Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 250: Accident



A team of nearly two thousand people is advancing at a relatively fast speed. Although the road in the forest is not easy to walk, with the bonus of Richard’s skills and treasures, this army is composed entirely of system soldiers. You can still maintain a fast traveling speed.

Only when fighting in this kind of forest terrain, the strength of the champion knight will be greatly restricted. After all, less than half of the strength of the champion knight is on the horse. Without the horse, the strength will be greatly reduced, which is more than three hundred. The centaur elites have pretty good mobility in the woods. Their body size is smaller than that of the red flame horses, and they are less restricted in the woods. In addition, they are born with the fusion of man and horse, so they are more flexible.

This time when he entered the forest to fight, Richard brought a large number of elite soldiers from the system, leaving only the necessary left-behind forces in various important cities. Richard now has enough power in his hands, so there is no need to resort to any empty city strategy. ,

Xi Aier and Unicorn were also left in Forest City, and Richard did not use them. Now the orcs are in the Ironwood Forest. If they take time out of Forest City, and something happens to the orcs to occupy it and cause damage, then Richard really couldn’t find the right tone to cry.

The Red Flame Knights were left in Ironwood City, where Richard’s base could not be compromised.

There are now more than 300 elite centaurs, more than 200 halberdiers, more than 300 war dancers, more than 150 great elf archers, more than 30 deadwood warriors and a large number of crusaders. With the monk, he even brought two diamond men. After Richard had two speed treasures and certain logistics skills, the originally slower diamond man was not unacceptable now, and the red dragon was far away. At high altitude, try to be discovered by the orcs as late as possible.

“Thar, how far is the orc camp?”

“There are still a few miles to go. After passing this section of the trail, there is an open space in front of us. Our camp is set up there. Our speed is much faster than I imagined.”

Tal hasn’t changed his identity for a while, and he continued to use the title “our”, which seemed a bit precise in the whole sentence, but Richard nodded without caring,

The orc captives were divided into two parts by Richard. One part followed Richard’s team into the woods here, and the other part was left in Ironwood City as hostages, including Tal’s Sister Hypatia,

No matter how arrogant Richard is, he will not take them to the battlefield just after the opponent surrenders and let them turn their swords against the former country.

Because Hypatia is an expert at the earth level, when Richard left her in Ironwood City, he also entrusted Aragorn, who had been eating idle food, to take care of her. Although Aragorn had always been Richard’s collaborator and ally, Self-proclaimed and refused to fight for him easily, but after all, after consuming so many magic crystals and living for free for so long, he still did not shirk this request. He agreed as long as the Hunter family encountered any danger in Ironwood City. He would take action, which allowed Richard to rest assured and put a few powerful orcs in Ironwood City before leading his troops to the expedition.

The closer to the orc camp, the narrower the road becomes. However, although this has some impact on the human army, it has no impact on the elven troops. The war dancers and the great elven archers are still walking fast in the forest, always The front of the team clears the way.



Suddenly, a low-level groan reached Richard’s ears. It seemed that the war dancers and the great elf archers had eliminated an orc sentry.

It is normal to encounter an orc sentry at this time, and it would be a big problem if there is not one.

The combination of war dancers and great elf archers can quietly deal with the orc sentries that have not reached the warrior level in this ironwood forest.

On the way, except for the occasional muffled hum, not a single orc sentry that had been touched made any other sound.

“Sir, we are almost there!”


Li Cha raised his hand and signaled the army to pay attention to concealment. With the war dancers and the great elves taking out so many sentries, it is very likely that they can directly carry out a sneak attack this time.

However, when the troops got closer, Richard realized that something was wrong. He looked at each other and found that Tal was also looking at him with a puzzled expression on his face, and it seemed that he was not acting.

Now we have reached the edge of the orc camp, but we can’t hear any movement. It’s too quiet, so quiet that it’s abnormal.

“Let someone get a closer look and find out more.”

“It’s an adult!”

Richard stopped in the iron wood forest and waited for a while, and soon the war dancer who went to inquire came back to report the news.

“Sir, the camp in front is empty, there is no one there!”

Richard: “…”

“What’s going on? Where are the people?”

“I don’t know either.”

Tal was also confused at this time. The army of orcs who were obviously waiting for him to report on the investigation had all disappeared, leaving only a few sentries and all of them had been touched.

“All troops, return to Ironwood City immediately. The war dancers continue to clear the way in the front section. Be careful not to be ambushed!”


Although the attack was in vain, the system army was good at this. Running away for nothing would not affect morale at all, and they immediately began to carry out Richard’s orders.

At the same time, Richard immediately ordered a large number of royal griffins resting in Ironwood City to conduct reconnaissance around them, trying to find this missing orc army and not allowing them to rush to their own territory to cause damage.

The edge of Ironwood City.

More than a dozen cavalrymen wearing ironwood city blue and white cloth armor fell to the ground in a mess, many of their bodies were broken. You can imagine what kind of battle they experienced with great disparity in strength,

There is also a broken arm on the ground, holding a signal smoke that has been opened but not released in time,

In the forest corresponding to this group of corpses, burly orc warriors with green faces and fangs are emerging continuously.

“Legion Commander, there seems to be a human city ahead!”

“Oh? Which human city is this? Is it the Snow City?”

“Probably not. From the map, Piaoxue City should be further south. This should be a newly built city by humans.”

“Try to see if we can capture this city as soon as possible. The soldiers need more supplies.”


The orcs did not bring much dry food. After entering the Ironwood Forest, they gradually lost the supplies provided by the snow giants. With the supplies they brought with them, they could only last for half a month at most. At least at the beginning, this An orc army also needs to fight to support war.

“Lord Legion Commander, where is Lord Tal?”

“What do you care about that bastard? You have to know that those **** are untrustworthy. Anyway, I have left a few spies there. When he comes back after surveying the terrain, spies will naturally send us the information. .”

Obviously, the commander of the orc army could not trust Taal. When he was in front of Taal, he was somewhat worried about Taal’s strength being restrained. Now that Taal is gone, he started to call him a bastard.

“Okay, don’t worry about Taal. Let’s take down this human city first. Let the soldiers prepare some simple tools and prepare for battle!”

“Yes, Lord Legion Commander.”


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