due to the influence of the Hunter family’s cloth face armor, most of them do not use the popular chain armor and plate armor in the kingdom, but all imitate the Flying Bear Army’s cloth face armor style.

The city militia gathered quickly. Soon after the city guards came to the top of the city, they were assigned as reserve forces and were led to their preparation positions.

If the orcs attack fiercely, they will be immediately thrown into battle. Under the command of Egg, the strong men in the city are also grouped according to their respective street areas, ready to transport supplies to the defenders in the city to provide support.

“Old Hamm, can you stop joining in the fun when you’ve already retired?”

“Although my leg is broken, it does not affect my movement. I have fought snow pirates with the old master, and I can hold the knife more steadily than you!”

When the militiamen were gathering, an old man with gray beard and hair actually ran up to him carrying a long knife and wanted to join the team. Although he seemed to be in good spirits and had some strength, his walking was a little bumpy. Even though he tried his best to hide it, the bumps were very obvious.

“Mr. Ham, please go back. We young people are involved in this war, but now the orcs are here, and they are much more dangerous than the snow pirates!”

The militia captain was still trying to persuade the other party to go back, but he didn’t know that the other party would become even more enthusiastic when he heard about the orcs.

“I have fought with the old Sir for so many years. I often heard that the old Sir fought against the orcs at Longxi Pass. I wish I could go to Longxi Pass and fight the orcs like the old Sir. , I couldn’t go even if I was old or young, but I didn’t expect that at this age I would encounter an orc who would take the initiative to die. I must go today!”

“Don’t make an issue of my age. If you have the ability, practice with me and see if you can beat me.”

The old man’s words actually choked the militia captain. The militia captain knew this old man. This old man fought beside the old lord back then. At his peak, he was only a little short of a quasi-knight. ,

They are very skilled in swordsmanship and marksmanship. Many young people who go to participate in the selection of soldiers have to ask this old man for some advice first. If you really want to talk about it, this militia captain is not necessarily the old man’s opponent.

“Don’t make an issue of my age. If you have the ability, practice with me and see if you can beat me.”

“Okay, okay, then you can be at the back of the team. As long as your legs and feet can keep up, then I have nothing to say.”

The militia captain couldn’t defeat the old man, so he had to take him with him.

“Hmph, don’t look at my leg. There’s something wrong with it. It’s really flexible when I fight.”

As the old man spoke, he followed the team with satisfaction. Even though his legs and feet were a little bumpy, he still kept up with the militiamen.

The Hunter family has been running Ironwood City for many years and has always focused on kindness and kindness. They have never treated their people badly. After Richard took over, they also strengthened publicity and education in this area. The leaders of Ironwood City The citizens were extremely enthusiastic about assisting in the defense of the city and provided a large amount of human resources for the defense. The entire Ironwood City entered into a busy and unhurried mobilization.

Compared with the busyness of the Hunter family and the entire Ironwood City, there are still people in the garden of Ironwood Castle who are very leisurely, as if the orcs outside are not the same thing at all, but are minding their own business drinking in the garden. Come for afternoon tea.

“Little girl, go and add some water to me and wash the leaves.”


There are not many humans outside Dragon’s Breath Pass who can have this kind of tolerance when facing orcs. The only one who can be so leisurely in the castle is Lord Aragorn.

At this moment, Aragorn was not only leisurely enjoying the afternoon tea that he could not taste at all, but also using Hypatia, whom Richard had given him to guard, as a maid to serve the tea.

Although Hypatia snorted coldly when Aragorn ordered her, she obeyed obediently and went to wash tea and boil water for Aragorn. Apparently, Aragorn had taken care of herself in the past two days.

“The fishy smell of the orcs can be smelled from such a distance. It is so disgusting.”

While sipping the tea, Aragorn silently complained about the orcs, and then thought of something.

“However, this little girl doesn’t have that disgusting smell. Sure enough, there are only pure-blooded orcs.”

“No, the tea you want.”

Shortly after Hypatia left, she brought over the hot water and tea leaves that Aragorn asked for. However, the tea leaves looked frizzy, and she didn’t do things carefully at first glance, which was not as good as iron. The maid in the wooden castle, but Aragorn didn’t care, picked up the hot water and teapot, and brewed a new pot of tea for herself.

“Little girl, the army of the Orc Kingdom is coming outside. Do you want to try to run out and join them?”

“No, my brother is still with Mr. Richard, why should I help them.”

Hypatia refused very simply, but he had another reason that he didn’t say.

With a pervert like you sitting in this city, with Nuno’s army, even if they invade, they may not get good results, and there is no way to enforce the law.

“Quick, quick, quick!”

In Tiemulin, Richard has always been indifferent to emotions and anger, and his Qi-nurturing skills are quite good. Richard is now a little impatient. He keeps increasing his marching speed and rushes back to Tiemulin City. Although he has not received the report yet, There was a strong premonition that drove him to rush back to Ironwood City at a faster pace.

What reassures Richard a little is that the current defense of Ironwood City is not what it used to be. If nothing unexpected happens, there should be no problem in defending for a while,

But when he thought that his parents were still in Ironwood City, Richard couldn’t make a completely rational analysis. He just wanted to rush back to Ironwood City as soon as possible…


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