Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 251: Coincidence or plan


Outside Ironwood City

A caravan of more than a hundred people is heading towards Ironwood City. The caravan has carts specially designed to pull wood and various ropes. It looks like a caravan going to Ironwood City to purchase wood.

But if you look closely, you can still find a problem. The people in this caravan behave too solemnly, not like the Northland timber caravan at all. Most of the Northland timber merchants are very talkative, in broad daylight. During the march, the team of more than a hundred people made no noise at all except for the creaking sound of the wheels. They all looked like old monks who had practiced silent meditation.

Looking at their clothes, although they are common clothes worn by lumber merchants in the North, they are too new and they don’t smell the same sawdust smell that comes from people who have been in the lumber business for many years.

It’s just that this group of people are all serious human beings. Although there are some mistakes in the details, they are not as eye-catching as Tarr and others. In addition, there are many timber merchants traveling to and from Ironwood City. From them, they enter Henry The arrival of the special leader did not arouse any suspicion for the time being.

The leader of the team was the Pope of the Rising Sun Cult, Mishu, who had made a big fuss in the Golden Dragon City before and almost killed King Ren. At this time, he was riding a variegated Northland pony. Wearing a mink fur coat, he looked exactly like a wealthy businessman from the North.

The originally conspicuous scepter was hidden under his clothes. Knight Commander Hussein and several church senior officials followed behind Misiu.

Although the team only has about a hundred people, it is the essence of the Church of the Rising Sun at this time. After the Church of the Rising Sun caused a big event in the Golden Dragon City, it immediately received a violent blow from the Kingdom, especially On the central plain where the kingdom’s power was relatively strong, many church strongholds and nobles who had secret contacts with the church were uprooted one by one. With Qing’s intimidation and Thor leading the execution, the injured Yaxiu did not dare to easily Come on,

The church now does not dare to gather too many people at once for fear of attracting the attention of the black prison. The hundreds of people around Mi Xiu are already the limit that the entire church can use, but these hundreds of people are absolutely Among the elite, in addition to Mi Xiu, a mid-level expert in the sky, there are also Hussein, the leader of the earth-level knights, and several high-level knight-level experts. There is also an unknown divine servant in the scepter.


The wrapped scepter suddenly burst into flames, and the flames condensed in the middle of the team, forming a figure wearing flame armor.

“Lord Archangel Rand!”

“Lord God’s Envoy!”

Rand’s appearance instantly broke the solemnity in the team. It was originally a quiet place, and everyone tried not to make any noise while marching. But as soon as Rand appeared, everyone quickly knelt down and paid tribute to Rand. , only Mi Xiu slightly turned sideways to Rand to express respect after hesitating for a moment.

Rand, who seemed to be made of flames, had no visible expression. He just looked at the vaguely visible Ironwood City and seemed to be lost in thought, and then spoke again:

“I feel it, it’s the breath of the blasphemer. It’s in that city in the northeast. Find him and destroy him!”

“Yes! Follow the will of the Lord of the Rising Sun!”

Everyone present prostrated themselves to the ground again, only Pope Mixiu, who was still standing, felt slightly embarrassed.

However, Rand didn’t care about Mi Xiu’s attitude. After pointing the direction, he turned into a flame again and returned to the black iron scepter.

After Rand disappeared for a while, everyone who was kneeling on the ground stood up, staring at the calm-looking Mi Xiu, waiting for Mi Xiu’s instructions.

“Let’s go to Ironwood City.”


“Dang, Dang, Dang!”

In Ironwood City, the dull bells rang three times in a row. These three dull bells meant that Ironwood City had encountered the most urgent situation. Since the Hunter family rose up under the leadership of Richard, this sound The big clock passed down from Grandpa Richard’s generation has not rung three times in a row for a long time.

“What’s going on!”

Viscount Sauter has already put on his equipment, wearing a knight’s plate armor and walking out of the castle with a sword on his waist. Although he has not made a move for a while, as a martial arts idiot, Sauter is skilled in killing people. The Viscount never fell behind. As soon as he heard the bell ringing, he completed his battle preparations as quickly as possible.

“Lord Sauter, he is an orc. The scout in front discovered the orc!”

When the reconnaissance cavalry conveyed the information about the appearance of the orcs to Ironwood City, the commander in charge of the big bell immediately ordered to send out the bell signal with the highest combat readiness. All matters involving the orcs will be treated with the most seriousness here. .

“Tap, step, step.”

“Brother, what’s going on?”

“The orcs are coming.”

Shortly after Sauter arrived at the gate of the castle, other members of the Hunter family in Ironwood Castle also rushed to the school grounds wearing battle armor and holding weapons, including Richard’s second and third uncles and several cousins. They have already entered a state of combat readiness.


Although the core leaders of the Hunter family are mentally prepared, they still feel nervous when they hear that the orcs are really coming. It is true that the old enemy of the orcs has been hanging over humans for too long, even if they have never been in contact with them. The northern nobles who were orcs had to become serious when they heard the name orcs.

Moreover, Ironwood City is still empty as never before. There are only two garrison troops of more than a thousand people and about a hundred scouts. The old troops of the Flying Bear Army are still on the front line of Demon Suppression City, and the main forces of the system army are now destroyed. Richard took him with him to the iron wood forest to make a fuss,

Fortunately, after learning the information that the orcs were about to infiltrate, Richard left a basic defense force for Ironwood City. At this time, in addition to the original Hunter family’s army, there were two champion knights and A mixed team of monks and crusaders of about ten people, but these troops are far away from Richard and have not been judged by the system to be within the range where they can enjoy the bonuses of skills and specialties.

The two champion knights only have the strength of the elementary earth level, and the Crusaders only have the strength of the blank knights who have just entered the knight level.

This army, which Richard had left behind at Ironwood Castle as a precaution, now came to the school grounds to obey Sauter’s orders. Before Richard left, he had already told them to obey Sauter in everything. Viscount’s order,

Viscount Sauter was a little relieved when he saw these powerful retainers. Sauter was still very clear about the strength of these people. The two earth knights at the head were the existences that the Hunter family needed to look up to in the past.

Seeing that the main combat forces had gathered, Viscount Sauter cleared his throat slightly and said:

“Second child, third child, you lead the guards in Ironwood Fort to sit on the top of the city and be sure to guard the city wall.”

“Don’t worry, brother! If the orcs want to cross the city wall, they will step over our bodies!”

“Okay! Either hold on or die with honor!”

The Hunter family is indeed a bunch of fools. Such unlucky words sounded very encouraging to Viscount Sauter, and he even felt that this was what every member of the Hunter family should do.

After saying that, Richard’s two uncles led people to the city wall.

“Butler Egg!”

“Lord Viscount!”

“You come and organize the men of Ironwood City! Men over the age of fourteen and under sixty must be prepared to go to the city to support!”

“Yes, sir!”

What Iger usually does is the day-to-day management of Ironwood City, and he is quite familiar with the affairs of grassroots organizations. It is appropriate for him to take charge of this matter.



This time, the Viscountess was very dignified and did not contradict Viscount Sauter. Instead, she stood quietly and waited for Viscount Sauter’s instructions.

“Organize the old and weak in the castle. If Ironwood City is lost, then close the castle gate as a final resistance. When necessary, make sure no one falls into the hands of the orcs.”

Mrs. Kailin nodded silently and agreed. He understood what Sauter meant.

“The castle will be left to you.”

“Everyone, come with me!”

After that, Viscount Sauter called on the two champion knights left by Richard and a mixed team of more than a dozen monks and crusaders to run towards the city wall.


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